Title: Back to Life & Reality IV
Author: Esynnaj
Email: Esynnaj@sbcglobal.net
Fandom: CSI Las Vegas
Pairing: Nick/Catherine/Warrick, Gil/Lady Heather, Gil/Warrick
Rating: NC-17
Summary: The wheels on the beds go round and round all through the town…
Notes: This started out as a simple PWP all the way, but somehow, without my conscious participation, knowledge or permission, developed into more than that. Someday I am going to get the hang of writing a PWP, but this, apparently, is not that day. "Sigh" At times, the muse messes too much with one's literary attempts to create enjoyable, inconsequential tales of lusty, hot, meaningless sex.SURROUND SOUND OF THE SENSES
For a change, the midnight shift had been a quiet one with the team being called out to just new two crime scenes, one a slam dunk rape case. The infuriated victim had given an excellent description of the man with whom she'd had struck up a brief acquaintance at a night club that had been friendly enough for her to invite him back to her apartment. He had taken cruel advantage of her friendliness and turned into her rapist. But she'd managed to escape from him by clawing his eyes then angrily screaming and fighting until accidentally succeeding in connecting a foot with his testicles. Before racing out of her own home, she had had the forethought to snatch up his pants, which contained his wallet and much personal identification. Although he was long gone before the cops arrived at the neighboring apartment to which she'd run, he had raced to the parking lot in only his shorts and shirt and squealed from it with two witnesses observing and, because of their indignation at his driving so recklessly in their quiet community, getting his license plate in the process. LVPD officers had picked him up within an hour.
The second scene had been just as open and shut besides being highly amusing. A husband going through a nasty divorce had been indignant at not being allowed to live in the house for which a judge had, earlier in the day, told him he'd have to continue pay the very expensive mortgage for the very large home. With this, his rage had slipped his control. He had seethed all day and finally slammed his Hummer into his former living room with enough speed for the very expensive vehicle to land in his former kitchen then angrily walked away from the crime of his irritated misdeed. Since no one had been home at the time, which he had known, there were no injuries. But the ex-wife, after being informed at a party she had attending of the ruins her now ex-husband had made of the house, arrived at the wreckage that their home had become spitting nails at the top of her lungs. Much too incensed to remain sneaking about on the fringes of the gathering crowd as he had been doing, her husband had run up to spit nails right back at the top of his lungs. Consequently, a disbelieving CSI team had been treated to the police's failing attempts to keep the two apart as they tried without any success to get a handle on the situation and prevented it from escalating. Their actions had soon taken on keystone cops aspects when the wife, the husband then the cops began tearing around parked police cars after each other on foot, with everybody shouting at everyone else until both wife and husband finally had been tackled, cuffed and taken to jail by the exasperated officers.
Nick and Catherine had covered the first scene while Warrick and Sara had covered the second and they had all spent the reminder of the shift at the lab examining evidence from previous, open cases. At the end of the shift, with a few minutes left before they could clock out, they had gathered in the break room and Grissom's smile, as he had sipped the last of Greg's coffee and listened to them laughing as Warrick and Sara had playacted out the husband and wife's dealings with the cops and one another, had been serene and fatherly. But it faded and became more meditative when he considered how to say what he was going to say.
Even as Grissom contemplated how to bring this touchy subject up about what he planned to do, it was with a certain wry reluctance that he admitted to himself, he wished he could do whatever he willed while denying the same privilege to Warrick. Although he had talked to Catherine about certain aspects of the relationship he wanted to have with Warrick, he had not with Warrick and was mildly guilty about that. He was enjoying sharing a home with the man. Warrick had proven to be a quite excellent companion. He was an intelligent and interesting conversationalist and the sex with him was increasingly phenomenal. Gil had never thought he would ever be content with anyone living with him but Warrick was not a clinging lover. He wanted his space and had no problem with Gil having his space. He had said it was important for Gil to have as much of that as he needed for an adequate comfort level. Warrick was easygoing enough to be comfortable with that.
But Grissom had still decided it was time to test the limits being set on the boundary of their relationship so he might discover just how far it might stretch. However, he was very unsure how far he wanted that to be. At least he was when it came to Warrick. Although he truly did want it to have an unlimited horizon for himself, he was certain he did not want the same for Warrick. Very well aware how unfair that was, he had already discussed with Catherine and Nick what his intentions were and they had been more than happy to agree to keep Warrick entertained, while he did what he was going to do, what he'd concluded he really wanted and needed to do. However, seeing Warrick's vibrancy and sensuality as he acted out the ex-husband's part and noting how well he'd finally connected with Sara, something so very notoriously difficult to do, he was having second thoughts. His uneasiness was not improved on glimpsing Catherine's eyes heatedly focusing in on Warrick well below his waistline or seeing Nick leaning back in his chair with a half-lipped look of budding lust. Nevertheless, he could not change his mind. All the arrangements had been made. Heather was waiting for him. He had told her, when she had called earlier on shift, that he would be there soon after his shift ended and he was not about to disappoint her.
Her daughter's horrible death had cracked the imperious shell she had built about her emotions. After nearly destroying the initial bond they had formed by a refusal to implicitly and explicitly trust her, via a shared sorrow, she had let him back into her life. It was an association he had to explore and could only hope that Warrick would understand that. Grissom didn't want to lose him as he once had already. But, on the other hand, he didn't want to lose, for a second time, what he and Lady Heather had. He did not doubt that Warrick was good for him. It was becoming easier and easier to open up, emotionally, with Warrick. But he and Heather were, to his and her minds, one of a kind. Both he and she had stayed in touch with themselves while building internal and untouchable shields about their feelings. He had to delve into that with her. She was now becoming an irresistible obsession requiring further exploration. He knew of no way to adequately explain that to Warrick, so had equalized matters as much as possible. If he was so intent on sharing himself with Heather, it was only right that Warrick have someone else to share himself with at the same time.
Still, slightly more than an hour later, he was the one sharing space with Warrick. They had driven into work together, had driven home together. Both were outside on the screened in, redwood patio of their condo having just had what Warrick thought was a light, very early morning meal before they turned in. This was, for Gil, very pleasurable. He was reading one of his scientific magazines while Warrick, wearing wireless headphones, was moving about to the music only he could hear. It was quite an erotic sight for Grissom as he silently watched the smooth, easy movements of the tall, lean, brown skinned man during the private dance he was having all by himself, eyes closed, body swaying, caught within the rhythmic sound flowing through the headphones. Grissom read to relax, but Warrick danced and played and sang and lived music. That was how he relaxed. Even without hearing the music, Grissom could feel it simply from seeing how Warrick was moving to it.
This was far more interesting than the magazine and Gil laid it aside to better concentrate on his lover's dark, mobile grace and beauty. With Warrick wearing only a pair of black silk boxers, Grissom was hard put not to reach for the telephone to cancel the appointment he had made with Heather. But he'd been looking forward to it for too long to do that. So, after glancing at his watch, with a sigh, he threw a pen at Warrick, hitting him with it to get his attention.
Warrick promptly turned toward him, saw the look that he had on his face and realized that Grissom wanted to talk with him. Grinning, he removed the headphones and put them on the table while he swung a chair around to sit down in it backwards and say, "What's up?"
Gazing straight into the green eyes, Gil said gravely, "There's someplace I have to go. I have a scheduled rendezvous I have to keep."
"You do?" Warrick picked up Grissom's arm to take a look at his watch then asked, "At this time of morning, you've already got someplace to go?"
"Yes. I'm meeting with Lady Heather."
"Oh. You are, huh?" Warrick sat looking into his eyes for a long moment without saying anything and Gil looked right back, also without saying anything. During this time, understanding dawned on Warrick and it was his turn to sigh. They had had several discussions about how Gil felt about Heather and how he wished to know her better. He and she had spoken together over lunch and dinner on four occasions since her daughter had died. Gil had made the relationship he had with Warrick very clear and made clear it was not anything he wanted to give up; just as he had made clear to Warrick he did not wish to give Heather up.
So, very thoughtfully, Warrick nodded and shrugged. "Do whatcha gotta do, man. I'll be here when you get back."
Gil closed his eyes. This had been what he had hoped to hear but still wasn't sure it was what he wanted to hear and wasn't sure how he should respond. Therefore, when the doorbell rang, he was glad for the interruption. Quietly, he told Warrick, "Go answer that. It's for you."
Arching a quizzical eyebrow, Warrick rose to obey. As soon as he opened the door, Catherine stepped in, eyed what he had on and purred, while she was juggling the bags in her arms so she could reach out and snap the band on his shorts, "Nice, very nice. It's still a bit more than I'd prefer, but still, very, very nice indeed."
Nick was right behind her with a twelve pack in either hand, came in, then walked right by Warrick saying, "Hey, Rick, how ya doin', long time no see. Just thought we'd drop by over here and stay with you while Gil's gone, taking care of business. We've brought beer and enough goodies to make a whole day of it. Starting out even this early in the morning on a weekday, I'll bet there's a game or movie or something on TV we'll all wanna see. Hey, Gris, how come you're not gone yet?"
After staring at them a moment as Nick and Catherine sailed in past him, Warrick sighed and closed the door. Looking back toward the patio, he saw that Gil was coming through from the kitchen with his jacket on and his keys in his hand. He gave quiet greetings to Catherine and Nick as he walked toward the front door, then stopped next to Warrick and asked, "You will be here when I get back, right?"
Glancing over at the other two who had gone into the kitchen and were laughing and talking while they set out their aforementioned goodies, after another soft sigh, he said, "Yeah, I'll be here." Looking Grissom dead in the eye, he added with a slight snarl of unpreventable jealous annoyance in his voice, "They might still be here, too. Since it's on you that they're here, you got nuthin' to say about what we do while they're here, right?"
Grissom nodded. "I acknowledge that. If you're… busy, I won't interfere. Just call me when you're ready for me to come home." Leaning in, he gave Warrick a light kiss and was mildly unnerved when it was not returned. That had to be expected. While Warrick might have indicated he could live with an open relationship, it now was patently obvious, from his rigid non-response, that he was experiencing some sense of betrayal. So Gil said softly, "Later, if you wish, we can talk about this. I'll be willing to hear whatever you've got to say and will understand. Just be here when I get back." Then he walked out the door.
Warrick watched him while he climbed into, started his Denali that was parked outside the condo's garage and backed out the driveway. He watched until he could no longer see it going down the street. Then he sighed and closed the door. After going back into the kitchen, without speaking a single word to either Catherine or Nick, he snatched up one of the cold beers Nick had brought in then stalked through the double doors and back out onto the patio.
Glancing after him, Nick murmured, "We seem to have one very unhappy camper on our hands."
"Well, I don't blame 'em. I told Gil it'd be better if he talked to Warrick beforehand about going to see Heather like this, but no, he just would not listen to me. If Gil doesn't get better fast at explaining the whys and wherefores of his actions, Warrick's liable to clear outa here so goddamn fast, nobody's gonna feel anything but the breeze. I'm talking with Gris about that and I think he's beginning to get the message. But for the time being, with him gone, we're the one who're gonna get Warrick back to right."
"And we're gonna do that how?"
Catherine smiled. "Oh, believe me, that won't be as difficult as you might think. You know much as I do what a sex fiend our friend out there can become, once we get 'em goin' good. You finish putting everything out. I'm gonna go out there and bring his silly ass back in the house."
Warrick was sitting on the steps just outside the patio, broodingly gazing out into the back yard with his headphones back on and flinched when Catherine came out to pull them off his head. Looking at her as she sat down next to him with a breathy exhalation and a smile, he said to her, "You do know this's really a helluva shitty deal that you, Nick and Gris are tryin' to put over on me, right? I'm not some kid who, if you take one toy from him, will get all happy again when you replace it with some other one."
"Oh, yeah," she said agreeably, "we know this. We also know there's no way for anybody to have a tradition relationship with Gil Grissom and you're in for a world of hurt if that's what you're looking for with him."
Warrick took a slug of his beer, after which he said, with a touch of bitterness, "I'm seeing that now."
She clinked her beer gently against his and asked, "Do you love him, Ricky?"
Warrick sighed and leaned his elbows on the step behind him. "I know I feel more for him than I have anybody else in a long time but I don't know if I wanna call it love, exactly. It's more like… You know that saying about why do you climb the mountain, the answer being you climb it cause it's there? Well, Grissom's kinda like my mountain. I'm starting to get compulsive about conquering him. By that, I mean I want to understand him. He's like one of those goddamned Rubic cubes I used to work on until I figured 'em out. I stayed frustrated until I finally did that. It's the same way with him. I'm gonna stay frustrated until I figure Gil out. I'm pretty sure I won't be able to stop trying until I do."
Smiling, she asked, "You actually can figure a Rubic cube out?"
He shrugged and said, "It's not that hard. All you gotta do is some analytic thinking outside the box. If you try to do it by traditional linear thinking, you'll fail. It's sort of like the calculations you haveta use for complicated, geometric equations.. You've gotta think outside the box. Otherwise, what you're doin' will take forever."
"Is that what you're doing with Grissom, thinking outside the box?"
"Hell yeah, there ain't no other way to do it. Living with that man is like trying to negotiate maze. Gris is a fuckin' classic. There ain't nobody like him. Once, he told me that he'd felt like a ghost in high school. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get hold of a ghost? It was a rhetorical question, Catherine. Don't answer it. But the point is, if you believe in that ghost, you keep swiping at it and talking to it until it's got to acknowledge your existence. It's the one way to operate with Gil. How I gotta do it is be right up in his face and stay in his face until he gets where I'm coming from."
"Where would where you're coming from happen to be?"
"Well, that'd be that I'm willing and able to give him whatever he needs better'n anybody else, including Lady Heather. Why else would I tell 'em that I'll still be here when he gets back, even after knowing he sent you and Nick here and why he did that?"
"Why do you think he did that?"
Warrick grinned. "For us to fuck, that's why. Then he won't have to feel guilty about fuckin' her."
Catherine laughed softly. "I wouldn't doubt you being right about that. I'd kinda figured that was what he was up to when he asked me and Nick to spend some time with you this morning."
"You don't have to, ya know. You and Nick can go home whenever you want to. I'll be okay here by myself."
"Hmmm, no, don't think so. Don't think for a second we didn't want to come. Nick's learning to live by himself again, but he misses you like crazy. He'd gotten used to having you around, told me in a matter of speaking if not these exact words, he feels a tad empty without your cock being all up in his ass on a regular basis."
Warrick had been turning up his beer for a swallow and busted out laughing at her droll comment, spilling some of it over himself. Nick's head popped out the door, after hearing that laughter, asking, "What's funny? Why are my ears burning?"
"Wasn't talking to ya, just talking about you, Nicky, my boy," Catherine informed him saucily, "So don't worry about it. It was a good thing."
"Then, everything's all right out here?"
"Everything's just fine. Only problem is, Warrick's got beer all over his belly and I'm suddenly in a waste not, want not mood." Whereupon, she promptly bent over Warrick to run her tongue smoothly over beer shining on his torso, flicking it into his navel and grinning, when she felt him inhale sharply then hum deep down inside so the vibrations rumbled against her face.
After watching her activities a moment, Nick came down to sit on the other side of Warrick, take the beer from his hand and pour more of it on the side of his chest closest to him. Then, with a fake surprised look of wonder on his face, he said, "Well, I'll be damned. There's more over here and this's some expensive stuff, let me tell you. I know, because I paid for it. So you're right about not letting it go to waste." As he said that, his head dived down and he joined Catherine in tonguing that beer off Warrick, both giggling and taking turns tipping the beers in their hands onto him. Soon enough, they got serious as each took a nipple into their mouth at the same time, causing Warrick to stiffen and hiss in reaction.
Breathing in deeply and blowing it out his mouth in short, quick puffs to control himself, Warrick stretched out, slumped back and turned his head to the sky, looked at the twinkling stars above as they worked on him. Slowly, his eyes closed as he relaxed and he was mildly startled as Catherine's lips covered his, very impatiently and demandingly pushing for entry. He opened for her and her tongue eased into him while her hands began restlessly squeezing and releasing on various portions of his body. He heard Nick say, distantly, "Ricky, ma man, these shorts of yours have gotten all wet now. I think we should take 'em off." He felt Nick in a commission of the act appropriate to his words then gave a strangled groan that was muffled by Catherine's mouth as Nick immediately deep throated him. After so industriously pumping his head up and down awhile on Warrick, he moved backward to shove Warrick's foreskin back with his lips and gnaw at the head of his cock, nipping so tenderly and deliciously for so long, that Warrick began to lose any and all ability to form a rational thought.
It was very weird, not being able to see Nick as he went down on him because Catherine was in the way, but he wouldn't have changed a thing. She also nipped on him, but was doing that wherever she could reach, not just his nipples, but his ears, his neck, his chin, his shoulders, even sucked his fingers into her mouth to bite on them, lightly and playfully. It was all terribly exotic and erotic, being subjected to their administrations, and became such a sensual experience that he didn't want it to end. But it had to. Catherine saw to that, for as she bit down and suckled one of his nipples at the same time Nick went all the way down on him once more with his head bobbing up and down, they created a passionate circle of pleasure that made Warrick cry out, plainly very near to a culmination she did not want him to reach. At least, she did not want him to do so quite yet.
She tapped Nick on a shoulder and said, "Take a breather, Nicky. I do believe we have success. Seems we've put your buddy in a much better frame of mind."
Panting irregularly, Warrick chuckled and said, "Hope none of the neighbors are up and about and looking over the fence. If they did, they heard too way much and got an illegal eyeful besides."
"Well, then I suggest," Catherine suggested, "we take this inside and to that great, big, king-sized bed you've got in your room. I've been waiting for that for months. I love that black satin theme you've got going in there."
As they went back into the condo, Warrick said, "That was all Gil's idea. He had the place all decked out before I even moved in, including every one of the spaces he had designated for me."
"He did?" Catherine said, surprised to find this out about Grissom. "Gil's got that good of a decorating sense?"
"Guess so. He said he had a professional interior decorator help him with the actual details, but she did everything according to his outline. He said he'd been waiting for me and knew I'd like how he had it set up, said he knew my tastes."
"Was he right?"
Warrick grinned and said softly, with more love in his voice than he realized but that Catherine intuitively heard and recognized. "Yeah, yeah, he was."
Knowing better than to say the word love, which had sent way more than just one man running for the hills screaming in terror, she asked of him instead, "You really do care about him, don't you?"
He shrugged with a tilt of his head and rubbed his upper lip with a small, shy and very charming smile, "Guess I do."
"Why fall for him and not me?"
"Cause you and me, lady, are too fuckin' combustible and you know it. We'd burn each other out too quick, if we had a day in and day out thing going. I happen to think what we got is much better."
She ducked her head and nodded with a little giggle. "Yeah, me too. Why not Nick then?"
"He doesn't feel for me like that. He needed me bad for awhile, but doesn't anymore and he's realizing that. That's why things are still good between us. We can get back to being friends again. Just now we're friends who like to fuck. Like you and me."
Nick had beat them to his bedroom, had begun stripping down so fast that he was already down to just his underwear and shirt before they came in. Catherine, with a knowing smile at him, glanced at the controls of a built in stereo wall unit that were in the room and asked, "Is whatever you were listening to out the patio piped in here too?"
"Yep, it is."
"Show me." Warrick hit a few buttons on the panel and smooth, melodic, modern jazz with a dark and dirty backbeat streamed into the bedroom. Catherine's smile widened as she turned off one of the lamps by his bed and tossed the scarf she had on over the shade of the other to dim it and make it pleasantly colorful. Then she continued to disrobe, feeling the gritty beat all down in her bones. Murmuring, "Oh, that music sounds so damn good. You've got one helluva system here, Warrick. It sounds right even turned down like it is." Moving sinuously and languidly, like the stripper that she'd once been and still had the body to be, with soft laughter, she twirled about, mischievously tossing each piece of clothing away as she removed it. Closed her eyes, she took her clothes off in perfect time to the music, spinning in a circle like a girl as both men watched her with smiles on their faces. As soon as she was nude, she came to a halt and she held open both arms, announcing, as she grinned, "I'm in the mood to move. One of you come dance with me."
Nick shook his head as he sat down on the bed. "Uh-uh, that's not me. I'm no dancer. That's all Warrick's territory."
Warrick's grin matched her and he was strolling toward her even as he said, "I don't know about this. I've never danced with anybody while I was naked before."
Catherine cocked her head, looking up at him as he neared her. "Me neither, but there's a first time for everything," she whispered as she walked into his arms. Their joining was as a couple fashioning themselves into a slow and sexy dance that was a thing of beauty, two lovely creatures coming together as one. Moving easy with that harmonious rhythm of a man and woman who were familiar with each other, they whirled about like ballroom partners, with Nick as their only audience but one who was very appreciative of the charming display they made. He snickered when Warrick unexpectedly and expertly dipped Catherine, making her squeal like she was a teenager again and both of them told him to shut up.
Closing her eyes and laying her head on Warrick's shoulder, feeling very feminine and sheltered within his arms, Catherine didn't want the slow dance to come to an end. Nonetheless, she did end it when her eyes happen to flutter open a slit and she caught Nick beginning to leisurely masturbate. She lifted her head and pointed a finger at him, saying with a yawn, "Don't do that. Be different if you guys could get off then get right back in the saddle like we women can, but you can't and I'm not about to have you goin' there without me and Warrick." She stepped back from Warrick, her eyes traveling over both naked men coolly as she ordered, "I'm gonna be the one running the show this morning, gentlemen, and I am accepting no argument about that. Get on the bed, guys. We're gonna do this my way."
Nick and Warrick exchanged a look but both of them obeyed her, Warrick lying back and Nick sitting cross-legged on the bed, as they waited for her instructions. Once she was as naked as they and crawling onto the large bed with them, an authoritarian gleam in her eyes, Warrick drawled to Nick, "Bossy female, isn't she?"
"The best kind," Nick drawled, never taking his eyes off Catherine.
She grinned at him as she said, "Now see, guys, being with you two is a first for me. Eddie used to have a thing about him, me and another woman, but I never was able to get him to agree to take another man into bed with us. I've always wanted that. Now I've finally got that and plan to make good use of the situation."
Warrick just closed his eyes, laughing quietly, but Nick said, apparently very seriously interested in whatever Catherine wanted, "What do you want us to do?"
"Well, I've got a couple of questions before we begin. From some gay porno flicks I've looked at and reading some real yummy shit they call slash that's all over the internet about men screwing other men, I've seen where guys get off on having their prostate massaged during sex. Is that really true?"
Nick looked down at him with a grin as Warrick's laughter bubbled up and out. Then he looked at Catherine and said, "Uh, yeah, I guess I can honestly say it is."
"All righty then, that's perfect. Nick, lay down on your stomach. I want Warrick to show me where your prostate's at in you."
Stunned, Warrick's eyes snapped open and blinked at her. He rose on his elbows, still laughing while glancing over to see Nick's mouth dropping open in shock and Warrick asked of Catherine, to be very sure he had correctly heard her, "What'd you say?"
"You heard me. Show me how to get to Nick's prostate."
"I don't fuckin' think so," Nick said indignantly. "You're not gonna be putting those shark claws of yours up inside me."
But Catherine said, grinning while waggling long, slim fingers at him, "Hah!! I gotcha!! In preparation just for this, I have cut my fingernails and took all the polish off. You are safe from harm." She bounced eagerly on the bed. "C'mon, Nick, let me do this. I've waited so long. Be a sport, man." She looked around, before thinking of the nightstand and lying on Warrick to reach over him into its drawer. Triumphantly pulling out the tube of lubrication she had guessed would be there, she held it up and said proudly, "Oh, I am so damned good. I just knew it had to be there." Opening it, she squirted a bit of it into the palm of her hand and looked at Warrick inquisitively, asking, "So what do I do with it now?"
Unable to stop laughing he sat up and grabbed Nick's shoulder to pull him down onto his back. "Now, this is gonna be interesting. Turn over for us, Nick. The lady wants to experiment." With a frown, Nick obeyed, snatching a pillow, putting it under his chin and folding his arms about it. Warrick said, "Lift your ass up, man," as he slid another one under Nick's hips to raise the middle of his body into the air. Slightly apprehensive, he listened as Warrick, amusement rippling through his voice, explained to Catherine. "What you've gotta do is get plenty of lube on your fingers then use 'em to stretch him. Well, actually, the stretching would be for me or for a guy to fuck 'em without hurting him. But, for you, I guess you'd mainly do it help 'em feel good." When Nick felt hands beginning to separate his buttocks, he tensed a little, although recognizing they were Warrick's. He kissed Nick's shoulder and stroked his back, murmuring, "Relax, man. You're not new to this."
Nick grumbled, "Nope, but it's the first time I've ever had a woman do it to me and definitely the first time I played the guinea pig for somebody who's never done it before. Hurt me, Cath, and it's gonna be you and me."
Catherine slapped the buttock nearest her none-to-gently and said airily, "Oh, I won't. I've got an excellent teacher here, don't I? Tell me what to do, Warrick."
"How you do it may be different later on, but how I do is to kinda ease my way in with one finger. With a guy who's not used to anal sex, that's always the first step of your preparation."
"It always has to be? What about rimming? Won't that help start loosening a guy up? I've heard that it does."
That got Warrick laughing again while Nick groaned into his pillow. "Uh, yeah, I guess it would."
"Will that get me to his prostate?"
"If you've got a long and strong tongue, yeah, it can. Or close enough for it to feel good anyway. You wanna do that first?"
"Hmm, sure I do, why not? You do that to him sometimes?"
"Yeah," said Warrick gravely but with his eyes sparkling, "I do that to him sometimes."
"Show me," Catherine ordered. Nick tightened his teeth as he felt them moving around between his spread legs, jerked hard when he felt Warrick's flickering tongue first touch him. He moaned, arching up as Warrick kissed him then as his tongue started digging deeper into him, beginning to pant a bit with Warrick applying more pressure. Then Catherine peremptorily declared, "All right, that's enough. It's my turn. If you keep that up, from the looks of him, he's gonna cum. I don't want either of you to do that yet." Catherine's much less experienced attempt at rimming was more tentative and uncertain than Warrick's, allowing the fever pitch Nick had fast been approaching to ebb down and simmer away." Then she rose up, saying, "Good enough, I got that. What next?"
"Because you're new at this, first thing we should do is get him to relax some more, rub 'em up and massage 'em a little."
"Don't need that," said Nick's muffled rushed and anxious voice from where his head was buried in the pillow. "You two just gave me one very excellent rimjob and that happens to be enough. Get on with this."
"Not a problem, Nicky. I wanna do the finger thing now."
"Okay, however yall want it. Just ease your middle finger on down in there."
"Like this?"
"Why use the middle finger?"
"No particular reason, really just my personal preference. Guess I use it cause it's longer and more centrally located on my hand. It gives me a better reach."
"Oh. That makes sense. Leaning over to peer at the rosebud of Nick's sphincter muscle, she murmured wonderingly, "It's so tiny. How in hell do you get that huge cock of yours up in there without tearing him apart?"
Nick was groaning again, for more than one reason, and Warrick started laughing again as he enlightened her. "It's, uh, very… stretchable, Cath, like your vagina is. You just have to work a little harder to loosen it up sometimes." Instinctively, Nick exhaled slowly as Catherine's finger eased carefully and painlessly into him. Then she wriggled it about curiously and, with Nick having gotten to such a stage of relaxation, he actually seemed to be sinking into the mattress, Warrick told Catherine, "Okay, he's ready. C'mon out and add another finger." After a time of that investigation, Warrick said, "Let's do the third now. Don't be pulling it out like that. Don't have to unless you're gonna put in another finger. Just twist what you got in there around some. That helps open 'em up. Good. Now, what you gotta do is curl your fingers up a little, being real gentle, and feel around for this slick, kinda round bump. That'll be his prostate."
"Well… I think I feel something, but how will do you know for sure when you find…" Without any warning, Nick gave out a breathless sobbing sound and crawled onto his knees before slid down slightly with his legs spreading even further and his butt thrusting into the air. For a moment, Catherine was concerned, leaning down so she could see his face and ask, "Am I hurting you?"
"No," Nick gasped, shaking his head violently. "No, you're not, not at all."
"Then, this really does feel good, huh, Nick?"
Chuckling, barely able to form words anymore, Nick answered with a hoarse and throttled, "Uh, yeah."
"Does it feel as good for me to do this like it does when a woman gets her clit licked? Does it feel the same?"
Nick was simply no longer in any condition to address such complicated questions, could only moan and groan now. He could hardly hear it, much less respond to it. So Warrick answered for him. "Cath, being men, we really don't know about alla that. All I know is, yeah, it feels about as good but I doubt if it feels the same." Catherine looked over at Warrick, who had a grin on his face, and who had caught her wrist to keep her from yanking her hand out of Nick when she had thought she might be hurting him, he told her, "You saw how he reacted? That is the main way you'll know when you've found a guy's prostate. You do it right, no way will he be able to stay still or be quiet."
"Have you ever done this kind of thing with Gil, too?"
Warrick gave her a long look before saying, "Yeah, I've done it with Gil."
"Have you made him holler by doing this and other shit like it?"
"Jesus, Catherine…"
"Well, have you?"
"There have been a few times that I have. Grissom's not into making noise like I am. I guess it embarrasses him or something or worries him when he loses control. But, yeah, there have been a few times that I got 'em to lose it and let go."
Catherine shook her head and breathed, "Man, Gil outa his head and cutting loose. I would pay big money to see that."
"Knowing you, Cath, I bet you would."
Enthralled by the unavoidable sounds and motions of ecstasy she could draw from Nick, she kept up the finger play until she noticed Nick frantically reaching under himself. Only then did she pull her hand away from him, garnering a moan of disappointment from him that made him beat both hands on the bed in frustration. That response of his made her laugh and kiss his back as Warrick had done. "Take it easy, sweetness. We're just getting starting."
Without warning, she turned to shove Warrick onto his back and speedily straddle him, pushing his shoulders down hard onto the bed while leaning down over him and whispering salaciously, "I remember too well that magic mouth of yours and it's been too long since I had it in me. That's what I want now. Eat me, Ricky."
She moved up on him until her body was wide open directly above his mouth then sank down, sighing luxuriously as she sank down on him and Warrick obediently wrapped his arms about her hips and went to work, recalling completely how Catherine liked her cunnilingus to be done. She growled, shaking her head as Warrick sucked and nibbled and licked, knowing her responses well enough to accurately lighten up or put on the pressure simply by the motions and sounds she made. She was wet, which excited him, and she tasted so good, fresh and earthy all at once, that Warrick always had gotten as much pleasure from doing this to her as she had always got from it. Rippling shudders were cutting through her, almost orgasmic in their intensity, Catherine knew in a distant corner of her mind that he kept slowing things just to keep her on that knife's edge of bliss. Her gratitude for that was great. She had always detested wham bang, thank you ma'am type of sex and that had always been the only piece of lovemaking that, thankfully, Warrick seemed incapable of delivering. Voluptuously circling on his face, she began keening quietly while he worked inside her, sitting proudly upright, her nipples hard and erect, taking her pleasure with queenly, grand assurance. But she never became so far gone she'd ever lose touch with her surroundings. Turning her head about, she saw that Nick was on his knees nearby, beginning to beat himself off and snapped sharply. "Stop that. I want you to get on him behind me. I wanna feel you riding him at the same time that I am. I want you to get fucked by him while he's eating me."
That command almost was enough to make Nick cum on the spot. He had to squeeze himself hard to prevent himself from doing just that. Already amply stretched, he climbed aboard as he had been told, grabbed Warrick's cock, aligned it with his anus then sat all the way down it. Warrick bucked up so high, only having both of them seated atop him was just enough to keep him from throwing them off. His outcry was barely heard, smothered as it had been was by the moistened folds of Catherine's body. With his tongue hotly thrusting in and out against Catherine's clit, in between seeking and going more directly and deeper into her, and Nick busily pumping enthusiastically up and down on him while both his hands went around her, found and massaged her breasts as he feverishly kissed her shoulders and back, it was soon blinding lights out time for all three of them.
With a heavenly climax surging through her, Catherine screamed out from behind clenched teeth while her whole body pushed down on Warrick's face, threatening to suffocate him as her fists slammed hard into the wall above his head. Nick was hugging her tight, his head lowered and digging into her back as he began reaching his completion, humping brutally up and down on Warrick. Warrick's heated orgasm, in combination with Catherine laying claim to so much of his air supply, nearly caused him to pass out. He tore his face free of her, loudly gulping oxygen, hands restively squeezing her thighs as he yelled his passion at the ceiling.
Totally boneless now, her eyes closing lazily, Catherine tumbled off him to the side and curled up next to him. Nick disconnected with a grunt and rolled away to his other side. Warrick lay splayed out precisely where he was, hardly able to breathe, certainly unable to move and not sure he could think. All of them remained silent for several minutes as their adrenalin, blood pressure and heart beats returned to normal. It was Nick who spoke first, saying, "That was… extraordinary."
"Yep," Catherine agreed drowsily, "It sure was. Later on, I wanna watch you fuck Warrick. Have you ever done that before?"
"Nope," Nick said, laughing wearily, "I never have."
"Think you're up to it?"
"Think I might like to give it a try."
"Hey, wait a minute, you two…"
But Catherine interrupted, indolently slapping his shoulder and saying, "Oh, shut up, Ricky, you know you'd like it. If you like it with Grissom, then you'll like it when Nick does it to ya."
"What says I do it like that with Grissom? I know real good and goddamn well he never said I did."
"He's never had to. Neither do you. I just happen to know. I'm good like that. Now shut-up and get some sleep."
"I said shut-up. Go to sleep, regain your strength. We've still got hours and hours of experimentation to do before Lindsey gets out of school and I haveta go home."
At the same time Warrick, Nick and Catherine were falling asleep together, Grissom at Lady Heather's private apartment that was connected to her Dominion, lying tranquilly in her large, feather bed under its down comforter. As soon as he had come in, she had, wearing a nearly transparent negligee, taken his hand then led him to her bedroom, a place he had spent only one night before. There, they had made such sweet love and he would never forget the sight of a rosy blush rising on that alabaster complexion as she had been sensuously falling and rising, falling and rising beneath him, then later again when she had sat mounted on him. Theirs had been the most glorious and sublime lovemaking and he would take the memory of it to his grave. But now, as he laid in comfort with her head nestled on his shoulder, and was caressing her upper shoulder, his mind was turning to Warrick in wonder of what the consequences were going to be when he went back to the condo. Praying to unknown and uncaring deities he did not believe in that they would not be negative, he was mightily convinced they might be. He laid there having odd, unpleasant visions of Warrick having packed up all his belongings and simply waiting for Grissom's return so he could say his final farewell. A heaviness filled Grissom's heart at the mere thought.
"You haven't been to sleep. You've been thinking about your young man and how you being with me might be construed as a betrayal of him, haven't you?" Heather whispered, breaking into his reverie.
He smiled. "Yes."
"You were honest with him about coming here and you're afraid he may leave you, aren't you?"
"Again, yes."
"He won't. Although I don't know him as well as I know you, but I do know anyone you'd let into your life and who's managed to stay there as long as he has, must have ample knowledge of the kind of man you are. He won't leave you. He surely finds being with you as much of an addictive and eclectic experience as I do."
"I don't know about that. He promised to be there when I return. He didn't promise to stay."
Heather sat up with a serene smile. "Then let's go talk to him together. I would love to do that. There's too much tragedy in this world and I will not become a direct cause of another. If he belongs with you, let's go assure him that you will mean to stay with him and you mostly certainly want him to stay with you."
When he and she walked into the condo he shared with Warrick, she unerringly headed for the area of their bedrooms. He had been silently shutting the door but he looked up and hurried after her to prevent her from seeing anything she should not. It was too late. She had pushed the door to Warrick's bedroom open and stood there watching the two men and the woman with them peacefully sleep, their arms and legs an entanglement of colorful confusion. That funky, musky odor of several sessions of sex spread out over several hours overlaid everything in the bedroom and Heather, catching that scent, turned to Gil with a bemused smile.
"Somehow, I very much doubt," she told him quietly, "your young man will feel any need to go anyplace else, so long as he feels free to indulge himself while you are indulging yourself. It appears to me as if you've both achieved a mutually comfortable and cooperative state."
Looking at the three taut, nude bodies on the bed, Gil felt a certain sexual stirring which told him his libido did not mind what he was seeing even while his brain tried to tell him it was not acceptable. It had to be. He had arranged it, so it had to be. Envy could have no place in this, since he was the one who had instigated it.
He sighed, gazing at the younger three members of his CSI team. "Well, we may as well have a cup of tea while we wait for them to wake up. I'm very interested in seeing how they'll react to you being here."
"Yes," said Lady Heather, breathing in deep while consciously, visibly acquiring a different, more remote and intimidating stature as she very naturally shifted into her dominatrix persona, "I should imagine it will be quite, quite interesting indeed."
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- C.S.I. Crime Scene Investigation: The Complete Ninth Season