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Title: Hope in His Eyes
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Will Graham/Aiden Gillan
Fandom: Hannibal/Blood and Chocolate
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 497
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Will Graham or Lee Fallon, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


Aiden cleared his throat, then swallowed hard.

He had to tell Will how he felt. If he didn't do it now, then he might never have the courage to say these words again -- and they needed to be said aloud.

He needed to let Will know what his feelings were -- now, before the battle that was yet to come. He had to know how Will felt, to have some kind of understanding between them. If he knew that Will cared for him, that they could have a future together, then it would give him something to fight for.

And if not, then he would have nothing to lose. He would fight to save Will from the predators that they were going up against, but his own life wouldn't matter any more.

Either way, he had to get those words out. This was the time.

"Will ...." He wasn't entirely sure how to say what needed to be said. Clearing his throat again, Aiden closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then, recklessly, he decided to go for it, to just let his feelings pour out into words and see what Will had to say. It was all he could do.

"I'm falling in love with you," he murmured. "I'm attracted to you, and I want to hope that when this is over, you and I might be able to make a life together. I hope you feel the same way."

There. The words were out. He couldn't take them back now.

He felt a movement close to him, and cautiously opened his eyes -- only to find Will standing right beside him, the other man having moved from the other side of the table.

They were standing so close that he could reach out and touch Will, Aiden thought, feeling a bit dazed. No, he didn't even have to reach out -- all he'd have to do was lean forward slightly, and their lips would meet. Will was so close that he could feel the warmth of the other man's body.

And then, Will leaned forward, pressing his lips to Aiden's.

Aiden let his eyes slip closed, his senses reeling. Will hadn't spoken a single word, but he was sure that he had all the answer that he needed in the touch of their lips.

Will was kissing him. And it was the most intense, most magnificent kiss that he'd ever experienced. It wasn't forceful, or even passionate. It was just a sweet, gentle, loving kiss -- but it spoke volumes about the future, and about the feelings that Will harbored in his soul.

It was obvious that Will cared, or they wouldn't be kissing like this. Aiden's heart soared, and his arms slide around Will's waist to pull the other man closer against him.

When they pulled back from the kiss, Aiden opened his eyes.

Will was smiling at him, and he could see hope in the cerulean depths of those eyes.
