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Title: Everywhere
By: sandersyager
Pairing: Abby Sciuto/Tony DiNozzo
Fandom: NCIS
Prompt: #88. He
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: These characters belong to DPB, CBS, Paramount, et al. No copyright infringement is intended.


He’s always just been there, just out of view. He’s big brother, friend and convenient movie date. He’s easy company, a pretty escort when such things are called for. Up for anything but always a perfect gentleman.
One day it changes. She can’t pinpoint the moment, but suddenly, he’s everywhere. Her dreams, her lab, driving her home and staying the night. Suddenly, she’s leaning across tables to kiss him, blushing like a school girl and holding his hand in the snow.
She knows it won’t last, but sometimes when he reaches for her, she wonders if he might just stay.
