Title: To Infinity and Beyond!
By: EllaFrost
Pairing: gen & hints of Tosh/Owen
Rating: PG
Summary: An Owen spin off... despite the decomposition of his physical form he is STILL trapped in our world, longing for a way out, or indeed a way back in.
Warning: character death, AU***
I stare up at the stars above me.
There were so many things that I wanted to tell you, so many things in each walk of life that I wanted to share – and now, now I can't.
I reach my fingers out to touch the sky – I've fallen so far, too far. And why?
Because I miss you.
They say once you die it's peaceful – a thing to end all things. How wrong they are - there is nothing like death to make you want to live, live each moment to its full. Two deaths have shown me there is nothing good in death, nothing that you would wish to receive, not even at your most depressed and suicidal.
Who am I, or as it may be, What am I?
My name is Dr Owen Harper. For twenty-eight years I lived
There was definitely something that Jack didn't bargain for with that glove. Something that holds me here, unable to reach you – unable to reach anyone. Although my body is gone, my spirit remains.
Dead man walking.
When I first realised I was still... here I tried to reach you. I spent three days in the hub before admitting you were gone. You're gone and there's nothing I can do.
If I could find you I would – I'd walk to the very end of time and back for just one chance to see your face again.
You never realise what you have until it's gone.
I stand, sick of myself. There must be some way, some how, something, anything to get me motivated, to get me back to Earth or back to you: all that alien technology Jack locks away... there must be something.
There has to be something.
Hope is the only thing that keeps me going. I don't want to be stuck between two worlds forever.
Once again, it's back to the hub.
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- Amazon.com - Torchwood: Children of Earth
- Amazon.co.uk - Torchwood - Children of Earth [DVD] [2009]
- Amazon.ca link - Torchwood - The Complete First Season (7DVD)