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Title: Far Too Involved
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Will Graham/John Reese
Fandom: Hannibal/Person of Interest
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 486
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Will Graham or John Reese, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


"You do realize that becoming too involved with Will Graham is going to be a serious mistake, John."

John didn't even bother to look up at Harold; he'd heard this before, and he wasn't going to pay any attention to the portents of doom from his colleague.

Instead, he just shook his head, turning a page of the magazine that he was pretending to peruse. "I'm not involved with him," he pointed out. "I've only been talking to him. Yes, we're getting to be friends, but that's as far as it goes. I'm not falling head over heels or anything."

Harold shook his head, giving John a pitying look. "Don't try to fool me, John. I know you better than that. You are infatuated with Will Graham. I can tell."

Was he that easy to read? John wondered. Really?

"I can understand how you could have come to care about Will," Harold continued, his voice going inexorably on, even though John just wanted him to be quiet on the subject. "He's a likable person. But you can't allow yourself to become personally involved, John. He could be a dangerous weakness."

John shook his head, not trusting himself to say anything. He didn't want to snap at Harold, and in this case, he was sure that he would say something less than pleasant.

How dare Harold try to tell him how to live his life?

Just because Harold had decided to live like a monk, to never have any love in his life, to punish himself for what he considered his past transgressions, didn't mean that John had to.

And he wasn't going to, John told himself, fuming silently. Will wasn't going to be a weakness. The man had been an FBI agent. He was going to be a strength, someone who John could share his life with, someone who he could go to for ideas and input. Will would be an asset to him.

Not to mention the fact that he was falling in love with the other man.

John looked over at Harold, realizing that the other man was watching him closely. Deliberately, he closed the magazine and set it aside, his gaze meeting Harold's directly.

"I'm going out for a while," he said, shaking his head. "I don't need to be told how to live my life. I know that we work together, Harold, but that's where our association ends. You're my friend, but you're not my mentor. Or my father. I won't be dictated to. Not about my personal life."

Before Harold could say another word, John turned his back and headed for the door, forcing himself not to slam it when he walked out, trying to keep his temper in check.

Will was not a weakness. Being with him would never be a mistake.

Besides, John well knew that his feelings were far too involved for him to turn back now.
