Title: 3 Times Owen Harper Didn't and 1 Time He Did
By: queenfluffernutter
Pairing: Owen/Ianto
Rating: PG
Summary: This was a challenge. Think I met it head on. The only theme was Owen and 3 times he did and1 time he didn't.***
1 -
It had been a long day and the women were gone. Owen would swear that they had chased those Weevils around the perimeter of Cardiff – twice. All he wanted to do was go home and collapse into his bed into a dead sleep and stay that way for at least a year, knowing that was not even close to possible. Instead, Jack had asked that he stay there until the Weevil they had caught was autopsied. There was a major illness going around in them that was potentially fatal to humans and the man knew that Owen was the one to turn to. And now, Jack had gone god knows where, leaving Ianto and Owen alone in the dank Hub.
"Thought you could use this," a Welsh accent cut into his thoughts. Ianto stood, steaming coffee mug in hand.
"Ianto Jones, I could kiss you!" Owen snatched it greedily from his co-worker.
"I'd prefer if you didn't..." Ianto walked away quickly.
2 -
Rhys' bachelor party. He had invited Owen, Jack, and Ianto at Gwen's insistence. They had had fun, chugging pints and knocking back every shot that was placed in front of them. At least two women had tried to find out his name, but he was so soused by then that he may have given them Jack's, not that he could remember...and now, after crawling every hole-in-the-wall in the city, Owen was being dumped off at his flat. He turned to the driver, a dopey grin on his face. "Thanks, I had a wonderful evening," he slurred out before finding the door handle. "If you were a bird, I'd kiss you..."
"Owen, get out." Ianto drove away as soon as he was sure that the man wouldn't end up in a ditch. Owen couldn't help but notice that he left tire marks as he pulled from the curb.
3 -
"Truth or Dare?" Tosh challenged over her piece of pizza.
"Truth." Ianto countered.
"First man you were with, then." She smiled a sly grin.
"Jack," Ianto blushed, trying to drink his soda to cover it. "Gwen – Truth or Dare?"
"Truth." She sipped her own soda. No way was she going to be the first to take a dare.
"Who make the best coffee that you know?" Ianto knew it was weak, but he thought the game had been too decidedly adult.
"Yours is like sex, if that's what you mean..." She smiled as she watched him blush again. "Owen, Truth or Dare?"
"I'll take the dare, if you're all too afraid..."
"Fine – kiss Ianto." Gwen arched her eyebrow and looked over at Jack, who was bemused by the whole concept.
"NO!" They chorused.
"It was worth a shot," The Welshwoman shrugged and laughed, taking another drink of soda.
4 -
"Do you think they know?" Ianto was standing face to face with him in the tiny back room of the tourist office.
"They can't have a clue," came the answer.
"You better hope not." He wrapped his arms around the other figure tightly.
"Shut up and kiss me, Jones." The tone was harsh and urgent.
"Right, Harper."
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- Amazon.ca link - Torchwood - The Complete First Season (7DVD)