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Title: A Dream Within A Dream
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham
Fandom: Hannibal
Rating: NC-17
Author's Note: Sequel to "His Own Desires."
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Hannibal Lecter or Will Graham, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


Was he dreaming? Or was this actually happening?

It most definitely was not a dream. Will was standing in front of him, stark naked, obviously wanting to be taken -- even though he wasn't conscious of what he was doing.

Hannibal knew that it would be terribly unethical to take Will when he was in this state, but then, what he had already done was just as unethical, so he had nothing to lose.

He had already drugged Will to put him into this sleepwalking state; most people would say that was bad enough. But to contemplate having sex with Will, even though that was what his young lover obviously wanted .... that would put him into the realm of monstrousness.

Well, he was already a monster, wasn't he? he thought, shrugging off the doubts and starting to remove his own clothes. It didn't matter what he did at this point.

Besides, he wasn't going to hurt Will. He wouldn't do that. He was going to make love to the man who he had an ongoing physical relationship with. There was nothing wrong with that.

Of course, Will wasn't really cognizant of his actions.

Therefore, he couldn't give his consent to a sexual encounter. This was a very thin line, and Hannibal was aware of that fact. But he wasn't going to let it stop him.

It only took a few moments to remove his own clothes; by the time he had, Will had moved to the bed, still in the throes of sleep, and pulled back the covers to slide beneath them. Hannibal pulled those covers back again, looking down at Will's beautiful body in all of his naked glory.

He was so beautiful, Hannibal thought as his eyes swept over the younger man's pale limbs, then moved up to his face, to those unblinking blue eyes.

He was unbelievably lucky to be the man who Will had chosen to give himself to. He knew that. Would what he was going to do tonight somehow rebound on him?

What if Will happened to remember what took place here?

How would he manage to explain that? He couldn't say that he hadn't known what he was doing; that would obviously be a lie, and Will knew him far too well to believe that he had been carried away by his own desires. No, neither of those explanations would hold any water.

He would simply have to hope that Will never remembered this. If he did, then some sort of measures would have to be taken to make that memory disappear.

This all felt like a dream, but he knew that it wasn't. It was wonderfully real; it was actually going to happen. He was going to make love to Will while he was in a sleepwalking state.

He had wondered many times what this would be like, but he had never dared to hope that it could happen. And now, that dream was coming true; he was actually going to discover just what the experience would entail, even if he was only able to fulfill that wish this one time.

Oh, it would be glorious. Hannibal was sure of that.

Smiling, he moved onto the bed, straddling Will and looking down at him, a smile curving his lips as he reached for the tube of lubricant on the bedside table.

It only took him a few moments to lubricate himself and prepare Will; with a soft sigh, he let his fingers slip out of the young man, then positioned the head of his cock at Will's entrance.

He slid inside Will with a soft groan of pleasure; he was surprised to feel those long, slender legs wrap around his waist, just as Will would have done if he was fully conscious and aware of what they were doing. It seemed that being asleep didn't impair his reactions at all.

Within moments, he was thrusting inside Will, feeling his pleasure soar, wondering if Will was feeling the same sort of pleasure, or if he was simply moving on autopilot.

There was really no way of knowing, which was a pity.

His orgasm was building up inside him, threatening to come roaring to the surface. He couldn't hold it back, no matter how he might try; it was too strong, too immediate.

With a guttural cry, Hannibal released inside Will, then fell onto the younger man for just a moment before he rolled to the side, pulling out of Will and drawing him close.

It had been just as gloriously wonderful as he'd thought it would be, even though the experience had been far too brief; he put that down to his own desire to do this, to having that desire fulfilled and not being able to control his own physical reactions to that fulfillment.

It was a pity that he hadn't been able to make it last longer, but the experience had been a good one for him. Of course, making love to Will always was.

This still all felt like some sort of a dream within a dream; for a moment, just a fleeting second, Hannibal almost thought that he himself was in the same state as Will.

That was ridiculous. He was wide awake, and fully cognizant.

This wasn't a dream, and he wouldn't allow himself to make it so. It was a reality, his reality, one that he would savor the memory of for quite some time.

It was a pity that Will couldn't share this dream with him, but of course, that was impossible. Will would more than likely be appalled at what he had done -- no, what both of them had done together, Hannibal reminded himself. Will had been an active participant in this.

Really, it didn't seem to matter that Will hadn't known what he was doing. He had still been here, and still taken part in this little .... experiment, for lack of a better word.

The fact that he hadn't really given informed consent was a minor matter.

Hannibal couldn't hold back a smile of contentment. Most people would think him completely debauched for what he had just done, and would have been outraged.

But he had long since stopped letting considerations like that bother him. He lived his life according to his own desires; he didn't really care what others thought of him. He wanted to be seen as an intelligent, sophisticated, and urbane man, but if he wasn't, then it didn't really touch him.

Because, of course, he could always rid himself of anyone who displeased him. It was what he had been doing for most of his life, and he'd made something of a career out of it.

That was his way of life, and it would continue to be.

Not even for Will was he going to change who he was. He could easily hide his .... extracurricular activities from his lover; after all, Will didn't live with him.

If that was to change in the future, then he would have to think about hiding things. But at this point, he didn't feel that it was going to be an issue; perhaps he would at some future date be able to tell Will about himself, about who and what he truly was, and be accepted fully and completely.

Though he doubted that, Hannibal thought with a soft sigh. Will was a good man; the light within him far outweighed the darkness, and it probably always would.

Though that wouldn't stop him from trying to bring that darkness out.

He smiled at the thought, brushing a kiss against Will's forehead. He could tell from the other man's soft, even breathing that Will had fallen asleep, exhausted from their lovemaking.

This had resolved nothing. He still had no idea who -- or what -- it was that had harmed Will. But he had fulfilled one of his most closely held fantasies, and for him, the night had been a success.

He would carry the memory of this night with him for a very long time to come.

With that thought in his mind and a smile on his face, Hannibal finally relaxed into sleep.
