Title: There Are More Things In Heaven And Earth...
Author: T'Lin
Series: TOS/CSI: Vegas
Characters: S/Mc, Gil/Jim/Greg, S/Greg
Rating: R
Summary: While performing routine exams on a remote research facility, Spock and McCoy encounter an unusual group of scientist who have a secret.
Scenario: Write an S/Mc wherein the themes of isolation and conformity are addressed.
A/N: Discussion on the list turned to the idea of crossovers...offering extra points for including vampires in the mix somehow, so...I came up with the idea of doing a crossover with CSI (Vegas), and my favorite triad - Gil/Jim/Greg (who are vampires in my alt-universe) using my lj csi_triads challenge word prompt #035-temptation.
My CSI Triads Chart - http://tlin-s.livejournal.com/9308.html
Written for Round 18 of the Spock/McCoy Haven Fest - all stories can be found at The Spock/McCoyote Den – http://spockmccoyote.tripod.com/
Disclaimer: I don't own them, I only take them out to play once in a while...I promise to return everyone to their rightful place when I am finished with them. No copyright infringement intended, nor any money made. Although the characters are not mine, this original work of fanfiction is; © T'Lin, 26 September, 2006.Innarrian VI. It was an unusual planet...slightly smaller than Earth, in an orbit a great deal farther away from its sun, making it much darker and colder than Earth...yet it boasted an unusually abundant array of life. Life that a small group of scientists had been studying for the past six months.
And as intriguing as the development of that life had been, under such unusual planetary conditions, McCoy was far more interested in discovering how the total lack of ultraviolet rays would affect the scientists, since it was known that light deprivation could cause depression in humans (most commonly known as "Seasonal Affective Disorder") ...and this planet seemed to be in a constant state of mid-winter darkness.
So while Spock collected the findings from the scientists, McCoy would be running medical tests on them. It was a job that, in reality, would only take a few hours, but Jim knew how much both Spock and McCoy wanted to study Innarrian VI...so he had sent them out in a shuttle, While he took the Enterprise to Starbase 172, for resupply. In five days, Enterprise would assume orbit around Innarrian VI, and retrieve them and their shuttle.
"Approaching the planet," Spock said, interrupting McCoy's reading of a favorite novel. He put his finger in the page of the antique book that Jim had loaned him, and looked out at the orb ahead of them. From this distance, its resemblance to Earth was uncanny...but as they approached, and the orb grew larger in their viewscreen, the color was off, and the land-to-water ratios proved to be completely different.
Spock had the coordinates to the scientists base of operation, and smoothly set the small craft down in a clearing set aside for just that purpose. McCoy gathered his medical bag, as Spock ran through his post-flight routine, shutting down all systems on the small shuttle. Within moments, they had donned their winter gear, and opened the hatch. As they were walking toward the main building of the small complex, a young man with spiky hair stepped out to greet them.
Unlike Spock and McCoy, he was dressed in nothing more than a typical jumpsuit that was worn as a cover-up in labs the universe over. "Greg Sanders...you must be Doctor McCoy," he said, offering his hand, then turned to Spock, adding, "and you must be Commander Spock." Introductions done, he gestured to the two to follow him, then continued, "Doctor Grissom asked me to show you to your quarters, to let you settle in...he's currently in the lab, checking the results of one of his experiments...it's rather time-sensitive, so he'll be with you as soon as he is done."
McCoy just looked at the young man, somewhat overwhelmed by his exuberance, while Spock said, "We quite understand. Please, lead the way."
"I hope you don't mind sharing quarters," Greg said, adding, "we didn't take visitors into account when we built this facility...I'm afraid we've converted almost every available space into testing facilities for the various types of flora and fauna. Gil...Doctor Grissom, that is...has one whole building," he said, pointing to one small shed-like building off to the left of the main compound, "dedicated to studying the bugs here. Not surprising, since he's first and foremost an entomologists..."
Greg stopped at a long building, and opened the door in the end of it. Before them was a long corridor, with several doors along both sides. "This is our dormitory," he explained, as he walked to the first door on his right, and opened it. "This is the room you'll be sharing. Once you're settled in, you can head over to the rec room, in the main building," and he pointed back to the large building their shuttle was parked beside. "If you go in that door, there, the rec room is the first door on the left." He paused for a moment, then turned to face McCoy, adding, "we have a small infirmary in the room on the other end of the hall...I understand you'll be giving us all physicals while you're here."
"Yes...simply routine. If you don't mind, I'd like to check out your facilities before I begin," McCoy said with a smile...there was something about this young man's enthusiasm and energy...added to his youthful appearance, McCoy found it hard to believe that he was an accomplished scientist, with dozens of papers published in various fields. But he had read the files on all of the people here - ten scientists, five technicians, and five people listed simply as 'support staff'. Doctor Grissom had hand picked this group, and it was an impressive one, to say the least.
"Of course," Greg said with a smile of his own, interrupting McCoy's thoughts. "When you're ready, just press the buzzer beside the door, and someone will come to let you in."
"Thank you," McCoy said, then watched as the young man left.
He turned to notice Spock staring after the young man, eyebrow raised. When he placed his hand on Spock's elbow to get his attention, he turned, and said, "Fascinating."
"Indeed," McCoy agreed, "hardly what I expected to find here...especially after six months living in this darkness."
"Although I find his enthusiasm and exuberance unexpected under these conditions, that was not what I was referring to," Spock said, shaking his head slightly, as if to clear it. After a moment, he continued, "there was something about him...an aura, if you will, that radiated from him in waves," and Spock paused once more, lifting his hand to touch his temple, as if he had a headache, "I could *almost* sense his thoughts, yet at the same time, I sensed that he was aware of my ability, and was trying desperately to shield his mind from me."
"Well, there's nothing in his records that indicates he's telepathic, or anything...but it may be a dormant trait," McCoy speculated, then continued with a smile, "perhaps he's learned to shield himself from this small group of people, possibly without even realizing what he's doing...then you come along," McCoy purrs, as he slides his hand up Spock's arm, and gently traces the outline of one delicate ear as he continues, "sexy as hell, whether or not you want to believe that...and get him all turned on and flustered. Hell, I've seen it happen often enough, and he's young...."
Spock grabs McCoy's hand away from his ear, smiling slightly as he says, "He is not all that young...or inexperienced, I should think. I have read his papers...and unless he started his work as a child..."
But McCoy interrupted Spock's words with a kiss. When he pulled away, he added, "Look, there's no point speculating. I'll concede that he is older than he looks, and we'll leave it at that. Perhaps when I examine him..."
"About that," Spock interrupted, no longer smiling, "I noticed a hesitation on his part, when he mentioned the infirmary, and the fact that you planned on giving the entire staff physicals."
"Yes, so did I," McCoy admitted, then continued, "but I had assumed it was the typical reaction to the idea of getting a physical...most sentient beings, of virtually all races, seem to have an innate aversion to the prospect," and with a wink, he added, "including you."
"Only because it is completely unnecessary, in my case, as I am fully aware of my physical being, and it's condition, at all times," Spock said deadpan...he knew how such a blatant statement effected his t'hy'la. When he could see that McCoy was about to reply, he silenced him with a kiss so deep and full of affection, he made Len forget everything else for just a few moments. When at last he pulled away, he turned to McCoy and said, "we have work to do."
"Yes, we do," McCoy agreed, reluctantly. "Come on, the quicker we get started, the quicker we'll be done...and then..." he trailed off, giving Spock a lascivious grin that he knew would get the Vulcan's attention.
Donning their parkas, they made their way across the compound, and into the main building, where they found a row of pegs where they could leave their coats. Spock went directly to the rec room, hoping to find some of the scientists, and begin his interviews. McCoy made his way to the other end of the building, and pressed the buzzer as Greg had instructed...after a minute or two, an older gentleman approached, and with a smile, extended his hand, saying, "I'm Jim Brass, chief cook and bottle washer around here. You must be Doctor McCoy...Greg said that you'd be stopping by to check out our medical facilities before you started your rounds."
"Nice to meet you, Mister Brass," McCoy said as he shook hands. "Yes, I simply want to familiarize myself with the layout of the place. The physicals are just routine...and I don't expect any problems while we're here...but I like to know the lay of the land, so to speak, whenever I find myself in unfamiliar territory."
"Makes sense, and please, call me Jim," he said, as he typed a code into the keypad on the door, then placed his palm on the touch plate beside it. "The four-digit code is unique to each individual...and Gil is the only one who can authorize new codes," Jim explained, adding, "as soon as he's finished with his experiment..."
McCoy smiled, saying, "I understand." and as the lights came up in the small infirmary, he gave a slight whistle, "very impressive," he said, as he looked around.
"Take your time, Doctor. I'll go and see what's keeping Gil, and we'll meet in the rec room when you're ready," Jim said as he once again opened the door, adding, "the door locks automatically when it closes."
"Thank you, I won't be too long," McCoy said, and watched as Jim left the infirmary. Like Greg, he seemed to be showing no signs of depression due to the lack of sunlight, and McCoy began to get suspicious...could they be on something that accounted for their exuberance? Or had Grissom found a group of people who had a natural immunity to SAD? Of course, he had only seen two of the twenty people here...Spock would say that statistically, they were not an aberration, but it did make McCoy wonder what he would find when he performed his physicals.
Thirty minutes later, Jim Brass and Gil Grissom entered the rec room, to find Spock deep in conversation with Greg. Upon their entrance, Greg smiled, and placed his hand on Spock's arm, as he said, "Forgive the interruption, Spock, but may I introduce the director of this facility, Doctor Gil Grissom, and Jim Brass."
Grissom had not offered to shake hands, but lifted his hand in a Vulcan salute, as he said, "Dif-tor heh smusma."
Spock stood, and returned the greeting, "Dif-tor heh smusma."
He then turned to face Jim Brass, as the older man said, "Nice to meet you, Commander. If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to ask...I'm kinda the 'support team' around here."
"Yes, I don't know what we'd do without Jim here to keep us from working ourselves to death," Grissom said with a smile, remembering all the times he had spent day and night working on a project, only to have Jim come in to remind him that he needed to rest, and take nourishment occasionally.
Spock understood all to well, as he replied, "I do believe that you and Doctor McCoy will have a great deal to talk about," Spock said, as he noted the look on Grissom's face, and continued, "I believe the phrase is 'comparing notes'."
"Yes, I believe they will," Grissom said, then continued, "speaking of the good Doctor, where is he?"
"I left him in the infirmary, so he could familiarize himself with the set-up before our physicals," Jim answered, then looked at his watch, "I'm surprised he hasn't returned by now...I mean, he seemed quite impressed with our facility, but I really didn't think it would take him long to check everything out."
"Doctor McCoy can be quite...single-minded himself at times," Spock admitted, as he tried to assure himself as well as everyone else, that there was a logical explanation to Leonard's delay in joining them in the rec room, "and just as capable of losing track of time, when he is occupied with a task that interests him." When he finished speaking, he opened the link between himself and McCoy, and frowned when there was no resonance...something was indeed wrong, but he did not know what.
"Can't we all," Greg said, sensing Spock's concern but, like Spock, trying to lighten the mood of the room. One lesson he had learned from Grissom that had stayed with him throughout his long life was that it was pointless to speculate. "Why don't we go in search of the good Doctor, and then," he looked at his watch, "dinner should be ready. It will give you and Doctor McCoy a chance to meet everyone in an informal setting."
"Good idea, Greg," Grissom said, then gestured for Spock to proceed him out the door, as he added, "after dinner, I'd be happy to give you and Doctor McCoy a tour of our facilities, Commander."
"Thank you, Doctor Grissom," Spock said, as he followed him to the infirmary, "I would like that very much."
"Please, call me Gil. I don't like to stand on ceremony around here," Grissom said with a smile.
"And you may call me Spock," he replied as they stopped in front of the infirmary door, and Grissom punched in his code, and placed his hand on the pressure pad beside it. When the door opened, they were surprised to note that it was dark in the infirmary. Grissom reached out to the touch-plate that turned on the lights, and as he did, Spock heard a soft moan come from within. "Leonard?" he asked softly, as the lights came up, and he looked around the room. it took only a fraction of a second for him to see the hand lying on the floor behind the exam table.
Spock pressed past Grissom, and around the table, and knelt down beside McCoy. There was no doubt in his mind that McCoy was alive, but he was weak...his pulse slow and thready...his breathing labored. Looking up, he noted that Grissom was speaking into an intercom, and Brass was methodically checking all the storage areas in the infirmary, looking for the person who obviously attacked McCoy.
"Our Doctor is on the way," Grissom said, as he knelt down beside Spock, a handful of gauze pressed to McCoy's neck to stop the bleeding. "Jim, secure the room; as soon as the doc arrives, I want you to go to the security room, and check the logs. I want to know who did this, ASAP."
"Sure thing, Gris," Jim said, as he looked into the last of the storage cabinets, then added, "the room is secure. Whoever did this isn't hiding in here anywhere."
Grissom was about to answer, but Spock's mumbled words caught his attention, and he asked, instead, "How should you have known there was a problem? I thought Vulcans were touch-telepaths."
Spock was surprised that Grissom had heard his words, and did not look up, as he replied, "We are, but McCoy and I are," and he hesitated.
Before he finished his statement, however, the door opened, and a young man, obviously the Doctor, came in and knelt beside McCoy as Grissom deftly moved out of the way. "Get a backboard for me, Gil," he said, as he examined McCoy with his hands.
Spock had taken over in applying pressure to the neck wound, and as Grissom returned with the back board, he said, "I do not believe there are any broken bones," then amended his statement, "at least, he is not in any apparent pain."
"I'd rather be safe than sorry, in cases such as this," the doctor said, as he carefully slid the board under McCoy, and when he was satisfied, he continued, "Gil, Greg...if you could give us a hand? That's right, one on each corner...keep the pressure on the neck, if you would," and when everyone was in place, he said, "on the count of three, lift. One...two...three."
And in unison, McCoy was lifted, and moved to the diagnostic table that he had been lying behind. Greg and Gil quickly moved out of the way, and the doctor looked at Spock as he asked, "Do you know of any medical conditions he may have?"
"No, he is quite fit," Spock replied, still quite distracted by his lack of 'presence' in his mind. "I must add, however, that it is as if he were drugged...his mind...there is something..." but his words trailed off as he shook his head, unable to express what he was sensing.
"Gil, I need you to join me in security," Jim said over the intercom.
"Very well," Grissom replied, then turned to Greg, adding in a whisper, "guard them well."
But Spock had heard the whispered order, and asked, "Do you expect further attacks like this one?"
"Forgive me, Spock," Grissom said as he walked toward the door, "I didn't expect anyone to actually..." and his words trailed off. After a moment, he continued, "I must go and view the security logs. I promise to explain everything after we catch the perpetrator."
"I look forward to your explanation," and then with utter calm, that no doubt expressed his deep anger more effectively than raising his voice would, he continued, "and I will hold you personally responsible, if McCoy does not survive this."
"He'll be fine," the Doc chimed in as he worked on McCoy, adding, "the bleeding has already stopped, and once I get a transfusion into him, he'll revive. There's no permanent damage, I assure you."
"Nevertheless, I accept responsibility, Spock. I should have warned you both of the danger in coming here," Grissom said, as he opened the door.
"Why are we in danger?" Spock asked, as he noticed the deep sadness in Grissom's eyes.
"Temptation," was all he said, and then he was gone.
"Explain," Spock said, as he looked at Greg, but Greg would not meet his eyes. In one swift move, Spock crossed to where Greg stood, and took the young man by the shoulders, shaking him slightly as he repeated, "explain!"
Greg lifted his head, at last making eye contact with Spock...and suddenly, Spock was no longer in control of the situation. "Later," Greg whispered, then continued in a more natural tone, "there is no need to fear...you are both safe. Come with me to the rec room, and McCoy will join us soon." And with that suggestion in his mind, Spock left the infirmary, never once giving a look back to McCoy, lying on the diagnostic bed.
"What have you got?" Grissom asked, as he entered the security room.
"Not much, I'm afraid," Jim replied, as he gestured for Gil to join him in front of the video display. After a moment, he said, "First, the log of the door shows my opening of it to let Doctor McCoy in, and yours...nobody else opened it from the outside," and after a small pause, he added, "however, it *did* open *twice* from the inside."
"I presume that the first time was McCoy opening it," Gil said, then added with a frown, "and it was then that he encountered his attacker."
"That would be my assumption, as well," Jim agreed. "and the attacker was the person who opened the door the second time...which was less than one minute before you opened it from the outside."
Grissom pointed to the video display and asked, "Do we have the attack on video?"
"Yes...and no," Jim replied cryptically then hit the play button.
The image that came up was dark and shadowy...the actions clear, yet indistinct due to the darkness. All that could be determined was that the attacker was larger than McCoy, and had subdued him so quickly, there was no sign of struggle on the Doctor's part. McCoy never knew what hit him...literally.
"What about the audio track?" Grissom asked, puzzled.
"That's the funny thing," Jim said, playing with a few settings before replaying the tape. "It's as if the audio portion of this segment has been erased." To prove his point, he let the tape continue on, past the time the assailant left, to a minute later, when they entered and found McCoy...
"Who could have done that...in the time between us finding McCoy, and your arrival here?" Grissom asked, perplexed.
"Nobody that I can think of," Jim admitted, then added, "and before you ask, there is no record of anyone entering this room since 0830 today, when I came in to change the security tapes." Jim paused for a moment before continuing, "I wish Archie were here...he'd be able to figure this out in no time."
"So he would," Grissom smiled at the memory of the young man who worked in the lab back in Vegas, "but he wasn't the only one who could work wonders with tape. Let's give Greg a shot at this...maybe he'll be able to find something that will give us a clue."
"Sure thing," Jim agreed with a smile. As the two men prepared to return to the infirmary, Jim asked, "Do you have any theories about who would have done this?" and before Grissom could answer, he continued, "I won't ask why, because I think we both know the answer to that one."
"Yes, sadly, we do," Grissom agreed, then answered, "one or two names come to mind...but I really didn't think anyone would actually attack one of them...after all, the fear of exposure seemed to be first and foremost in everyone's minds when I agreed to allow Starfleet to send representatives to examine our facility and our work." Gil shook his head, as he added, "I could have handled the Doctor and Spock...but *this*...it certainly makes my job more difficult."
"What are you going to tell them?" Jim asked, curious as to how Gil would defuse the situation.
"The truth," he said softly, adding, "you know that for some time I have thought it was time to stop hiding...that mankind had encountered enough alien lifeforms to no longer fear what is 'different' and 'unusual'."
"Do you really think that's wise?" Jim asked, as they stopped in front of the infirmary door.
As Gil entered his security code, and opened the door, he answered, "I don't see as to how we have any choice, now."
"I suppose you're right," Jim agreed, and they stepped into the infirmary, where McCoy was just coming around.
"How is he, Doc?" Grissom asked, then after a second, added, "and where are Greg and Spock?"
"McCoy is fine," the doctor answered as he helped McCoy sit up. "He may be a bit weak for a time, but there will be no lasting effect," the words were spoken more to reassure McCoy than anything else...after all, Grissom already knew that one bite could not convert anyone, but that was always the first question a victim of an attack asked, once they realized what had happened to them.
"And Greg and Spock?" Grissom reminded him.
"Um...I'm not sure what was up there." The doctor said a trifle uneasily. "Spock got all up in Greg's face trying to get an explanation out of him...and suddenly, they were gone." There was a moment of hesitation before he continued, "I was a bit busy at the time, and not really paying attention to them...I assume they went someplace more private to talk."
"Damn," Grissom said vehemently, then turned to Jim, "I've got to find him, before he does something stupid. Do me a favor, and dust this room, especially the inside doorknob, for prints...it may be pointless, but you never know, we might get lucky."
"From what I saw on that tape, the only thing he touched besides McCoy was the doorknob...and if he was good enough to eliminate the sound recording, he was good enough to remember to wear gloves," and then he gave Grissom a reassuring pat on the shoulder as he added, "but I'll see what I can find."
Grissom then turned to face McCoy, saying, "Doctor McCoy, I'm Gil Grissom," and with an extended hand, he added, "I regret that you were attacked while visiting my facility. Tell me, can you remember anything about the attack?"
"Not a thing," McCoy said with a glare, but his anger was not directed at Grissom, and after only a slight hesitation, he accepted the extended hand. McCoy looked around for a moment, as if to remind himself of where he was, then said, "I remember my inspection of this infirmary, and being very impressed with it...and rather excited to tell Spock about some of the equipment you have here." He hesitated for a moment, trying to remember something that had puzzled him slightly when he first discovered it, but like a dream, it eluded him. "There was something...I'm not sure what now...that I found unusual..."
"That's not important, Doctor," Grissom said. He had an idea what it was McCoy had discovered, but wouldn't enlighten him just yet...he needed to get him to remember anything he could about the attack, "What happened when you went to leave the infirmary?"
"I remember opening the door, and reaching to shut off the light," and he paused, shaking his head slightly, "then waking up here just a few minutes ago." Suddenly, a look of panic came into his eyes as he tried to stand, and asked, "Where's Spock? Was he attacked, as well?"
"Spock is fine," Grissom reassured him, hoping his words were the truth, as he continued, "the doc here says that he and Greg went off to talk...I'm assuming in the rec room. Do you feel up to joining me?" he asked, as he helped McCoy stand.
"Of course," McCoy said, despite his unsteadiness. He knew he'd feel better as soon as he saw Spock. Suddenly he smiled, "Maybe Spock can solve this mystery for us...I may not be able to remember anything about the attack, but if I saw my attacker, the image is in here," he said, as he tapped his temple with a finger.
"Hmmm...that would be quite a time saver," Grissom agreed with a raised brow, totally fascinated with the prospect of extracting evidence directly from the mind of a victim. But as they entered the rec room, and saw Spock lying on the floor, apparently unconscious, all hope of a quick resolution faded from his mind.
Grissom was experiencing a very distinct sense of dÉjÀ vu, with two notable exceptions...the room was not dark, and there was no blood.
McCoy quickly went to Spock's side, as Grissom called out, "Greg? Where are you?" But before he got an answer, he saw him, huddled in a corner. Crossing the room quickly, Grissom knelt down beside Greg, and asked softly, "Are you all right? What happened?"
"I don't know," Greg stammered, as he looked up at Gil with sad eyes, then he looked away as he added, "it's all my fault...I panicked when he demanded an explanation...and I..." and he covered his face and started to cry, unable to go on.
Grissom lifted Greg to his feet, and nearly carried him back to wear McCoy knelt beside Spock. "How is he, Doctor?"
McCoy looked up and said, "There is no sign of injury, yet his mind...to be honest with you, I've never known him to have his shields clamped down so tightly. I can't reach him at all," McCoy shuddered, opening his own mind fully to Spock, in the hope that he would notice, and come back from wherever he has gone.
Grissom turned to face Greg, holding him by the shoulders and shaking him slightly, much as Spock had done. "Greg...look at me...you have to tell me what you did," he demanded.
"I didn't mean to," he nearly whispered, as he sank to his knees, Grissom following him down so that they were all kneeling on the floor, "it just...happened...you know," then he turned to face McCoy as he continued, "I panicked...I didn't know what to say, so I...I made a suggestion that we leave the infirmary, and come here. That there was no danger, and everything would be fine." He paused once again, and then looked at Grissom before continuing, "I was going to let you take care of explanations, Gil."
"I understand that part," and turning to face McCoy, he added, "and I will explain everything in due time," then he looked at Greg again, "but that doesn't explain Spock's condition."
Before Greg could go on, however, McCoy spoke up. "Are you telepathic, son?"
Greg looked at McCoy, and gave a weak smile, as he said, "Technically, no...but I do have psychic abilities, due to..." and here he paused, and looked at Gil for guidance, as he had done for centuries.
"Due to what?" McCoy asked, seeing the exchange between the two.
And it was Grissom who answered, "Doctor McCoy, Greg, like everyone else on my team, has, at some time in their lives, undergone a transformation...some voluntarily, others, as a result of violence. Regardless of how this transformation took place, we all have one thing in common..."
"And that would be?" McCoy prompted, sensing that Grissom was not going to continue.
"Simply put," he said, "we are vampires." And seeing the disbelief in McCoy's eyes, he continued, "Please, do not think of the legends and horror stories of the past as a baseline for comparison...we are NOT monsters to be feared."
McCoy's hand flew to his throat, and he gasped. "I was bitten," he said in a flat tone, fear in his eyes.
"Yes, but that is not how one is transformed," Grissom assured him. "Look, I will explain everything, but first, we must tend to Spock. Greg, come on, tell us what happened here."
"As I said, I planted the suggestion that all was well, and that we'd come to the rec room and wait for you and the doctor to join us. He followed me, but when we got here, I became aware of the fact that I was no longer in control of him," here, Greg paused, and looked at McCoy apologetically, "he demanded an explanation again, and...I was afraid...it's been a long time since I admitted to anyone what I was, and didn't know how to do it now. When he grabbed me once again, and our eyes locked, I felt such a surge of raw emotion coming from him...and then he gasped, and collapsed."
McCoy could see the genuine fear in Greg's eyes. He felt a surge of compassion for the young man, who obviously had no idea how strong his psychic abilities were. McCoy reached out to Greg, and when he had his full attention, he said, "I think I know what happened to Spock...and I'll need your help to bring him back."
"How can I help?" Greg asked, as Gil turned to face them both, and said, "What happened to him?"
McCoy answered both at the same time, "He's gone into a self-imposed state of isolation, due to sensory overload." He could see confusion in Greg's eyes, so he clarified, "Greg, Vulcans have a very strong system of mental barriers. I'm assuming that he had lowered his barriers, in an effort to contact me while I was unconscious...and the fear you were feeling, combined with your psychic energy and the physical contact you made with him, overwhelmed him."
"I see," said Grissom, who continued, "but if I understood Spock correctly, he and you are *connected* in some way, so why can't you...?"
"I'm not telepathic," McCoy said simply, then elaborated, "we are bonded, and as such, have a mental connection, but it is mostly one-way. I sense his presence, but cannot initiate a more 'intimate' connection between us." McCoy paused, then looked at Greg as he added, "You, on the other hand, apparently can...if you are willing."
"Of course, Doctor," Greg agreed, then asked, "what do I have to do?"
"First, try to clear as much emotion from you mind as you can...the simpler the message Spock receives, the better."
Greg sat back on his heels, eyes closed, as if preparing to meditate. He took several slow, cleansing breaths, then placed his hands on Spock. "You are safe," he said softly, "come back to us," he whispered, then looked at McCoy, and shook his head.
McCoy understood, and had an idea. He placed one hand on Spock's face, in the traditional meld points, and the other on Greg's arm...his shields, minimal as they were, completely open. "Spock, I need you," he said aloud, and in his mind, he added images that would remind Spock of the love they shared, and how deeply he would be missed if he didn't return from wherever he now was.
There was a stirring in Spock's mind...and something else...something McCoy couldn't account for at first, but then he looked at Greg, and noticed that Grissom had placed his hands on Greg's shoulders...he seemed to be adding stability to this odd link we had established.
Strangely enough, McCoy found himself able to read Greg's thoughts...and realized that part of the problem lay in Greg's fascination with Spock. Apparently, he had been trying to seduce the Vulcan...and suddenly, a flash of insight, or possibly Spock's thoughts, hit McCoy...Spock had nearly succumbed to the seduction, and possibly would have, if Grissom and Brass hadn't arrived.
*It's all right*, McCoy thought, as he continued to project his love for Spock through the link. "Come back to me," he whispered, and suddenly, Spock was there, in his mind, *I betrayed you...let you down, when you needed my protection. I don't deserve you,* he thought, then started to slip away once more...but McCoy was not about to let that happen.
He looked to Greg, and the young man got the message and let go of Spock. Then he shifted on the floor, lifting Spock into his arms, and cradled him close to himself, as he said, "The cause was sufficient...you are forgiven," and in the privacy of their minds, he added, *and we will discuss this...later.*
*My actions are inexcusable,* Spock replied in his thoughts. *My inattention nearly cost you your life.*
*But hardly unexpected,* McCoy thought back, reminding Spock that he had said that Greg had most likely found him irresistibly sexy when they first met. And with this acceptance and lack of accusation from McCoy, Spock stiffened, and at last returned to himself...sitting up, and looking around as if uncertain of his surroundings.
"Forgive me, Spock," Greg whispered, as tears slid down his cheeks. Grissom cradled him in his arms, as they both watched Spock regain his composure, stand, and lift McCoy to his feet to stand beside him.
He then offered his hand to Greg, as he said, "Perhaps...after we have received our explanation," he said, then looked at Grissom as he continued, "although I understand, more than most, the need for isolation, and the difficulty of conforming to the dictates of society, I do not understand why, in this day and age, you would choose to remain in hiding?"
"Old habits," Grissom said as he stood, then placed his arm around Greg's shoulder, as he added, "the fear of persecution is deeply imbedded in most of us...especially those of us who were born at a time when science was unknown, and superstition ruled the minds of men."
"But times have changed," Spock said, then added, "and obviously, for you to have survived the centuries, you too must have changed."
"Indeed," Grissom agreed, then continued, "but the fear of exposure has always been there." He then looked at Greg, and was about to say something, when the door to the rec room opened, and Jim walked in. Grissom smiled at Jim, and then said, "There are times when I have been compelled to share my secret with others, and have found sympathetic souls who have loved me enough to accept me as I am...and then accept the change themselves," and he gave Greg a small kiss on the cheek before continuing, "but there have also been times, when such confessions have led to exposure and betrayal...where fear has overcome love, and nearly cost me my life."
There was silence in the room for a moment, then Jim spoke up, "I guess I missed a lot here, but I thought you'd like to know, I got a print off the doorknob that doesn't belong there...it's Dante's," and as Grissom raised a brow in surprise, he continued, "I've been looking for him, but cannot find him anywhere."
"Well, until he's found, I suggest Spock and McCoy remain in our company at all times," Grissom said, then added, "why don't we go and get some dinner...and I'll continue this explanation. Jim, have Rivers and Slocum do a search of the immediate area...Dante may be resourceful, but I can't imagine he's gone too far."
"They're already searching, and I've placed a guard on the Starfleet shuttle," Jim said, and seeing the surprise on McCoy's face, he added, "Dante was in Starfleet until a year ago."
"Was he a vampire at the time?" Spock asked, curious.
"No...he was one of the ones I mentioned who was brought across as the result of violence," Grissom said, then added, "I'll fill you both in over dinner." And off they all went to the mess hall...silence fell, and all eyes were on Spock and McCoy, as they entered.
"Ladies and gentlemen," Grissom said to the group, "may I introduce Doctor Leonard McCoy, and Commander Spock, who will be our guests for the next week." There was a smattering of greet from the people gathered, then Grissom continued, "As you may have already heard, Doctor McCoy was attacked a short time ago. Jim has done a bit of investigating, and discovered the attacker was Dante," and this revelation drew a murmur of response from a few, who apparently weren't all that surprised, by the sounds of things. When he had everyone's attention once again, he added, "If any of you know his current whereabouts, I would appreciate your coming forward with the information."
"What will you do to him?" one voice called out, as another shouted, "how can you betray one of your own?" and yet another cried, "he only did what instinct told him to do...he's just a child!"
"Quiet...everyone!" Grissom said, as he tried to get control of the situation. When relative silence fell once again, he continued, "At present, we just want to talk to him," and that said, he looked at McCoy.
McCoy may not be the slightest bit telepathic, but he could read body language...and Grissom's body language was telling him that *now* was not a good time to express any desire for justice or retribution against Dante, so he simply said, "I'm more concerned with understanding *why* he attacked me, than exacting vengeance."
That seemed to appease everyone, for now, and they went back to their dinners.
Looking around the mess hall, Spock noticed that there were only ten people present...with the missing Dante, and the three that Jim had assigned to guarding their shuttle, and searching with him for Dante, that left five unaccounted for. "Can I assume that the rest of your team is currently engaged in a project, or otherwise occupied?" he asked.
"Yes, or possibly resting, if they had spent a great deal of time working on something," Grissom said, adding, "we find it difficult to keep to a strict 'day-night' schedule around here, considering the light conditions seldom vary. Come, let us get something to eat, and a bit of privacy, and then I'll answer all your questions...if I can." And saying that, he led them to the food replicators, adding, "We can provide anything you'd like...what can I offer you, gentlemen?"
McCoy asked for a steak and potatoes, while Spock requested a salad of mixed greens and assorted vegetables. Much to their surprise, both Greg and Grissom got a plate of assorted vegetables, and as he noticed the looks on their faces, said with a smile, "I'm a vegetarian...have been since," and he paused, as if thinking, then said, "sometime in the early 21st century...around the same time I met Greg and Jim."
"And I've always been one," Greg said, adding with a smile, "a California surfer boy, in my first life."
"I don't understand," McCoy said, "I thought vampires didn't eat food, or drink anything but blood."
"Just one of many misconceptions about us," Grissom replied, as he gestured to a table in a corner, away from the majority of people in the room. As he sat, he added, "We can eat, and most of us do as a means of 'fitting in' -- when living among normal humans, the social benefits of 'conformity' are our means of survival, and we enjoy the social aspects of meeting for dinner, so we continue the practice even when among ourselves," then he paused, to make sure his guests were following him, continuing after a moment, "but we do not get the required nutrients for survival out of the foods we ingest, unless we 'enhance' them."
And suddenly, McCoy remembered what he had seen. "You manufacture your own hemoglobin," he stated, and then added for Spock's clarification, "I saw the equipment in the infirmary, but at the time, had no idea why they would need the quantities the machinery was capable of manufacturing, nor the amount already in storage...but it makes sense now."
"Tell me, sir," Spock said with a lifted brow, "how you were going to keep this secret, as I presume there would be physical evidence of this 'transformation', as you call it, that would present itself during an exam."
"What makes you think we were going to keep it a secret?" Grissom asked, curious to see how Spock's mind worked.
But it was Greg who answered, "He saw my fear of exposure when we...connected," then he turned to face Spock as he continued, "Gris always wanted to tell you about us...but there were others here who...well, let's just say they outvoted him on the issue." He reached out and put his arm around Grissom's shoulder as he added, "I doubt Javier will be pleased with what's happened here."
"No doubt," Grissom replied, adding, "but it is not I he should take his anger out on, it's Dante...who I fear we should have kept a closer eye on." He then turned to face Spock and said, "To answer your question, Spock...I would have 'clouded' his perception of his findings, much like Greg 'suggested' to you that there was no need to worry. We all have a limited amount of psychic ability at our command," and then he addressed McCoy, adding, "your own temporary memory loss is undoubtedly due to Dante's influence on you, and may have contributed to the lack of connection between you and Spock, prior to Greg's intrusion."
Spock and Mccoy shared a look, but before Spock could continue this line of questioning, McCoy interrupted, saying, "Tell us about Dante. You said he was in Starfleet until a year ago...what happened?"
"I know little about the actual details of the attack," Grissom admitted, adding, "only that he had been a member of a scientific expedition to a new world. The official report of the incident simply stated that he, as well as the other six officers in the landing party, were killed in the performance of their duties. The files are sealed."
"You say 'the official report' as if there is more," Spock stated.
"How astute," Grissom said, adding, "What I was able to discover through unofficial channels was that the landing party had come into contact with an unknown force...and their bloodless bodies transported back to their ship," and here he paused, before adding, "that is, all but one. Lieutenant Commander David Rickhouser's body was never recovered, but he was presumed to be dead, just like the others."
"And Rickhouser is Dante, I presume?" McCoy said, knowing that the answer would be yes.
"Correct," Grissom agreed, but before he could go on, he heard Spock's quiet 'fascinating' and was intrigued. "What?" he asked.
"Lieutenant Commander David Rickhouser had requested a transfer to the Enterprise, which had been granted," Spock said, then continued, "but the Potemkin postponed their rendezvous with us to explore a newly discovered planet...Rickhousen and his team died on that mission."
"So his attack may have been personal, and not just a random act?" Greg asked.
"In the sense that *anyone* from Starfleet could have been an acceptable target for him," Grissom said, "I'd agree. However, I never mentioned to anyone who the Starfleet officers were, or from what ship they came."
"And if it was a pre-meditated attack on Starfleet personnel, and not just an 'instinctual act' as someone here stated, then we may also presume that he had an escape route planned," Spock stated, and noticed the look that passed between Grissom and Greg. "Do you have any small ships here?"
"No, nothing of our own," Grissom said, adding, "but we have an arrangement with one of the 'local' merchant ships...and our communications facility is open to all. Anyone could contact the Valiant, and if he's in the area..."
"Indeed," Spock said, then stood, adding, "if you don't mind, I would like to go to our shuttle. I cannot scan far from here, but I can determine if a ship has been in orbit, or come within transporter range."
"Of course," Grissom said, then turned to Greg, "Go with him," and with a look, reminded Greg to behave himself.
Greg acknowledged the silent command with a nod, then stood, and led the way toward the row of parkas hanging by the door. Spock put his on, while Greg watched. "What is it?" Spock asked, noticing how Greg stared at him.
"I'm sorry," he stammered, "it's just...the way you move...so fluid, so graceful. As you know, I find you unusually attractive, and...sorry. I shouldn't think about that, we have work to do. Let's go."
"Yes, we do," Spock agreed, then gestured for Greg to lead the way, adding as he passed, "however, there is a great deal I wish to learn about you, and your colleagues, as well...after this mystery is solved, of course." That said, they had arrived at the hatch of the shuttle, and he proceeded to enter.
Running through the start-up procedure, he quickly had the sensors on-line, and scanning the immediate area above the scientific outpost. Within minutes, the remains of an ion trail were noted, suggesting that a ship had entered a geosynchronous orbit above the compound, and then left after a very brief period of time. "There was indeed a ship here, approximately forty-five minutes ago," Spock said, then added, "there is no way to determine if a transporter was used to remove someone from the planet from here, but if you would like, I could lift off, and scan the planet from close orbit...with such a small sampling of human life-forms, I can get an exact count, if they are all in this small area."
"That sounds like it's the only way to be sure if he's still here, or escaped," Greg said. "Let me go out and tell Oleson that we'll be lifting off for a brief time," and Greg stepped out of the shuttle.
In the meantime, Spock pulled out his communicator, and contacted McCoy, relaying their findings. When he told them of his plan to scan for life-forms from orbit, Grissom was intrigued...he had no idea that the sensors aboard a shuttle could be that precise.
After Spock closed the connection, Grissom said, "I should have thought of your ship as an investigative tool. I'm slipping in my old age," he said with a smile to Jim, who had come into the mess hall while Spock was talking to McCoy.
Jim sat down beside Grissom, and placed his arm around his shoulders, as he said, "There's no way you could have known about that ship's capabilities," then he looked to McCoy, adding with a smile to soften his words, "and since neither of *them* said anything...well," he just gave a small shrug, and said no more.
McCoy smiled as well. "Obviously, none of us are at our best right now," he said, absently touching his throat where he had been bitten. The wound had completely healed, yet he could swear that he felt the punctures from the teeth...it was all in his mind, of course...after all, he had been unconscious the whole time, and had never even seen the wound...but still...
He shook himself, trying to remove the image conjured in his mind, and focus on something else. As he saw Jim snatch a carrot from Gil's plate, McCoy said, "I'm a bit confused, here," and then paused, as both men looked at him expectantly. "Please, don't take offense if I'm completely off base here, but...Gil, I thought that you and Greg were...well...together."
"We are," Grissom said, then kissed Jim on the cheek as he continued, "but we are a triad, not a couple."
"Sure are," Jim said, adding, "although it took a lot of persuasion from Greg to get Gil to agree to that," then with a wink, he added, "you see, Len, Gil here was concerned with their age difference, which is kinda ironic, considering..."
"Now, to be fair," Grissom chimed in, "it wasn't our *actual* age difference that bothered me, it was the *perceived* age difference."
"Do you mind my asking," McCoy said, "just how old are you?"
"I was brought across in 1606, when I was wounded in battle, trying to save my home from invaders," he stated matter-of-factly.
From the tone, McCoy got the impression that he didn't want to recount the details, so he didn't press. Instead, he asked, "and what about you, Jim."
"It was June of 2006," he said with a sad smile, then pulled the collar of his shirt aside, to reveal a scar, with a faded tattoo beneath it. "I was shot in May of that year, and nearly died. Gil and I had been lovers for a few years, at that time, but I never knew...that's how well he 'blended'. After I recovered, he brought me across," then he gave Gil a kiss, as he added, "there were a few instances after that...had I not been what I am, I probably wouldn't have made it."
"True," Gil agreed, then added, "but it was one of those instances that nearly exposed us all," then added for McCoy's benefit, "when you're a cop in the twenty-first century, escaping serious injury once or twice in your career is luck...more than that, people get suspicious."
"Yes, I can see how that could have been a problem." He was just about to ask about Greg, when he and Spock entered the room.
As they approached the table, Spock stated, "My scan of the planet show that there are twenty Humans and one Vulcan within a one-hundred mile radius. Dante has fled."
"I'm sorry, Doctor," Grissom said, then turned to Spock, adding, "thank you for your assistance in this matter. At least now, we know, and can get on with your exams, and the reason for your stay with us."
"Yes, now we know," McCoy said, then addressed Grissom, adding, "although I wish we had apprehended him...not because I wanted revenge or anything, but if he's disturbed..."
"Yes, I'm worried that he has it out for Starfleet, and may go after others..." Grissom said, not completing the statement when he saw complete understanding in the eyes of all. Instead, he said, "Well, it has been a long 'day' and undoubtedly, you are both tired. Doctor, the infirmary is at your disposal, and if you wish, I can start sending my people to you first thing in the morning," then he turned to address Spock, "and that tour I promised you...if you'd like, I can take you around the facility tomorrow afternoon, after I record the results of one of my experiments."
"If you have no objections," Spock said, "I would like to observe you at work, as well."
"Of course, Spock," Grissom said, then added, "shall we call it a night?"
"In a moment," McCoy interrupted, adding, "you told us about your transformation, and Jim's...what about Greg? You said you were a 'California surfer-boy' in your first life. When was that?"
"In the nineteen-nineties, when I was a kid, before I went to Las Vegas to work in the crime lab. That's where I met Gil and Jim, and got this huge crush on them both...but I was twenty-three at the time, and Jim was my boss...then he went back to homicide, and Gil became my boss," and he paused, smiling at them both before he continued, "I know that my wild ways and loud music drove them crazy, but in their own way, they loved me, too...and when the lab exploded, and Gil saved me by bringing my across...well, I knew I was more to him than just an exceptionally talented lab geek."
"Yes, you were," Gil agreed with a smile and a kiss. Then he gave McCoy a smile, adding, "So now, you have all of our stories...and tomorrow, perhaps you'll share yours with us."
Spock looked at McCoy, and said, "There is little to tell. Aboard ship, if you were to ask, most of the crew would say that we do not get along, but we learned early on that we were 'two sides of the same coin', I believe the saying is."
"Yes, we compliment each other, and together, we're stronger than we are alone," he gave Spock a pointed look before adding, "sometimes my emotionalism and his logic...well, we nearly come to blows debating issues, but in the end, everything evens out."
"Well, gentlemen, I bid you all a good night," Grissom said, adding with a smile, "we have the next six days to continue this discussion, and undoubtedly many more. I'm glad to know you both, and hope that the rest of your stay with us is uneventful."
"As do we," Spock said, as he and McCoy entered the room assigned to them, which he noted was across the hall from the one that Gil, Jim and Greg shared. As the doors closed, he sensed Greg's mind, and a flush came over his body.
"You all right, Spock," McCoy asked, as he noticed the elevated color on Spock's cheeks.
He shook himself, realizing that he was reacting to the lust he felt in Greg's mind. "Yes, I am just...grateful that you are unharmed," he said, as he pulled his lover into his arms, and held him close, and although the words were not a lie, they were not the entire truth, either.
It would be a long six days...but he *would* resist Greg's charms, unless...
...and he felt a responding thought in McCoy's mind, as the image of multiple arms and legs, intertwined, passed between them.
Their eyes met, and both smiled, as they realized the suggestions were coming from the room across the hall...it could be a *very* interesting six nights, indeed.
~the end
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