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Title: The Fire Between Us
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Will Graham/Matthew Brown
Fandom: Hannibal
Rating: PG-13
Table: 1drabble
Prompt: 2, Fire
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Will Graham or Lee Fallon, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


There was a fire that smoldered between himself and Matthew.

Will closed his eyes, leaning back against the cold stone wall of his cell, thinking of those delicious moments that had passed between the two of them in the shower.

It still didn't seem possible for such passion to exist. Would he have known this kind of desire if he had never been in the situation, never been thrown in jail, never met Matthew? He didn't think so. He would have gone through his entire life without this experience.

Still, being in jail wasn't something that he could be thankful for, even though it had brought him to Matthew and opened him up to physical passion.

He'd never known that he could feel like this about anyone.

It was strange that Matthew would be the person he'd lost his heart -- and his virginity -- to. But at the same time, maybe it had been inevitable.

Matthew was the only person around him who understood him, the only person here who he had forged a real connection with. Maybe it made sense that in his loneliness and isolation, he had reached out in a physical way to the one person who he felt cared about him.

He sounded like Hannibal and Chilton, trying to psychoanalyze himself, Will thought with a wry smile. That was one thing he wanted to avoid at all costs.

The last thing he needed was to start thinking like the two of them.

Matthew kept him from doing that. Matthew was his one oasis in the ocean of isolation that he sometimes felt he was drowning in. Matthew kept his head above water.

If he hadn't met Matthew, if they didn't have this incredible connection, this fire between them, would he even make it through the days here -- and the long, dark nights? Will was sure that without Matthew, he would have already given up and lost hope.

Without Matthew, he wouldn't be able to survive in this place. The thoughts of revenge against Hannibal would never be enough. He needed more to hold on to.

Matthew gave him what he needed, in so many ways.

Would this fire that raged between them go out once he was out of here, when the relative positions of their relationship could undergo a serious change?

Will hoped that wouldn't happen. He wanted this to go on as it was; he didn't want to be the more dominant one in their relationship. He hoped that once he got out of this place -- if he got out, he reminded himself -- that his relationship with Matthew would continue as it was.

He didn't want anything between them to be different. He wanted this fire to keep raging, until it consumed him with more than just passion.

He wanted to let these flames take over his life.
