Title: Aziraphale's new bike
Author: Quakerlass
Pairing: gen
Fandom: Good Omens
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Good Omens belongs to the geniuses known as Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman.
Summary: Just a short 100 word drabble.


Crowley stared at Aziraphale's latest purchase with undisguised disgust.

"But my dear it's so practical for London."

"Angel it's a girl's bike."

"Why is it a girls bike?"

"Az its pink and it's got a basket on the front."

"I thought that would be useful for carrying the bread when we go to feed the ducks."

Crowley looked at him in horror "I'm not going anywhere with you if you've got that, that thing with you" and he turned his back.

In less than two weeks they were in the park with the bike and a picnic.
