Title: A Firm Hand
By: YS McCool
Pairing: Harry/Chakotay
Fandom: Star Trek Voyager
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: The characters and the starship are the property of Paramount and no copyright infringement is intended. The story is copyrighted 1996 to Yvonne McCool.
Warnings: light D/S
Summary: Harry decides to pursue Chakotay.


When Voyager headed into the time rift and left the Earth of 1996 behind, Harry Kim at last said goodbye to his fiance Libby. Until that time he had harbored secret dreams that somehow being this close to Earth meant that they would be at last returning home. But now he had to go on without Libby and he hoped that she had been able to go on without him.

He knew he was not the only person to feel that way, Chakotay seemed to be spending a great deal of time with different crew members, counseling, consoling, and most of the time just listening. Harry had avoided talking to Chakotay, not wanting to take up any more of the First Officer's time. He realized that he wanted to help Chakotay. It was at the end-of-shift a week later that he made up his mind on how he was going to achieve that goal. Harry had been watching Chakotay from his OPS station and when they left the bridge they had shared the turbolift.

"Commander, I would like to invite you to my quarters for dinner." Harry beamed at the Commander and waited for his answer. Chakotay was surprised and pleased. He thought that Harry was reaching out to him in his unofficial role of ships' counselor.

"I'd like that very much. What time?"

"1900 hours. I'm looking forward to being able to speak to you." Harry rewarded Chakotay with another of his electric smiles.

Chakotay watched as Harry crisply turned on his heels and headed down the corridor. *I'm glad that Harry feels he can open up to me.* Chakotay smiled to himself and headed to his quarters.

Harry had taken a great deal of time in planning this *dinner* with Chakotay. The meal would consist of a spicy vegetable dish, a hot soup, sourdough bread, and a chocolate cake. His improving pool skills had allowed him to splurge on the replicator.

The door chimed precisely at 1900 hours, Chakotay entered and handed Harry a small basket with four pieces of fruit from their latest food gathering mission. Harry greeted the gift with a *barely* suppressed sound of glee. "Commander, you shouldn't have, but I thank you."

Chakotay entered the room, realizing that this was the first time that he had ever been in Harry's quarters. The room reflected Harry in some surprising ways. There were original paintings decorating the walls as well sculpture on the shelves. Each piece seemed to reach into Harry's rich culture and display an appreciation for his ancestors.

"Harry I didn't know that you painted." Chakotay stood in front of a painting that depicted a woman, in ancient dress, standing in the middle of a narrow bridge over a seemingly bottomless gorge. She was holding a sword in an attitude of attack. Her face was very determined and she seemed to dare the men approaching the bridge to come any further. The lower left corner of the painting sported Harry's signature.

"After the Kazon held the ship, there was not much left of my artwork. Whoever used my room must have been an *art critic* and destroyed all of my collection." Harry looked up from setting the table to see which painting Chakotay was talking about. "That's my *humble* attempt at illustrating a family story. It's called 'Lady Chai at the bridge'." Harry walked up behind Chakotay and placed his hand on the other man's shoulder. "In this style of painting all the important elements receive the most detail. The bridge, the lady, and the sword have the most detail. The approaching army is faced toward the lady and away from the viewer to symbolize their presence but also their unworthiness for further detail. The man with the sword and elaborate dress closest to the end of the bridge is the general of the opposing army. As a leader he is allowed to face the viewer but is given only minimal detail, just enough to show that his position as the leader of the advancing army."

Chakotay pointed to the structure behind the lady depicting peaked roofs and stone guardians. "Is that the house she is protecting?"

"Yes, but it is of minor importance to the power of the story. It could be any place the she is guarding, the story is about how she did it." Chakotay turned toward Harry, drawn by the unexpected passion in his voice.

"You must tell me the story."

"With pleasure." Harry walked back to the dining table and indicated that Chakotay should take his seat. Chakotay seated himself and ladled the soup for the two of them.

"During the time of this story our family was at war with another powerful family. If you can believe this, it was possible at the time for a war to consist of only two families." Harry paused to slice the bread, the cracking of the crust providing the only sound in the room. "Lady Chai was the second wife of the head of the family, known as the Warlord. She had been left at the estate while the Warlord and his army went out to meet the enemy. The estate was guarded by a small family retinue."

"The second wife?" Chakotay seemed surprised.

"It was not uncommon for men in the Warlord's position to have as many as three wives. The eldest or first wife ruled the house and lesser wives ruled their children and a small staff which attended only her and her children."

"Where was the first wife?"

"At the Warlord's side."

"To fight?"

"No to sooth the Warlord during the coming battle." Harry checked to see if Chakotay was enjoying the soup and ladled in more when he saw that Chakotay's bowl was nearly empty. " The Lady Chai was at home as was most of the household staff and her two small children. The Warlord's other children were adults."

"Children of the first wife?" Chakotay asked, accepting more bread.

"Yes." Harry paused to enjoy the soup. "Everything was set for the battle, but things did not go as planned."

"Battles rarely do."

"Indeed, the opposing army did not engage the entrenched family troops, instead they flanked their established position and headed for the estate." Harry paused to concentrate on his soup. "Now the estate had a major defensive feature, a deep gorge that ran for miles north and south. The gorge was called Thunder God Gorge because of the sound of rushing water that came up from the bottom. The gorge could only be crossed by three bridges. The two widest bridges were pulled back before the army could reach them. The third and last bridge was still intact when the opposing army arrived. Lady Chai guarded that bridge." Harry saw, with disappointment, that the soup tureen was empty. He removed the empty tureen and served the vegetable dish.

"What happened?"

"The bridge was a ceremonial crossing bridge meant for the occupants to use to attend a shrine across the gorge. The bridge was old, narrow, and meant for the use of one person at a time."

"Why didn't the army just send two or three men to rush her."

"That would have meant a terrible lost of honor for the General as well as his men. There was some hesitancy from the men to engage her at all."

"Was she known as a great swords woman?"

"No. Back then a woman was known for whose daughter, mother, or wife she was, not for what she could do personally." Harry pause to allow Chakotay time to contemplate this line of thinking.

"I see." Chakotay sampled the dark green vegetable dish. "This vegetable dish is delicious, family recipe?"

"Actually, no, it's a Betazoid dish call Przenti. More?"

"Please." Chakotay unashamedly placed a double helping on his plate. "Go on with the story."

"While the army wavered at the bridge, the flash pots were lit."

"Flash pots?"

"Flash pots were incendiaries, clay pots filled with colored powder that would send up colored smoke that could be seen by the family's forces. The color combinations would tell the situation. There were no standard colors for any particular message and each family could keep its messages secret from outsiders. But when the smoke went up, there could be no doubt what they were saying, the estate was under siege." Harry refilled Chakotay's glass with fruit juice. "Now the General had no choice, the family's forces could return to the estate within two hours and they would need all that time to ransack the place." Harry stopped to eat more of his Przenti. Chakotay also continued to eat, stopping occasionally to look back at the painting that seemed to jump to life for him now. Defending your home against overwhelming odds. He thought the painting could be used as symbol of the Marquis' struggle. He turned his attention back to his plate and finished the last of the Przenti and then eyed the final slice of the sourdough bread. He looked up at Harry to see his laughing eyes on him. Busted.

Harry watched him for a moment and then placed the last of the bread on Chakotay's plate. "Don't be ashamed of your appetite Chakotay, I take it as a compliment." Harry smiled and licked his tongue across his fork. Chakotay would have sworn that he was well past blushing but he glanced down at his plate just in case. "Now where was I?" Chakotay started to answer 'flirting with me' when Harry picked up his story.

"The General ordered a front soldier to 'clear the bridge.' He stepped up and was promptly cut down by Lady Chai. This presented a new problem to the General, killing a woman in one-on-one combat was bad enough, but to be killed by one.. well it could not be allowed." Chakotay laughed and refreshed both of their drinks after Harry had drained his glass. "The General ordered up his better swordsmen and watched each of them fall to the skill of the Lady Chai."

Harry stood and cleared the table. With his back to Chakotay, he cut two slices of cake, then turned and presented them. The larger slice was placed before Chakotay. "Chocolate, Nectar of the Gods." He announced as he resumed his seat. Chakotay laughed. They clinked forks and then dived into the cake.

When he had devoured half of his serving, Chakotay paused to study Harry. He had a great deal of respect for the young ensign. Fresh from the academy, he had proved himself again and again in very difficult circumstances. Now he was seeing Harry in another setting. Harry showed no sign of the shyness he had always associated with him. No, here he was confident, assured, in control. Since he had come into this room Chakotay had felt very relaxed. Recently he had come to associate night visits to crewman's quarters with comforting someone else, not being comfortable.

When Harry looked up, Chakotay found himself staring at Harry's mouth. "So then what happened?" Chakotay asked before he speared another piece of cake and put it into his mouth.

"These combats were over very quickly but removing a body sometimes took several minutes. But the end result was that the family forces could now be heard approaching. The General was desperate to end this sorry state of affairs and challenged the Lady himself." Harry paused for dramatic effect. "The General was dead before he placed his second foot on the bridge. The first thing the Warlord saw as he rode toward the bridge was his second wife holding the General's head and the opposing army fleeing from both her and the family forces."

"So that ended the war?"

"No, there were other skirmishes but that proved to be the turning point of the war. Never again would the opposing forces even come close the family estate. It was said that a *Demon Woman* guarded the bridge and no one could stand before her."

"Just couldn't admit that a woman had defeated them."

"That would have lost them too much face." Harry steered the conversation to similarities in the Native American culture and his own upbringing and the preference their societies gave to men who spoke little and revealed less. Chakotay rose and helped clear away the table. He now saw that there were other pieces of art in bedroom. Curious he strode inside.

"What's this one that looks like a cat?" Chakotay asked as he stroked the cool black surfaced of the statue. The shoulders of the cat were heavily muscled and the jaw hung open revealing large fangs.

"That is a Brijka cat from Taldus IV. The cat is said to be the guardian of all who travel on unfamiliar roads." Harry reached over and covered Chakotay's hand as Chakotay stroked the cat's back. "No one could be on a more unfamiliar road than us." The hand lingered over Chakotay's and he waited to see how long Harry would leave it there.

Instead of removing the hand, Harry moved it up Chakotay's shoulder and turned him toward the shield displayed over the bed. "I made the shield for use in my Medieval holonovels. The devices on the shield are all from my life." Chakotay stepped forward to examine the shield and decide what each illustration on the shield could mean. There was an isolinear chip, a clarinet, and an outline of Voyager.

The last piece that Chakotay noticed was a water-filled glass bowl on a tripod, balanced a wide candle. Inside the bowl was a narrow-necked bottle filled with a golden liquid. Chakotay placed his hands on the sides of the glass bowl and was pleased by its slightly over body temperature.

"What's this piece beside the bed?" Chakotay asked, watching the dancing flames altered reflection through the water.

"That's my massage oil. I intend to give you a massage now that our meal is finished." Harry made his voice sound as matter-of-a-fact as possible. "You've spent so much time attending to everyone else that I wanted to do my part by caring for the care giver."

"I don't know what to say." Chakotay replied.

" 'Thank you' never fails to be appropriate." Harry said with a smile. This was the first critical stage, Chakotay could still balk. Sensing Chakotay's reluctance to undress, Harry began to undress the Commander himself. Unwrapping Chakotay slowly.

"Harry, I would love to do this but I'm here for you."

"Commander, there is an ancient saying that goes 'even the strongest vessel can only hold so much'. Let me do this for you." Chakotay placed his hand on Harry's and gave a slight squeeze. "Trust me." Harry continued to undress Chakotay, stopping after each garment to give a reassuring squeeze to Chakotay's hand. "Computer reduce lighting twenty-five percent."

When Chakotay was at last undressed and Harry stood and admired Chakotay's well muscled form. Harry placed his hand in the small of Chakotay's back. "Face down on the bed please." Chakotay laid down and turned his face away from the side on which Harry was standing.

Chakotay could not believe that he was lying naked on Harry's bed, trying not to think of that mouth, those hands, and trying not to think how young Harry seemed to him. He planned to wait until Harry hesitated and then he would regain control of this situation.

Harry removed the hosting robe that he was wearing and then retrieved the oil from its holder. After pouring a measure into his hands he began with the soles of Chakotay's feet. Harry rubbed the soles of Chakotay's feet in slow circles, careful not to evoke a tickling response. Chakotay's calves were stiff and tight, Harry decided on firm pressure on the way up and a soft stroke on the way down. Chakotay's tightness was not unexpected but his resistance to the relaxation forced Harry to concentrate on one leg at a time. Chakotay was moaning softly by the time that Harry had reached his buttocks.

Chakotay's buttocks had a pleasing roundness to them and they relaxed instantly under the pressure of Harry's hands. Harry let his oiled fingers glide along the cleft as he pressed the buttock between his hands.

"Do you enjoy anal stimulation?" Harry asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"What?!" Chakotay was stunned. He would have bet a month's replicator rations that Harry would have never asked him that question.

"Do you like your ass stimulated? Do you like fingers in your ass? Can you come from anal stimulation alone? Do you require cock and anal stimulation at the same time?" Harry kept his voice soft and steady and never elevated his tone.

"Harry you can't be asking me that question, those questions?"

"I thought you valued honesty."

"Some things can't be revealed just to be honest." Harry eased a slick finger between Chakotay's anal cheeks and teased the opening. Harry used his weight on Chakotay's legs to keep him on the bed. Chakotay groaned in spite of himself. "Ohhhh, okay I like anal and I need both to cum." Harry moved his hands up to Chakotay's back. " Did you start your Starfleet career as an Inquisitor?" Chakotay attempted to sound angry but his voice was not convincing.

"No, but this will be much better if you are completely honest with me. Tell me what feels good. Tell me if you haven't tried something. Tell me what you want to try. Tell me why you've been staring at my face for the last half hour."

Chakotay was shocked, had he been that obvious. "I was wonder what it would feel like to kiss you."

"Why didn't you kiss me and find out?" Harry inquired as he pressed his full weight into Chakotay's back.

"I ... I wasn't ready." Chakotay replied after he was able to draw a full breath.

"Are you ready now?" Harry moved his hands to the center of Chakotay's back.

"Almost." He was an admission he didn't believe he would have made under torture but it had been spoken and could not be taken back. Harry continued the massage without comment. The center of the back required that Harry kneel between Chakotay's legs and press downward using the heel of both hands. Chakotay was strongly muscled and a light touch here would only irritate and not relax. Harry kept the pressure firm and quickened the strokes.

When Chakotay had relaxed again, Harry worked his way up Chakotay's shoulders and arms. The tension took a long time to relieve there and Harry felt that they had gone as far as they could and frankly as far as they should for the first night.

"Next time, I'll do front and back. I think you've had enough this time." Harry announced. Chakotay seemed relieved that he wouldn't have to turn to face Harry with his erection. Harry pulled the covers over the two of them, blew out the candle, and ordered the computer to extinguish the lights.

"When you're ready, invite me to dinner and I'll bring the massage oil."


For Harry the time after the giving of a first session, that first massage, was always a special time of anticipation. He always waited for the other person to ask for another session. The shortest time between a first massage and a second massage was three hours. The longest was four days. Chakotay did not break either record.

Harry had spent most of his shift in Engineering railing against the limits of the physical universe. He had developed several nasty conspiracy theories as to why they were not experiencing the gains in engine efficiency he had predicted. He planned to head to the Mess Hall, eat what was placed before him, and blow off some steam in Sandrines. Chakotay changed those plans with a simple sentence.

"Harry would you join me for dinner in my quarters this evening, say 1800 hours?" Harry had agreed but only after pretending to think about it.

"I would be honored Commander."

Harry showered and dressed and arrived at Chakotay's door at precisely 1800 hours. He admired promptness and knew that Chakotay also appreciated that trait. Harry presented the massage oil in its water bowl to Chakotay as a gift. The Commander stroked the bowl thoughtfully and tested the weight before finally placing it on the nightstand beside his bed. He replicated a candle similar to one Harry used the night before and placed it under the water filled bowl.

"I've thought a great deal about our dinner." Chakotay announced after returning to the dining area. "Truthfully, I'm not sure where this is going but I ...." Chakotay indicated that Harry should sit at the table. "Harry, I haven't sleep that peacefully in a long time."

"I'm glad to hear that but I have to tell you that I was disappointed that you left before I woke up." Harry ran his fingers around the lip of his empty glass.

"I had to get to my quarters and meditate before my duty shift." Chakotay placed the food on the table and poured fruit juice in Harry's glass. "Even that early, I felt as if I had a large scarlet letter on my chest and there was a Greek Chorus chanting 'cradle robber' behind me. " Chakotay sat down across from Harry.

"Chakotay, this obsession you have for my age is unhealthy. You are not my father, you are not old enough to be my father, and finally I'm a grown man." Harry reached across the table and rubbed each of the fingers of Chakotay's right hand. The room had become very quiet, the sizzle of the fajitas made it appear to Chakotay that Harry's fingers were burning into his flesh. "Those fajitas look great and I know they need to be eaten while they are still hot." Harry removed his hand from Chakotay's and began loading his first tortilla.

"Harry, how long have you been giving massages?" Chakotay asked as he demonstrated the proper way to fold the bread around the ingredients.

"I had my first training when I was seventeen." Harry followed Chakotay's lead and was rewarded with a roll that stayed together while he ate it. "Why do you ask?"

"Just curious." Chakotay chewed thoughtfully. He gaze strayed back to Harry's mouth, the full lips were pressed against his napkin and Chakotay actually leaned toward Harry before he stopped himself. Harry noted Chakotay's movement and leaned forward to capture his lips before he was able to make it back to his seat.

"Chakotay, only Tuvok is more mentally centered than you and I would bet that not even he is more spiritually centered. But where is the physical part of your equation?" Harry captured Chakotay's chin in his hand. "You've placed the oil beside your bed." Harry cast his glance toward the door of the bedroom. "When we finish our meal, we'll go there." Harry's tone left no doubt that they would indeed go to the bedroom.

The meal continued with Chakotay relating an early space travel take that had been one of his father's favorites to tell at campfires. Chakotay and Harry cleared the table and then moved into the bedroom.

"Undress for me." Harry asked as he settled himself down on the chair across from the bed. "I want to savor you." Chakotay hesitated, he could not move his hands. Harry rose from the chair and walked behind Chakotay. "Close your eyes." He whispered. "You're not removing just your clothes, you are removing other people's worries." Harry rested his fingers on either side of Chakotay's head and massaged his temples. "Computer access music library and play 'With You I'm Born Again' by Billy Preston and Syretta Wright, continuous loop." Harry returned to the chair.

Come bring me your softness Comfort me through all this madness Woman don't you know with you I'm born again

Come give me your sweetness Now there's you there is no weakness Lying safe within your arms I'm born again

The song wove its lyrical magic in the room and Chakotay swayed to its tender sweet melody. He had never heard the song before and was stunned by its power so many centuries after it had been recorded. Chakotay removed his tunic then listened as the song completed its first play through. The rest of his clothes came off easily after that.

"There's something we don't see enough of." Harry remarked.

"Me naked?"

"That and the shy creature on your lips, sometimes known as a smile." Chakotay laughed. It felt good to laugh and it felt good to share his nakedness with someone. He hadn't realized how much he had missed physical intimacy.

"I love this song, how did you find it?"

"I was at Julliards and I use to search for love songs in the archives. It was an angst ridden time."

"Unrequited love?"

"Typically teenage angst. Torment then; laughable now."

Harry walked to the side of the bed and placed a small dildo beside the massage oil on the nightstand. "Face down on the bed." He directed Chakotay.

Again the feet were the first area to receive attention, strong pressure applied to the soles. Chakotay hummed the melody of the song as Harry's pressed the tension out of his feet. He relaxed and sank into the bed as Harry rubbed his calves and thighs.

"Promise not to stop, if I begin to purr." Chakotay mumbled.

"I would be disappointed if all I got was a purr." Harry chuckled.



"Why me? I would have thought that maybe B'Elanna or even Paris would be here before me."

Harry circled the sides of Chakotay's buttocks with his fists in thoughtful silence.

"Chakotay, I value both B'Elanna and Tom as friends but I want *you* here." Harry worked his hand along Chakotay's sides. "I'm attracted to your strength. 'You stand solid in the chaos', that's a translation of an endearment. That fits you very well." Harry knelt between Chakotay's spread legs and used his knuckles along his spine. As Harry leaned forward to work his hands up to Chakotay's shoulders, he let his cock slip into the cleft of Chakotay's ass. It took three forward strokes before Harry could feel the slight pushing back of Chakotay's hips. The push was subtle but there.

"Chakotay, you probably came to my quarters expecting to stand between me and my personal demons. Save poor Harry."

"Guilty." Chakotay sighed convinced that he would soon lose molecular cohesion.

"Then I need you to give me your pleasure. The stronger the source, the more powerful the pleasure can be to the person who receives it."

"And I have to ..?"

"Relax and let me guide you to that pleasure. When we are alone and only while we are alone, we will explore. I will be the strong one." Harry emphasized his words with a string of kisses along the spine of Chakotay. "You will submit to me." Harry decided that the song had work its magic and ordered the compute to play a selection of classical guitar solos. "Computer end song; play guitar selection Kim 4."

Harry sat back his heels and placed his hands on either side of Chakotay's ass and used very slight pressure to indicate that he wished Chakotay to turn over. The less pressure he needed to make Chakotay turn over, the more control he would have for the next step.

Chakotay's eyes were closed but not squeezed tight and his cock was erect and pressed against his stomach. Harry resettled himself between Chakotay's legs.

Harry poured a small pool of the oil in the center of Chakotay's stomach and began to spread it upward with light quick strokes. As he work his way up, his hardened cock rubbed against Chakotay's testes. When his hands reached Chakotay's head, Harry was lying full length across Chakotay, stomach-to-stomach and cock-to-cock. Chakotay released a long sigh and licked his slightly parted lips.

Their lips touch tentatively, then pulled apart, then together. The distance decreased with each kiss until they did not pull apart at all. Finally, Harry broke the kiss when he felt that he was becoming light headed.

"Place your hands over your head, palms together." Chakotay gave Harry a questioning look but he complied with his request. Harry reached beside the bed and retrieved three items from the drawer. "Keep your hands above your head." Harry ordered.

If Chakotay had planned to protest this order it died on his lips when Harry pushed a small well lubricated dildo into Chakotay's ass.

"Harry!" Chakotay began but his words were lost as Harry continued their kiss. When Harry felt Chakotay was relaxed enough, he continued to push the dildo into him. Tense, relax, push.

"You're doing well Chakotay and you've pleased me. Now I will please you." While Chakotay became accustomed to the feel of the dildo, Harry kissed his way down to Chakotay's cock. Chakotay was no longer erect but was thoroughly enjoying himself.

"Can I move my arms yet?" Chakotay inquired. "They're getting tired."

"No." Harry replied and sucked Chakotay's cock into his mouth. Harry had always enjoyed sucking cock. The texture, the smell, the taste, and the sounds of pleasure from his partner. Chakotay had tried to stay quiet but Harry was just too good. The dildo was making full length strokes inside him and his cock was throbbing down Harry's throat.

"Harry, Harry please." Chakotay gasped and reached down and gripped Harry's head. "Suck me, please, oh please." Chakotay pumped his cock in and out of Harry's mouth. "Ughhhhhhh!" Chakotay shot his cum into the back of Harry's throat and collapsed back onto the bed. After struggling to regain control of his breathing Chakotay attempted to sit up but Harry pressed him back into the bed.

Harry understood the need to maintain discipline and that some people required structure.

"You didn't keep your hands over your head as I requested." Harry said as he eased the dildo from Chakotay's ass. "Roll over on your stomach and rise to your knees." Harry said each word distinctly, letting Chakotay know that there was no room for argument. Harry ran his hands over Chakotay's ass squeezing and kneading the flesh with his right hand and squeezing Chakotay's cock with his left hand. "Chakotay you must understand the need for discipline, strict discipline. I firmly told you that you must keep your hands over your head. You must understand that during these times, I am in charge." Chakotay turned to look at Harry and made the mistake of smiling. The smile was wiped away immediately with Harry's right hand came down on his upturned ass.

Chakotay's first thought had been to bolt from the bed, grab his clothes and leave, dressing in the hall if necessary. His second thought was how wonderful Harry's hand felt on his cock. The spanks stung but were obviously not meant to injure in any way. He had read about these types of things and wondered, but in those thoughts he had always been the one who had administered the spanking. Now he was kneeling on a his bed being spanked by a man and not protesting. He rocked back and forth to increase the stimulation of his cock. Then the spanking had ended and there was a pressure against his asshole. Harry had slipped into him with surprising ease.

Harry pumped into Chakotay, increasing his depth with every stroke. He timed the milking of Chakotay's cock with the pumping of his ass. Chakotay's body had tensed momentarily and he turned to gaze at Harry with wild eyes. But those eyes were closed now and he was mumbling.

Chakotay's mind was racing. He was being fucked by Harry and he was loving it He wanted to say so much to Harry but every sentence fell out of his mouth unfinished. Now he could only groan and push back in time with Harry.

"Yes, yes, so tight, so good." Harry stroked Chakotay's cock in time with his pumping. "When you cum, you will call out for me. I will not allow your silence!" Harry cried out punctuating each word with a deep thrust.

"Yes." Chakotay said, quietly at first then repeating the word again and again like a mantra, louder and louder. Yes was the only word he could say, the only word he could form as his fingers gripped the sheets so tightly that his knuckles were white. His scream tore from his throat as he came, his orgasm seemed to come from his cock and his ass. Harry thrust deeply and then came as they both collapsed onto the bed. Harry eased out of Chakotay and then turned him so that they were face to face.

"I hope I won't have to show my displeasure again." Harry said as he kissed Chakotay's throat.

"You might have to, I'm told that I can be very stubborn." Chakotay replied as he settled into Harry's arms.

"Well, if I have to, I have to." Harry paused in his kissing. "How do you feel?"

"Like someone else was taking care of me." Chakotay replied after thinking for a while.

"Good, that's what I wanted." Harry pulled the coverlet over the top of the two of them. "Computer extinguish lights."

Chakotay had always enjoyed the journey more than any other part of a new adventure. Now he had discovered a new path and he had a wonderful guide to lead him.

The room fell into darkness with only the candle providing the only illumination. The flames of the candle were dancing underneath the glass bowl and the oil bottle, now half full, cast a golden glow on the wall.


Next story in series - Virgin Sacrifice.