Master and the Wolf - The World of Harry Potter - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2 Disc Special Edition) [2007]

Title: Hell is for Children
By: Knight Move
Rating: PG-13
Summery: When Snape is temporarily de-aged no one but soft-hearted Lupin is willing to take care of him. While caring for the five year old Lupin learns things about Snape's past that bring him to see the man in a different light.
(Journal of R.J.Lupin therefore there are some grammatical errors to show some things are rushed)
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the land on my shoes


Hell is for Children

October 28,

Strange thing happened today, we were all called to the Headmasters office this morning with I must say very discerning news. It seems that Severus had an accident last night in the lab; apparently one of his healing potions went wrong. I believe he miss added an ingredient or two. As I was saying, once we were called to the office I was surprised to find our Potions master hiding behind the Headmasters robes. Severus I must say was...or should I say is an adorable child. Yes, the end result of his potion de-aged him to a five year old; this is why we have asked him multiple times to not test his potions alone.

What surprised me about this entire ordeal is when Albus asked who wished to watch over him, seeing that he could not on his own, no one even volunteered. In Severus time of need... after all he has done for each of us. Needless to say the poor thing is fast asleep in my bed. What else could I do, after all the countless potions he has made for me and not to mention the nights he spend in my chambers grading my students papers, and substituting with out a single complaint while I was... incapacitated; I could not let him down. The poor child, Severus looked petrified his eyes were so wide, distrusting; how couldn't anyone want him.

I suppose I shall take that up with the other staff, I do believe I hear him calling for me. Poor thing doesn't understand how to say Remus, therefore I a now called Remoose; the rest of the staff thought it was hilarious... but that's alright Severus is only a child.

October 30,

I now know why I never became a parent! Why the hell did I ever agree to this! How hard can it be for one child to sit still for five minuets? This morning in the great hall he wanted to go talk to the students, I told him he could do so after he finished breakfast. I thought he was eating as I instructed; however, when I looked over again...his plate was empty save the hash browns and Severus was sitting at the first Slytherin table on Malfoy's lap. I am not angry with him for this simple incident; he did do as I told him. However during lunch after he cleaned his plate he asked to go ‘play' with Draco; I saw no harm in this so I allowed it. Little did I know that Severus made a detour in going to the Slytherin table and decided to take a jaunt around the castle. I was so furious when Hermione came up to the table with him on her hip explaining she found him wandering around the stairway to the dungeons.

I shall deal with him later; he is down for a nap right now. Surprisingly he is not that bad of a child. He is polite he understands his ‘please', ‘thank you' ‘yes sir, no sir'. I just wish he would listen to me, it's almost as if he had selective hearing I'll give him instructions and he does the parts of it he wants to. Then again, he is a child and children are like that. Hell I was worse when I was little.

Oh shit looks like he is awake; I suppose I shall go and speak to him now.

October 30,

Yes its still Wednesday, however I must say my plan to go and speak with Severus did not go as I had planned. I don't know what I was expecting but his reaction was not it by far. I went into his room (my office) to speak with him and found that as I spoke he curled closer and closer into himself until his knees were to his chest. He also had a prompt response with my complaints ‘yes sir, no sir, sorry sir, it won't happen again sir.' It's almost as if he were afraid of me. I don't know. I think it is time for me to go to sleep now I hope tomorrow is better for the poor thing.

October 31,

I should have known better than to give Severus candy after breakfast. Apparently the child has no tolerance for sugar seeing that he is bouncing on his toes...and is constantly talking and asking questions while I am trying my best to make up this pop quiz! Yesterday he was so quiet and calm lest the incident of ‘let's worry Remoose to death by wandering around the largest building in the country unsupervised!' ......

I had to pause to answer the door and guess who. That's right Albus decided to stop by with a rather large bag of candy for Severus. That made his day; it's frightening really Severus is acting like he has never had candy before. He is entirely too grateful for such a simple thing. I am sure he will eat his weight in it today; I have figured this out, the staff may not have wanted to take Severus in but they will spoil him rotten!

October 31,

Severus just had his first encounter with a chocolate frog. My god it was the funniest thing I believe I ever witnessed. He asked to go eat the Halloween feat with Draco, I agreed. Apparently Draco did not think anything of it and gave Severus a frog...and when he opened it and the thing hopped out Severus threw himself on to Draco's lap in a heart beat screeching, and obviously startled because his food hopped out at him. I can't make up my mind which boy's face held more fear and shock but it made a good laugh for us at the fault table.

I think Severus just needs to have a friend, he mentioned the Draco reminded him of a friend he has, he probably means Lucius, he also motioned that Draco reminded him of his only friend. I can't imagine what it must be like going through life with no friends at all. Even with my condition I had the best three friends anyone could ask for James, Sirius and Lily were always there. I think since tonight I must do my monthly routine I will leave Severus with Harry, Seamus, Neville, and Ron. Those four may do him some good.

November 1,

Their little sleepover went better I had thought! Severus was so excited to make new friends when we left my chamber I though he was going to burst. When we made it to the boy's the four seemed a little hesitant, I am not sure if it was because it was Severus or it was a child; nevertheless, I left him in their care. I am not sure what they did (although Severus said something about poker was fun) but he was thrilled to have made these new mates, and cannot wait to sleepover in the boy's dorm again. One thing did bother me though... when I knocked on the door Harry answered and immediately led me over to his bed where he and Severus slept. He was muttering about something being wrong with him, naturally I followed with worry. I was not really ex pecting it to be anything but when I saw Severus curled into a ball mumbling ‘please father' and ‘stop' I found need to worry. I don't really know how to handle this situation I don't think I can outright ask him about his father...can I? Should I go to the headmaster? But what could he do Mister Snape has been dead since our sixth year, I do believe I remember something about Severus having to live with Lucius after his father killed his mother, then himself. Hmm, I don't suppose that was a pleasant experience either for him; no wonder he was such a git. None of us ever thought of least I didn't that would explain a lot; what with having a father who was 'abusive' actually I am not entirely sure of that. Hell the man killed his own wife why wouldn't he beat his son?

I suppose I should inquire about this, who knows maybe I could be of some help to the child.

November 6,

I am writing this from the Infirmary, it seems I was right about Severus' father. I went to the Headmaster and spoke with him about; however, he took it upon himself to speak with young Severus about him... hence why Severus is in here the poor child hyperventilated when the subject was brought up. I am at a loss as to what to think here, I have never had be concerned with this situation.

He is asleep right now, in an hour or so he will start to thrash around just as he has these past few nights. I am worried about him; obviously what ever his father did to him has something to do with why his is the snarky bastard he is now. If only there was something that could be done for him maybe he would be happier in life. Then again what do I know I may be wrong about this whole thing.

November 10,

I was right, damnit. I had the elves bring dinner a few hours ago and decided to talk with Severus. It was the first time the child actually wanted to speak to me, poor thing was petrified; when I sat next to him on the sofa he moved to the floor. We spoke of many things before the subject came up, Qudditch, his new friends and even what I teach, DADA...he took a great deal of interest in that. Then I spoke of my parents, how they were so good to me and how I missed my family, that sort of rubbish. I did receive a reaction Severus sat up straight and said, 'I hate my father I don't have a family! I cannot call them family.'

That was not exactly what I was expecting. When I asked why, Severus slouched again and merely said because his father hates him. Seeing that I was not going to get anything else out of him I asked why. ‘Because I am a disgrace to the Snape name.' Honestly how could anyone speak to their child like that? After about half an hour I finally got him to admit to the now obvious fact that his father beats him. The poor child had a slight fit, but I couldn't blame him. He cried for the longest time with me rocking him back and fourth on the floor until I moved us both to my bed. He seemed shocked that I would allow him to sleep with me; I must say I was relieved even though the man has been dead for almost thirty years I do not think I could bare the though of Severus that close to that man.

I suppose I should get back to the bedroom, I don't want to not be there should he need me.

November 11,

This morning was very awkward to say the least; it seems that the potion wore off at some point last night. This morning (it was still dark) I woke up to something roughly shaking me... I opened my eyes to find a livid full grown Severus staring down at me. From what I could tell he had no clothes (he must have burst out of them when he grew) and was demanding me to get up. The confused look on his face was the most adorable thing I have seen in awhile when I shot out of bed wearing my grey night pants and black T-shirt. This I will always remember

"Exactly how drunk was I?" I would have felt pity for him and explained everything to him; however, that being the closest thing that I have heard adult Severus say that resembled something normal I had to laugh. The poor thing looked so insulted, I sat own on the side of the bed and explained to him that a potion had gone wrong and he had been staying with me. He as you may guess did not take to well to that. Then he ordered me to find him a robe so that he could leave my company.

I am not sure of what he will think of me after today, I however know I will not see him in the same light as I once did. The things I have learned about him have changed how I will look at him from now on. I know he will never look at me with out a gleam hate in his eye, he is so angry with himself for allowing me to take care of him these past few weeks. What could he do though, he was only a child. I suppose I should let Dumbledore know what I have learned, he should know why Severus is the way he is. Severus will be angry with me for this but I can't help but feel pity for him. His life was a perpetual hell.

It seems that this is my last page in this journal; I suppose I should go to Diagon Alley and buy a new one after I meet with the Headmaster later. Well then I suppose this is it until the next exciting adventure.