Title: The Epitome of Romance
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Ten.5
Fandom: Doctor Who
Rating: PG-13
Table: lover100
Prompt: 4 - Writer's Choice, Romance
Author's Note: Written as a Christmas gift for fortisgreen. Merry Christmas!
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Tenth Doctor or his human clone, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


The Doctor opened the door of the Tardis, peering to right and left as he looked out. Yes, this looked to be the correct place; the area seemed familiar, and he knew that they were at least in the correct century. He just hoped that he had managed to land them in New York.

He had planned something special for Jamie, and though he could probably find the same thing in a few other cities in the United States, he wanted this particular surprise to be in New York City. In Central Park to be exact. It was something he'd always wanted to do.

Until Jamie had come into his life, he'd never put this plan into motion. With anyone else, it probably wouldn't have felt quite right, he told himself with a smile. With Jamie, it felt perfectly natural. And it was something that he knew his lover would appreciate. He'd be thrilled by the idea.

Though the Doctor didn't intend for him to know just what was going on until he had procured what he was looking for. When he heard Jamie come to the door behind him, he wiped the smile from his face, straightening up to look at the other man. "Well, we're here! New York in the twenty-first century!"

Jamie smiled, linking his arm through the Doctor's as the two men went outside. "What's so important here that you had to bring us here at Christmas?" he asked, looking around and smiling at the snowflakes that alighted in his hair. "Not that I odn't like it here, but it's .... well, cold!"

The Doctor laughed softly, shaking his head. "Jamie, my love, I have romance on my mind. I wanted to bring you here to give you something that we could probably get somewhere else, but I don't believe that it would be as special as it will be here, on Christmas Eve."

The other man nodded, looking around as the two of them emerged from the small copse of tress that the Tardis had decided to land in the midst of and strolled through the park. There were other couples there, and all of them looked to be in a festive mood, and happy to be together.

"Is this why you brought me here, Doctor?" he asked, curiosity in his tone. "To see all these couples? Or is there another part of this that you haven't unveiled yet?" He knew that there had to be more to them being than just a stroll through the park; he was teasing, and the Time Lord knew it.

The Doctor shook his head, patting Jamie's hand as he scanned the paths in the park. He knew that what he needed was usually here, especially on this night. But soon, everyone would be inside for the evening, sharing this magical night with their families and friends.

Ah, there it was. With a smile on his face, the Doctor strode towards a horse and carriage that had just come through the entrance gates of the park, raising his free arm. When he was standing by the horse, he patted the animal's neck and raised a brow at the driver. "How much for a ride around the park?"

He had gone out of his way to be sure that he had American money that corresponded with this century, so there was no problem in paying. The Doctor stepped back, bowing a little and smiling at Jamie. "After you, my love. I thought we'd take a lovely romantic carriage ride to celebrate the season."

Eyes wide, Jamie looked at the carriage, then a smile spread over his face. "Do you mean it, Doctor?" he breathed, his expression one of childlike delight. "I've always wanted to ride in a horse and carriage -- especially on a beautiful night like this," he added, his voice very soft.

The Doctor looked around him with a smile; it certainly was a gorgeous night. A light snow was beginning to fall, but instead of sending people scurrying inside to get away from the elements, it was only making the couples around them laugh and snuggle closer to each other.

He tucked the blanket that had been lying on the seat of the carriage and that he'd spread over their laps closer around them; it was cold, but not terribly so. And besides, wasn't having a blanket over one's lap de rigeur for taking a romantic carriage ride? He'd always thought so.

The matched pair of chestnut horses that pulled the carriage slowed from a trot to a sedate walk as they began their circuitous route around the lake in the middle of the park; the Doctor pulled Jamie close, relishing the feel of his lover's body against his own.

"This just might be the most romantic night of my life," Jamie murmured, resting his head against the Doctor's shoulder. "This is beautiful, my love. A perfect Christmas gift." He raised his head, a smile curving his lips, all the love in the world shining in his dark eyes. "Thank you."

"Thank you, my angel," the Doctor whispered as he gazed into Jamie's eyes. "Thank you for being with me. Thank you for loving me, and having faith in me, and never leaving me. Thank you for all that you've given me. And most of all, thank you for .... just being you."

When their lips met, he was sure that he was melting into Jamie's arms, into his lover's embrace; he tightened his hold on the other man, not caring who might be watching them. He didn't want to think about the world around them, just about Jamie's kiss and the love he felt for him.

Could anything be more perfect, more romantic, than what they were doing now? He didn't think so. Maybe there were some who would scoff at a carriage ride on a snowy Christmas Eve, but for him, it was the epitome of romance. And since Jamie was a part of him, he had to feel the same.

He could hardly tell where he ended and Jamie began; he had never felt so close to anyone, and he knew that he never would. This man was literally a part of him; he and Jamie shared a special bond that no one else could ever have. They were destined for each other, fated to bond as one.

He had never been more in love with Jamie than he was at this moment, the two of them having this romantic evening, feeling as though they were part of some magical paradise. He didn't think that he'd ever been this happy, this content, this peaceful, at one with the universe.

But he knew that the ride would have to end all too soon; the horses began moving forward again, and he heard one of them snort. The Doctor knew that this magical, romantic moment was ending, but all good things did have to come to an end, of course.

And they could do this again sometime, he told himself, his hearts lifting at the thought. They weren't confined to one single occurrence of having a romantic carriage ride, and they didn't have to wait until Christmas to do it. This was one of those little treats that they could give each other on special occasions.

Though he had to admit that tonight felt like the most special time of the year to do this. Somehow, Christmas had always been a magical time for him, and he knew that Jamie felt the same. He was just glad that he'd thought of this, and that he had been able to share it with his love.

It didn't take long for the horses to draw up to the park gate, and then to be through it and back on the city street. They slowed to a standstill, and the driver turned around to smile at the two of them and tip his hat, obviously waiting for them to disembark from the carriage.

The Doctor didn't want to get out; he wanted to stay here under the blanket with Jamie, to take another ride around the park in the snow, which was becoming heavier now. With a start, he realized that the driver probably wanted to take his horses ohme out of the cold, and enjoy his own Christmas Eve.

He rolled back the blanket, handing it to the driver with a smile, and then got out of the carriage, turning to hold out a hand to Jamie to help his lover down. With a few murmured words of thanks, the two of them smiled up at the driver on his seat, and watched the horses and carriage trot away.

"That was wonderfully romantic," Jamie said softly as he slid one arm around the Doctor's waist and the two of them began to make their way back to the copse of trees where the Tardis was waiting for them. "I'm glad you thought of it, love. It was a perfect Christmas gift."

"I thought so," the Doctor answered with a cheeky smile. He stopped in his tracks, turning to look at his love, smiling at the sight of Jamie's hair dusted with softly falling snow, watching as his lover blinked that snow from his lashes and laughed softly. "I love you, Jamie. More than anything in the universe."

"And I love you," Jamie answered, his voice soft and loving. The two men moved easily into each other's arms, sharing another gentle kiss and a warm embrace on the pathway in the park, not realizing that the snow had finally chased all the other couples away, and they were alone.

When they finally broke apart from the embrace, the Doctor looked up at the sky with a laugh. "I think we'd better get back to the Tardis before the snow gets any heavier." He laced his fingers through Jamie's, turning towards the trees and raising a hand to his eyes to keep the snow out of them.

The two men nearly ran back to where the blue police box was hidden in the copse of trees, laughing as they moved through the snow. The door closed behind them, and only seconds later, the blue box dissolved into space, leaving behind a feeling of peace, serenity, and the warmth of the love that they shared.
