Title: Making Friends...
Author: Dee
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 35788
Pairing: Gil/Nick
Characters: Gil Grissom, Nick Stokes and the usual crew...
Warnings: AU and OOC
Spoilers: For S.13...and it could be on an ongoing basis...I don't know yet!
Disclaimer: Not mine; not now, not ever.
Unbeta-ed: All mistakes will be mine.
A/N 1: Well this is it...the very end. Despite a couple of ideas and over a dozen WiPs I have nothing more... I have absolutely no idea if I will ever write another Gil/Nick fic. Nor have I found any other ship that I'm even remotely interested in writing. I did start a *real* story based on original characters and I might write some more of that...dunno. It's a weird feeling after so many years churning out the fics...and until v.recently really enjoying it...to find I've come to a full stop.I would like to thank every single one of you that has taken the time to comment on my fics and it's you lot that have kept me going and I hope I've made some enduring (albeit internet) friendships. I've even met up with quite a number of Ljers in various places over the last few years...
Two of you, I'm sure, will always remain dear friends...Nancy and Lisa...kind and sweet the pair of you.
Then there was podga...who is, sadly, no longer on Lj but was my steadfast beta for so long (she used to shout at me...and I took absolutely no notice but I'm sure she made me a much better writer) and who, happily, remains an enduring internet friend...
It is like the end of an era...it's been years...but who knows I might be back so keep a look out...I might get some inspiration from some new episodes, after all this fic finishing below started out like that.
Oh, and on this ending...not happy with it at all. Lol...I like how I start my fics and I'm okay about the development and content but I've always felt v.iffy about my endings...and this is no exception!
Sam couldn't run; more accurately he shouldn't run...not until his wound and the muscle beneath had fully healed. So Nick had to keep him on his lead to make sure he didn't go running around. It was a long extending lead so Sam could have some freedom but he looked at Nick, with his large forlorn eyes, and accused him of denying him his basic canine rights...
They'd only been out walking for three days following his recovery but Nick felt as guilty as hell when Sam focussed on him with such an accusatory stare that Nick had very nearly caved... Nearly...but he'd remained steadfast at the visual onslaught.
"Sam, Sam, you know it's for your own good. I'll make it up to you when you're better."
So Nick ambled around the park. He'd driven to the park but when Sam was well they would walk the distance. It was a couple of minutes in the truck and only about ten minutes on foot. Nick was thinking about running again...he'd became lax in the last couple of years but with Sam at his side he was sure he could get into it again.
Nick wasn't really looking around at anyone, he was deep in thought but he glanced at a bench and the man seated on it and thought, 'hey, he looks like Grissom'. He concentrated and looked hard and he knew that it was Grissom.
He smiled at the man, who was looking down, and walked towards him. "Hey, Grissom? That you?"
Grissom looked up and was plainly surprised. "It is me, Nick. How are you? Is this your dog?" He looked at Sam who was reluctantly bringing up the rear.
"I'm good. Yeah...this is Sam. Ex-police dog and a hero...recovering from a gunshot wound. How are you?" He'd immediately noticed that Grissom looked older and heavier...even weary.
"I'm okay. A hero you say? Here, Sam." He held out his hand and Sam ambled up and sniffed it and then looked up at Grissom as if begging him to intervene with Nick so he could be let off his lead. "He looks pissed off."
Nick laughed. "He does, doesn't he? I reckon he wants to be let off his lead so he can have a run around but his shoulder must be allowed to heal before he can go off into the wilds of the park. That's right isn't it Sam?" Sam looked at him in disgust and sat down at Grissom's feet with Grissom scratching his head. Nick sat beside Grissom on the bench.
"So how come you've got a police dog...don't they usually retire with their handler."
"They do...but his handler, his partner, was murdered and Sam here sniffed out the perp and got shot for his troubles. We kind of hit it off so they asked me if I wanted to have him...he was due to retire anyway at the end of the year." Grissom nodded his understanding as he continued to pet Sam.
"Hank died...well I had to have him..." Grissom stopped there.
"Hank? Your dog?" Nick had no idea that Grissom and Sara had a dog. And called after her old boyfriend...weird.
"Yes. I had Hank for ten years...a boxer but he got some tumours and he had quite a lot of treatment but in the end I could tell...he was fed-up with it all...so I had to..." Grissom stopped again and was clearly choked up.
"Fucking nightmare isn't it? Doesn't matter how many times it happens it still breaks your heart. Back home...in Texas...we got a pet cemetery on the farm...dogs, cats, hamsters, gerbils, you name it...all buried by us kids over the years. I still go and visit with them when I go home...remember the good times."
"Hank was my first and only dog...pet. I was more interested in them dead when I was a kid." Nick's look at him make him chuckle. "Roadkill...washed up on the beach; I used to autopsy...necropsy them."
"How's Sara taking it? She hasn't said anything." Nick asked.
Grissom looked at him and frowned but didn't speak. Nick frowned his own frown back at him and elaborated. "You know, Sara? Your wife?"
Grissom nodded and looked away from him. "I hadn't realised that she hadn't told you. We're in the process of divorcing..."
"...you're joking?"
"It's not a joking matter, Nick. Believe me."
"No, it isn't and I'm sorry, but man, I had no idea. I don't think anyone has...in fact DB was talking to her about having a long distance relationship a couple of weeks ago...we thought...I thought you were in South America somewhere."
"I have been, off and on. But I finished that project some months ago."
"So the long separations were too much." Nick didn't ask it as a question but more of an observation.
"Something like that." They sat in silence for a little while. Nick was thinking about this new information and why Sara hadn't said a word about it when Grissom spoke again. "No, it wasn't anything to do with the separation. The marriage worked when we were apart." He stopped again but Nick chose to keep his mouth shut. Let Grissom tell him what he wanted to...in his own time; he was concentrating on rubbing Sam's fur and scratching his ears and neck. Sam had obviously identified a new friend.
"I miss petting. The contact."
"Sara?" Nick asked horrified.
"Hank." Grissom's voice sounded like it used to when he was calling Nick out at work. You're a dumbass, Stokes. But Nick couldn't help laughing and within a moment Grissom was laughing with him.
"Sorry." Nick managed.
"It's okay. I do miss the contact...but the truth of the matter is I did have more contact with Hank than I did with Sara. It was all my fault." He stopped again and Nick didn't respond. There wasn't a lot he could say anyway. He'd said he was sorry, and he was, although he couldn't imagine anyone being married to Sara and her neuroses...and he considered himself and Sara to be good friends.
"I had an affair with Heather...Heather Kessler."
Holy fuck
! He thought. "Wow." He exclaimed.
"Wow? Idiotic behaviour. I have no idea why I did it...and then I confessed that I had done it..."
"...you wanted to end the marriage."
"I didn't."
"Really? Having an affair and then confessing...sounds like you wanted out and gave her the excuse to give you the out."
Grissom looked at him. "You think? I didn't think so at that moment, but in retrospect I probably did."
"Obviously I don't know the whole story do I? But you don't have an affair if you're happy in a marriage. Do you? But I've never been married, so what do I know?"
"You're probably right. Heather and I...we were not some kind of love story...I was fascinated by her...still am if I'm honest but all I wanted was some...sorry, you don't want to hear about all my problems."
He did! "Hey, I don't mind."
"I'm not usually given to verbal diarrhoea."
"That's true." They smiled at one another.
"I have no one with whom to discuss it. The lawyer's only concerned about getting his money. My mom is happy about the split..."
"...I bet. She didn't like Sara did she?"
"How did you know?"
"The murder at the college..."
"...of course."
"But she doesn't want to discuss it. Heather isn't speaking to me...her own guilt, I suspect. I used to talk to Hank...and I think I probably bored him to death..."
"...I'm sure you didn't. He would have listened to every word and wouldn't have been in the least judgmental." Nick smiled kindly at Grissom.
"You're right. He was my best friend."
"Sam's going to be your friend, too."
"I hope so." They sat quietly for a few more minutes.
"Can I tell you, Nick? What happened?
"Sure you can and you know my lips will be sealed." He indicated zipping his lips with his right thumb and forefinger. "That was the very secret, secret sign for me and my sisters."
Grissom smiled and sat back on the bench his one hand still resting on Sam.
"It all started..."
"...when I got back from Ecuador. I had thoroughly enjoyed my time travelling and the projects I'd undertaken but I felt it was time to put my passport in the drawer and stay at home. Look for something to do in the States...maybe in Vegas. But...Sara thought I should still be looking for projects away from home. It was quite clear that she wanted me out of the country and not at her side here in Vegas. Of course...me being me I didn't talk it through with her...of course not. I can discuss it with you here, now, but not with my wife.
"That's how I ended up with Heather. I called and asked if I could meet up with her...she listened. She's the best listener, you know?" Grissom smiled. "But you're not so bad yourself."
"Anyway, I talked with Heather, I was lonely, Nick, even though I was married to Sara I couldn't talk to her about me, about us. Do you understand that...we could talk about work and anything else as long it wasn't about us... Heather listened and empathised, you see she was lonely too. I went back to her apartment...and we drank a lot and I made a pass at her and there we were...in bed. Me. An adulterer...I can hardly believe it even now.
"But I told Sara a few days later; I just couldn't not tell her since I was disgusted with myself. Heather wouldn't return my calls or accept my apologies...probably because of her own loss of control. Control is very important to Heather. Of herself...of her life..."
"...so you just slept with Heather once?"
"That's not exactly an affair then is it?"
"I was unfaithful. Married men are not supposed to sleep with anyone other than their wives...even once."
"Fair enough. An indiscretion certainly... but an affair? I doubt it. But Sara threw you out?"
"No. She forgave me. Even with it being Heather...whom she doesn't like at all...no, that's being generous. She cannot stand the sight of her. But Sara still wanted me to go back to South America...or even France. She was actively looking for projects for me. I was finished with them. I wanted my own bed. A hot shower...a flushing toilet."
"Don't they have them in France?" Nick joked.
"Very funny." And Grissom did chuckle.
"So what went wrong?"
"Me. I couldn't forgive myself that was the real problem. I couldn't understand...two things. Why I did feel the need to sleep with Heather and why I couldn't accept Sara's forgiveness. I really don't have any real answer to either question. Not really. I think I wanted comfort from Heather...I've never had comfort from Sara...only sex. Not bad sex...but not making love sex...just sex. Maybe she doesn't know how. I don't know. I didn't want to accept her forgiveness because I didn't want to stay with her...she obviously didn't want me to be around anyway...but why? Your guess is as good as mine."
Nick was now embarrassed that Grissom was speaking so freely to him...he really didn't want to know about their sex life and yet, on the other hand, he was also touched that Grissom did trust him enough to confide in him. But he still needed the answer to one question. "Why was Hank called after her old boyfriend...you know, the paramedic...the one who moved the bra?"
"I know. Coincidence. I called Hank, Hank, before we got together. Hank came with me you know...on my travels. He was a veteran traveller...he was a great companion. A really well behaved dog. I miss him..." Once more Grissom's voice broke as he spoke about Hank.
"Why don't you get another dog...a puppy or a rescue dog from the pound?"
"The wound is too raw...and anyway at the moment I'm in rented property and you're not supposed to have dogs. I smuggled in Hank." He smiled at his own reminiscences. "But when I get settled I will, I'm sure."
"So, are you going to stay in Vegas?"
"Definitely. I've got two new jobs. I start in a few weeks' time. Teaching new recruits the basics of forensic crime investigation, or I suppose more importantly, the preservation of crime scenes until the CSI's turn up...at the Police Academy. And also refresher courses for serving officers. Two three hour sessions a week. And then I'm taking an entomology class at WLVU for two full days a week. I'm really pleased about the work. Both jobs."
"But what about Sara? Why isn't she telling anybody...I mean you could start running into people you know...like me."
Grissom shrugged. "I have no idea. I think it's true to say I have given up trying to solve the puzzle that is Sara. I like puzzles...you know I do...but there were too many twists and turns and inconsistencies. Look, Nick, I'm sorry to have unloaded all this shit on you..."
"...hey, no sweat, man. Happy to provide an ear for you to unload." Then a thought struck him. "Do you want to get together sometime? Have a drink, dinner? Watch a game?"
Grissom's face actually lit up and became far more animated. "That would be good..." But then his face fell. "...but you must have you own friends with whom you...hang." He was unused to using the slang expression, Nick could tell.
Nick made a huffing sound...plainly ironic to both men. "It's hard to make friends and stay friends when they know what you do and you work shifts and can work over any time. You have to rearrange...eventually it comes down to the wire. The only people you see are the ones you work with and even then..." Nick looked wistfully into the distance; he sounded a lot like he felt. Was it all worth the toll it took on you personally, day after day, week after week?
Grissom spoke again and pulled him from his maudlin reverie. "I would like to go out for a drink, a meal and a game...all three, anytime. And I don't mind if work gets in the way because I understand."
Nick turned and looked at Grissom and grinned. "That would be good. Look I'd better go...get Sam home and let him rest up."
"Of course. He's a great dog isn't he...very patient and calm."
And then another thought struck Nick and there was no time like the present. "I have an idea, Grissom."
"What's that?"
"Well I will have to work over sometimes and I was thinking about getting a dog sitter..."
"...I would love to. Really love to." Grissom beamed at him having anticipated the question.
"You sure?"
"Never been surer of anything in my life. All I need to know is you normal schedule and I'll tell you mine and then I can go over to your house and either dog sit or take him for a walk. Whatever you need."
"That would be great. Perhaps when we're both off and Sam is fighting fit again we could take him hiking...or something..." He started to peter out...that was stretching it a bit really.
"Nick. That would be great. Really. Apart from anything else I need the exercise and to have a hike with a friend and his dog. That would be awesome." He grinned.
Nick laughed. He'd never heard Grissom use the word awesome before, he was sure.
"You doing anything tomorrow night?" Nick asked.
"I don't do anything any night."
"It's my night off...come on over, we can get take out and chug a few beers and watch a game. I have cable. Old games, new games, good and bad. Baseball. Football. Hockey. Whatever."
"It's a date. What's your address?"
Nick gave Grissom his address and they shook hands and Nick and Sam sauntered off to finish their walk and Grissom stayed on the bench and watched them go. Both men were smiling... Sam was still sulking at being on his lead.
Nick could see that Grissom's truck was still on his drive...and he was happy that he would see his friend...that's how he thought of Grissom now...as his friend.
He parked his own truck alongside Grissom's, grabbed his bag, jumped out...maybe more sedately climbed out rather than jumped...he was tired. He locked the vehicle as he walked towards his own front door.
As he opened the front door Grissom was walking towards the door...and him.
"Nick. Hello. I was just leaving. Sam's been to the park and we've done two laps with no problems with his shoulder."
Just as Grissom spoke Sam ran out of the kitchen and skidded to a halt in front of Nick and sat and looked up at him.
"Hey, Sam." Nick grinned at him, dropped his bag, and then tapped his chest and Sam leapt up on his hind legs...his front paws very nearly on Nick's shoulders. Nick ruffled his fur and Sam licked his face.
"He's a great dog." Grissom was smiling at the scene.
"Ain't he though?"
"He is. I'm off then...I'll be around on Thursday...if you're still off work tomorrow?"
"Yeah, I am. Look have you got anything to do? You could stay awhile and we could shoot the breeze?"
"Sure. I have nothing pressing to do...I've prepared all my notes for my first lectures, I only need to check them through...again."
"Great. Beer?"
"I could have one."
"Come on Sam...do you want a biscuit?" Sam made a small bark to tell Nick that that was exactly what he wanted.
"He's just had one."
"Whoa...Uncle Grissom says you've had one...do you think you should have another one?" Sam barked...not a loud bark...but a 'don't quibble, give me a biscuit, immediately', type of bark.
Nick made his way into the kitchen with Sam virtually attached to his leg. He bent down to the cupboard where the dog biscuits were kept and Sam sat down, as close as he could get to Nick and the cupboard.
Nick held the biscuit for him and looked into the pleading brown eyes. "Now, boy, don't you get used to having two biscuits, this is just a one off special. Okay?" Sam's eyes were flicking from the biscuit to Nick and back again. Nick smiled at him and gave him the biscuit which he took, very gently, from Nick's fingers.
Nick watched as he made very short work of the biscuit. "Now I'm going to have a treat with Grissom." He retrieved two beers from the fridge and knocked off the caps. "You want a glass for your beer?" Nick called.
"No, thanks, I'm okay...picked up some bad habits in the jungle." Grissom called back.
Nick smiled as he took the beers back into the living room. Grissom had sat down on the couch, so Nick sat down at the other end. Sam looked at Grissom and then Nick and Nick patted the seat beside him and Sam jumped up and snuggled down with his head in Nick's lap. Nick absently stoked the fur on his head.
"He's settled in well, hasn't he? I think he understands that you love him now that his partner's gone. I do too...it's impossible not to."
"Yeah. He just kind of snuck into my heart...didn't you Sam?" The dog sighed and Nick and Grissom chuckled. They sat for a few minutes just sipping their beers and then Nick spoke. He seemed to startle Grissom.
"Do you remember Tina?"
"Browne, Warrick's..."
"...ex-wife. Yes, I do, and the boy Eli."
"Well she got herself mixed up in all kinds of shit...Finn and Sara had to go to her house...Warrick's old place. Turns out Eli, who's six, was trying to take care of her...but what Finn and Sara saw caused them to call in Child Services." Nick took a long slug from his bottle and stared ahead across his room.
"Warrick was trying to get custody when he was...when he was shot."
"Yeah. Eli. Man, it was like talking to Warrick as a boy...he's so much like his Dad. So much. Unbelievable."
"Is it drugs?"
"Yeah, and undesirables. She was living in filthy conditions...although Eli was clean and...he's a good boy."
"Has she been charged with anything?"
"No. Child Services have said she can have Eli back but she's got to be supervised. I think Sara is going to make it her project."
"That's good. Didn't you start a college fund for Eli?"
"Yeah. I save a hundred bucks a month for him. People at the lab gave me money for the fund when I first started it...there's over nine grand..."
"...that's great, Nick, really great. Warrick would be proud of you..."
"...would he? I didn't know Eli was living like he was. I didn't know Tina had fallen apart. Some fucking friend I turned out to be."
"But Tina wouldn't let you see him, would she? I remember Catherine and Sara tried a number of times and Tina wanted nothing to do with anyone from the lab."
"I suppose. But I didn't try hard enough, did I?"
"You had no reason to know, did you?"
"I guess not. But shouldn't the fact that Warrick was trying to get custody of the boy have rung some alarm bells? There was obviously something going on..."
"...but he didn't share did he?"
"Hindsight is a wonderful thing. It sounds as if things are going to improve for her...and Eli now. Sara likes nothing better than to sink her teeth into a project...or cause."
Nick looked sideways at Grissom. He'd sounded sarcastic.
"Yes. Exactly. I was a project." Grissom confirmed Nick's suspicions.
Nick didn't speak but hid a sly smile as he took another swig of his beer but then thought of something.
"You eaten?"
"Then I reckon I have two juicy steaks with our names on them...throw a salad together, put the steaks on good old George and away we go. You up for it?"
"I am. What's good old George?"
"Foreman...the grill?"
"Oh yes. I get it..." At that moment Sam sighed and rolled onto his back with his four paws in the air. "...he won't stay like that for long when he smells the steak."
"No, sir. We have to save him some steak...man, he was shot."
"I'm not going to complain about that he deserves steak."
Nick didn't move but took another drink of his beer. "Are you going to get another dog?"
"Yes. I was thinking about it in the park today. A big dog, like Sam, from the pound...but I was wondering whether you would come with me...with Sam, here, and test them out together. See if they get on."
"That's a good idea."
"Well if I'm your dog sitter I can take them out together."
"And if you're away, your dog can board with me and Sam."
Grissom grinned. "That would be great. Not that I'm going to go away much."
They sat in amiable silence.
"Maybe..." Grissom started. "...maybe...when Sam's fully recovered and I've got a new dog...we could take Eli...hiking with us...camping?"
Nick grinned. "That's a great idea."
"We could tell him about his Dad.
"Yeah...we could. Steak and salad?"
"Break out George."
Gil settled into his new jobs with great satisfaction. It wasn't hard work at the police college but he enjoyed working with the enthusiastic recruits who really had no idea what exactly they'd let themselves in for...how different from the old timers wheeled in for their forensics refresher course. They were cynical and world weary but most had encountered Gil Grissom in the course of the work and were not unfriendly and for his part Gil tried not to preach to the converted. He felt fairly confident he had succeeded since he had no poor feedback from anyone and he felt relieved.
Just before he'd started the work he'd remembered his run-ins with Officer Fromansky. They had been testing times and he was unnerved by the man...he'd hoped he wouldn't be seeing him. It was early days but he felt a little better each time he took a class and he wasn't in it.
The college work was very different. His love of entomology was enduring and he loved nothing better than imparting his knowledge to others and gaining more experience and knowledge himself. He was happy.
If he had to choose he would always pick the college work. Maybe if he was diligent he would be picked up for more classes and a longer contract. At the moment he had a year to prove his worth. It was his goal...academia...after all his years spent at the sharp end.
So having settled his work issues for a year he decided he should start looking for somewhere a little more permanent to live. Sara and he were selling the home they had in Vegas...Sara was living in it but she wanted a smaller place and Gil just wanted a...place. His own place.
He returned from his outing with Sam to find Nick at home. He checked his watch; Nick was very early. He knocked on the door...despite having a key he though it presumptuous to just walk in, even if he was with Sam.
Nick opened the door and Sam burst into the room to him but as usual, even in his excitement, he skidded to a stop and sat in front of Nick. Nick went down on his haunches to face his dog and hug him. Sam could hardly contain his excitement, it seemed as if it was a special bonus that his master was home waiting for him when it was normally the other way round.
Gil took Sam's lead into the kitchen and then came out again walking to the front door.
"Okay, I'm off..."
"...stay for a beer?"
"Don't tempt me. I would love to, but I've got to go look at properties. I really want to buy a place but I just haven't seen anywhere I like and since I want a dog...I really do...you and Sam..." He smiled at them as Nick was still fussing Sam and Sam was enjoying himself. "...I'm going to see a couple of places to rent that'll take dogs. I've left it 'til the last minute as usual. The contract on the house I'm in is up in eleven days and I don't want to stay there. I felt pretty guilty about smuggling in Hank."
"Okay. Good luck...but I thought there was a lot of choice at the moment...properties for sale and rent?"
"Oh, there are...but nothing that I've liked and I have to have a feeling...you know? I have to feel that I would like to live there, especially if I'm buying."
"I know what you mean. I liked the...feeling? Ambience? Of this place."
"It's good. Just need to find one for me. See you...or Sam, tomorrow."
"Yeah. Thanks man."
Nick spent some time sat on his deck savouring the sunshine, a cold beer and Sam's friendship as he lay in the shade in the yard. Nick noticed that he would look as if he was asleep but then open his eyes and look across at Nick as if to check that he was still there. He thought that maybe Sam was still insecure at having lost his partner but he really had settled in well and didn't appear to even miss his police work...maybe he was ready to retire. And his shoulder seemed completely healed with no complications.
The beer finished Nick got up from his seat, he had chores to do. His bathroom could do with a clean and his bedding needed washing he was sure...and if he didn't do them today he have to do them tomorrow and he'd already put them off two or three days. If he had unexpected visitors he'd be embarrassed. Then he laughed to himself as he stretched out...he never had unexpected visitors...and not even many expected if he was honest with himself...only Grissom, really.
Sam was at his side in the blink of an eye. "Hey, I'm only going to do some chores...you could stay in the yard and catch the rays." But he knew Sam wouldn't...he would follow Nick around the house. "Oh, Sam." He rubbed his head and scratched behind his ear and Sam moved his head to one side in appreciation. And it hit him...why hadn't he thought of that before?
He pulled his cell phone from his pocket and found the number and hit 'call'.
"Hey, Grissom. Nick. I've had an idea. Look...to give you the time and space to find a place to actually buy, why don't you bunk up here with me. I've got a spare bedroom. Of course I don't mind. I wouldn't have suggested it, would I? I haven't got much storage space...the garage is full of my own junk... It takes the pressure off doesn't it? If you've got eleven days left why not bring some of your stuff over here every time you come over for Sam? Honestly, it would be no problemo.
"Sure. Start tomorrow...in the meantime I'll get the room ready. No, I've only got some old gym gear stored in there and that'll go in the garage. No. No. I don't expect anything...just pull your weight you know...cook, clean... (He chuckled as he'd said it.) No, man, you look after Sam for me and you don't let me pay you... Okay? Deal. See you. Bye."
Nick ended the call and felt really happy. Grissom said he liked cooking and didn't mind doing all the cooking...Nick didn't mind cooking either but it was nice to think he didn't have to every day. This would work out for a few weeks...maybe even a month, or two.
"What about that, Sam? Uncle Grissom is coming to stay." Sam yelped his approval and Nick laughed. "Now I really need to do the chores."
Over the next eleven days, Gil did exactly as Nick had suggested. He brought all his gear over bit by bit and put it into Nick's spare bedroom. There wasn't a great deal...mostly books and clothing and a few personal possessions. Most of his furniture was still at the house in which Sara lived. And if she sold and moved out before he found a place it could always go into storage.
He was still viewing properties but he felt unsettled and his heart wasn't in it...he thought maybe the divorce was making him anxious. Once that was out of the way he hoped he would be on a more even keel. Being around Nick certainly helped...he was such an easy going man... he seemed comfortable in his own skin. And then there was Sam of course...he had completely stolen Gil's heart...and he was getting itchy to get his own dog.
On the eleventh day when Gil had brought everything over to Nick's house they sat on the deck having a beer.
"I'm going to get the groceries for us both while I'm here..."
"...no, man you don't have to do that..."
"...if you won't have any payment from me it's the least I can do. I'll do the cooking whenever I can...might not be so happy about housework...hate it...but I'll keep my room clean and tidy and the bathroom...you've got your own bathroom haven't you?"
"I have. Okay. That's the deal. But there's one other thing."
"What's that?"
"I'm going to tell Sara...about you being here. It doesn't seem right that she doesn't know."
"That's fine...I have no problem...no problemo..." He chuckled. "...with that. We're better than we were; we're just about talking."
"Fair enough."
Nick visited Tina and Eli. He went with Sara for his first visit; she was visiting at least once a week. She had indeed, as Grissom had predicted, taken on board Tina as a project. Under the circumstances it was a good thing; Tina certainly needed help and Sara's visits helped Tina's standing with Child Services. Eli was happier because his Mom was happier. So things had improved a lot when Nick first visited.
Eli had got on well with Nick when he'd been with him at LVPD and he chattered away quite happily about everything. Nick helped him with a little school project and then they went into the yard and played ball...when it was time to go he said he would be back and maybe soon they could start going out for a burger and fries...or maybe a little league game...some activity that Nick could share with Eli. Tina really seemed to appreciate Nick's input.
As they left Nick stopped Sara before she got into her truck. "Sara, could we stop somewhere for a coffee...I need to talk to you."
"Sure. Follow me and I'll stop at the first decent one I see."
And that's what they did. Dinah's Diner looked half decent. They slid into a booth facing each other and the waitress came over and handed them each a menu.
Sara handed hers back. "Just decaff coffee please."
"I'll have a blueberry muffin and decaff please."
"So what do you want to talk about?" Sara didn't waste any time.
"Grissom." Nick could be equally direct.
"You know."
"Yeah. I met him in the park...I was walking Sam."
"In the park...but Hank..."
"...I know. He was really missing Hank. Anyway, long story short, he's become my dog sitter."
"I suppose that makes sense."
"There's more." Sara just looked at Nick and waited for him to continue. "He's looking for some place to buy, as I'm sure you know, but his rental contract expired so I said he could stay with me while he looked...seemed stupid to rent another place when he's looking to buy."
"That makes sense, too. So you know about us. I didn't tell anyone...it's no one's business in the first place but I feel, I don't know, embarrassed, I guess"
"Embarrassed? Why?"
"Come on Nick. Everyone knows I chased Grissom until I wore him down. And he married me...I thought I was the luckiest woman in the world and then some. But it made no difference to him. Grissom, the married man was exactly the same as Grissom, the CSI, the entomologist, the everything... I was stupid, I suppose, thinking I could change a man so...absorbed, obsessed even, with everything except...me. And don't you dare tell him...or anyone else..."
"...I promise." Nick couldn't help smiling at Sara; she was embarrassed he could tell.
"I thought he would change into a romantic loving husband who shared his life with me and we'd be happy and...nothing. Nothing. He might has well have been sitting at his desk in his office at the lab with me talking about a case. That's what it was like...it was better when he was away...it was easier to talk to him on Skype about work and text and leave messages on his cell than it was have him in the same house as me. I take the blame...most of it anyway...but he did do something...unforgiveable." She looked disgusted for a moment or two and Nick knew she was thinking of Lady Heather, but then her face cleared.
"In the end it didn't matter...we just were completely incompatible. Has he said anything?"
"Not really. Just that you didn't talk...that's about it." Nick could hardly break Grissom's confidence any more than he would break Sara's.
"He's right. So what did you think of Eli and Tina?" Sara was signalling that her soul searching and confessional phase was over.
"She looked a helluva lot better than when I last saw her and Eli...he's a good son...Warrick would be so proud."
"I think he would."
"When I told Grissom I was visiting with Tina he asked if he could come. I said you'd be there...but I think he would like to speak to her, what do you think?"
"Yeah, it'd be good. She talked about him a week or two ago...about his eulogy. I think she ditched the doctor she was seeing right after the funeral. And it was too much of a struggle for her...and her guilt."
"I can see that. I hope she's going to be okay..."
"...oh, she will be, don't you worry about that...I'll see to it." Sara was absolutely certain and Nick smiled at her because he was certain too.
"I'm still saving for his college fund."
"Are you? I'd forgotten about that. I won't tell Tina. Not yet anyway. Maybe when she's stronger and taken control of her life again, it'll be one less worry. I could add some funds to yours...would you mind?"
"Hell, no. The more the merrier."
"Good. When I'm settled in my new place...I've put an offer in on a small house...so I'll need all my spare funds for the time being."
"No problemo. Whenever."
"Is no problemo your new catchphrase? I've heard you say it to Hodges and DB this last week."
"Yeah...a new bad habit. You want a laugh? Grissom's started saying it."
She looked at him with the most incredulous expression and then cracked a smile and then the pair of them were laughing and spluttering at the absurdity.
When she'd recovered she spoke. "That could be proof that he can change...if he wants to...but he obviously didn't want to for me."
"It's just a bad habit he's picked up from me I don't think it says anything about the man."
"Grissom? Are you kidding? When did he ever pick up any bad habits...sayings or anything else?"
Nick thought about it and realised that Sara was right but he just shrugged. It was only a couple of words and they didn't break up a marriage.
"I better get going I have a load of packing to do...do me favour? Tell Grissom he needs to start getting his stuff that's still at the house, packed and out. He has a key...I'd prefer it if he did when I wasn't there but that might be difficult. You know what? It doesn't matter; tell him to call me...we're almost divorced we should be civil to one another now it's all over. He's started at the academy hasn't he...so the news will almost certainly become public any minute? He isn't going to lie...don't look at me like that I didn't lie to anyone I didn't say anything. I'm covered." She grinned and Nick couldn't help but grin back.
"Okay. I'll tell him to call you."
"Thanks. She reached for her purse."
"I can get your coffee it won't break the bank."
"Thanks. And for being there for Eli. To be honest I feel better dealing with Tina than Eli. You're good with kids."
"I've had plenty of practise...I've got a big family." He smiled at her; whatever her faults, and his own, they were still good friends.
Gil was still looking for somewhere to buy but he had called Sara and been over to see about moving his belongings out of the house. He rented a small storage unit. He'd remembered dealing with a four nineteen at the unit but he wasn't squeamish about that.
He was surprised that quite suddenly it seemed to him, he and Sara had become friendly again. But then he thought that perhaps, friendly, was pushing it a bit. But she was no longer openly hostile towards him and he was thankful for that. In his own mind he took full responsibility for the breakdown of the marriage especially with his adultery.
The saddest part of it all for him was that Heather would have nothing to do with him anymore. So he'd failed at marriage and had ruined a friendship that had been dear to him for many years. Although he thought that Heather's behaviour towards him now did stem more from her own guilt than his actions.
He acknowledged to himself that Nick Stokes and Sam had been a much needed lifeline for him when he'd met them on that fortuitous day in the park. He was friendless and even worse, Hank-less... He'd never been a man, or even a boy, with many friends but those he'd had, had been close and cherished.
And now Nick filled that void. He'd never been that friendly with him at work. They were so different back in the day. Nick was the jock of the lab. A good scientist and CSI but the guy with friends and girls and the gym and a life outside. He'd seemed far removed from Gil's usual circle and yet now...now they were like peas in a pod.
Nick's friends and girlfriends seemed to have hit the skids and like Gil with Hank, Nick's closest relationship appeared to be with a dog. But what a dog and Nick's relationship with Sam made Gil miss Hank more each day. He knew that he would have to have another dog but he'd wait until he had a place of his own. He didn't want to settle a dog into Nick's home only to then move it elsewhere.
He also had a problem with Nick's home. He was getting much too used to it and he thought that it was clouding his judgement in looking for and finding a home for himself.
He was getting too used to the friendship and companionship that both Nick and Sam gave him. He needed to get his own place but since moving into Nick's home he'd started to compare the houses he was viewing with Nick's and that was what was having a serious effect on his judgement.
Instead of looking for something he liked and wanted he started thinking was it like Nick's? Would Nick put that piece of furniture there? Or have that colour on his walls? He had to get out of the habit and start being a little dispassionate about it...he knew that making a house a home came about because you were living in it and making it your own. That's what he needed to do, make it his own not a copy of Nick's home.
But then he had an idea.
He was putting together cold cuts and salad for their meal and thinking about his request. He hoped Nick would be okay with it...but was it an imposition? Only one way to find out. When they sat down to eat he was just about to ask when Nick spoke.
"I like this dressing...what is it?"
"Blue cheese."
"I've had that before but I'm sure it didn't taste like this."
"It's probably because I made it...I think food always tastes better when someone else's made it. I need to ask you something."
"You must say no if you think you'll be too busy to do it, I don't want to eat into your precious time off because..."
"...maybe you could tell me what it is, exactly, you want?" Nick was laughing at Grissom's serious face.
"It would help wouldn't it?"
"I'm having some difficulty trying to choose a place...I've seen some I thought were good and then...I don't know...I have second thoughts. Would you..."
"...help you find a place?"
"Yes! Would you mind? If you're too busy..."
"...Grissom?" Grissom was babbling away and Nick was chuckling.
"It'd be great."
"Thank you. I really need some help. And Nick?"
"Could you call me Gil?"
"Sure, I could try...but I've called you Gris or Grissom for years...it'll be a hard habit to break."
"Thanks. I've made a fresh fruit salad to go with this salad. Ice cream or low fat cream? Actually, I think the ice cream is low fat too."
"I used to have both and sprinkle sugar on top..."
"...good grief!"
"Pretty bad, eh? It's a wonder I've gotten any teeth left. Ice cream would be good. You know man, I'm getting a bit too used to you doing the cooking."
"Salads don't involve cooking."
"I think you're being pedantic."
Grissom looked at Nick with a raised eyebrow but then smirked. "I think I am."
It took them another three weeks to find a place for Gil.
Nick'd been trying to call Grissom, Gil, since Gil's request for him to do so. But all kinds of names had slipped out. Gril. Giss. Gillom and Grillom even. It was hard. Mostly he was calling him Grisgil.
The moment they'd both seen the house from the front they'd been impressed. It was a very modern house and more than Gil wanted to pay but the realtor thought he could negotiate down.
It was brick built but they'd been painted white, with white windows, white plastic and woodwork. It was white, as Nick had remarked. It had three bedrooms and baths on the second floor but was open plan as you walked through the front door. The kitchen area and dining area were to the left as was the staircase with the living area in the middle and right of the large white room...and all along the wall facing the yard was wall to ceiling windows. Some of the windows opened onto a patio and the yard. It was west facing and had the lion's share of the sun for most of the day.
It was white and bright.
Gil knew that in the end he hadn't needed Nick to help him look because as soon as he walked through the door he knew that this was the house he wanted. Even the yard was of a good size and fenced all around and secure for a dog. He remained poker faced throughout the viewing...not wanting the owner to think he was too enthusiastic.
When they left the house he phoned the realtor and made a really low offer not expecting it to be accepted but then he could negotiate upwards. He was staggered when it was accepted without negotiation. The guy obviously wanted to sell it urgently.
While all the plans were being made for Gil to move into his new house, (both men referred to it as The White House) he also took the time to go with Nick to visit Tina and Eli. Nick had asked Sara to get the okay from Tina and she had agreed to see Gil...but she was nervous about it and neither Sara nor Nick knew why...or for that matter, Gil.
Gil had only ever met Tina once....he knew who she was, Catherine had seen to that, and he had been introduced, just fleetingly, to her at Warrick's funeral. She had Eli with her and he'd been a handful for her to manage and she'd excused herself and left. That really was the sum total of Gil's knowledge of Tina and Eli.
Eli had come running out to meet Nick as soon as his truck pulled up outside the house. Eli was excited because he was going to be introduced to Sam for the first time. Nick thought that if Gil and Tina wanted to talk then he could distract Eli by taking Sam to a nearby park.
Tina came to the door and stood waiting for the men, her son and a powerful looking dog made their way towards her.
"Hi, Nick. That dog looks big and...big. Is Eli going to be okay?"
"Hey Mom, we've already friends aren't we Sam?"
The adults looked as Eli hugged Sam around the neck and Sam actually nuzzled Eli.
"I think Eli and Sam are already friends. Don't worry about Sam he's safe, I promise. And here's Gil Grissom." Nick stood aside and Gil stepped forward.
They both were nervous. He would give them the space to talk.
"We'll be off to the park...that okay? We'll be back in forty-five minutes; is that okay?" Nick didn't want to do anything to antagonise Tina in any way and was checking out every last detail.
"Yeah. Yes. Thanks, Nick. Behave, Eli."
"I will, Mom." Eli dashed forward and slung his arms around his mother and hugged her and she hugged him back and dropped a kiss to his head. And as quickly as he'd done that he turned around and ran off along the path. "Come on, Nick."
"I have my orders. See you guys." He grinned and left Gil and Tina watching him walk off with Sam and with Eli skipping back and forth.
Gil's heart almost missed a beat as he watched the boy. Nick had said it and it was no lie...Eli was Warrick's son...
Gil and Tina stood there in silence for a few minutes watching until Nick, Sam and Eli were out of sight.
"You want to come in then...for a coffee? I don't have beer."
"I live on coffee." Gil smiled and relaxed a little.
Tina showed him into the house and he glanced around. It was neat, tidy and clean but certainly looked a little tired. It needed decorating and it needed some new furniture...but it was homely and Gil guessed that was all that mattered.
"Here." Tina indicated for Gil to sit in an armchair. "I'll get the coffee. Sugar? Cream?"
"Just cream, thanks."
She disappeared into what Gil presumed was the kitchen and came out a minute or two later carrying two mugs. She gave one to Gil and then sat down on the couch and curled her legs up beneath her and then stared into her mug.
Gil was nervous again. He didn't know if she wanted him to speak. He needed Nick to be there to interpret the sign language for him or take the lead; Nick was really good at the social niceties. While he thought what to do he sipped at his coffee and then Tina looked at him and spoke.
"I hated you." Gil let his mug drop to his lap and he looked at her in surprise. "Oh, I know we never met...until Rick was...dead. But you see..." She stopped and stared at her coffee again.
"I wanted Rick to leave CSI...he was a great musician he could have made it good but he wouldn't leave... Because of you. You stopped him getting fired and he owed you. You stopped him gambling. He said you saved his soul. I think you were his father figure. He never knew his father and I think that in his mind you took on the role. He would have done anything for you."
Gil listened and was actually speechless. He knew that Warrick had spoken about his influence on Warrick in the video he'd made for the court when he was trying to get custody of Eli. But not in these terms. Father figure?
"And..." Tina had taken a deep breath and started talking again. "...he said he loved me and I know he did...but not enough. He put you first. He put his work first...or second...to you. I thought I didn't stand a chance."
Gil found his voice. "I had no idea. Really no idea."
"I know you didn't. Because really it wasn't the truth...not the whole truth. The whole truth was that I was jealous of him and his commitment to you and his work...he seemed more committed to you than me. When I look back...it wasn't like that at all. He was jealous of me. He thought I still wanted...Trey. I'd dated him before I met Rick. So I thought I'd spite him...Trey's the doctor...the affair, I really thought he was Eli's father..."
"If you'd waited until Eli was older you wouldn't have need a DNA test."
"I know....even as a boy he's so like Warrick. I split up with Trey after the funeral because I couldn't cope with the guilt. I really loved Rick above Trey...above anyone. But I didn't tell him. After your eulogy for Rick I realised that I was a stupid fool...I left Trey and then that's when I...when I started to fall apart. I know Rick's friends came to call and tried to help but I was a stubborn ass. Thought I could do it on my own. I gradually unravelled under the weight of my own guilt."
"I understand."
"Do you? I denied the father of my child any access. He never got to know Eli even as a baby." Tears rolled down Tina's face. "I betrayed him and never had a chance to say that I was sorry. I am so sorry." She started sobbing now and Gil had no idea what to do. He thought, 'what would Nick do?'
Nick would comfort her. He put down his mug on the floor by his chair and stood and went to the couch. He crouched in front of Tina and took her mug from her hands and placed that on the floor too. Then he pulled her into his arms and held her. He didn't speak because he didn't know what to say.
Eventually her tears subsided and she pulled back wiping her face with her hands.
"I need to stand up. I'm out of the habit of crouching." He stood up, his knees protesting audibly as he did so and he saw a box of tissues on a dining table so he got them and handed them to her. She looked at him as he held the box for her and her eyes welled up with tears again.
He sighed and sat down beside her on the couch. She uncurled her legs and put then to the ground as she blew her nose.
"I'm sorry..."
"...don't be." Gil broke into her apology. "Tina. Neither of us can change the past as much as we'd like to... You did things that you now regret and so did I. I think...I know I could have done more to prevent the sequence of events that led to his death. We can't do anything about the past but we can influence the future. You have Eli...who looks to be the embodiment of Warrick. Look after him, cherish him, educate him...make him a son of whom to be proud. Do that for Warrick but primarily for yourself. That's all you can do. Move forward. Don't dwell in the past...look what happened to you when you did."
Gil ran out of steam. They both sat there lost in their memories. Gil broke the silence after a few minutes.
"I held him as he died; he wasn't alone."
Tina nodded. "It was what he would have wanted."
"It changed my life."
"I've dealt with death all my adult life. But always after the event. Warrick was the first person I was with at the moment of their death. Despite the violence it was peaceful, but afterwards dealing with bereaved people changed for me because for the first time I fully understood their loss. I used to say I was sorry for their loss. But I didn't understand their loss...not until Warrick."
"I'm afraid that I'll fall apart again." Tina's voice was quiet and emotional.
"Don't be. There'll be good and bad times ahead, I'm sure. But you have Sara and she will always support you and Nick will certainly be there for Eli and if you'll let me, I would like to come and see you again and maybe get involved with Eli. I've no experience of children at all...but if I come with Nick...he's got hundreds of nieces and nephews..."
"Maybe less. But quite a few."
"He's great with Eli. I stopped Rick seeing Nick, you know."
"I didn't know."
"I was jealous of him, too. Mr Grissom, I was a stupid fool."
"We all make fools of ourselves..." Me with Sara and Heather, he thought. "...I suppose the important thing is to recognise what we've done and try and move on. It's not easy, as you've found out the hard way, but it can be done. And Tina? Call me Gil. Please?"
"Yeah, okay. I feel better for talking about it..."
"...me too."
"You want a fresh coffee?"
"I think I do."
With fresh coffee they sat together on the couch and talked about Warrick. Gil told her how he was pretty good at getting into scrapes. But, until that last one, he'd managed to extricate himself.
It seemed only a few minutes until Eli burst into the room excitedly telling his Mom about Sam.
Nick had a coffee with them and Eli had a juice; Sam had to be content with a dish of water.
Nick could see that Tina had been crying but since she'd seemed okay since he'd got back with Eli he hoped she and Gil had resolved whatever issues they'd had.
In the truck going back to Nick's place Gil was quiet and looking out of the side window...at nothing, Nick surmised.
But he thought if Gil wanted to speak, to tell him anything he would and of he didn't...he wouldn't. It was that simple.
They were nearly home when he did speak.
"Did you...do you...look on me as a father figure?"
Nick snorted. "No way, man, I've got one dad and that's enough, thank you very much."
"I get it. That's what Tina said? That Warrick looked on you as a father figure?"
"Mmmm...I don't think he did."
"You don't?"
Gil waited for more but Nick didn't speak so he spoke again. "Cite your source."
Nick laughed. "Haven't heard that for a long time. Sara's favourite expression if she was challenged."
"But what makes you think he didn't see me a father figure?"
"Because you weren't his father is the most obvious answer but it's more than that. He respected you and liked you...we all did. But I never felt that he was substituting you for a dad...more of a forensic guru, I reckon, with a side of friendship thrown in. Did he tell Tina that? Or did she assume it?"
Gil looked across at Nick and narrowed his eyes, remembering the conversation. "She said, 'I think', so I'm assuming she assumed it. I don't know."
"I don't think Warrick was in need of a father figure. What he wanted was love and marriage and family. I guess we all wanted...want that."
Gil huffed at the remark. They'd arrived at Nick's house and Nick parked the truck and sat there for a few moments. "There were times when I thought you were like my dad, not him but like him. You know, treating me like the young kid on the block; knows nothing and trying to run before I could walk...generally not up to standard..."
"...I did not!" Gil spoke indignantly.
"Did too." Nick laughed again and jumped out of his truck. "What's for dinner, cook?" He slammed the door before Gil could reply.
Gil came up behind Nick hurriedly as Nick opened his front door. "Don't think you're getting away with that; I want an explanation."
"There you go. How many times did my dad have me in his den and asked me the self-same question?" But Nick was still laughing.
"I never said you were not up to standard. I never treated you like a child. I never did." Gil was not laughing.
"Do you remember years ago...ten or more years ago...asking me a riddle about cows drinking milk?" Nick wasn't so amused now.
"No. Yes. Silk, silk, silk."
"Yeah, now that pissed me off for a long time. And I still don't get how that riddle was synonymous with me not dealing four-nineteens on my own."
"It was meant to show your impetuosity and it clearly did since I remember you answered wrongly without thinking. If you'd thought about it..."
"...calves drink milk."
"They're not cows."
"Potato, potarto."
"So based on one incident you think..."
"...there were a lot of instances that was just the most memorable."
"You would remember them equally easily if you were as badly treated as you imagine."
"What about when you made Warrick acting supervisor?"
"Ah. Well, in hindsight that was wrong."
"Because Sara and I both had seniority over him?"
"No. Because he didn't cope very well did he? I heard that you saved his ass...and that Sara was obstructive and furious."
"I don't want to get into a fight...its long gone. And I am hungry." Nick smiled at Gil.
"I'm very sorry for your perceived injustices. They were not intentional I assure you. Chilli...I made it yesterday."
"You made a chilli? Seriously bad news, I'm the king of chilli's, I come from Texas."
"Oh God, I didn't think about that."
"Man, I'll try it out, but you have to be prepared for some criticism."
"Why are you suddenly talking like a cowboy?"
Nick laughed. "Because I'm from Texas?"
"I am sorry you know. Most of the time I was supervising I had no idea what I was doing. I was, am, a forensics guy not a people manager."
"Yeah. We noticed."
"Catherine was very fond of telling me."
"Yeah. Have you heard from her since she went to the FBI?"
"Over to the dark side? No. We didn't really keep in touch. I didn't...with anyone."
"No...none of us do. I've never heard another word from Ray...maybe Al keeps in touch...I don't know."
"People move on."
"Yeah. You moved back though."
"I never intended to leave permanently."
"No. Come on let's taste this chili so I can deliver my verdict."
"In exchange for your criticism you must make a chili for me."
"I will, I promise." When Nick spoke those two words both men had momentary flashbacks to a time long since passed.
Nick declared that the chili was not bad at all...not as good as his own, naturally, but a good effort worth a B plus or even an A minus. Gil was happy with that but stuck to his request for Nick to make one. He said he would make his masterpiece on his next day off.
He did just that and Gil had to say that it was the best chili he'd ever tasted...and then some.
Both men were busy for the weeks ahead. Gil with his work and his imminent house purchase. Although his work was part-time he put a lot of effort, off the clock, into making his lectures informative and, he hoped, light in structure for the Academy and serious in tone for the University.
The house sale was going very smoothly. The guy wanted out asap...he wanted the money, and of course Gil had nowhere to sell. Sara had dealt with the sale of their short lived marital home.
Nick was working long hours at work. It seemed to go in waves...a few shifts when nothing much happened and they could play catch-up and then a lot of shifts when too much happened. But he was beginning to enjoy his work a little more. He was sure it was Sam that made it more bearable...and just possibly...Gil Grissom.
Nick helped him move out of his house and into the white house just five weeks after their viewing.
Sam enjoyed his first visit...spending time sniffing every blade of grass to ensure he had a handle on everyone and everything that had ever visited the yard.
As Gil and Nick drank beer on the patio in the cool of the evening Sam settled between them and looked out at the yard...ready to give the evil eye to any interloper.
"I'm going to get everything settled and unpacked and then go to the pound and adopt a dog."
"Good idea."
"I'm going to need your input and approval, Sam."
Sam yelped a little bark. He was ready and up for the task.
The men laughed and both dropped a hand down onto Sam to pet him and he sighed contentedly.
Next part of Making Friends....
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- C.S.I. Crime Scene Investigation: The Complete Ninth Season