Previous part of Every time we say good bye....
Back in their room they got ready for bed and then cuddled up together...their first really intimate moment since their last morning in Las Vegas.
Gil whispered to Nick. "I love you. I cannot tell you how happy I was when the snows came...I guessed almost immediately that we'd have to abandon was unworkable. Of course I kept my views mostly to myself. I did tell Rory."
"Your bff?"
"I guess he certainly became my closest friend in camp...although I like Carlos and the way they're an item only since Concepcion...seems they had totally missed their connection all the time in camp and then they got bitten...badly."
"Bit like me and you then?"
"A lot like it." Gil lay there staring at the ceiling in the darkened room...his arm was around Nick's shoulders and he was running his hand up and down Nick's upper arm. "I've been thinking..."
"No, this is good thinking. If we're supposed to be engaged...did you tell your parents that? Well if we are perhaps we should have some token to represent that fact."
"Like what?" Nick was fully awake and hitched up his body to look directly at Gil.
"I don't know; well traditionally it's a ring..."
"...oh yeah, man. A ring would be good. A ring would be very good." Gil chuckled at his immediate enthusiasm.
"What time are we due to visit with your parents?
"I wasn't too specific I just said late morning."
"If we got up early we could maybe go and have a look around...see if there's anything that takes our...your fancy."
"Now that Dr Grissom is the best bit of thinking you've ever done. Got to go straight to sleep so it'll be Christmas." He pulled away from Gil and pulled up the blankets around his head and settled down."
"Night then." Gil's voice quite plainly reflected his disappointed.
Gil lay there and then decided that he might as well settle down as well but as he did so Nick suddenly pushed his blankets down.
"Bazinga!" He cried out. Gil laughed.
"Bazinga? What does that mean?"
"It means gotcha in Sheldonspeak."
"And that is..." Gil had no idea what Nick was talking about.
"The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon Cooper. Surely you must have seen it?"
"No. I've been out of the country off and on for four or more years."
"I think it was on before you left...I'll get the box sets you must watch'll probably understand it. In the meantime...let's get hot and heavy."
Gil yawned exaggeratedly. "Don't know if I'm too tired now."
"Go to sleep, I don't care I'm going to blow you."
"I'm not going to sleep through that now am I?"
"You'd be in serious shit if you did...and I didn't tell them we were engaged because you know...we're not really are we?"
"I thought you said we were?"
"Well we are but not quite until you shoudda put a ring on it." Nick sang the last few words and waved his left hand at Gil.
"There must be some meaning in this but, once again, I must tell you I have no idea what you're going on about." He sighed and looked at the laughing face of his lover.
"Don't worry...popular culture obviously missed you by a mile."
He didn't wait for a response as he assaulted Gil in much the same way that Rory had done but this was a thousand percent better and was the real deal, Gil decided, and stroked and caressed the body of his lover as he almost crawled all over him. In the event Nick couldn't wait and he came all over the bed and then rolled a boneless Gil onto the wet spot and plonked himself down in Gil's warm space.
"I might not be able to do anything about it at the moment but I will remember. Mark my words." Gil muttered as he adjusted his body to his new wet position.
"Man, I'm afraid. Very...happy actually. I'm going to have me a fancy ring...I hope we can find one. I'm easy about showing Mom and the Judge but it would be pretty awesome if we could find some matching ones we both like and have them fitted before we have to go home."
"Mmmm..." Gil was hardly awake and Nick chuckled at him and settled at his side. They were both soon sound asleep.
Nick woke in a sweat in the middle of the night...desperate for a drink of water. He could taste every spoonful of his soup....and Gil's deposit that he'd swallowed. He waited until his eyes adjusted and then got up and took a bottled water from the room's fridge. He gulped it down in one go and then belched loudly. He giggled and looked around at Gil...he hadn't been disturbed.
Nick's sleeping pattern was all out of kilter but he knew why he'd woken up...apart from the thirst. His parents. The mighty Judge who always stood in judgment over the family and was probably feared and loved in more or less equal amounts and his Momma...just as powerful but in a less overt fashion. The power behind the thrown.
He'd told them they would be meeting the man he was going to marry...he'd been firm and maybes or likelys. He was going to marry him. But what he hadn't mentioned was who it was who would be his husband.
They had mentioned Gil a couple of times to him in the past...mostly to say how good it was that he'd found Nick when he'd been abducted. Nick had said what Gil himself had said: it wasn't him alone, it was a team effort. It was true. But he guessed that of all the people, men, he would be bringing home to meet the prospective in-laws, Gil Grissom never made the list.
Of course there would be no list. They had no idea what kind of man he liked. They may even imagine that he was bringing home a real fairy...make-up, limp wrist...the lot. Although...Gil could quite legitimately make it on the limp wrist list since he did have an odd way of holding his one hand when he walked fast. Nick chuckled to himself and looked back at Gil...
...who was staring at him. It made him jump. "Hell, babe, I thought you were asleep."
"I was but you were staring at me. Is it time to get up?"
"No, man, I needed a drink and now I need a piss...go back to sleep."
"I need a drink and a piss too."
"Here." Nick got him a bottled water and threw it onto the bed beside him and then went into the bathroom.
When he went back into the bedroom Gil had turned over but had drunk most of the water from the bottle. "I thought you wanted a piss?"
"I can wait. Too cold."
"It's not cold. Are you dreaming?" There was a long silence and then Gil spoke.
"I was...I was back in camp. Jesus, Nick it was cold...I have never experienced anything like it in my life. But I can't be bothered to get up. Come on back and cuddle me...the wet spot's dried now."
"Okay." Nick jumped into bed...not sure if he'd sleep again...but it was nearly three hours before their alarm was due to wake them so he'd give it a go.
The alarm woke them both and as Nick rolled over to switch it off his stomach flipped over. The Judge and Momma...he was taking Gil to meet his fucking parents. When the fuck had that seemed like a good idea?***
They were ready to go without much fuss. They packed their bags and stored them in the trunk. No morning sex since Nick was too fidgety...
Breakfast had been coffee and half a piece of toast for Nick...he just couldn't manage anything else since he was so nervous. Gil managed eggs and bacon with some toast but he wasn't that interested in it either.
Nick remembered exactly when he'd felt this nervous before and it was when he driving to tell his parents that he was gay...and unaware that Susan had already told them. God that woman was a piece of work and then some...
But even after all these years it would still be a trial to take Gil to meet them. He now seriously doubted the wisdom of telling them and doing the visit.
"Come on, Nick, it'll be okay, I'm sure of it." They were walking to the car after their breakfast and Gil was trying to soothe him as best he knew how.
"Man, you don't know it'll be okay. You have no fucking idea what it was like in that household...for years I lived in fear. Fear..." He stopped on the sidewalk. "...I don't think I can do this." He looked almost tearful.
"Yes, you can. This time, Nick, I will be at your side and I might not be able to fight with my fists but I can give as good as I get in a verbal between us we've got every eventuality covered." Gil tried to lighten Nick's mood.
Nick shook his head and smiled. Gil was probably right...his parents wouldn't get one over on him that was true. But if it ended in a fight then this might be the last time he ever came home and that filled him with sadness. Crap parents and an asshole family but they were his crap parents and his assholes of a brother and sisters. He would go through with it...he did have Gil by his side now and that should...might...make a difference.
"You're right...I came down here to do it and I will. What can they do to me? Throw me out? I don't live there anyway...not even in Texas."
"Do you want to go and look at some rings...pass some time and you might see something you like."
"I want to...but I my heart won't be in it...if I drive slow and we stop for another coffee we could be there about ten...that would be okay."
"Then that's what we'll do...and make a date as soon as we get home to go shopping for a ring. There you go...when do I ever say I'd be happy to go shopping." He smiled at his worried lover.
"Never." Nick smiled back. "That shirt looks great...I've got good taste, man."
"You have." Gil smirked this time.
"I know...I chose you."
"I didn't like to say it..."
", but you were waiting for me to."
Gil slung his arm around Nick's shoulders and they made their way to the car. Nick loved the attention he was getting. Gil being demonstrative in public was a brand new phenomenon.
They drove slowly and after about twenty minutes they spotted a diner. Nick pulled in and they ambled in and had coffees and made small talk but Nick was on edge.
"Before we get back in the car, let's go for a walk, try and calm your nerves."
"It's too hot...we'll get sweaty and get crumpled."
Gil nodded. "You're right. I don't even think I could drink another coffee. A piece of pie?"
"Yeah, go on. Just get one and we can both have some of it."
"What do you recommend?"
"Never been here...pecan?"
"Pecan it is." Gil called the waitress over and ordered the pie.
When it came they managed to have about half each. "I feel better for that...I was hungry."
"You needed some sugar. Get you going. I'm going to the restroom."
"Okay I'll get the check and follow you in."
Gil was washing his hands when Nick arrived. "A piss, wash my hands and let's go straight there...I can't stand just hanging anymore."
"Good. Let's get it over and done with."
Nick drove as slowly as he possibly could but when he approached this large ranch style house he stopped. "This is it."
"It's impressive." Gil was impressed...a long paved driveway made its way to the house but in front of the house and at the side of the driveway was a field where half a dozen horses grazed lazily in the sun, swishing their tales.
"Horses. Dad's hobby...he used to run a stud...nothing fancy."
"So you've ridden since you were a boy."
" a saddle with Mom or the Judge before I could walk."
"Sounds idyllic."
"Don't it just." There was a heavy dose of sarcasm in his reply so Gil didn't pursue it any more.
They parked in front of the house. "Mom was waiting. I saw her by the window. Come on before I turn the car 'round and get the hell out of here." He suddenly moved quite quickly and got out of the car. Gil followed suit and walked around to him.
"Let's do it." And he placed his hand in the small of Nick's back and could feel the sweat under his shirt...and they'd been in a cool air conditioned car.
As they walked up the steps to the porch the door swung open and Mrs Jillian Stokes stood there smiling at them both.
"Nick. So good to see you here." She stepped up to him and they hugged. "And this is your young man...but he isn't that young is he? Well, well Mr Grissom, who knew?"
"Mrs Stokes..."
"...oh, call me Jillian." They shook hands and she smiled and stood aside to let them go into the house. Gil glanced at Nick whom, he thought, looked as if he was in shock. Mrs...Jillian...was being perfectly pleasant. There was no rancour in her voice when she made the comment about Gil's age....she seemed...amused.
The house was cool and airy and Gil felt comfortable immediately.
"Now y'all come to the kitchen where I have a pitcher of lemonade. Nick's favourite. Am I right?"
"Sure. Mom." And then as an afterthought he spoke again. "How are you? You look good. More rested that when I saw you last." It had been about two years since he'd last been home.
"Why, thank you, honey. I do a lot less work now. One day I just thought...why? Why am I doing this to myself? So now I work one or two days a week and help out when they need an extra pair of hands...vacation time, that kind of thing. It's for the young ones now...I've done my bit."
"What about the Ju...Dad?" He corrected himself.
"I try. I really try. He's down to four days a week...but if there's a long trial he's still there for the long haul. I've asked him to tell them to do the quick cases...but he still likes to get his teeth into something juicy. Here." The pitcher and glasses were on a tray on the table.
"Is he here?" Nick asked.
"He's on the deck reading the paper. Come on we'll go out." She picked up the tray and walked ahead of them. Nick looked at Gil and made a face a, I can't believe this is happening, kind of face.
They went out onto the deck and Judge Stokes set down his paper and stood up.
"Now what did I tell you, Bill? What was it?"
The three of them stood there waiting for the Judge to tell them what Jillian had said. Nick was holding his breath...***
Judge Stokes held his hands up in a sign of resignation and defeat...and smiled wryly before addressing both men.
"Jillian, as always, knows the children best. I was wondering what sort of young man you would bring home to meet us and she said, 'oh, no, it won't be a young man...he'll have an older more distinguished man, I know Nick', and it seems she was right. As usual, that is." Bill Stokes finished off his sentence with a smirk and Gil immediately warmed to the man.
He stuck his hand out and shook Gil's hand vigorously. "Good to meet you, again Mr Grissom...I guess I should call you Gil now." At Gil's almost bemused nod he moved sideways and hugged Nick. As Gil glanced over he could see the shock on Nick's face at his father's reaction and action. Jillian and Bill wouldn't have seen it.
"Now sit yourselves down and let's have a drink of this lemonade. Jillian has eyes in the back of her head and was on my case every time I tried to sneak a drink.
"So Nick, how you doing?
"Good, yeah I'm good. Thank you. I said to Momma she looked good and so do you but she says you're still doing too much."
"So she says. But I do a lot less than I used to even a year ago. Take my time more...the old body's slowed down but I don't think my brain has. Yet."
Jillian had given then all a drink and sat herself down besides Nick.
"How long will you be visiting with is? I've got your old room ready. But you may be more comfortable in a bigger room...the two of you." She smiled and Gil could see an instant blush on Nick's neck.
"We have...well I have two nights off two nights." Nick managed.
"It will be lovely to catch up with what you've been doing and learn more about Gil. You're no longer at CSI are you?" She addressed Gil.
"No...I left four years ago now...been out of the country mostly doing forensic archaeology and some teaching. Change of scenery."
"How long have you two..." Bill smiled at Gil. "...been together?"
"A long time." Gil answered. "Ten years...longer."
"Oh, so you were together when...when Nick..." Jillian swallowed audibly and put her hand on Nick's arm. "...Nick was abducted?"
"Not exactly. I think it's fair to say that I have treated Nick very badly. Our relationship has been...on and off many times. And I want to stress that it was nothing that Nick fault entirely, all of it. We were together and then I left the lab, and Nick, and married...a woman, before I came to my senses. I've very lucky that he's agreed to have me back. Again, that should be, but for the last time, I'm going nowhere now. I've come to my senses"
Nick's shocked face was directed at Gil now. Gil smiled and spoke directly to Nick. "I might as well tell the truth. It serves no purpose for me to be guarded about our past and my behaviour. Besides...Susan knows and..."
"...Susan? What does she know?" Bill asked the question sharply and Gil saw Jillian's hackles rise at the mention of her name.
"She knows all about our chequered past and is handling my divorce for me. For free. Family." He added with a flourish and a smirk.
"And you trust her, Nicky? After what she did to you?"
"Do to me?" Nick asked clearly puzzled by the question.
Bill saw Gil nod. "Gil knows don't you?"
"The betrayal of your trust."
"Oh. That."
"Yes. That. What she did was unforgiveable...and I can tell you I gave her a piece of my mind when she told us. She had no right whatsoever to break your confidence. You of course, forgave her...too trusting you are, son. I'm not saying you should not have forgiven her...but you should have made her suffer longer. She should have known better. A lot better." He'd spoken sternly and Jillian had nodded her agreement as he'd spoken.
Nick couldn't speak...he was absolutely speechless. Gil came to his defence and his rescue.
"Nick is a good and kind man; he doesn't carry grudges. I cannot really call him on his reasoning about Susan's behaviour because he's had me back time and time again because of his forgiving nature." Gil took Nick's hand in his own and brought it to his mouth and kissed his knuckles." He knew he'd compounded Nick's shock with such and overt and uncharacteristic display of affection...but what the hell...this was going a whole lot better than both of them had anticipated.
"There is that. So you two are getting married now the Supreme Court has ruled?"
"I think we would have married anyway regardless of the ruling. Maybe New York...or even Canada." Nick was still silent and Gil was making it up as he went along...enjoying himself.
"Well I had a thought about it and Jillian liked it and I don't want to spoil any plans you might have made...but I am a Judge and I can't exactly give the bride away but I could marry you...only if you wanted me too...I'm not stipulating it as any condition. Nothing like, it's your decision. Nick always makes the right decisions for himself. Always has done."
"What do you mean?" Gil had to ask again...because Nick still wasn't speaking and he didn't know if his parents had noticed. They must have was very obvious.
"He didn't want to do law or medicine. No siree, he wanted law enforcement. Followed his own path and did good. Wanted to move to the best he in all on his own. No string pulling. We have seven children, Gil, and Nick is the only one who's spread his wings and made his own life. The other six...the furthest away lives only thirty minutes' drive from here and all we've had since they all left home is, 'Dad, can you do this, Mom, can you do that. I've had a fight can you sort it out. I've got no money can you help me out'...
"Nick? Nothing. Got on with his life...did what he wanted to do how he wanted to do it and where and has been very successful. Never been any bother. Always been a good son..."
Nick suddenly stood up and shoved his seat away and it clattered making a noise and nearly falling over but it righted itself. He just turned and walked off down past the pool and into an orchard and kept walking. The three at the table just watched in surprise for about a minute and then Gil got up and spoke to the Judge and his wife.
"I'll go and see what's...wrong." He moved quickly but it still took a couple of minutes to catch up with Nick who was now at the end of the orchard leaning on a white picket fence.
Gil walked up to him and put his hand on his shoulder. The muscles were tense and Nick was almost rigid.
"Sweetheart? What is it..."
"...what is it?" Nick spun round and faced Gil. He was clearly very angry...***
"Did you hear what they said? About Susan? About the rest of them? About me?"
Gil was floundering. "They appear to be very supportive of you?" He phrased it as a question since he didn't know, exactly, what Nick was getting at but he did realise that their reception from the Judge and his wife had been very different from what he'd been expecting...and Nick, obviously.
"Supportive? Gil...for twenty years...longer...I've thought the pair of them thought I was the black sheep. The gay boy...pleased that I lived a long way away and had never darkened their door with a lover...a male lover and now...this?"
"I can tell it has come as a shock."
"Gil?" He almost screeched at Gil. "That's an understatement. I can't understand this. When I came here after Susan had told them they were, say. I thought it was at me and now they say it was because of Susan. Christ Almighty, they might have said something to me. I didn't know...I didn't know." Nick sounded as if he was in despair. Gil put his hand on his back, firmly, trying to calm him.
"I don't know what to think about them since I didn't see them then...but times change and people change and even the law has changed. Maybe they didn't like it but you were still their son and it sounds like they've had plenty of time to think about what you've done for yourself...and compared it to the rest of your...siblings. But whatever it was like in the past you cannot say that they have not been warm and welcoming to you, and me, today."
"And Mom said we can sleep the house!" He looked back at the ranch house. "Sleep together for fuck's sake. A couple of queers. And the Judge has offered to marry us." Nick laughed. "I can't believe it. I cannot fucking believe it."
Gil really was amused at Nick's reaction but thought a poker face was in order. At long last he now knew that his parents accepted him fully whatever the circumstances. Maybe they should have been more supportive in the past than they had been but the support was there was Nick who seemed to be wavering about the revelations.
"I don't know what to say, Nick...if you do want your father to marry us...that decision is entirely up to you. Perhaps you need some time to come to terms with what's just happened. But Texas haven't legalised same sex marriage yet so he couldn't marry us here. Could he?" Gil was trying as best he could keep the conversation going without being controversial and God knew that he could be controversial with Nick by just breathing. But Nick looked at him and shook his head.
"No way. Texas is about as backward as you can get. He would have to get licensed in another state...he must know that."
"So you want him to marry us?" Nick had calmed down quickly and he smiled at Gil, almost shyly.
"You know, man? I do...I think I do. It would tell the family something wouldn't it? Gay brother's made it into the Judge's good books."
"Tell me, why do you call him the Judge?"
Nick shrugged. "I have for years. It was a joke when he first became a judge...we all called it him...for me it seemed to stick because that was how he behaved. Judging us. Judging me. And now it turns out that all those fights about what he wanted me to do and what I wanted to do...he thought I was standing up for my rights and it was a good thing. This is the first I've heard of it...I guess I'd better go back and sort it out with them." He laughed. "Sounds like they have more shit going on here with the Stokes than they do with the Kardashians."
"Probably a good idea. Jumping up and running away was never the best option for anybody for anything...although I think it makes me a hypocrite to say that...but it has given you a few minutes breathing space for you to calm down and think about it. Who are the Kardashians? A Robert Kardashian defended OJ Simpson...he's dead I think."
"You're right about him but it's a reality show about his family. You've never heard of them?"
"No. Should I...I don't watch reality shows."
"Probably not." He chuckled. "Let's go back...and you're not a hypocrite...just undecided and I'm going to lick you into shape." Nick smiled at Gil and Gil pulled him into him and hugged him.
"I love you, sweetheart. You can lick me into shape...I need it."
"Good job you do...and you need to be in shape...we've got a wedding to plan."
"Next summer would be good."
"Next summer?" Nick pulled back.
"Give us time...give you time to make sure I'm going to stick around."
"You'd better stick around. After you said you were coming home I didn't cancel my vacation for when I was coming to see you. I thought we could get married then."
"Get married this year?" Gil was astounded and couldn't hide it.
Nick moved further back and dropped his arms from around Gil. "Why, don't you want to get married to me..."
"...of course I do...I would marry you I could. I thought you were the one who wasn't sure about marrying so quickly and that I was on...probation?"
"Yeah, well, I changed my mind. If we're married I can keep a closer eye on you."
"Good job Susan's back on with the divorce...let's hope it'll be quick."
"Yeah...I told her that I wanted it as fast as she could do it. She owed me...I said. Looks like she does and the Judge...Dad...agrees." Nick looked really happy.
Gil smiled at Nick and then kissed him gently and spoke with his lips against Nick's. "I really do love you."
"Yeah...this time I think you do." Nick didn't move and spoke in the same manner.
"This time you're right." Gil pulled back. "Come on...before they send out the search party."
They walked through the orchard back to the Stokes'. Both were still sitting where they'd been seated."
"You okay, Nick?" His mother wanted to know.
"Yeah, Mom. Look..." He sat down again and took a deep breath. "...the things you said before. About me, Susan, the family. I didn't know...had no idea at all. All this time I've thought that I was the misfit...the one you were happy to see the back of as I left the state. I was shocked, is all. I think I've done you both an injustice..."
"...Nick..." His father started and cleared his throat. "...we just sat here and spoke about that. We guessed that was why you were shocked...but you're not wrong...not really. I would say that Jillian and I have come to a slow realisation over the years that of all our children you are the one who has showed the most back bone, the most independence and the fact that you're gay and we've never openly supported you or told you that it doesn't matter, we still love you, you've still come back and still been the best son we have..."
"...we mean that honey." Jillian Stokes agreed with her husband. "We always tried to do our best but we know we fell short for a number of reasons...not just to you but to the others as well...but you're the only one who's never thrown it in our faces and yet you were the one with the most reason to do that...the most reason to leave and never come back."
"That about sums it up, son. We'll never get back those years...but from now on you'll have nothing but our full support."
Nick had tears rolling down his face and couldn't speak but he nodded and since his mother was closest to him he hugged her. "Thanks Mom." He managed.
"I don't know about you...but it must be about something stronger than lemonade. I need it and we can celebrate a new era with a toast."
"Bill, it's only just gone eleven...but what the heck I could do with a nice glass of wine..."
"...I was talking liquor, Jillian. Whiskey. Want one Nick, Gil? It's a good one...Irish, Midleton Very Rare."
"A very good one. Yes, please." Gil was impressed.
"Jillian bought it for me for Christmas. This will be a good time to break it open."
"Can I stick to beer?" Nick wanted to know.
"That's my boy." Bill stood up. "Have what you want and will enjoy not what I think you should have. How do you take it Gil?"
"I think it's got to be neat...can't dilute anything that special."
"You've got a good man here, Nick." Nick looked at his father and burst out laughing. They all looked at him and suddenly Bill joined in and Gil and Jillian looked at one another in a bemused fashion.
"They obviously know what they're laughing at." She said. She stood too and cleared the lemonade away.
"Make it a small one...I haven't eaten too much."
"We can have an early lunch I've done a pie...a beef pie. You used to like my pies, honey."
"Still do Mom...still do."
Gil sat there as the Stokes' went indoors. "You okay, sweetheart?"
"You know what, babe? I am okay. Things are suddenly going right for me...after all these years I have the man I want. I have my Mom and Dad's good."
Gil grinned. "It is Nick. It is."***
Their visit was a huge success. Just the four of them...although there were phone calls from the family neither Bill nor Jillian let on that they had visitors. Nick was more relaxed and 'at home' than Gil had ever seen him and Gil was made to feel as if he was part of the family.
They'd slept together in the guest room in a huge king size bed. The sex had been limited to mutual blow jobs. Gil had been under very strict instructions to swallow and lick every drop of evidence from Nick as Nick did with him. Nick had said that although they were sleeping together there was no way, Jose, that any evidence of a sexual nature could be left on the bedding. That included pushing the bedding down to the bottom of the bed and using a towel beneath them.
As Gil pointed out it was the most sterile sex they'd ever had...but it was sex and very enjoyable, nevertheless.
He really did hit it off with Bill and they shared more than one drinking session with the Midleton.
Bill made enquiries about officiating out of state at their wedding. It would need a few forms to be filled in but he had friends and acquaintances in quite a number of states. The four of them discussed where they could marry and Gil and Nick talked about where they wanted to get married.
They made up their minds that California would be best...Gil was from Santa Monica and Bill could apply for a one day permit to conduct the wedding. So it was that easy to decide. The problem was the divorce. They could make no plans until they had a definitive date.
By the time they had to leave Nick was a very and relaxed happy man. All his problems had come to an end and the only way was up... He was so excited that Gil was worried...if ever anything went wrong then Nick would be in shitload of trouble...his bubble would burst and it would all come tumbling down. Gil couldn't shake the uneasiness away.
Jillian caught him staring at nothing out of the kitchen window.
"What's wrong, Gil?"
He shrugged. "Nothing. And everything. Everything has come together for Nick. Me coming back into his life to and Bill coming to terms with his lifestyle. He's just about as happy as I've ever seen him and I have this ridiculous sense of doom. I'm being melodramatic...I'm sorry."
"I know what you mean. Can it all be true and more importantly can it last?"
"Yes. That's it. I'm worried for him. Only if something should go wrong. Things do go wrong for Nick..."
"...oh, I know, you don't have to tell me. But you're with him're not thinking of leaving again..."
"...absolutely not. There is no reason for me to feel this pessimistic, but..."
"...then all I can say is try not to be and enjoy your time with Nick as he's on top of the world and if he should take a tumble, be there to catch him."
"That's it. You're right."
"He might be the happiest you've ever known him just now, but if things should falter then Nick is resilient. He's come through more in his life than most people ever have to face...and he dealt with it and moved on. He now has a support system that's been sadly lacking over the years. You, me and Bill. I always knew he'd find an older man to be with. You may not like the comparison, and Nick would hate it, but you're very much like Bill..."
"...I won't tell Nick if you don't." Gil grinned.
"You've realised?"
"I think I did that first day out on the deck. I very much regret what I've done to him over the years but I will make it up to him, I promise. That's the same with you and Bill, I suspect."
"Yes it is."
"What's this? Telling each other all my secrets?" Nick walked in carrying empty mugs.
"More like my secrets, sweetheart." Gil spoke and smiled.
"You'd better not be keeping secrets from me...or you'll be in for some ass whipp...sorry Mom." Nick stopped himself and started laughing to cover his embarrassment.
"I've heard worse believe you me, no, Gil and I were talking about how badly we've both treated you..."
"...that's in the past, Mom, and I'm looking to the future now."
"You're such a good boy." She chuckled and hugged him mugs and all.
"Mom...I'm very, very nearly forty-two. Hardly a good boy."
"You'll always be my little baby, honey." She said in a baby voice and Nick disentangled himself and rolled his eyes.
"You see what I've had to put up with?" He said to Gil as he deposited the mugs in the sink.
"You're so adorable, honey, when you're mad." Gil continued the theme with a baby voice.
"And now you really are cruising..." They all laughed and Nick hugged Gil. "Come on, we've got to pack..."
" it time to leave already?" Gil whined.
"Someone's got to the bills."
"I know. I'll be job hunting as soon as I get..."
" bet your ass you will...I don't want you having to go back to Paraguay."
"Oh dear, Gil, have you got to back there?"
"I sincerely hope not. But I did sign a contract...I don't want to take money off them and I can repay the fees they paid me but I thought that if in the meantime I was able to secure some work it would then be impossible for me to return."
Jillian's legal hat went straight on. "It does depend on the terms of the contract you signed of course, but at the same time if you were not expecting to have to leave mid-contract for reasons entirely out of your control, and I believe at their instigation, then you would have a good case."
"I doubt they'd have the money or the will to fight any counter claim by me so I'm fairly confident but then I have to work anyway and being in a job seems the best defence."
"I'm sure you're right."
"There you go man, the attorney has decreed."
"Let's hope so."
"What work are you intending to do?"
"Ah...I thought I might try my hand at poker." Gil smirked.
"I'm not falling for don't mean play do you?"
"No...working in the's the most immediate job I think I can get...I have a contact. We'll see...there may be something else. I don't know."
"I hope you enjoy whatever work you find. I'm going to get some lunch and we can eat together for the last time."
"Mom...something light please I don't think I'll be able to fasten my pants of I eat much more."
"Gil won't mind that, will you?" She poked Gil in the ribs as she walked past to the fridge. "Salad then?"
"Salad then. And Mom...don't do this to me...I reckon it's wrong for your Mom to make suggestive remarks...don't you, babe?"
"If you say so." Gil was remaining neutral.
"Don't you side with Mom...I think ya'll getting too friendly." Nick drawled in the strongest Texan accent Gil had heard him use.
"Who is? What are we having for lunch?" Bill walked into the kitchen.
"Salad. And don't've eaten far too much these last days." Jillian waved a lettuce at him.
"Who's complaining?" He threw his arms up in surrender. "I'm hungry, not stupid."
Nick and his Dad nodded to each in recognition of the fact that Jillian was not to be crossed when she made a statement.
"I think I need to side with you Jillian, to even it out." Gil smirked.
"Thank you least I can count on your support.
The least meal and then the goodbyes; the sentiments from all four were sincere and two men left for the airport relaxed and confident about their future.
"That was good wasn't it?" Nick spoke as he turned out of the ranch's drive onto the road.
"Not just good; you've mended your relationship with your parents and you're probably moving into another era of your life."
"I am, aren't I? Reconciled with the folks. Getting married. Yeah...a new era..."***
They opened the door to Nick's house and dumped all their luggage immediately inside the door. Sam came bounding up to them in greeting. And to Gil's delight, it wasn't just Nick, although he was first, Sam remembered Gil and wanted some fuss from him too.
They managed to work their way into the kitchen. Nick opened the door to the yard and Sam ran out and dashed around like a mad mutt but then came straight back into to the house make sure Nick and Gil really were home...and then out again.
Kim had left a note on the counter. 'No problems. Everything great. Love Kim x'. Short, sweet and to the point which told Nick all he needed to know.
Nick pulled two bottles of water from his fridge and handed one to Gil, took the top of his own and drank the whole bottle in one go.
"Man, I was thirsty." Gil was sipping his more sedately.
"Flying. Dry atmosphere."
"You don't say?"
"I just did." Gil smirked but took the opportunity to lean towards Nick and kiss him. "We're home. Never thought I would be back so soon and my aim is to stay here."
"So much has happened so quickly. And yet we've been ten years in the making to get to this point..." His cell rang out and Nick frowned. "...I'd better take it. Oh, it's Susan." He'd looked at the caller ID. "Susan?" He listened and then started laughing. "I reckon it's 'bout time." He listened some more and then spoke again. "Okay I'll tell him...yeah okay. Bye."
"Susan being nice?"
"She sure was. Mom's told her and she says you are flavour of the month. Made a big impression so she'll have to make nice now. About fucking time."
"I suppose it is. What have you got to tell me?"
"She's just sent an e-mail with all the details but she thinks she's sorted out the divorce."
"That's good news. I'll go and find my laptop and see what she's said." Gil trundled off to do exactly that and Sam came rushing back in and not immediately seeing Gil went looking for him.
Nick heard Gil exclaim, 'ah' and looked through the door...Gil had obviously been crouching down to retrieve his laptop and Sam had seen him as an easy target and had knocked him onto his backside and was showering him with licks... Gil was laughing and scratching Sam's coat and Nick teared up. Gil and Sam were the two and dog...whom he loved more than anyone else in the world. Okay his Mom and Dad now figured in his life again but these two...
"Hey, Sam, come on give me some love...I'll get jealous." And he too crouched down and Sam bounded back to him.
"When we get married, shall we drive down and take Sam?" Gil was still sitting on the floor.
"He could be the best man."
"Best dog. What do you say Sam? Get you a special grooming and paint your nails..."
"I don't think so...we're not fairies and neither is he." Gil smirked.
"No, funny that. Did you I'm sure you didn't." Nick stopped and laughed at himself and Sam who was still having a ball welcoming his number one and number two masters, back.
"I didn't do what?"
"Dress know..."
", I didn't. Never crossed my mind." Gil hesitated a little before asking. "You?"
"I did once...dressed up in my sister's stuff and she went fucking ape shit. The rest of them just thought it was funny...I was only about eight. Never did it again...nor did I ever want to. I did go out with a boy at college who I thought was like know like butch gay...what?"
Gil was laughing. "Butch?"
"Yeah, man, for gays we both are." Nick was being defensive but smiled and shrugged. Anyway this guy turned into a real fairy on a date and I was thrown a curve ball. Not my thing." Just then his cell rang again. "Uh-uh who's this now?"
"Are you on call?"
"Not that I know. It's Sara. Hi." He listened for a few moments and then smiled. "Yeah he want to speak...okay, I will. See you tonight."
"She didn't want to speak to me then?"
"No, man, but she says she's had Susan's e-mail and is happy for it to proceed exactly as Susan has outlined."
"That's good. I did tell you that Susan's representing both of us..."
", you didn't! Can she do that?"
"Sara asked Susan and she said it was unusual but since there were no contentious issues she didn't mind."
"It's kind of weird. Don't you think?"
"I really haven't given it any thought...Susan asked if was I okay with it and...I was."
"So get your laptop and let's see what it says." Sam was finally settling down and sat on the floor next to Nick panting from his exertion. Nick was still scratching his neck and Sam was leaning against him.
Gil looked over at the two of them and smiled.
"This is what I've been waiting for all my life. I'm so sorry it's taken so long for me to realise."
"Yeah, well, you know now."
"I do."***
The divorce went ahead very smoothly. A judge accepted their marriage as being legal in the United States and then Gil and Sara had to appear before the same judge to confirm their acceptance of the deal and he ended the marriage there and then. Susan hired a Las Vegas lawyer to represent them in court.
It seemed to Gil that he and Sara had divorced as friends. Nick thought that was stretching it a bit...he doubted they would ever be friends. He was pleased with that since having the ex-wife in the equation, even Sara, was not what he wanted.
True to her word, Susan only charged for expenses, most of them for the lawyer she hired, but sent the entire check to Sara to settle...which she questions asked. The actual divorce didn't cost Gil a dime and, in fact, didn't even cost Sara a great deal. She was happy. Nick was happy. Gil did feel guilty.
Gil tried to contact his friend at The Venetian and found that he'd moved to Wynn's but he found him there and spoke to him. Within two weeks Gil was on a training course at Wynn's and had been licensed as a croupier. He so impressed the staff with his knowledge and ability and especially his poker skills that after only a few shifts he was given the high end room to work. On his first night a guy won a lot of money and tipped him with a ten grand chip. The croupiers in the room shared the tips...and each night he worked he would end up with several hundred bucks at least and sometimes he would make thousands...
He loved the work but decided to work part time and worked Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights...which suited all of them and left the week free for him to pursue forensic work. Stipulating he could only work Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursdays he was soon being commissioned as an expert for defence and prosecution cases across the States.
He was not required to return to Paraguay and they even let him to keep the money since he'd paid for the flights home which cost more than he owed them.
Anna-Marie and Carlos married just six weeks after their first encounter in Vinchina...and were trying for a baby immediately since Anna was forty-one and time was running stated Carlos in an e-mail somewhat ungallantly, thought Gil.
Nick didn't want to tempt fate with the divorce looming so refused to even look at rings until it was a done deal. The afternoon of the finalising of the divorce they went ring shopping; they decided on just one ring each and no engagement rings...but their thin plain platinum bands were each set with a small square diamond. Very tasteful, Jillian would later remark.
The wedding was organised and executed without a hitch. All Nick's sisters attended but not his brother...since he'd declared it an abomination. In reply, Bill had said he was the abomination and if anyone was going to burn in wouldn't be Nick. Susan told Nick about it...since that's what she did, snitch, and Nick, of course, cried because that's what he did.
Greg was the only friend who attended from the lab having been put out of his misery when the divorce had been finalised. He was about the only real friend Nick had at work. Though no one was openly hostile to Nick's apparently new lifestyle...most of the people he might have called friends seemed to withdraw from him. Greg reckoned it was because it was Gil...a man they'd all put up on a pedestal and who'd married Sara. It wasn't a Sara backlash per se...but who knows. Nick didn't feel comfortable.
Gil's mother, Betty, and Jillian were the witnesses to the wedding and Sam was given pride of place. Together with Rhett...their new young dog from the pound that just happened to be very well behaved.
Heather also attended the wedding...she did finally accept that Rory had very probably stumbled on the truth of the matter regarding Gil's behaviour with Nick and Sara. And she had to admit that Gil was no longer depressed although she was certain that when he first consulted her about his behaviour he most certainly was...she believed it was Nick's acceptance of Gil as his partner despite their chequered relationship, and Gil's own desire to change, that had lifted his depression without chemical intervention. When she explained this to Gil and Nick, Gil looked over the top of his glasses at her and pursed his lips and was about to speak when Nick beat him to it.
"I think you're right Heather, don't you?" Nick had addressed Gil for his confirmation and the new improved Gil realised immediately that Nick was signalling to him loud and clear. Put up and shut up... He did. He was trying and mostly succeeding at being a changed man.
Gil and Nick had gone to get a bitch from the pound...and had been totally unable to choose between two girls they'd met. An older lady called Bo...and a very young girl all legs and tail and they called her Fizz. Rhett had been almost hanging out of his cage looking at them, longingly, and one bitch turned into two bitches and a dog!
So they moved to a one story with a big yard and had their four companions...Sam who was the leader of the pack, Rhett, who adored Sam and copied his every move, Bo who was actually the leader but let Sam think he was and Fizz...whom they had to concede was a total nightmare, not trainable, mischievous and the most loving dog they could imagine...
Their family was complete!
When they'd finished the renovations that needed to be done and fully settled in with their dogs...Nick resigned from work. Ecklie was concerned enough to ask him to reconsider...but once his decision was made he felt happier than he'd done for several years.
He enrolled in a pre-teaching course at WLVU intent on becoming a science teacher. He had sufficient savings to support himself but Gil insisted he would be able to do that...but in the event with every Friday free of classes he got a job with security at the Wynn...two twelve hour night shifts on Friday and Saturday. After several months they offered him a full time managerial post but he turned it down. He was going to be a teacher.
Gil did change...he tried very hard to do so and there were a few lapses and fights...but far fewer than Nick had thought there would be. Gil put that down to the fact that he had finally found what he'd been looking for...despite it being right under his nose for so long. But with their occasional fights they learned how to work their way through them instead of ignoring them or even worse...walking away.
Oh, and Rory came to visit. He fell in love with Nick and Fizz. Bo bit him; Sam and Rhett studiously ignored him... "Fucking dogs...always fucking hated me. Fizz'll fucking turn on me just you fucking wait and see..." But she never did...and in her little head she was a graceful Irish Wolfhound and she could fucking swear with the fecking best of them...
The End***
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