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Title: Looking Over His Shoulder
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Will Graham/Aiden Gillan
Fandom: Hannibal/Blood and Chocolate
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Will Graham or Lee Fallon, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


Will didn't think he was crazy.

Aiden felt as though he could finally release a pent-up breath that he'd been holding ever since he had stepped out of the shower, through the entire time that he'd been talking to Will.

He'd been fairly sure that Will would scoff at his insistence that werewolves were real, that the loup garou were much, much more than just a myth. He'd thought that the other man would look at him in pity, as though what he'd been through had unhinged his mind.

But no, Will had actually believed him. If he wa willing to take such a leap of faith, then he had to be the most amazing person Aiden had ever met.

He hadn't expected anyone to believe a word he said.

Even when he'd been living in Romania, he himself hadn't fully believed that the loup garou were real -- at least, not until he'd become involved with one of them.

That had been the worst mistake he'd ever made, he thought, wincing at the memories. He had tried to fool himself into thinking that he was in love, that what he'd found was worth any risk, any sacrifice. But he'd been wrong -- dead wrong. He had backed himself into a corner.

And he was still cowering in that corner, really.

There was no way out of it, other than to go through the loup garou.

There would be one final meeting, he was sure. They weren't going to simply turn away from him now that he'd found someone who believed him, someone who obviously wanted to protect him. No, they would laugh at the fact that Will was just as human as he himself was.

The two of them were marked now, Aiden told himself, the thought sending a chill through his blood. Will could be just as much of a victim as he had been.

What had he done by leading them to Will?

He had brought someone else into his own private nightmare, he thought miserably. He shouldn't have stayed here. He shouldn't have sought out Will's help.

But he couldn't leave now. If he did, then it would look as though he was rejecting Will, rejecting the help that the other man obviously wanted to give him. It would be horrible of him to tell Will all that he had and then leave. Besides, it was too late for that. Will would already be a target.

Aiden had no doubt that the leader of the loup garou would set his sights on Will. Even if they didn't know that he was here, they'd find out soon enough.

The two of them had to do something to protect themselves.

He didn't know what kind of protection they could seek, but they'd have to find something. They would have to prepare themselves for an attack.

He hated that he had dragged a good person like Will into the middle of this, but at the same time, it was good to know that he had someone on his side, someone who believed him. Someone who he was sure that he could count on and trust. He hadn't had that in his life before.

Until now, he had been dealing with this on his own, always running and hiding. Maybe now, with a friend on his side, he would be able to stand and fight.

Aiden just hoped that standing their ground wouldn't get them killed.

He turned over in bed, punching the pillow in frustration. He couldn't think of what their next move should be. He was too tired and stressed to think clearly.

He needed sleep, he told himself firmly. He had to block out all of the thoughts whirling in his head, and simply let himself sink into slumber for the rest of the night.

That was the best thing that he could do for himself right now.

He was too tired to think. Physically, he was still trying to recover from what had happened to him, but he knew that his body would get past this. He just hoped that his mind would follow suit, and that he would be able to process all of this and compartmentalize it.

He closed his eyes, letting himself sink into the comfortable bed in Will's guest room. His last thought was one that seemed to reverberate in his brain as he fell asleep.

They were safe in the daytime. But the coming night would bring danger.

Would the loup garou come for them this quickly? Or would he have to keep running indefinitely and looking over his shoulder?

Maybe his running had only just begun.
