Title: Safe
By: miss-mandy
Rating: PG
Warnings: Implied Wincest
Summary: Dean comforts Sam.
Author's Notes: Just a little drabble, something I like to call fluffy angst. (Also, if this title's been used before, I apologize. I can't seem to think up any creative titles anymore.)***
Growing up, Dean had always taken care of Sammy.
When he was little, Sam went to John first. When he was scared or hurt or just sad, his first instinct was to run to his dad. He would raise his little arms up in the air, tears streaming down his cheeks and his dad would pick him up and hold him close and Sam just knew that everything would be okay.
But after awhile there was no John to go to. He’d be out on a hunt, or sometimes too busy with research. And even when he was there, it just wasn’t the same. He’d pick Sam up and give him a quick hug, then tell him to be strong and brave and send him on his way. Looking back, Sam knew his dad was just trying to protect him, but at the time he couldn’t help but feel hurt.
So he went to Dean instead. When he was scared of the monster in his closet, when he tripped and skinned his knee, when he wished that he had a mommy, he would run to Dean. And his brother would hold him in his arms and stroke his hair and tell him that everything would be okay. And Sam would believe him.
Dean had always taken care of him.
And he still did.
When Sam would wake up from another terrifying vision, screams echoing in his ears and blood beneath his eyelids, Dean would be there beside him in an instant. When the pain in his head got so intense that he felt like he might pass out, when he balked at the thought of just a short nap for fear of having another nightmare, when he woke up screaming and covered in sweat, Dean was there.
And his brother would hold him in his arms and stroke his hair and tell him that everything would be okay. And sometimes Sam would actually believe him.
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