Title: The Obelisk
By: YS McCool
Pairing: Harry/Chakotay/Paris
Fandom: Star Trek Voyager
Rating: NC-17
Warning: light D/S
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters nor do I make a claim on them. These characters are the property of UPN and VIACOM. Original characters are the sole property of the author.
Summary: Harry finds an ancient obelisk that offers him a new world and steals his inhibitions.


Kim checked the tricorder for the third time in as many minutes. The explanation for the energy spike continued to elude him. Part of him wanted to attribute the spike to an equipment malfunction, but the scientist-- read that as the stubborn part-- in him wouldn't let it go.

They had found the ruins of a once technologically advanced race on this planet, but the people were gone. Perhaps they died or perhaps they managed to escape the solar flares that had made the surface of the planet uninhabitable for over five hundred years.

The planet, dubbed Marius IV by Stellar Cartography, was now about three hundred years into regrowth. The place was incredibly lush, and food stores would soon be bulging. That was what Harry should have been doing, cataloging food plants, instead of chasing an anomalous energy spike.

He stepped into a grove of fruit trees and automatically scanned them for edibility. High sugar level, seeds with the poison level of apple seeds. He dropped one in his pouch. As he turned south and headed out of the grove, he saw it.

It was a charcoal gray solid manmade object, approximately ten meters tall, and eight meters wide at the base, tapering up to a point. The surface was covered in a star chart that centered around the system that they were currently in. Harry called the team leader.

"Kim to Tuvok."

"Tuvok here."

"Sir, I have found an obelisk which is decorated with a star chart. The chart extends far beyond our current sensor range."

"Transmit your location, Ensign. Carver and Delaney, converge on the Ensign's position."

Harry spent the time while waiting for the rest of the team to arrive, scanning the obelisk's entire surface. Delaney was in Stellar Cartography and would be able to tell them more, but Harry guessed that the star chart covered an area over 2000 light years wide.

"An impressive find, Ensign. How did you detect it?" Tuvok asked as he arrived.

"I detected an energy spike, and it led me here," Kim said as he indicated the obelisk. "I've been studying the surface and I noticed that there were several planets denoted by this symbol." Harry pointed at the symbol that depicted the planet they were on. "They must have some significance."

"Perhaps trading partners or a mythical significance, such as Earth myth surrounding certain constellations," Delaney suggested.

Harry reached up and touched the planet symbol. The group was instantly bathed in a red light.

Above them, Voyager was scanned.

Tuvok felt the touch of his wife's mind. She was in slumber, her mind rested and settled, when he pushed himself into her consciousness. In that instant he knew that she did not believe him dead, and that their private messages had been delivered by the Romulan government. He gave her their location and wished her well. Their contact was lost.

Tuvok turned his attention to the members of his away team. Delaney was unmoving. "Ensign Delaney," he began. She turned to him with glowing eyes and hissed. Tuvok stunned her with his phaser.

Craver rose into the air, his slender dark form silhouetted against the red-orange sun. "Kim," he called. "Harry come back!" Carver landed in front of Tuvok. "I'm sorry, Sir. I lost sight of him in the underbrush."

Tuvok lowered his raised brow and called the ship. "Tuvok to Voyager. Three to beam up directly to Sickbay."

Chakotay was frantic. Harry was missing and surface scans revealed nothing. The away teams had reported finding an extensive cave system.

"Captain, I have Ensign Kim's comm badge located," Torres announced.

"Beam him directly to Sickbay," the Captain commanded.

Chakotay called the holographic doctor. "Have you got him?"

"No, Commander. Just his uniform materialized," the doctor replied.

Chakotay was numb. Could the beams that came from the obelisk have disintegrated Harry? No, he could not believe that.

"Captain, permission to lead an away team to track down Harry. We could use proximity detectors and start from where his uniform was found."

Janeway looked into the heart stricken eyes of Chakotay. His love for Harry written plainly across his face. "Permission granted."

Chakotay exited the bridge as quickly as he could. Paris joined him on the turbolift.

"Need some help, Commander?" Paris asked.

"Thank you, Tom. I appreciate it."

"He's my best friend. For a long time, he was my only friend."

Chakotay put his hand on Paris' slender shoulder. "Harry is a very special man."

The two men rode the rest of the way in silence.

Chakotay stopped Paris before they stepped onto the transporter platform. "Tom, be careful when we arrive. We don't know what kind of shape Harry will be in. When Delaney recovered from being stunned, she nearly tore up Sickbay before they could tranquilize her."

"I'll be careful."

They transported down to the planet, and the sound of Janeway's voice. "Commander, the obelisk is creating a wormhole. We're readying a probe to send through. This may be our ticket home, or, at least, closer to home."

"Understood, Captain. Chakotay out." He turned to look for Paris, and found the Lieutenant already scanning the area. "Anything?"

"I detect movement approximately one klick from here, moving in an arc... Commander, he's heading back to the obelisk," Paris reported.

The two men raced through the forest toward the obelisk and, they hoped, Harry.

Harry returned to the place of his rebirth and reveled in the throbbing pulse of the energy that was being feed to the Transformer. The old ones had reshaped him to make the star journey. He flexed his powerful body. Soon he would be on a new world. He would need to establish a territory, and take mates.

After ridding himself of the too tight clothing, he had explored. He found nothing to interest him. He remembered the obelisk and its strange markings at the base. He had returned in order to puzzle them out.

What had been so difficult to understand when he had first seen the obelisk, was now crystal clear. The obelisk was actually a Transformer, and a way across the stars.

Others were approaching him now-- they were not his enemies. He could smell the fear coming from both of them as they emerged into the clearing surrounding the obelisk. Fear of him? No, fear for him.

He knew these men. The dark one was his. The light one... the light one could be his. Their fear was fading. Their names sprang to his mind, Tom and Chakotay. They were his shipmates, and now... they would be his mates.

"Hello," he said to the silent pair. "Were you looking for me?"

Tom stammered. "Yes, Harry, we were worried about you."

"We've come to take you back to the ship. There's a wormhole." Chakotay said.

"There will be more. Four postulants came to the Transformer, and four worlds will be revealed." He smiled at their uncomprehending faces. "I have been made ready to conquer my new world. All of us were giving the ability to survive and conquer a new world." Harry walked over to Chakotay and stroked the older man's face. He kissed him. A kiss of possession.

Chakotay pulled away, a deep blush covering his beautiful face. "Harry?" Chakotay indicated Tom.

"Hush, my lover. Tom is well aware of my possession of you." He moved to stand between the two men. Using his body to block Chakotay's view, Harry stroked Tom's cock. Tom jumped and attempted to back away from Harry's hand. Harry squeezed a little harder, and Paris' cock hardened under his fingers.

"Let's get back to the ship," Chakotay said as he stepped a little farther away from Harry. "Chakotay to Voyager, three to beam directly to sickbay."

Once in Sickbay, Chakotay tried to compose himself. He had mentally prepared himself to find Harry injured, perhaps burned, or just incoherent. He never expected to find the man looking like a nude mystic warrior. Harry looked to be about ten kilos heavier, and all of it muscle. His hair now reached past his shoulders. His skin had darkened, and there was not a tan line in sight. Chakotay was almost unnerved by his presence.

"I feel fine," Harry protested to the doctor.

"I'll be the judge of your physical condition, Ensign," the doctor replied. He noted the results from the medical scans. "Your testosterone levels are more than 75% over normal. Your brain activity is almost 40% higher. Your muscle density is increased by 28%."

"So, you're saying that I am horny, smart enough to know it, and strong enough to do something about it?"

"Harry!" Tom gasped.

"Lighten up, Tom," Harry chuckled. "Am I fit for duty, Doc?"

"I would like to run further tests," the doctor said as he continued to scan Harry.

"Senior staff to the bridge," Janeway called.

"The next wormhole is forming. Tell the Captain that we have a narrow window here. One rotation of the planet to make our choice and leave. That's 34 hours and 8 minutes."

"Sure, Harry. We'll tell the captain," Tom said as he started toward the door of Sickbay.

"Oh, Tom. I'll see you later this evening." Harry lifted up from the biobed and looked at Tom. "I promise." He smiled.

"Yeah... right." Tom hurried to the bridge.

"Take care of yourself, Love," Chakotay said.

"Chakotay, come here," Harry commanded.

Chakotay obeyed. Harry's tone allowed for nothing else. "Yes?" he asked as he leaned over Harry.

Harry clutched the back of the older man's head, and kissed him deeply. Chakotay struggled momentarily against the onslaught to his mouth.

"Should I sedate him?" the doctor asked.

Harry released him. "No need. I'll see you later." Harry smiled and patted Chakotay's ass.

Chakotay mumbled some response and rushed out of the Sickbay. He forced himself to calm down while riding the turbolift to the bridge. Harry had him ready to climb onto the biobed with him.

He felt the crew's concern for Harry, as well as the other members of the away team as he entered the bridge.

"How's Harry?" Janeway inquired when Chakotay came onto the bridge.

"There have been some physiological changes, but he seems in good spirits."

"Very good spirits," Tom muttered from the helm.

Tuvok came onto the bridge. "Reporting for duty, Captain."

"Are you sure you should be here, Mr. Tuvok?" Chakotay asked.

"Other than a heightened sensitivity to thoughts, I have suffered no ill effects."

"Captain," Tom called. "A third and fourth wormhole have opened." He turned to face the Captain. "Just like Harry said."

"What do you mean?" the Captain asked.

"Harry said that since there were four people at the obelisk that there would be four wormholes to four worlds," Chakotay reported.

"He also said that we had just one day before they all closed," Tom added.

"I want a class one probe prepared for these wormhole, and I need them launched immediately," Janeway ordered. "I think I'd like to have a little talk with Mr. Kim."

"No!" Tom and Chakotay shouted in unison.

"Captain, might I have a word with you in your ready room?" Chakotay asked.

Janeway stalked into her ready room and crossed her arms. "Okay, what are you not telling me?"

"Harry has very high levels of testosterone in his system and he's been saying things that are very out of character for him. At least out of character in public. I rather not go into it, but I know a different Harry Kim from what he presents to the public. That's my Harry, times 10, in the Sickbay. I think that when this is all over, he will be very embarrassed."

"Chakotay, I'm a grown woman, and I know how to handle men. I would never hold this against Harry, but he has information that might get us home that much sooner, and his *feelings* are the last thing on my mind right now."

"Yes, Captain."

Janeway walked into the Sickbay and was stunned by the changes in Harry. She watched as he pulled a tunic over his thickly muscled torso.

"Good to see you on your feet, Harry," she said as the doors closed behind her.

"Thank you, Captain. I think the doctor has run every test on me except the ones that would require me to be female and pregnant."

Janeway smiled. Chakotay was right, Harry would have never made that kind of joke around her.

"What can you tell me about these wormholes, Mr. Kim?"

Harry walked over to the Captain and sniffed her. "Hmmm, you smell very nice today." Before she could respond he took her hands and kissed the fingers. "Five hundred years ago, this was a world of artists and engineers. But it was also a world doomed. They had been looking at another disaster, that of overpopulation, long before they detected the first signs that their sun was about to go through a period of instability. They had the technology to evacuate the planet but there were too many people to be settled on one world. They decided that they needed was to be able to settle where there were other types of environments. To do this they decided that the people who chose to live on nonstandard worlds would receive enhancement.

"These were a proud people, Captain. The chance to better themselves physically and mentally was a powerful inducement. They constructed the Transformers to enhance their people so that they could make the transition from one planet to another. It was the work of four generations. A fleet was sent to travel to each of these worlds. Once there, they activated the twin to the Transformers here. Long before the solar flares devastated this world, the people were gone."

"How do you know all this?" Janeway asked.

"I translated the writing on the base of the obelisk. It was a hell of a read." Harry smiled. "I'm sure the people in linguistics will agree with my interpretations. They have my tricorder."

Janeway tried to extract her fingers from Harry's grasp. "I think you should go to your quarters and rest."

"Why do you pull away when that's the last thing that you want to do?" Harry licked the captain's palm. "I can feel the increased heat coming from your body. I smell your readiness." Harry leveled his smoky eyes at her.

"Mr. Kim, I'll excuse your behavior because of your medical condition, but *only* because of it." Janeway removed her hand from his.

"Of course, Captain. I understand. If you'll excuse me." Harry exited the Sickbay.

Janeway went over to the sink and washed her neck. She shooed the doctor away when he decided to scan her.

Chakotay was sure that someone was altering the ship's chronometers. The Captain had left the bridge sometime last month and still hadn't returned. The fifteen minutes that the chronometer spoke of was just someone's sick joke.

He looked to the helm to see Paris caught in his own musings. Luckily, the ship was currently in a stationary orbit, or the inattentive Paris would have crashed the ship.

"Commander, the first probe has returned. Picking up transmissions and relaying to all stations," Torres announced.

Finally, something to think about instead of Harry, and something to do other than watch the back of Paris' head.

The planet was 300 light-years away. Unfortunately, it was in the wrong direction. There were floating cities, flying people, and a planet's surface made of swirling gases. Only Carver could get along there. As Harry had said, they were being prepared to live on those worlds. Absently, he decided to check on Megan Delaney.

"Chakotay to Sickbay."

"Sickbay here."

"How is Ensign Delaney?"

"She is reverting to her normal appearance. I estimate that in seven hours she will be showing no effects of her experience. The devices effects are incompatible with humanoid physiology. The bodies of the four crewman are rejecting the changes."

"Excellent. And crewman Carver?"

"I estimate that he will take a little longer, perhaps fifteen hours for him to return to normal."

"And Ensign Kim?"

"Mr. Kim may expect to return to normal in a week."

"A week?"


"Why so long for Mr. Kim?"

"Perhaps because he was the only member of the team that was in physical contact with the obelisk."

Chakotay chewed on that. A week of an uninhibited Harry. The ship wasn't ready for that. He could imagine the shock if people had a hint of what Harry was like in his quarters. "Thank you, Doctor."

"Probe two returning, Commander," Torres said.

Chakotay turned his attention to data that was coming in. The Captain had already taken her seat before he had noticed her return.

"Probes two and three have just returned, Captain," he said as he looked up. Janeway was giving him a strange look. "Is there something wrong, Captain?"

"I'm just recovering from meeting Harry 'Alpha Male' Kim. Our Mr. Kim would be appalled."

"I'm sure it would be asking too much for him not to remember this."


The two officers turned their attention to studying the probes' data. By the end of shift, it was established that the third probe had been to their chosen destination. The plant was class M, with extensive food stuffs and several needed raw materials. The planet's colonies were limited to its northern continent, far away from where the away teams would be beamed to. The technology level was equivalent to early 21st century on Earth, and Voyager could easily hide itself from detection with its shields.

The best feature of the planet was that the jump would take them 1124 light-years closer to home.

Voyager entered the wormhole.

Chakotay watched the star field change; that was the only indication that they had completed a year's worth of traveling in just forty seconds.

"Computer, are all ship's crew present and accounted for?" he asked.

"Affirmative," the computer responded.

"You, too?" the Captain asked.

"It just couldn't be that easy," he responded.

"Why don't you go see about Harry? I can easily handle this without you," she suggested.

"Thanks, Captain." Chakotay left the bridge. He called the computer, which located Harry as being just outside Chakotay's quarters. He headed that way.

Chakotay spotted Harry in the corridor. He was practically pressing his body into Ensign Sheila Petrie.

"It's called 'the sweet spot'. It's located just on the underside of the curve of your lush, full ass," Harry said.

"The sweet spot?" she asked.

"Yes, I would put your across my knees, nude of course."

"Of course," she said with a smile.

"Then I would spank you until your cheeks started to warm and your pussy was starting to drip."

Ensign Petrie sighed. "And then what?"

"Ensign Petrie, aren't you about to be late for shift change?" Chakotay asked as he walked up to them.

"On my way, Sir," Ensign Petrie replied. She gave Harry one last look before heading down the corridor.

Chakotay grabbed Harry's arm and turned the younger man to face him. "Harry, I know you weren't planning on spanking Ensign Petrie."

"If the opportunity arose, I wasn't going to pass it up." Harry smiled. "But now that you're here." Harry kissed Chakotay. "Take me inside," he whispered. Chakotay started to protest, but it was cut off by Harry's second and much more powerful kiss. "Now," Harry commanded.

Chakotay went into his quarters with an odd mixture of excitement and fear battling in his stomach. This was Harry... but it wasn't.

Suddenly, the world titled. Harry had picked him up, and flung him across his shoulders like a sack of grain. He was unceremoniously dumped on the bed.

"Harry, take it easy."

"You have two choices-- take off your uniform or have me rip it off.

Chakotay looked into the other man's eyes and saw no humor there, only lust. Harry had stripped and lubricated his rampant hard on before Chakotay had finished undressing.

"Reach back and grasp the bars," Harry commanded.

Chakotay grabbed the bars of the headboard. He would not be allowed the use of his hands as Harry had his way with him. "Harry?"

"Yes, my love?"

"No restraints."

Harry stroked the wrists of his lover. "Are you denying me?"

"Burglar." It was his safe word. If Harry didn't respond, then Chakotay would have him sedated.

Harry smiled, and Chakotay was able to breathe again. "No restraints. No punishments. Nothing but pleasure for my love." Harry sucked the side of Chakotay's neck, and eased a lubricated finger into him.

Chakotay tensed, then relaxed. Harry slid down the other man's body, stopping to lick and nip on his way. Chakotay moaned as his cock was sucked into his lover's mouth.

"Oh, Harry," Chakotay hissed as he felt the younger man's nose brushing his pubic hair.

Harry went to his quarters to shower in order to avoid waking Chakotay. He had been such a little trooper; doing his best to wear Harry out. But the older man had fallen asleep, and now Harry was on the hunt.

He prowled his way through the halls, stopping before the doors of his chosen prey; one Thomas Eugene Paris. Tom answered the door so quickly that Harry knew that the other man had been waiting for him.

Harry walked past Tom and placed the items he had brought with him in the other man's hands. "Hello, Tom. I told you that I would come to see you tonight."

"I was beginning to wonder if you were going to make it."

Harry brushed Tom's chin with his fingers. "I always keep my word. You know that, Tom." Harry tilted his head, and pressed his lips against Tom's. The other man tensed and then responded to Harry's kiss.

Harry pulled back and admired the beautiful man in his arms. Without another word, he led the taller man back to the bed. Tom placed the oil, lube, and hairbrush on the bedside table.

Tom was wearing a short dark green robe, with nothing on underneath. Harry pulled it off, and admired Tom's long lean body.

"Luscious," Harry said as he planted a kiss on Tom's left nipple.

"Is it over with you and Chakotay?"


Tom rolled away from Harry. "Harry, are you nuts? Chakotay will kill me. He dislikes me enough already. The last thing he would forgive is you cheating with *me*."

Harry snagged Tom and drew him back underneath him. He ran his hands down the sides of the taller man's body. "Chakotay doesn't dislike you, Tom. Quite the contrary, in fact. He thinks you're very sexy. He fantasizes about you." Harry kissed his way down Tom's stomach. "He would love for you to give him a really hard, fast fucking."


"Oh, yeah. He likes it a little rough. Would you be up to the challenge? Wouldn't you like to see him on his hands and knees? Maybe looking over his shoulder and giving you his best pleading look?" Harry hand stroked Tom's cock to hardness.

"Harry, Harry. Oh, that feels so good," Tom moaned.

"It's just the beginning." Harry sucked the leaking tip of Tom's cock into his mouth, and savored the salty taste of the other man's precum.

Tom suddenly grabbed Harry's hair and nearly removed a fistful as he tried to guide the younger man's mouth.

"Killing me," Tom panted.

Harry grabbed Tom's wrists and squeezed until the other man let go of his hair. With the other man's hands under control, Harry took more of Tom's cock into his mouth. Tom tried to control the pace by rocking his hips.

"Please, please," Tom begged.

Harry teased the opening to Tom's ass with his wet finger. Tom screamed and came in Harry's throat. Harry kissed his way up Tom's trembling body.

"That was very sexy." Harry kissed Tom tenderly, waiting for the trembling to end. "You are very sensitive, anally. Have you ever been fucked?"

"Yes," Tom whispered. "I've done it all, but I haven't always enjoyed it."

"Were they too rough?"

"Yes," Tom answered, his voice still quiet.

"Then I will be very gentle. You'll tell me when you want more."

Harry retrieved the oil, and massaged the other man until he was a human puddle. After coaxing him to his side, Harry was able to easily enter his friend. Once he was inside Tom, he held very still, letting Tom become accustomed to his large cock. When the other man began to squirm, Harry responded by teasing his nipples.

Harry began pumping Tom in earnest now. Tom was pushing back, whipping his head side to side, and chanting Harry's name. Tom came, hard.

"HARRY!" Tom clawed at the covers to the bed and then slumped.

Harry eased out of his lover and rolled him onto his back.

"Lover, that was a joy to hear. But now I want to watch you take my cock." Harry placed Tom's legs over his shoulders and pushed back into the taller man. "Oh, yeah. My lover, my mate," Harry moaned. "You're mine now."

Tom threw his head back and shivered. Harry continued to gently pump the other man, letting Tom dictate when he was ready for more. Soon they had reached the level of madness. Harry had to grab the mattress, lest he break the other man's shoulders from grabbing them too hard.

"Fuck me, Baby. Fuck me hard. Powder my bones. Jeez, I'm going insane for that cock." Tom thrust frantically.

Harry closed his eyes as his seed was torn from him and deposited in the hot ass of Tom. "TOM!!!!" Harry quickly rolled to the side, so that he wouldn't crush the lighter man. "Oh, Baby. That was wonderful. My Tom, my love," he whispered.

Tom awoke sticky, sore, smiling, and alone. It could have been a dream, but the evidence was overwhelming that it wasn't. Harry must have had a lot of practice in leaving marks that a uniform would cover. Once he was dressed, there were no outward signs that Harry had worked him over during the night. It had been the most intense, incredible, 'insert words of awe here' sexual experience he had ever had. He should have made Harry leave, but the man had turned him into a quivering spineless wonder.

He walked to the mess, made small talk with Torres, and wondered if there was a 'I slept with Harry' sign on his back. The stupid smile would not go away, no matter what he threatened it with.

"You must have slept well," B'Elanna quipped.

"Why do you say that?"

"You're smiling."

"I always smile. It's part of my charm."


Tom had made his escape fairly soon after that. He spent a few minutes in the corridor composing himself before going onto the bridge

Commander Chakotay was already there, smiling at Harry like they were still "secret" lovers. Well, Tom had his own secret now. He had tasted Harry, and he wanted more.

"Welcome back to the bridge, Harry," he called.

"Did you miss me?" Harry asked.

"Like an arm," he responded. Tom studiously avoided looking Chakotay in the eye. He made his way to the helm and relieved Ensign Richardson.

Captain Janeway entered the bridge from her ready room and seemed surprised to find Harry Kim at his station. "Harry? I thought that you might be taking the next few days off due to your medical condition."

Harry smiled. "The Commander was kind enough to stay with me last night and help *alleviate* some of the effects. I'm feeling much more myself today."

"I'm glad to hear that," she said as she made her way to her chair.

Tom had turned back to watch this exchange. There nothing about Harry that suggested the imaginative, torrid lover that had captured his soul last night. Just as he was turning back to his console, Harry grabbed Chakotay's ass. The Commander nearly jumped out of his uniform. Harry smiled sweetly. The Commander blushed to the roots of his hair, and, hastily, made his way to his chair.

Tom turned back to his console, disgusted. Absently, he reviewed the surface photos of the planet, ostensively looking for emergency landing spots. He was doing his job.

When the screen showed a dramatic plateau surrounded on three sides by black faced mountains, Harry moaned.

"Harry?" Chakotay inquired.

"That's where I need to go. I need to go home." Harry stared at the screen.

Chakotay rushed to Harry's side. "Harry, your home is here on the ship," he said in a soft voice.

"No, it's calling me. Can't you hear it?" Harry's voice started to rise.

Chakotay grabbed the younger man by the arms. "No, Harry. You belong here, and you belong to me."

Tom felt the bile rise in his throat. Chakotay only thought that Harry belong to him. Harry was Tom's now, and he wasn't going to give him back.

Harry broke free of Chakotay, sending him over the console. The security officers were then stunned by Harry's phaser. Tuvok phasered Harry, only to have the younger man jump him. Tom rose, increased the setting on his phaser, and stunned Harry.

Harry was immediately beamed to Sickbay. Tom sat back at his chair, numb. He knew he hadn't hurt Harry, not really, but it still felt awful to shoot him.

Chakotay came over and put his hand on Tom's shoulder. "He'll be all right," the Commander assured him. "He'll be fine."

Tom wondered who Chakotay was trying to convince.

Harry knew he was a fool for letting his true feelings show on the bridge. What was he thinking? Now he had to lay here and pretend to still be sedated. He made a mental list: kiss Chakotay on the bruise he must have gotten when Harry pushed him over the console, brush up on his Vulcan physiology because hitting Tuvok in the stomach had not been getting him anywhere, and spank Tom for shooting him. He knew he really shouldn't blame Tom for doing his duty, but the thought of having that pale ass of Tom's at his mercy made him smile. At least, inwardly.

Kes walked by and noted his readings. He kept his breathing steady and waited for her to move on. Two hours passed while he kept perfectly still. It wasn't Kes that he worried about, it was the doctor. There was little he could do against a hologram. Finally, the Doctor left to go to the holodeck.

Harry rose silently, snagged the hypospray they had used on him, and sedated Kes before she could call out. Outside the door, he took down the two person security detail. After pulling them inside, Harry replicated a few things that he would need, and left the Sickbay.

The corridors were heavily trafficked, but no one seemed surprised to see him walking around. In transporter room 3 there was a mineral gathering team returning and a food gathering team ready to leave. Harry slipped in with them. Seconds later he was on the surface without anyone being the wiser.

He knew that there were shelters inside the mountain face. Secluded places where he could bring his two men together. Far away from the ship, he would work his sexual magic on the two of them, and they would be his body and soul.

Tom walked into Sickbay to find the two security officers and Kes decorating the biobeds, and the doctor nowhere in sight. "Computer, location of Ensign Harry Kim?"

"Ensign Kim is not aboard Voyager."

Tom began scanning the unconscious crew members. "When did he leave and where did he go?"

"Ensign Kim beamed to the surface at 1120 hours."

"Paris to Captain Janeway."

"Janeway here."

"Captain, Harry has left the ship. He managed to sedate both security officers as well as Kes. Permission to organize a search team."

"Permission granted."

Tom summoned the EMH back to Sickbay and headed to the nearest transporter. Chakotay was waiting.

"Commander, I was hoping to ..."

"Go without me?"

Well, frankly, yes. "I thought that after the incident this morning that you might..."

"Blame Harry?"

"A little."

"Then you don't know me at all."

"No, I don't."

The two men transported down to the surface. Food gathering parties were well spread out over the area. Jergens reported seeing Harry headed toward the west. Paris and Chakotay started after their lover.

There was a pain traveling up Tom's side, and he was becoming short of breath. The gravity here was 1.5 times Earth normal and the journey had been mostly uphill. The Commander was also feeling the effects, but his determination wouldn't let him slow down. Tom was just about to admit to human weakness when a large beast came tearing out of the bushes toward them.

Tom and Chakotay fired simultaneously, but the beast was not even stunned. They backed away, adjusted their phasers and fired again. It seemed to feel the effects but continued its advance. Tom scrambled up the nearest tree and reached down to help the bigger man up onto his branch.

The creature was vaguely cat-like with eight-inch fangs, six legs, and razor sharp claws that were currently tearing away the bark from the base of their refuge.

"Chakotay to Voyager." Their was a brief static laden response and then silence. Chakotay repeated his call, again with no response.

"Wonderful. Here we sit while the cat from Hell decides how he wants us served," Tom quipped. Suddenly, a horrible thought crossed his mind. "You don't think that he got Harry?"

Chakotay turned to him with fierce eyes. "I'd kill it and wear its fur."

"I'd help you," Tom replied. He opened up his tricorder and saw that it was dead. No lights. No functions at all. "This is not working. Do you think that there some sort of dampening field around here?"

"I think that it's that cat. It seemed to absorb our phaser blasts rather than being harmed by them. Look at it's eyes. They're glowing much brighter now." He checked his phaser. "The power level is steadily dropping. Maybe the cat is the reason that no colonies exist around the original landing sight."

Tom didn't like the sound of that. "How long do you think they'll wait before they come looking for us?"

"Several hours. We were supposed to be on the rescue mission."

"The irony of this situation is not lost on me."

Chakotay actually laughed. He had a good laugh and a beautiful smile. Tom smiled back.

Harry had said that Chakotay fantasized about him. Well, it just wasn't the place to bring it up. Hopefully, they wouldn't be forced to make small talk for any length of time.

Tom got his wish.

He saw the long grass on the edge of the trees start to sway, then it parted forming a tunnel. When he and Chakotay had been making their way across that area, the grass had been about half a meter over his head.

"Commander. Something's coming out of the grass field. Moving very fast." Tom indicated the swiftly moving whatever.

"Rescuer or competitor?" Chakotay mumbled.

Tom didn't get a chance to make his devastatingly sarcastic remark-- Harry emerged from the tall grass. Tom shouted out a warning to him. "Run, Harry."

"Save yourself, Harry," Chakotay shouted.

It was no use. Harry continued his approach. He was armed with a long spear, which he brandished at the large beast.

Cat and man circled each other. The cat lunged and impaled itself on Harry's swiftly raised spear. Harry pulled his long knife out of his side belt and slit the still struggling cat's throat.

"You can come down, now," Harry announced to the astonished men. "It's okay," he continued in a soothing tone. "Come down to me."

Tom slid down the trunk of the tree to find himself being steadied in his effort by Harry. When he reached the ground, Harry pulled him for a lip crushing kiss and an ass squeezing that had surely left him bruised.

Chakotay jumped down. Tom could feel the bigger man's presence scant inches from his side. Had Harry just made his choice? Was he declaring that Tom was his and he was Tom's? Tom hoped, dreamed so.

"Harry!" Chakotay shouted.

Harry broke from the kiss, smiled and then grabbed the older man for a kiss with the equal amount of passion he had shown Tom.

"We have very little time to get to the shelter. Soon this place will be crawling with these animals, and they're hard to kill. They absorb energy from our weapons. I've already warned the rest of the away teams. They were beaming up when I left to find you." Harry brushed each man's lips with his fingers. "I had to come for my mates." Harry led the way to the black granite mountainside.

Tom and Chakotay stared after him for a moment, then a wild cry broke the silence. They followed as quickly as they could.

Harry led the group into the hidden shelter. "In here. You'll be safe." While the two men's eyes adjusted to the darkness, Harry cuffed each of the men's wrists. He had no trouble seeing in the near darkness.

"Harry, what the Hell do you think you're doing?" Chakotay sputtered.

Harry turned on the lights. The shelter and their situation was now fully illuminated. The shelter had a bed, two chairs, a table, a sink, and a toilet. The two men were cuffed and facing each other. Harry took hold of the ropes that lifted their arms over their heads and pulled them taunt.

"I think that I'm claiming the two of you," Harry said with a smile.

"Harry, release us immediately. That's an order," Chakotay said as he tested the strength of the cuffs.

"An order? How... precious," Harry purred. He knew the response that his husky tones would have on Chakotay. He stepped behind the older man and pulled his trousers down to his ankles. Harry ran his hands over the exposed flesh of Chakotay's firm ass. "Your body says one thing, and your mouth says another." Harry rubbed himself against the other man. "You should ask Tom about the folly of lying to me about what you want."

Tom blushed a deep crimson.

"Tom?" Chakotay asked. "What have you been doing?" "I went to Tom last night, after I left you. He was an absolutely fabulous fuck. I'm glad that I chose him to join us."

"Harry, I can't believe you!" Chakotay struggled uselessly against his bonds. Harry tightened the ropes secured to the two men until their toes were just barely touching the floor.

"Believe it. You should see the way his entire body becomes an erogenous zone when you're making love to him." Harry walked up behind Tom and pulled his trousers down. He lifted and stroked the taller man's cock. "Look at it, Chakotay." Harry waited until Chakotay looked at Tom's exposed genitals. "So long. So slender. So tasty. The perfect cock for him to have... and now it's all ours."

"I may have something to say about that," Tom said.

Harry bent forward and took half of Tom's length into his mouth. Tom moaned

"You were saying?" Harry asked after he pulled back.

"Harry," Tom gasped. "Don't do this."

"I'll make a deal with you, my pretty Tom. If you can lose this erection, with Chakotay less than an inch from you, within one minute, then I'll let you go."

Tom closed his eyes and appeared to be concentrating on something. Probably something cold, metallic, and painful. Harry smiled.

He went back to stand behind Chakotay. The older's man face was a study in barely contained rage. Harry pulled the other man's head down and sucked that full lower lip, and released it after the other man's tongue had begun to seek his own. "Chakotay, my love. You have never been more beautiful to me. It is a shame that Tom will never know the ecstasy of being inside your powerful ass. He'll never know what it is to give you the hard pounding that you love."

Harry bit and sucked Chakotay's throat. While the older man fought his desire to cry out, Harry pulled his cock from his trousers and lubricated it. When his lover moaned his name, Harry pushed his cock into Chakotay.

"HARRY!" Chakotay shouted and bucked back.

Harry next thrust pushed Chakotay into Tom. Their erections brushed.

"Tom, you can't believe how wonderful this feels. My Chakotay is such a strong man and being in his ass is an incredible experience." Harry began to pump harder into his lover. "Listen to those moans. You could be making him do that. Can't you just hear him calling your name?" Harry bit Chakotay's back between his shoulder blades. "Chakotay, tell Tom that you want to suck him while he's sitting in the pilot's chair."

Tom's eyes flew open. "What?" Tom asked.

"Harry, please," Chakotay begged. "That was between us."

Harry looked past the man he was fucking to the man he wanted to keep. He reached around and began stroking Chakotay's cock. He was pleased that Tom's erection showed no signs of leaving. In fact, he seemed to be getting harder.

"We're all friends here. I'll confess, too. My fantasy was that Chakotay forced me to deep throat you while he fucked me."

Tom moaned deep in his chest. "Don't do this, Harry. This isn't you talking."

"Oh, but it is. I've never been more myself." Harry grabbed Chakotay's shoulders and pounded into him until the older man was screaming. Every push Harry made, brought the other two men's cock into contact.

"Harry! Harry! HARRY!" Chakotay shot his semen onto Tom's cock. Tom hissed as if he was being burned by Chakotay's cum.

"Wasn't that beautiful, Tom?" Harry asked.

"Yes," Tom responded quietly.

"You're still erect, Tom. That means you want to be here with us, and in us. Doesn't it?"

Tom looked at Chakotay's face, and their eyes locked. The blue of the sky met the moonless night of black. Harry could see the desire so plainly written on Tom's expressive face. Tom closed his eyes, and lowered his head. "Yes," he said in a barely audible whisper.

Harry slipped out Chakotay's ass, eliciting a moan from the older man. Harry retrieved a cloth and basin and cleaned Chakotay's ass. He washed the cloth and cleaned the men's stomachs and cocks.

"Truth may be it's own reward, but I want to reward you also. You've pleased me, Tom, and I intend to please you." Harry lowered the taller man to the floor and released the ropes holding his cuffs. "I know how your mind works, so let me save you a little trouble. You can not overpower me. Those cats would eat you and fight over the shiny bits of your uniform before you got five meters from this shelter." Harry smiled and stroked Tom's erection. "Besides, an erection that big must be seriously cutting down on the amount of blood available to your brain."

Harry removed the cuffs from the wrists of the taller man.

"Harry, as much as I want this..."

Harry pulled Tom in for a kiss. "Sshhh, Sweet One." Harry licked the other man's neck. "You want this, I want this, and Chakotay wants this. It just took an alien machine to make us admit it. Sooner or later, it would have exploded in our faces." Harry kissed his way down to Tom's cock. "One day, Chakotay would have crawled over to your station, and took your cock into his mouth. Just like this." Harry demonstrated by licking the underside of the other man's cock.

"Oh Gawd, oh Harry," Tom panted.

"Would you want him to lick you like this? Would you like to watch your cock disappear into his throat?"

"Yes, yes," Tom moaned.

Harry began stroking the base of Tom's cock. "Chakotay, don't you want to taste this fabulous cock? It's so good. It makes me want to rub my entire body with it."

"Harry, please," Chakotay begged.

"Yes or no, Baby. Do you want to taste this cock?"

"Yes," Chakotay responded.

Harry gave Tom's cock a kiss, and then rose to release Chakotay from his bonds. "On your knees, my love," Harry ordered.

Chakotay complied. He sucked Tom's cock into his mouth as if he had never sucked a cock before. The older man was tentative, almost teasing with his attention.

"More, Chakotay. I need more," Tom moaned.

"Don't embarrass me, Chakotay. I told Tom that you gave the best blowjob in the galaxy. You've said you wanted to taste Tom... now prove it."

Chakotay sucked the entire length of Tom's cock into his throat. The young Lieutenant threw back his head and chanted. "Yeah, yeah, yeah."

Harry cleaned himself, lubricated his cock, and walked up behind Tom. "The two of you look so good together. Chakotay, stop what you're doing."

Chakotay groaned. "Harry," Chakotay complained. "He was getting close."

"I know, but I want both of us to take him to the next level. Move over to the bed." Harry placed his hand on Tom's shoulder and guided the taller man to the bed and Chakotay. "Now you." Harry arranged the two men so that they could suck each other. He slipped into the tight ass of Tom.

Tom was on overload. Harry was making tender love to him, and Chakotay was worshiping his cock. It was almost too much, and he didn't want it to end. Harry's tongue was licking the outer rim of his ear, Chakotay's hot and talented mouth was on his cock, and Chakotay's thick cock was bumping the back of Tom's throat.

There were so many hands on his body that he couldn't track them, and he no longer cared who they belonged to. His body was renewed, and his soul was in flight. Chakotay suddenly groaned around his cock, a most interesting sensation, and spurted hot and salty into his mouth.

Chakotay had cum in Tom's mouth. Just three days ago, he could have never imagined such a thing. He could have never imagined how much it excited him. He suck the last of the semen from the crown of the older man's cock and then rested his cheek again it.

The Commander deep throated Tom.

Tom screamed. "Chakotay, oh GAWD!" He jerked in an orgasm that started at his toes and nearly blew the top of his head off. He had sparkles in his eyes, and he may have deafened himself.

Harry suddenly gripped his upper arms and came in his ass.

"Tom, Tom!!!" Harry gasped.

Tom sagged between the two powerful men. What would happen now? Tom closed his eyes and waited for the explosion from the Commander.

The first touch was so slight that he nearly missed it. Chakotay was stroking the hairs on Tom's legs. Using just his fingers, the older man traced delicate patterns into Tom's flesh.

"Are you okay?" Tom asked Chakotay.

"Yes," the older man answered. "More than okay," he continued. Chakotay turned on the bed and came up nose-to-nose with Tom. "I've wanted you so very long. I was afraid that it wouldn't be as good as the fantasy... It was better." They kissed. Their first kiss. Tom clutched two handfuls of Chakotay's thick black hair, and deepened the kiss. They did not part when Harry eased out of Tom's ass. They did not part when the younger man left the bed. They did not part when he returned.

"Roll over onto your stomach," Harry said as he placed the basin he was carrying on the small table beside the bed. Tom broke his kiss with Chakotay and rolled onto his stomach. Chakotay draped his arm around Tom's waist and placed a kiss to his flushed throat. Delicately, Harry cleaned Tom's bottom. "That was an incredible experience," Harry said. "I knew it would be."

His two men were still staring into each other's eyes. Too spent to make a response. Harry covered them with blankets and climbed back into the bed to snuggle behind Tom.

Harry's throat was as dry as Vulcan. His eyes were burning, and he had a low humming in his ears. He sat up.

"Welcome back, Mr. Kim," the Doctor intoned.

"What happened?" he asked as he looked around the Sickbay.

"Commander Chakotay and Lt. Paris brought you up from the planet's surface, after they stunned you."

Harry shuddered. He did NOT do all those things. He just couldn't have. He would have never have done all those things. He had CONTROL. He had DISCIPLINE. He was NOT a slave to his hormones. Calming himself, Harry addressed the Doctor. "It was all a dream or some sort of hallucination then?"

"I'm not sure what you're asking."

"I found an alien obelisk, and I was caught in a beam..." Harry prompted.

"You were brought back to Sickbay. Voyager passed through a wormhole. You went to the surface of the new planet, where the Commander and Lt. Paris found you and brought you back to the ship."

Harry groaned. It had not been a dream. He had broken his vow to Chakotay and used his best friend like a living sex toy. How could he ever look his love in the eye again? Or Tom? Or the Captain? Or Ensign Petrie? Or anyone else on the ship? Where could he hide for the next seventy years?

"You're free to return to your quarters. The Captain has placed you on medical leave for the next two days. After that, you should be completely free of the effects of the Transformer."

Harry mumbled his thanks and slunk back to his quarters. When he arrived, he expected to see that all the things that Chakotay had given him would be gone. They were not. In fact, leaning against the wall beside the bed was the spear he had killed the beast with when he had rescued his mates.

Mates? Even now he still thought of them that way. He had killed for them, taken territory.... Harry pulled back from those thoughts. The effects of the obelisk had not totally left him. The savage call that should have been alien to him still whispered in his ear. If Tom or Chakotay were here, he would still want to claim them in some brutal, lust crazed way. God help him.

Harry showered and put on his favorite silk pajamas. He hadn't been sleeping in anything for a long while; Chakotay liked him naked when they were in bed. But he would be sleeping alone from now on. Tom would never forgive him, and Chakotay was a man to whom trust was everything. Harry had betrayed that trust, again and again. He curled up and tried to sleep.

Harry woke up with a start when he felt a hand close over his mouth.

"Don't bother to call out or to fight," Chakotay's voice hissed into his ear. "I've come to punish you, my faithless lover."

Harry didn't fight. He knew that he could still overpower Chakotay, but the fight had left him with the word "faithless". He was willing-- no make that eager-- to take any punishment that Chakotay thought that he deserved.

"Computer, lights," Tom said as he walked over to the bed.

Harry looked back and forth between the two men. Whatever they planned he would take. They hauled him out of his bed and barely let him get to his feet as he was taken to the chair that was now faced the bed. He was pushed into the chair, nearly tipping it backwards as he landed in it.

Tom grabbed his wrists and bound them behind his back. Chakotay roughly split his legs apart and bound them to the chair's legs.

"Should I gag him?" Tom asked Chakotay.

"No, his moans are the best part," Chakotay responded. He finished securing Harry to the chair. "Harry, you have been a *bad* boy. You have been accused of seducing one Tom Paris. How do you plead?"

"Guilty," Harry responded in a calm, clear voice.

"You have been accused of betraying a sacred trust with your lover, to wit, the sharing of secret fantasies with the object of those fantasies. How do you plead?" Chakotay asked.

"Guilty," Harry said after taking a cleansing breath.

"Do you wish to throw yourself on the mercy of the court or offer any extenuating circumstances?"

"No," Harry said as he held the gaze of Chakotay.

"Tom, do you wish to plea for mercy in the punishment that shall be meted out to the accused?"

"He was under the influence of an alien device," Tom offered.

Chakotay smiled. "If Star Fleet let that be an excuse, we would never get anything done."

Tom turned away from Harry to hide his smile. "True.... no mercy for the accused."

"Harry, you have been found guilty, and your punishment will be to watch what your actions have led to." Chakotay lifted Harry's chin. "May the Spirits have mercy on your soul."

"Chakotay, I..." Harry began.

"Say nothing."

Chakotay led Tom to the bed, where they undressed each other. They were tender with each other as their clothes fell away and their flesh was exposed. Harry felt his cock harden and push against the silk of his pajamas.

Face-to-face, they kissed and rubbed their cocks together.

"I love the feel of your body against mine," Chakotay moaned.

Tom straddled the shorter man and kissed his way down to the muscular chest in front of him. "Thank you... Chakotay, I want you."

"I'm here."

"No, I want to be in you. I want to feel you hot and wet around me. I want cum in you. I want to hear you moan my name."

"Yeah," Harry panted. "Take him."

Chakotay pulled the taller man up to face him. They kissed. Chakotay pulled his knees up to his chest. "I've already prepared the way. It's a little trick that Harry taught me. You feel so sexy when you walking down the hall. You want to tell everyone you pass that you've lubricated yourself so that your lover can pounce you the moment that you come into their quarters." Chakotay shuddered when Tom slipped a single finger into his ass. "Take me, Tom. I'm all yours."

Harry moaned as he watched Tom slide into Chakotay in one stroke.

"Oh, yeah. Gawd, Chakotay." Tom gripped Chakotay's thighs and began to pump into the older man.

"Harder... I won't break."

Tom pumped harder. "Like this?"

"Fuck him!" Harry called.

"More... harder. Bear down, Baby. I can take a lot. Harry's trained me to please a real man like you."

Tom needed no further encouragement. The mattress groaned under them. Tom keened as he came and collapsed on top of the other man. "I think I need medical attention," Tom moaned.

Harry struggled against his bonds. "Please, please, please," he plead.

Chakotay chuckled. "You certainly will when I finish with you." Chakotay disengaged from Tom and rolled the taller man on to his side.

"Chakotay, I... I can't take a ..." Tom sputtered.

"Sshh, it's okay. Slow, easy, and tender. I want to savor you like the rare wine that you are."

"You say the sweetest things, Big Man."

Chakotay licked his way down the other man's back, and placed a kiss on each rounded cheek. "It's easy to say sweet things when you're in bed with your fantasy. You're my fantasy made real." Chakotay retrieved lubricant and readied himself. "Did you know that? Did you know that I wanted to become part of you? I wanted to look down and see our bodies connected." Chakotay eased into Tom.

As gently as he could, Chakotay stroked into the younger man. Tom sighed and pushed back to meet his hips.

Harry nearly tipped over his chair as he tried to break free. The cords bit into his flesh but would not release him.

"So good," Tom moaned.

Chakotay nuzzled the other man's neck and placed gentle kisses at the point where his neck and shoulder met. Tom tilted his head further to the right and exposed his neck to Chakotay's attention.

"Do you like that?"

"You know I do. You driving me mad."

"Good." Chakotay began stroking Tom's stomach with his fingertips.

Tom giggled. "Tickles." Chakotay tried the same motion again, using his palms. "Ahh," Tom said as he pushed back into Chakotay. "Better."

Chakotay gently rocked into the younger man, while running his palms over Tom's stomach and sides.

"I wish I could have told you earlier, how beautiful I think you are. How much I wanted to touch your red-gold hair. We call that Dragon Gold hair. Very rare, like you."

"Oh, Gawd. Tell me that I'm not dreaming." Chakotay answered by thrusting deeply into Tom. "No, it's not a dream. Oooowwww. Who knew you had such passion for me."

Chakotay wrapped his arms around Tom's chest and drew him tightly against him. "I can't deny it when you're here in my arms. Not when your seed is still inside me."

Tom groaned, and began to thrust back into the shorter man. "Take me," he panted.

"Are you..."

"Take me!" They began to move as one, faster and faster, until Chakotay cried out. They lay still for a long time.

"Oh, Gawd!" Harry shouted.

"Please tell me that you want this again." Chakotay said as he eased out of the younger man.

For the first time since they had laid down on the bed, Tom looked over to the chair facing them. Harry was lying with his head back and a wet stain spreading across his crotch.

"Yes," Tom answered quietly. "If you want me."

Harry's head snapped back up.

Chakotay looked over at Harry, whose eyes were burning their image into his brain. He rolled Tom so that he was on top. "So cocky, so confident, so unsure, so fragile. So many conflicts bundled into one person." He kissed the taller man's eyes. "Makes me hungry for you," Chakotay growled.

Tom gaped at the Commander. "Again?"

"Not this very minute. But soon." Chakotay kissed Tom's lips. "Very soon," he promised.

Tom laughed. A deep throaty laugh. He fought a yawn as he snuggled against Chakotay. "When do we let him go?"

"The Doctor said that he should be back to normal in two days, but that might be a bit much. Even for someone with Harry's stamina." Chakotay looked over at Harry. "Are you ready for the second phase of your punishment?"

"Yes," Harry replied.

"Tom and I are going back to my quarters to sleep. You will stay here, alone. In three days, we will talk."

Chakotay untied Harry. His instincts still told him to hug and kiss this man, but Harry would never heal from what had happened if he weren't punished. He had to be shown how much Chakotay valued their relationship, and that meant that Harry's betrayal could not be brushed away. It had taken him a while to convince Tom that he was right about the punishment part.

Tom dressed and waited for Chakotay to finish dressing. Just before they headed out of the door, Chakotay pulled him in for a passionate kiss. "So you won't have to walk the corridors unkissed."

Tom blushed. "Goodnight, Harry," he finally managed to say.

Harry watched to two of them leave his quarters. "Goodnight," he said to the closed door.

It was a long three days. Rumors ran rampant about the orgies he tried to organize while he was under the influence of the alien device. On a small ship, juicy gossip was a valued commodity. Harry held his head high. It was all he could do. He couldn't go to his lover or his best friend. He was being ignored by them.

On the third day, Harry returned to duty. The Doctor gave him a clean bill of health. His body was sound, but his soul was in turmoil. Just seeing the back of Chakotay's head was like a knife in his gut. Chakotay was leaning over Tom, his hand on the younger man's shoulder. It was as intimate as it was public. Harry took his station without announcing himself.

The two men's faces were close, a simple leaning forward by either one would have brought their lips together. Harry remembered watching the two of them kiss. It was always about hunger-- they were hungry for each other. Even now, the heat coming from the two men was unmistakable. Harry had been replaced by Tom. It was no less than he deserved.

Their laughter mocked him as he read the status reports and reviewed the sensor logs. *Duty, Kim. It was all you had once; it's all you have now.*

"Good to have you back on the bridge, Harry," Chakotay said as he took his seat.

"Thank you, Sir," Harry replied.

The shift was lasting an eternity. Harry was on autopilot. He did his duty. *My duty is all that I am.* When he was relieved, he walked zombie-like to his quarters. He skipped his lunch break because he didn't want to watch the two of them laughing together. He didn't want to see the twinkling in Tom's eyes or the way that Chakotay kept touching him.

The turbolift doors had almost closed when Tom and Chakotay entered it. Harry looked up from the floor to see the dismissal he knew would be in their eyes. Without a word, the two men launched themselves on Harry. They were touching him, kissing him, and squeezing him tightly between them.

"We're going to fuck you raw, Harry," Chakotay announced.

Harry couldn't respond, every time he tried to open his mouth, a tongue found its way inside. The turbolift doors opened and the three men found themselves with an audience, Captain Janeway.

"Gentlemen, you all have quarters, I suggest that you make your way to one of them."

Hastily, Tom pulled up Harry's pants and Chakotay pulled down the younger man's tunic.

"On our way, Captain," Chakotay said as he steered Harry and Tom out of the lift.

It was only as the lift doors closed on the Captain's smiling face that they realized that they were on the wrong deck level.

Chakotay hastily summoned another lift. He kept a hand on Harry, lest he make a dash for it. "Don't try to run, Harry."

"Never," Harry replied. The lift opened, and the three men tumbled inside. Harry slid down the far wall with Tom on top of him. Chakotay tried to help them up, but ended up on the floor with them. The lift opened to their deck and B'Elanna.

"The three best looking men on the ship, and they're practically humping each other on the floor of the turbolift." She walked away while stifling a laugh.

"I think the secret is out," Tom said as he made it to his feet.

"Does that bother you?" Harry asked. Tom pushed Harry out of the lift and against the opposite wall. He burned his answer into Harry's lips. They broke from the kiss.

"Does that answer your question?"

Harry shifted his erection. "Definitely."

The three men finally made it to Chakotay's quarters. They settled on those quarters simply because they were the closest. Harry had barely made it through the doors when Tom yanked down his pants. Chakotay helped Tom throw Harry onto the bed.

"Easy," Harry complained.

Tom finished stripping Harry. He and Chakotay undressed each other with practiced ease. Harry watched with a stab of jealousy. Not for them being together, but for missing those first days of their courtship. For missing the early stumbles that make the later synchronicity so sweet.

He was interrupted from his musings by the two men pouncing him. He was rolled to his back, and his head placed beside Chakotay's cock. Tom split Harry's legs wide and began to lave the sensitive skin around his anus. It had taken a long time to get Chakotay to the point that he was comfortable doing that, but Tom was licking him eagerly.

Harry moaned and tangled his fingers into Tom's red-gold hair. "Tom, that's so good."

Chakotay slipped his cock into Harry's mouth. "Take's what I need," he said as he pumped into the younger man's mouth.

Harry squirmed as the tip of Tom's tongue pressed into him. Then it was removed. Harry could feel Tom move off the bed. Chakotay chuckled wickedly when Harry tried to move his head so that he could see what Tom was doing.

"Don't you get it yet, my dear Harry? This is stage three of your punishment. We will be having our way with you." Chakotay reached down and grabbed the younger man's wrists.

Tom returned to the bed. He dipped two fingers into the oil and inserted them into Harry. The younger man arched toward, not away from Tom's probing fingers. Tom added a third finger.

Harry rocked his hips to his own personal rhythm, hoping that his eagerness would inflame Tom. He didn't have to worry. Tom removed his fingers and replaced them with his cock almost simultaneously.

Harry removed his mouth from Chakotay's cock to keep from biting him when Tom plunged balls deep into him. "Arghhhh!" Harry shouted.

"Sorry, sorry," Tom apologized as he tried to pull out.

"No, don't move." Harry panted and tried to relax around Tom. "You just came in too fast. I'm not Chakotay."

Chakotay leaned over and whispered to Harry. "That may be the gentlest we will be tonight."

Harry shuddered.

Chakotay moved to the side of the two men so that both them could lick his cock. "Lick me, Tom. Lick me while you fuck Harry."

"Gawd, how does he stay so tight? It's like taking a virgin," Tom said as he started to pound Harry.

Harry locked his ankles behind Tom and hung on. Tom was fucking him at near warp speed. He tried stroking the taller man's back to calm him; Tom fucked him harder. He tried trailing his fingers along the other man's sides; Tom fucked him faster. Harry began to believe that the only way he was going to survive was to make Tom cum.

"Cum in me, Tom. I want to feel it. Mark with your seed," Harry moaned to his lover. Tom bit into Harry's shoulder and came.

Tom lay panting on Harry's chest. "Damn," he moaned before rolling off. Tom kissed Chakotay. "Your turn."

"Yes it is," Chakotay said as he rolled Harry to his side.

"Oh, Gawd," Harry groaned.

Chakotay eased into Harry's shivering body; slowly, tenderly, and lovingly. "I love you, Harry Kim, and I forgive you."

Harry reached up and grasped the bars of the headboard. "Don't forgive me yet, my Love. Fuck me so hard that I'll never stray again, no matter what has been done to me. Make me beg. Make me grovel."

Chakotay licked the rivulet of sweat that ran down Harry's neck. "With pleasure... my pleasure."

Harry screamed into the pillow as Chakotay thrust, full power, into him. He was lost, utterly lost. There was only his lover, his lover's cock, his lover's grunting and swearing sounds, and the agony-ecstasy of his surrender.

Tom lifted his face and kissed his eyelids. "It's okay, it'll be all right," Tom cooed to Harry.

Harry gasped as he felt Chakotay's final brutal thrusts. He collapsed on Harry, breathing heavily.

Tom pried Harry's fingers from the headboard and kissed each reddened one.

"Never...." Harry panted. "Never... hurt you... again."

"We know," Tom said as he lifted the covers over them.

"You're forgiven," Chakotay whispered.

Tom reached across Harry and grasped Chakotay's fingers. The two men gazed at each other, smiled, and then snuggled against Harry.
