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Title: An Important Opinion
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham
Fandom: Hannibal
Rating: PG-13
Table: 1drabble
Prompt: 30, Yellow
Author's Note: Sequel to "Elusive Answers."
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Hannibal Lecter or Will Graham, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


Did he really want to know if his premonitions were true?

If he did know, then he would spend all of his time looking over his shoulder.

Will sighed, closing his eyes as he leaned his head back against his chair. He felt worn out; he had been pushing himself hard lately, trying to fill his life with work.

Between the work he had to do for his classes, writing lectures, grading essays, and putting together slideshows, and his work in the field, he seemed to be exhausted all the time. But he still wasn't sleeping well; he was almost afraid to let himself fall asleep, at this point.

He didn't want to see any of those visions again. He didn't want to see himself lying cold and dead in his dreams. It was bad enough that those visions happened at crime scenes.

He didn't need them getting into his head when he slept, too.

Hannibal would probably chide him for his attitude, and say that he was hiding from the truth. Well, maybe he was, Will thought, feeling somewhat defensive. Maybe he was afraid to know the truth. Maybe he didn't want to be able to see when his existence would come to an end.

Nobody wanted to see that. Nobody wanted to know when, or how, they were going to die. It was human nature to cling to life, to push death away.

He embraced death, in a way, by virtue of the work he did. But he didn't want to dance with that spectre himself. He wanted to keep distance between them.

If he couldn't distance himself from death, then he would end up falling into its waiting arms. It would be far too easy for him to let that darkness swallow him up; he warned himself against just that every time he had to put his empathy to use at a crime scene.

All right, so maybe some people would say that he had a yellow streak down his back that was a mile wide. Will really didn't care what others might think of him.

As long as he was alive and well, opinions didn't matter.

He wasn't a coward, but there were some things that he didn't want to see, didn't want to know about. His own death was definitely one of them.

WIll sighed, opening his eyes and raising his head. He couldn't sit here all day; he might not have a new crime scene to go to, but he was sure that the forensics team would have discovered something new on their current case,and he would have to see them to be kept in the loop.

Would they sense that he had a yellow streak painted down his back? Probably not, because they didn't know about his odd visions. At least, they didn't know yet.

He couldn't help wondering what Hannibal thought.

Somehow, that opinion seemed to be the most important one of all, even more so than his own.
