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Title: A Lingering Memory
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham
Fandom: Hannibal
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: 5, Memory
Author's Note: Sequel do "Don't Make Me Choose."
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Hannibal Lecter or Will Graham, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


"I think I know what's wrong with Max."

Will spoke the words softly, hoping that they would spark a conversation. Hannibal had been sitting across from him quietly, as though waiting for him to speak.

He knew that Hannibal was still vexed with both him and Max, so he hurried to voice his idea, to get it out into the open so that he and Hannibal could discuss it. "I think that Max was mistreated by somebody who you may remind him of before I rescued him."

Hannibal's eyebrows went up, and he raised his head to gaze into Will's eyes. "I had thought that it could be a possibility" he said, nodding. "You may be right, Will."

Will could feel his spirits lifting at those words.

If Hannibal was willing to admit that Max might have been treated badly by someone who probably looked a lot like Hannibal, then they might be getting somewhere.

"I know that it's not an excuse, and it doesn't make up for how he's acted towards you," Will hastened to say. "But it would explain a lot about why he's acting this way. Animals have long memories, you know. And you could just remind him of a bad one."

The other man was quiet for several long moments, as though he was turning Will's words over in his mind and contemplating them before he spoke again.

"I will give your dog the benefit of the doubt for that reason alone," he said, his voice holding a warning in its deep timbre. "But only for that reason, Will. None other."

Will nodded, feeling relieved. He'd bought Max a bit of a reprieve from Hannibal, but he was sure that it wasn't going to last long. If the dog should misbehave again, he knew that Hannibal would be twice as annoyed as he'd been before -- and with good reason.

So, that was all the more reason to try to get to the bottom of Max's antipathy towards Hannibal -- and to start him in obedience classes very soon.

Though this idea was sounding better and better to him.

If it actually was a lingering memory of a bad experience in his past that made the dog hate his boyfriend, then so much the better, thought Will.

He hated to think of Max being abused -- or any animal, really -- but it was a better explanation for the problem than merely thinking that for some reason, his dog hated the man he was involved with. This was something that he hoped could be cured.

Anyway, it would give Max some leeway with Hannibal, at least for a while. He could only hope that taking Max to some obedience classes would do the trick.

"He'll get used to you, Hannibal," Will said with a smile. "I'm sure of it."

He sincerely hoped that the words he'd just spoken were true.

If they weren't, then they were all in for a bumpy future.
