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Title: Say A Little Prayer
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Will Graham/John Reese
Fandom: Hannibal/Person of Interest
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 496
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Will Graham or John Reese, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


He should have known that he couldn't avoid Hannibal. It was an impossibility.

Will realized that his hands were shaking; he resisted the impulse to shove them into his pockets. That wouldn't stop the fear that was coursing through his veins.

Was he afraid of Hannibal? Yes, of course he was. In his enemy's mind, he had done the worst thing that he could ever possibly do -- he had run away, sought his freedom, tried to get Hannibal out of his life. He had taken control of his own life, which was something that Hannibal could never allow.

In his twisted, perverted mind, Will somehow belonged to him, and he had the power to control Will's every move. Now that Will had defied him, he had to be punished.

And Will had no doubt just what torturous, twisted route that "punishment" would take.

He shuddered at the thought of ending up on Hannibal's dinner table, being served to a gathering of people who would have no idea what had become of him. Knowing Hannibal's perverse sense of humor, Jack would probably be one of those people, as well as others who had known him.

Will closed his eyes, trying to push back the fear he felt. Hannibal obviously knew where he worked. It stood to reason that he knew where Will resided, as well.

Was there any way to avoid him, to throw him off the scent somehow, to lead him astray?

He sincerely doubted it. Hannibal had always been good at tracking people down, no matter how well they managed to hide themselves. Even in this huge city, he would be found.

Though he was sure that Hannibal already knew exactly where he lived. That monster had probably been keeping an eye on him for a while, and he hadn't had any clue, Will thought sourly. He had been a fool to think that he was safe here, that coming to New York would make any difference.

He had wanted to start a new life, but it seemed that he hadn't managed that at all.

His old life, the one he so desperately wanted to leave behind, was always going to haunt him. Though John did bring him some hope that things might change.

Could John do that? Or was he only offering a vague hope that wouldn't come to fruition? Will found himself sending up a prayer to any of the gods that might exist, no matter what pantheon they came from, in hope that John was right, and that Hannibal could be put out of commission permanently.

That was the only thing he could hope for now -- that John could help him to rid himself of Hannibal and the malign influence he'd cast over Will's life. He couldn't do it alone.

He had never been a praying sort of person. But now, he said a little prayer for himself.

Will fervently hoped that his prayer would be answered in the affirmative.
