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Title: New Memories
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Will Graham/Everett Hobbs (Original Character)
Fandom: Hannibal
Rating: PG-13
Table: 1drabble
Prompt: 5, Memory
Author's Note: Everett's face is Benedict Cumberbatch.
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Will Graham or Lee Fallon, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


Everett took a deep breath, watching the doorway.

At any moment, Will was going to walk through that door, and they would spend their first night together here in the home that they would make their own.

It wasn't the same flat that he'd lived in before, when he had been happily engaged to another man and hadn't yet known that Will existed. That was another life, and it was one that he didn't want to go back to. But the door on that life hadn't closed quite yet.

He still needed closure for what had happened. Everett didn't like to think of it as revenge, but that was more or less what he was looking for.

He had to prove Hannibal Lecter's guilt.

Once he did that, then he and Will could start their life together without having to look back at their pasts. They could build anew, start fresh.

That was what they were starting to do now, he told himself firmly. Yes, they still had to reconcile pieces of the past, but they were building the foundation for a future together. A future that had started on the day they'd met, and had blossomed incredibly quickly.

It still amazed him how hard he had fallen, and how unexpectedly.

He hadn't intended to fall for Will, but it had happened. When he'd gone to America, he had only wanted to defined a man he knew was being framed.

Something had happened the first time that he had looked into Will's eyes. That direct blue gaze, so honest and refreshing, had captured him right from the start.

He hadn't been able to look away -- nor had he wanted to.

The memories of the past had seemed to fade away in that first moment that their eyes had met. Yes, he still wanted closure for the past, but he no longer had that burning desire to exact revenge on the architect of all his unhappiness. Meeting Will had changed that.

He had to hold on to the good memories from the past, rather than remember the horrors that had overtaken the life he had led at one point.

Holding on to the horror would only be letting Hannibal win.

He and Will would still manage, somehow, to put Lecter behind bars. They'd do that for the good of society, to protect more innocent people from certain death.

But the thirst for revenge was receding the longer that he knew Will. He no longer had a hole in his heart that needed to be filled; the memories of the past would remain, but they would age and mellow. Will was his future, and it was future that he fully embraced.

He looked up as Will appeared in the doorway, smiling and holding out his hand to the man he loved, his expression welcoming -- and inviting.

It was time for the two of them to make some new memories.
