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Title: This Is Forever
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham
Fandom: Hannibal
Rating: PG-13
Table: 50ficlets
Prompt: 8, Forever
Author's Note: Sequel to "The Stars We Are."
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Hannibal Lecter or Will Graham, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


He would be with Hannibal forever. For all of time.

Will smiled at the thought, leaning his chin on his hand and letting himself drift off into a beautiful daydream of their life together in the future.

He knew that they would have a wonderful life. He just couldn't imagine anything else for the two of them; surely they would have a happy relationship.

Of course, there would be the inevitable disagreements once in a while; he was realistic enough to know that those things happened to every couple, and he was sure that he and Hannibal would be no exception. They would butt heads here and there, no doubt of it.

But they would always be able to work things out between the two of them. Even though they were both very strong-willed men, they could compromise.

That was part of what love was all about, Will told himself firmly. Being able to work things out between the two of you, giving in when you had to.

He was willing to do that. He could bend without breaking.

He didn't doubt for a moment that their future would be a happy one. And he had even less doubt of the two of them being together for the rest of their lives.

How could they not be? he asked himself. When two people loved as fiercely and completely as they did, there couldn't be any hesitation about their future, or doubts over the fact that they belonged together. Even Jack admitted that he and Hannibal seemed perfectly happy.

So far, everything was working out perfectly. Hannibal even seemed to be getting used to having the dogs here in the house in Baltimore.

He might not always like it, but he was coping.

There was so much that had changed in their relationship now that they were engaged. Will had to admit that there were some things that he missed about his former life.

The future had never seemed so bright to him. He was with the person he loved, and wonder of wonders, he was loved in return.

That wasn't something that Will had ever expected to have for himself. Love had always seemed like a closed book to him; it was something that was meant for other people, never something that he could hope to have. He had always been on the outside looking in.

But Hannibal had changed all that. With one touch, one kiss, Hannibal had become the center of his world, the keeper of his heart, the love of his life.

And that wasn't going to change, Will told himself, his lips curivng into another soft smile. This was forever. This kind of love didn't have an ending.

He would have never dared to dream of forever with anyone else -- though, of course, there had never been anyone else in his life to have that sort of fantasy about. Well, no one serious. He had dated, a little, but nothing had ever been on a lifetime basis.

No one had ever engaged his heart and soul in that way. Will doubted that anyone else ever could have. He was too picky about who he wanted to be with.

Not only that, but he knew that he wasn't really stable enough for most people to want to be involved with. Though that didn't seem to matter to Hannibal.

Of course, his fiancé would be able to deal with that.

Hannibal was used to people who weren't the most stable individuals. And maybe, just maybe, that instability was one thing that had drawn them together.

Will hoped that was the case, though he had to wonder sometimes just what had drawn Hannibal to him. He wanted to be loved for himself, for who he was, and not for what anyone else might want him to be, the vision that they had of him in their mind's eyes.

He wanted Hannibal to love him because of his faults, because they were what made him the person he was, not in spite of those disadvantages.

Somehow, he was sure that Hannibal did love him for the right reasons.

As long as Hannibal loved him, nothing else really seemed to matter. He could wrap that love around him like a favorite blanket, and hold it close to his heart.

His own love for Hannibal would always burn this strongly; he knew that it would only grow over the years, the decades they would spend together, loving each other.

This was forever. This kind of love lasted, through the life they were living now, and any other that might come after it. Will had no doubts whatsoever that his soul was linked to Hannibal's, that they were meant to be one, that they would have found each other in any circumstance.

Hannibal was his love, his life. Hannibal was the man he had given himself to, heart, body and soul. The man who he would always love, with every fiber of his being.

He could never doubt that love, never forsake it. That love would last forever, until the end of time itself. There would be no end to it. That kind of love never died.

The thought made him smile again, unable to keep it back.

There was no reason for either of them to ever doubt their feelings for each other. And in just a few more weeks, they would get married, and show the world just how they felt.

They had forever to explore the feelings between them, and to let those feelings grow. Will was sure that they would become even stronger over the course of time.

They had all of their lives, and beyond. They had until the end of time.

They had until the stars fell from the heavens, until the sun ceased to shine.

And through it all, they would still be madly, passionately in love.

This was forever. And even forever with the man he loved wouldn't be long enough.
