Previous part of Broken Dreams.
Chapter 21His arms crossed, Ianto listened in stony silence to Tosh. He swore on the souls he held most dear he would never step over the threshold of any Torchwood facility again but here he was, listening with growing dread to her explanation as to what she believed had occurred.
From what she was telling him, she had been working on a spatially involved project for months. She was speaking incredibly fast as she tried to explain what she thought had happened as she saw him hold up his hand to stop her.
"So to cut a long story short you believe there is the possibility he has been pulled into an alternate reality," he summed up and saw her nod.
"And you know this how?" he asked as she now launched into another long technical dialogue; as it petered off she looked at Ianto who was looking at the Rift manipulator with distaste, then back at Tosh.
"We also have to face the possibility he could be dead," Owen said speaking for the first time since Ianto had come crashing into the Hub under an hour ago.
"And you are?" Ianto asked tilting his head towards him.
"Doctor Owen Harper," he replied.
"Gwen Cooper," Gwen spoke up and introduced herself.
"On what information do you surmise he's dead?" Ianto asked them scathingly.
"It's a possibility we have to face, that he was pulled into the Rift and was destroyed in the stream," Owen started to say but was interrupted by Gwen.
"Ianto how did you know something had happened to Jack? I mean within minutes of his disappearance you called Tosh. You didn't call Jack you called Tosh,"
"I knew something had happened to him, the same way I know he is not dead," he told them categorically. They glanced at each other not sure how to take his pronouncement.
"How?" Owen asked surprised at his surety.
"I can feel it in here," Ianto said, pointing to his chest.
"Well that's okay then, long as you can feel it in there," Owen snarked as Ianto threw him a look that made him wither a bit inside.
"I need to see your equations," Ianto declared to Tosh.
"What?" Tosh said still trying to come to terms with the events of the past hour.
"I need to see your calculations, every last equation, and then you are going to find me the blueprints for this bloody contraption" he said indicating to the Rift manipulator as he saw her hesitate.
"That's classified," Owen told him his arms folded as Ianto threw a look at fury at him.
"I've Level One security from Torchwood One and it's been never revoked," he told him as he threw another withering look that made Owen want to head for the nearest rock and crawl under.
"I need that information. Now!" he shouted at Tosh as she took a startled step backwards and scurried off.
"Bloody hell mate, calm down," Owen said trying to keep control of the situation. He had never met Ianto before but the man was formidable.
"Don't you tell me to calm down," Ianto said his eyes glaring, "I've lost two people of significant importance to Torchwood and I'll be damned if I am going to lose another. You got that understood?" Ianto told them.
"Understood?" he repeated as he saw Owen and Gwen look as startled as Tosh had a moment earlier.
"Understood," Gwen and Owen replied simultaneously.
Walking around Ianto examined the Rift manipulator in great detail as Tosh finally returned with her work books. Snatching them from her hands, Ianto asked to be shown to a room he could use. Looking around he declared the boardroom suitable, then demanded every whiteboard in the place and set to work. Tosh was standing back watching with interest making the odd comment as he studied her main calculation now spread out over several whiteboards.
A whiteboard marker in his hand, Ianto walked up and down the row of whiteboards covered with equations as Gwen entered with a tray of coffee followed by Owen. Owen had been keeping out of his way but had joined her because he was curious to find out if he had made any progress.
Taking the coffee from Gwen Ianto took a sip, choked and handed the mug to Owen.
"Take that and make sure it gets disposed under hazardous waste," he told him as he took out his wallet pulled out a twenty pound note. "One of you I don't care which, go to the coffee kiosk on the Plass and buy each one of us a decent cup of coffee. Mine's double espresso, no sugar," he told their astonished faces. "While you're there buy 500 grams of their pre-ground Colombian blend." He held out the money to Owen who took it, "And on your way past the kitchen I saw downstairs take whatever substance you have been using as coffee and throw it into the nearest bin."
"Tosh?" Owen asked for her preference.
"Latte, extra hot," she replied trying to stifle a laugh as Ianto looked at her, rolled his eyes, then using a cloth wiped part of an equation off the board and replaced it with another, then stood back.
"We'll be back soon," Owen said leading Gwen away, who was still standing holding the tray and gulping like a fish.
"Did he just insult my coffee?" she was heard to say loudly as she recovered.
"Yeah, but he's making up for it by shouting us the good stuff," Owen told her looking back at the room in appreciation. The man had a tongue so sharp a snide remark could cut you dead at 100 paces and Owen had the marks to prove it. He might take umbrage at being ordered around by Jack's partner who had totally taken charge from the moment he had stepped through the door, but he had to admire anyone who could cause Gwen to speechlessness.
Returning half an hour later Ianto took the offered coffee without comment took a sip and almost sighed in ecstasy. Wiping off another of the long equations he replaced it with another long string of digits and symbols.
Standing back he pulled out his mobile and looked at Tosh. "Do you have any kind of dampening field around the Hub or can I use my mobile to call out without any problems?" Ianto asked, as Tosh nodded.
"So which is it, you have a dampening field or I can just call out?" he asked for clarification.
"You can just call out," Owen replied intrigued at who Ianto was going to call late on a Sunday afternoon about several whiteboards full of incomprehensible numbers and equations.
"Dora," Ianto said speaking into his mobile, "sorry to bother you. Yeah I know it's Sunday afternoon. You know that project you're working on, 'potential alternate reality theory'? Well I 've had a thought and come up with a hypothesis you might find interesting and I wanted to run it by you…"
Owen sat back as Ianto now spoke in some kind of math language which he swore sounded like theoretical physics.
Several minutes passed when Ianto halted and stopped to listen. "That's what I thought, thanks. Yeah see you at the symposium," he said finally and snapped his phone shut. Moving forward and he now wrote several more strings of equations on another whiteboard.
"Okay all indications point to Jack being pulled into an alternate reality," he circled a set of equations. "The problem is which one," he said as he moved down to the boards at the far end nearest the door.
"Tosh, according to your original workings, they indicated that all the dimensions were linked to the Rift one after the other. The problem is they are also like this," he drew a circle and began filling it with dots. "For argument's sake I have a drawn circle which represents the multi- verse and each dot represents a reality, but they are stacked in every possible combination in every possible configuration."
"So which model is right?" Owen asked.
"They both are," Ianto replied.
"They can't both be right," Gwen pointed out.
"Like light can't be a particle and a wave?" Ianto snapped back as Gwen sat back and took a sip of coffee, looking sheepish.
"The only way for Jack to get back is for someone in the reality he is currently in, to reconfigure their Rift manipulator and send him back to this reality," he said thinking out loud.
"If your model is right then how will they know which one to send him back to?" Tosh asked.
"That was my question," Ianto told her as he walked up the whiteboard with the circle diagram," The problem is we are all reality zero."
"What does that mean?" Owen asked.
"I am not sure I can explain it outside of an equation, but I'll try," he said tapping the bottom of the whiteboard pen he was holding against his lips as he thought. "What it means is this reality-the one we are all in here right now- is the core reality. However if you step into another reality then that becomes the core reality," Ianto explained.
"I get it each one is zero," Tosh said as Owen and Gwen looked confused.
"Each reality equals zero or the core reality. It doesn't matter which core reality you place in the centre, it is already there in the middle because we are all the core reality." Ianto expounded as he tapped the middle of his diagram.
"I'm confused," Gwen told them.
"Good," Ianto told her as he saw her wince at his comment.
"Gwen, your comment is excellent. The zero reality issue is a red herring and means we have been looking at this from the wrong perspective. Or I should say, I have," he told her and saw her smile back.
"The good news is, Tosh your time distortion equation works, so Jack is in the vicinity and has been pulled into a reality that is similar in its makeup and time to ours and I predict it's within the variance you worked out."
"How do you know he's in vicinity?" Gwen asked feeling a little more confident.
"Another excellent question," Ianto told her "I haven't got my head around this completely yet but, remember I said both models apply here, and there is a restriction factor. The surge was a tiny variance. Had it been bigger he may have gone further into the stream."
""That's good?" Gwen checked out.
"Yes," Ianto replied taking a sip of coffee. "Simply put, it's basic displacement. Which means the reality he is in will have a Hub and one of those," he pointed to the blueprint of the Rift manipulator.
"How does this help?" Owen asked
"It means they have the tool required to send him back," Ianto told them.
"But if all realities are zero how does this work? " Tosh asked looking confused.
"What they need is the key," Ianto told her.
"Key?" Gwen queried.
"This realities signature key. I've been trying to figure this out since I first started mapping out Tosh's equations. But I kept coming back to the zero reality issue. If every reality is zero how do you find the one you need to identify? Then I realised as much as each reality is zero each will have a tiny variation based on this equation." He ringed the one he had scrawled up. "This is the key for our reality." He wrote out a huge equation. "That's what I called Dora about, she's been working along similar lines and I recalled she had worked out a potential key for our reality based on quantum mechanics," he told them.
"So how do they figure this out?" Tosh asked wondering if they had someone like Ianto there.
"They don't have to because I just did it for them. All we have to do is figure a way to send them a message," Ianto explained. "Our part in all this is to send the equation with our key signature, along with the correct settings for the manipulator,"
"I see a problem. If there are an infinite number of zero realities, won't there be an infinite number of other realities, all trying to send a message at the same time?" Owen asked.
"Hold on to that thought," Ianto told him as he looked at Tosh. "Tosh I've had a look at the blueprints and I can reconfigure the manipulator to send a message. What I need to know is how much information can we send?" Ianto asked.
"I think we should work on the assumption that we can only send so much and make sure we send only what we need rather than make it too complicated."
"Agreed. It's going to be complicated anyway but should be essential info only," he replied then looked at Owen.
"Owen, I think your question was: if there are an infinite number of zero realties sending messages, how will they know which one belongs to which because there will be an infinite number of messages making it an impossible to check each one to find the one you need?" he reflected back what he understood Owen's question to be as he saw Owen nod.
"Okay, have you heard of Chaos Theory?" he asked them. "Because this is a perfect example…" As Ianto went on to explain that Chaos Theory boiled down to deterministic chaos which meant nothing was truly predictable; that said it meant that actions were fully determined by initial conditions… Several minutes passed as Tosh looked fascinated , Owens kept rubbing his forehead as if he was in pain and Gwen's eyes started to cloud over.
"I get you're a clever bastard," Owen interrupted him as Ianto took a breath. "But this is doing my head in. Could you please put this into plain English?" he asked.
'What it means is we send the signal and it gets to the right place. There will no doubt be a large number of messages being sent but they will head in the right direction because they have something to guide them to the reality we need to send the message to. This is because that reality has something there which is a representative of this reality," he told them.
"Jack," Gwen replied understanding.
"Our Jack has imbued within him the key signature for this reality. I predict that there will still be a multitude of messages received but not an impossible number," he told them.
"How will they know it's from us?" Owen asked.
"Because we don't just send the equation and the settings, we send a word or phrase only my Jack would know," Ianto said tuning bright red.
"You mean something personal, like a name of some kind only he and you would know?" Gwen asked raising her eyebrows.
"Yeah something like that," Ianto told them as he looked down at his feet.
"And you have one in mind?" Owen asked him, amused that the unstoppable force they had come to know as Ianto Jones was now looking decidedly embarrassed.
"Several," Ianto mumbled as he stood up.
"I'll make more coffee," Gwen told him as she stood up, stretched, and headed for the door.
"I'll supervise," Ianto offered following her out of the room.
Chapter 22Jack opened his eyes and saw he was on the sofa with a blanket over him. Sitting up he rubbed his hand over his face, to see Jack standing in front of him holding out a mug of coffee.
"Thanks," Jack said as he took the mug and then a deep sip of coffee.
"Not as good as Ianto's, but best I can do," Jack said as he sat down next to him with his own mug of coffee.
"Where is everyone?" Jack asked, seeing the Hub appeared empty.
"I sent them home, its early hours of the morning." Jack explained.
"What happened?" Jack inquired.
"You collapsed. Owen checked you out and said it was a combination of shock and fatigue. Although he also suspected the jump between realties was a factor," Jack advised him.
"Feeling better?" Jack enquired a few moments later as he saw some colour return to Jack's face.
"A little, I think I have an idea what might have happened. It's hard to explain. Ianto and I have no idea what it is, but we're connected," Jack explained as Jack raised his eyebrows.
"Connected?" Jack repeated.
"We have this sort of link that's hard to explain. When I jumped realities it was gone and I felt so bereft, like a part of me had died. It was a horrible sensation, sort of an inner darkness. I don't have the words to describe it. Then when we were in the boardroom, I felt it snap back into place and I passed out," he explained as best he could.
"I gather you don't share this with Ianto here?" Jack asked after a few moments had passed as they drank in silence.
"No, and in a sense I wish I did and yet I glad I don't," Jack replied. "Ianto's special, more special that I sometimes care to admit. I have so much darkness in me. I have done things, shameful things that…. I guess I fear if Ianto knew all I had done, could sense that in me I could lose him or worse. I could taint him with my sins, and I would never want that to happen." Jack explained. "And yet to be connected, to feel him, truly would be incredible."
"You should trust him. I've had a troubled past and if we share similar histories, I can guess at some of it. He has more strength than you realise and if you love him then you should tell him. If he's anything like my Ianto he will relish the trust you show in him," Jack added.
"Your Ianto, owns a book shop and looks like the two of you are about to embark on …" Jack started to say as he saw Jack becoming upset.
"I'm never going to get to ask him am I? According to Tosh I'm stuck here," he said as Jack put his hand on his arm.
"There's a reason no one's here and that's because I sent everyone home. They're exhausted. You've been out a lot longer than a few hours: in fact it's been almost a twenty hours. I commanded the whole team, especially Tosh and Ianto, to see if they can figure this out. They've been working nonstop. I've also spoken to Martha Jones and she's going to call the Doctor and ask him for help…." he said as he heard Jack snort as he almost spat out a mouth full of coffee.
"The Doctor! Just don't tell it's for me okay?" Jack burst out.
"Interesting, so you and the Doctor don't…" Jack tried to say.
"That would be an understatement. I was just a tagalong. The Doctor has this ability to pick up strays. We had a couple of adventures, and then it all went wrong on Station Five. There was this battle with the Daleks. I tried to fight them, last stand situation, and I was killed. Well I thought I was, but when I came to, I tried to find him but just I got to the TARDIS he took off."
"He left me, abandoned me on Station Five knee-deep in corpses and Dalek dust. I had no idea what had happened or why he left me there. Later I found out Rose had brought me back to life, something to do with looking in the heart of the TARDIS. He was furious at Rose for resurrecting me and he dropped her back on Earth and has never spoken to her again. I managed to make it to Earth but the jump got screwed up and I ended up in 1886."
"I waited over a hundred years for his return for an explanation and to see if he can fix me, and he runs off again. When I finally catch up with him he tells me I'm wrong, a fixed point in time and space and he can't stand to be around me and never wants to see me again. Due to a series of circumstances we got mixed up with a mad Time Lord. To cut a long story short, I ended up being held prisoner on the Valiant for a year doing everything in my power to keep the Master distracted, which meant torture and death for me on a grand scale. Finally our luck changed and we managed to overcome the paradox device on the TARDIS and time gets re-written."
"After it was all over, the Doctor became obsessed with trying to save the Master, who he now has holed up in that TARDIS of his, a prisoner for an eternity. The Doctor's last act was to drop me off without even a thank you," Jack expounded.
"The Master was killed in this reality, shot by his wife then refused to regenerate," Jack said softly.
"So you and your Doctor…?" Jack asked.
"We're good, we've had some tough times, but we are okay," Jack advised him. "What happened to me was similar. The Doctor took off after the battle on Satellite Five and like you I ended up waiting 100 years for his return. In this reality he and Rose had this tragic love affair and were separated during the Battle of Canary Wharf. When we met up recently he did run, and we were taken aboard the Valiant but after it was all over the Doctor and I came out with an understanding and a deep respect for each other." He took a drink from his mug. "So I've asked Martha to ask him if he can help, not sure that he can. I recall he said the non-space between realities had collapsed. However, I and my team are going to work as hard as we can to find a way back for you."
"Thank you," Jack said softly.
"You're welcome," Jack told him "Now tell me, how did you meet your Ianto, and how the hell did he end up owning a book shop?" Jack asked.
"And your Ianto works here in the Hub?" Jack queried.
"Yeah, that's one hell of a long story. Let's just say Ianto is a man of passion who is very loyal and will do anything to save those he loves," Jack told him as Jack raised an eyebrow.
"Under that suit and calm exterior..." Jack mused as he sighed.
"Oh yeah," Jack replied as they continued to drink their coffees lost in their respective thoughts.
"How much longer? My arms are aching," Owen moaned as he stood with his arms outstretched as he held up a section of the blueprints of the Rift Manipulator for Ianto to examine. They had been standing like this for what seemed hours as Ianto was painstakingly recalibrated the Rift Manipulator settings.
"As long as it takes," Ianto snapped then relented as he looked at his watch and realised Owen had been standing for over an hour without complaint.
"Sorry, you're right we need a break. I'll go make some fresh coffee," Ianto offered as he headed over to the kitchen and began to empty the coffee flask which was filled with stale coffee.
"You're not just a book shop owner are you?" Owen asked as he saw a hint of a smile crossed Ianto's face.
"I am, but I dabble," Ianto said in way of explanation.
"Well that's as clear as Gwen's coffee," Owen pointed out as Ianto examined the flask, took a look at the stains and began giving it a good scrub.
"I've always loved numbers and I became fascinated with algorithms, especially their practical application in computer science and that's where my true speciality lies. However, physics I do for pleasure. I'm more a talented amateur, than anything. That said, I am working part-time on a thesis towards a PhD in theoretical physics," Ianto told the incredulous Owen.
"So what the hell are you running a book shop for Ianto? You should be in research at some University, or teaching!" Owen burst out.
"This is just for my enjoyment. I have no interest in research or teaching, and I hate the insulated University world. It's all very competitive and narrow minded and I would rather live in the real world. It's a hobby," he explained as he now added water to the clean flask and poured it into the machine.
"Some hobby," Owen told him as Ianto now measured out coffee into the filter on and closed the top and switched it on.
"I love running Dragon Books because it indulges my other great passion, books. In a sense I have a foot in both worlds, and in that I'm very lucky. It actually helps because, while I'm at the shop I can do some thinking and I have actually come up with several theories that have taken my work down some interesting avenues," he told him as a dark stream of coffee started to fill the flask
"And your coffee's not bad either," Owen told him.
"Just promise me you'll never let Gwen near a coffee machine again," Ianto suggested.
"I promise. Scouts' honour," Owen snapped to attention and put his hand over his heart.
"I have a hard time believing you were ever a scout," Ianto commented as he now poured out two mugs of coffee as Owen smiled.
"I have a question, it's been bothering me for a while. How come when Jack jumped out he wasn't replaced with another Jack? The reason I am asking is because of the parallel reality nature of all this," Owen questioned.
"I have had the same thought, and I think it's because that there are no true parallel realities. In some realties Jack doesn't exist nor does the Hub. It could be that in others Tosh or her equivalent has not worked on a bubble project."
"So if that's the case how the hell are we going to get Jack back?" Owen questioned seriously.
"As I said chaos theory suggests…" Ianto began.
"Not again," Owen interrupted as he saw fear haunt Ianto's face and realised the man was hiding the depth of his anxiety behind words.
"Owen, this is a long shot. I don't know if I can get Jack back. I study theoretical physics, it's just that theory. To be honest my first thought was to set up the same parameters and just go after him," he told him as Owen looked shocked.
"But then you would risk getting lost yourself," Owen told him, shaken Ianto might take such extreme action.
"I realise that, we might miss each other for the rest of my natural life. Jack could search forever, I can't," he told Owen who looked at him as he understood the implications of what Ianto was saying.
"So you know about Jack then?" Owen probed as Ianto nodded.
"What we're doing is the equivalent of casting a bottle with a message in it into the ocean and praying the currents cast it on the correct shore," Ianto replied despondently.
"It can't be that hit and miss, you said the theory suggested…" Owen said as Ianto interjected.
"As I said it's theory Owen, maths games. There are so many variables, what ifs and maybes but I tell you this, if we can't get him back I am going. I've nothing here, there's just Jack and I refuse to lose him and nothing and no one is going to stop me," Ianto said vehemently.
Rubbing his eyes with fatigue Ianto checked the Rift settings for what seemed to Owen, Tosh and Gwen for the thousandth time then stepped back. It was surrounded with cables jutting out of various ports being checked by Owen who gave the thumbs up to Ianto.
"I think we're ready, I've checked every possible setting," Ianto said taking a deep breath.
"All looking good here. I checked rechecked and double checked," Owen told him trying to avoid Ianto checking his work. The man was exhausted; he had been on his feet now for forty eight hours and his meticulous nature meant he might well check. However they had gained an understanding between each other to the extent Ianto trusted Owen would set the cables up as indicated.
"I set up the pulse with the encoded data stream. We just need to add your message," Tosh told him as he went to stand by her desk. He took out a strip of paper and handed it to her. Reading it she raised her eyebrows and looked at Ianto. "Just add it," he told her as she typed.
"All ready?" Ianto checked as she finished typing and saw her nod. He let out a large breath and indicated she proceed. As everyone stood back from the manipulator she pressed enter.
They heard a surge followed by a sizzle and then nothing.
"That's it?" Gwen said, who was expecting something more dramatic.
"Bottle cast," Owen said as he went to stand next to Ianto.
"What now?" Gwen asked
"Now we wait," Ianto told her as he went and sunk onto the sofa and put his face in his hands, and Tosh went to sit next to him and stroked his back.
Chapter 23"Wow," an infinite number of Tosh's in an infinite number of zero realities commented as a huge spike of activity registered and the Rift alert went of sounding across the Hub.
"What happened?" Jack asked racing to her station. "Has something come through the Rift?"
She shook her head as she worked furiously on her keyboard. "No, nothing has come… something from…I… hang on... yes," she stuttered then looked up. 'Sorry, give me a moment," she said as Jack, Jack, Owen, and Ianto joined her, looking over her shoulder as she worked.
"It looks like thousands upon thousands of encoded data streams have been sent through the Rift," she informed them as information began to flow across the screen.
"What the hell are those?" Gwen asked, pointing as a series of tiny squares began running left to right and as one line was filled, each line began scrolling down in what seemed an endless sequence.
"Let me open one," Tosh suggested as she clicked on a box with her mouse cursor. As she did the box expanded into a series of symbols. It made no sense so she opened another. This one she could understand as it was in English. Taking her time she opened several and they were all extremely similar.
"The ones I've opened all have a sequence of words, followed by a long series of equations," she said as she continued to open each small square in the sequence.
"The words make no sense," she said as she read one out. "Mr Big loves the Captain, diary, stopwatch, tape measure, blue tie, love you...And here's another: Butterfly, big stick, greenhouse, stopwatch, leather, red shirt, love you."
"Why would someone send this? It makes no sense," Tosh told them as she scrolled through. "Each equation is pretty advanced, I'm going to need some time to work out what each one means." She took a careful look. "That said each one I have opened is similar to the other," she added then stepped back in thought.
"So you said equations. So there's more than one in each message?" Ianto asked as Tosh now highlighted one of the messages so it could be seen clearly. Now it was highlighted everyone could see it was in three parts: a sequence of words, a long complex equation, followed by a series of other numbers.
"I think I recognise the last part, they're Rift Manipulator settings," Ianto said after several moments passed.
"You're right," Jack said as he patted Ianto on the shoulder as they continued to study the information.
"The equation is extremely complex and I'm going to need time to work on it," Tosh admitted.
"Why so many?" Owen commented at the sheer number of message squares which continued to scroll down.
"I'm still trying to work that out," Tosh replied to Owen's question.
"Bottles with messages cast into the Rift," Ianto spoke up as he looked at Jack. "Cast in the hope that somehow they would find the right shore," he added.
"Are you saying these are messages?" Gwen asked as she studied the line.
"Each one we've looked at is basically the same; words, equation and Rift settings" Ianto added.
"Yes, but there are so many?" Tosh spoke under her breath then turned around to face the others. "What if Jack is not the only Jack who was pulled into an alternate reality? What if it's thousands, an infinite number?" she threw out the question to everyone.
"If that's the case, how come our Jack didn't disappear then?" Owen questioned.
"I never completed my work, never got to a stage where I set up any experimentation, so in our reality Jack remained," she explained.
"So some Jacks remained and others were taken?" Owen checked out.
"Yes," she replied.
"So what you are saying is someone else, well in this case lots of someone else's have sent out a message in the hope it would reach their Jack," Owen reflected back as he saw Tosh turn back deep in thought.
"How do we know it's the realities that have lost their Jack sending the message and not the ones that received a visitor?" Gwen asked speaking for the first time.
"Got it!" Tosh almost shouted. "We can't, well we can, but there would be no point. Remember I said our problem was we had no way of knowing which was Jack's reality? What if this message is a way to recognise his reality?"
"So we've just received the equivalent of a mass mail out," Owen said laughing.
"In a sense, they know or have worked out there are an infinite number of realities and it would be impossible for the reality he was in to find the one he came from," Tosh expounded. "They don't know where he is, so each one sent a message to as many locations as possible." She took a breath. "It's like you're trying to contact someone you've lost in a big city. You know the name of the city, so you send a message to every house and put a poster on every available wall and lamb post just to make sure," she clarified.
"So the equation could be an address that's sent out to every possible location close by," Gwen spoke up as Tosh nodded.
"I would need to do some serious work on the equation but my guess is each one is an address for a particular reality," she added.
"But they've also sent Rift settings. Why both?" Jack queried pulling his lower lip
"Best guess right now, the settings are not complete. There's a variable we have to add to complete the settings, which is something only we can do using the equation," Tosh replied thinking out loud.
"So each one is a message that contains the address of the particular reality, and Rift settings we have to complete," Jack reflected.
"But there are thousands of messages. How do we work out which one belongs to Jack?" Gwen asked.
"What about the words at the beginning?" Owen enquired.
"The words are gibberish," Tosh pointed out as she read one "Mr Big, Mr Ed, diary, stopwatch, tape measure, blue tie, love you."
"Does it mean anything to you?" Gwen asked Jack as she came to a realisation as he shook his head.
"What about the next one," Gwen said as she read out the words, "Spudelicious, Lily, birthday, 12 golden wishes, love you," she read out as Jack shook his head.
"I'm reckon who ever sent these knew exactly this would be an issue and the message at the front is one only their Jack would recognise," Gwen explained as she saw a look of understanding grow on everyone's face as she smiled.
"How many data streams are there?" Ianto asked.
"Not an infinite number, but enough if each one has to be checked individually, from the current number months, years even, to look at each one," she added. "But I could set up a programme to sift through them and eliminate any that are not in English for example, or other differences we know could we could discard those," she offered.
"Do it!" Jack and Jack spoke together then looked at each and smiled.
Hours later Tosh leaned back and stretched, easing the pain in her neck and shoulders.
"Okay I've reduced the number of messages down to eleven thousand four hundred and eighty one. I set this up so each data stream will show the message only. Once we find the right one we can open that data stream and extract the equations and settings," she told them as Jack and Ianto moved into her place and began to read through each message.
Several hours and multiple mugs of coffees later Ianto turned to Jack and commented, "I think we can safely agree that Jack appears to be as creative in each reality as he is here," as they scrolled down each message, eliminating one after another.
Smiling Jack had to agree. Some were highly creative and others laugh out loud funny and some were incomprehensible. A large number had a sexual element and appeared to be love names. Others suggested that Jack had married and had children if the list of names and birthdates were anything to go on. More appeared to be a random collection of words, that had no apparent connection to each other, but if Gwen was right they would only have meaning for the Jack the message was intended for.
What was touching about each message was the last two words. Jack was reminded of the messages sent in the last moments before the Twin Towers collapse where people sent text messages of love, knowing this might be the last message they ever sent. In this case each message or bottle cast on the ocean currents of the Rift were the same messages of hope and love. He took a breath as he kept reading; praying that in this seemingly endless list there was a message for him.
"Dalek, Daffodil, poetry, drunk, curry, storm the castle, love you."
"Mr Big loves Mr Naughty, rat bag, rascal, love you."
"Red ropes, tongue lashing, cuffs, umbrella, love you."
"Green lizard, coat, warehouse chase, blow job, tied up, Ianto hunt, love you."
"Policeman, shark, naked hide and seek, Gwen, Owen, Tosh, Jack won cheat, love you."
"Honeymoon, muffey, Tarsus 5, soda beach, moonlight, two moons, love you."
"University of love, hot sex, rosemary bath oil, sweetie pie, love you."
"Hot chocolate fudge sundae, fruit salad, UNIT conference, red socks, love you."
"Squiggles, blow job, prime ministers call, gun range, captain's revenge, love you."
"Stop watch, strip poker, cheat, honey bunny, love you."
"Paris, honeymoon, surprise, daughter Myfanwy, love you."
"Collared, black, red, wedding belt, silver, tulip, love you."
"Proposal, Central Park, squirrel, nutty boy, love you."
"Hard core, boys from big, pissing contest, Doctor won Ianto second Jack cheat, love you."
"Rose wedding, harpoon the moon, cinnamon rock, scissors, paper, love you."
"Tape measure, hot water, soap, cries of ecstasy, swamp dragon, two stamps, love you."
"First time, high noon, princess, lost, James Bond, cream buns, love you."
"Concert, TARDIS, hot chocolate, marshmallows, darling, top, dress up, tiger, love you."
"Stop!" Jack called out as one caught his attention. "Scroll back," he said as Ianto scrolled back returning to the line Jack had pointed out. "That's it."
"You sure" Ianto asked. Jack nodded as Ianto raised his eyebrows. "Oh yeah," Jack replied. As the other Jack joined them and raised his eyebrows at some of the content of some of the messages.
"Yes, it's says something to me, I can't explain this but the three things mentioned are something only Ianto and I would know," he explained.
"You appear to cheat a lot," Ianto said as he turned to his Jack.
"No point in playing otherwise," Jack replied honestly as he put his arm around Ianto's waist so he was holding him from behind and put his chin on his shoulder.
"He always cheats," Ianto told Jack as he smiled at this moment of intimacy between the two men.
"So which one is yours?" Jack asked as Ianto pointed out the sentence "Tape measure, hot water, soap, cries of ecstasy, swamp dragon, two stamps, love you," Jack read out as he kissed the palm of his hand and put it on the screen and closed his eyes. "Ianto, my Ianto" he whispered under his breath.
Tosh walked around the manipulator studying it with care. The equation was an address all right, a complex one, but an address just the same. The difficulty she was having was translating the variable required with the address calculation into a Rift setting or settings. If the reconfiguration was correct it would be stretching the capabilities of the manipulator to its utmost limit. She stood back and turned to face the rest of the team including Jack who was standing silent with his arms crossed. Gone was the euphoria of three days ago, now replaced with a desperate air as she struggled with the issue at hand. From what she could see, the settings were correct based on the specifications in the message and the variable she had worked out.
"I think that's it," she told them wearily.
"You don't sound sure," Owen told her his arms crossed.
"I've checked and double checked, I don't see how I can do any more," she informed him.
"There's only one way to find out. Let's do this," Jack spoke up. "Is there any where I should stand?" he said moving forward.
"Best guess as close the manipulator as you can get," she suggested as he went and stood by it as close as he could without touching it.
"Good luck," Jack said as he put his arm around Ianto's shoulder. "I hope he says yes," he said as Jack nodded in reply. Ianto looked at his Jack curiously,
Good luck," Tosh and Owen repeated.
"Thank you," Jack said as Tosh pressed enter and with a flash he disappeared.
Ianto walked into Jack's office to see him still working at a pile of paperwork on his desk.
"Do you think he got home?" Ianto asked quietly as he sat on the front edge of Jack's desk.
"I hope so," Jack replied not looking up.
"Must have been terrible to be ripped away from everything and everyone you know and love," Ianto reflected.
Jack took Ianto's hand. "I couldn't bear to be away from you. We've spent enough time apart. I want to make every day count," Jack told him looking directly into his eyes as Ianto pulled him into a kiss.
"Jack left me a message," Ianto said as he pulled back and opened his jacket removing an envelope from which he pulled out a sheet of paper.
"Did he indeed," Jack said as sat back. "And?" Jack nudged Ianto verbally in anticipation to what message Jack could have left wondering if it was like the one Jack had left for him telling him he should trust Ianto.
"It was a very simple message, and I've no idea to who it refers to," Ianto told him, confused.
"Well better read it out then," Jack suggested.
"Ask Jack about Gray," he read out. He saw Jack go completely pale and stood up as he gathered Ianto into his arms.
Chapter Twenty Four.Laying his arm across his eyes, Ianto struggled to keep his anxiety at bay. Days had passed since the message had been sent and there had been no Rift movement. The only thing that had registered was the traffic from other realties sending out their message. From the sheer number of message his prediction that his Jack was not alone was no comfort. Trying to find the right message he knew would be like trying to find a single dandelion seed thrown into the wind from an infinite field of dandelions.
Right now he could still feel him via their link, so faint it was barely discernable but it was there nonetheless. He and Jack had discussed the link in length and had come to the conclusion that it was a combination of his empathic ability and some possible 51st century element neither understood. They accepted it as an exotic element to their union which allowed them to deepen their love for each other. Ianto concluded and Jack agreed that it was something that had most likely occurred due a combination of elements that were just one of those things. It made the link unusual but nothing of significance.
Now he knew differently because when the link was broken he had felt so bereft at its loss, it had caused him to literally drop to his knees much the distress of his staff. As it did he felt a descent into a darkness he had never known. He had been reeling and then within moments it had reconnected much to his relief. The tenuous connection it had become nothing but a faint whisper, just enough to let him know Jack was alive. That experience had scared him on every level and it meant the link was far more significant than either of them comprehended. The effect it had on him meant in all likelihood Jack may have been similarly affected just when he needed all his faculties to deal with wherever he had ended up.
He turned over onto his stomach, trying to calm his mind as he tried to figure out how the hell Jack had ever slept on this narrow bunk in his quarters here in the Hub. When Owen had shown him this he had thought he had been joking, but no this was where Jack had lived and he was appalled. It was a concrete box, filled with few battered pieces of furniture, and a shower. He knew this was partly due to Jack not wanting to put down any roots while he was waiting for the Doctor.
This accommodation he reflected was a perfect representation of how Jack shielded himself. All people saw was the mask Jack put on for their benefit: the dashing hero who used his sexuality to conceal a sad, lonely, and vulnerable man. All that had been changing over the past weeks and as their relationship had deepened he could feel the man's soul waking as he began to live a real life.
He took a sharp breath and now he had been taken, lost in the depths of the Rift. Losing Jack was not something he had ever contemplated and it was not the first time the irony of falling in love with someone who could not die crossed his mind. It was a security that had been ripped from him and he groaned as a familiar argument began its circular route.
They were running out time. By his own calculations he predicted there was a major Rift event coming up. If Jack was not back before it occurred then the chances were he would be stuck for a long time if, not forever, in another reality. Who knew if such events changed the Rift flow, destroying the current connectedness between realties? He was pretty sure he could re-set up Tosh's original experiment and then go. Should he remain because that was the most common sense thing to do? If he remained then Jack knew where to come back to. If he left and Jack got back and found him missing it meant chaos. He groaned; common sense had nothing to do with the terrible sense of loss he felt. Every passing second moved them towards that event. Every morning he lay here in this terrible indecision, in this fucking miserable hole, missing Jack, his whole being aching for reunion.
He was deep in thought as he heard a shout. Sitting bolt upright he grabbed his shoes and scrambled up the ladder to see Tosh pointing at her computer, as a peak of Rift activity exploded across her screen. Ianto felt himself turn inside out and the world turned black.
Screaming the vortex swirled around him and Jack fell to his knees.
Disorientated, Jack opened his eyes to find himself on his back staring at a roof the Hub. It looked identical but he knew this was cruel illusion. He knew he had not jumped to his home reality. Ianto was not here, the link was gone and he felt stricken and adrift.
"We've been expecting you," he heard a voice say as he fell on to his hands then rolled on his back and he closed his eyes as momentary blackness took him again.
The blackness faded and he opened his eyes. Looking up, he saw his own face and hand reaching down.
"Jack Harkness I presume," Jack said as he helped what looked like his complete twin to his feet.
Staggering as he felt the room whirl around him and Jack felt firm gentle hands
leading him somewhere and he found himself being directed towards the sofa. Reaching it he sat down heavily and put his head into his hands in attempt to control the vertigo as a maelstrom of emotions overwhelmed him. He felt his stomach churn as he struggled to hold on to his last meal. A few more moments passed and he realised it was futile, embarrassed by this loss of control he tried to move sideways to throw up. As he was about to move he found a bowl on his lap and he heaved.
Shuddering from the vile taste of vomit he now found a glass of water pressed into his hands. Rinsing out his mouth he then took a drink to ease his burning throat.
"I think it might be better if he laid down," he heard Owen suggest and felt the glass being taken from his hand then gently eased to a prone position. As a blanket was laid across him as he found he could not fight the darkness any longer, closing his eyes he felt himself drift off into nothingness.
How long he laid there he did not know. At times he was aware of more or less activity, as he fought and failed to open his eyes. His hearing however was unaffected as he heard footsteps and talking as a murmuring in the distance. At one point he overheard a whole conversation. There was clear concern and care in their voices as to his reaction. It was full of medical jargon and the conversation concluded with the opinion that he should be left to sleep it out. He was in agreement as a wave of exhaustion hit him and he felt himself slip back into nothingness.
How much time passed he did not know when he found himself in a half waking state and he could swear he smelt coffee, his nose twitched and he took deep sniff. Yes, it was coffee. Opening his eyes he saw he was lying on the sofa along with a vague recollection of what had occurred.
"Look like you need a coffee?" A pair of knees said. Blinking to clear his confusion he sat up and the blanket that had been placed over him fell off and he saw it was Ianto holding out a mug.
"How long?" Jack croaked as he took a sip of coffee and reached out mentally and was greeted with what smelt like a hint of cinnamon. He glanced up to see a look of total confusion and fear cross the young man's face. "Five hours,'" Ianto replied as Jack joined him and put his hand around his waist to steady him as Ianto moved in as close to his Jack as he could.
"How are you feeling?" He heard Owen ask as he came towards him with a hand held scanner.
"Terrible," Jack replied as he struggled to focus.
"Did this happen last time?" Owen asked as he went over him with a scanner but didn't touch him.
Taking a sip of coffee Jack tried to think. "Yes, but not as bad, I passed out, but it was later."
"So when you jumped before you passed out later?" Owen repeated to check he had heard correctly trying to make sense of what Jack was telling him
"Yes, but that was because, because," Jack struggled to speak, "we reconnected."
"Reconnected?" Jack repeated this time.
"You were expecting me," Jack queried as he now began to recall his first moments here. "You said you were expecting me how?"
"I'll answer that one," Tosh said as she came into view. "We've been watching the rift activity. We saw major peak followed by a second with all the data streams. I did an analysis and from the messages and equations it indicated a Torchwood member had crossed between alternative realities. From the content of the messages we figured it was Jack. When I mapped out the equation, I noted a variable that indicated there was the probability that that if the rift settings were off just a fraction we might get a visitor."
"What now?" Jack asked as he suddenly felt like snapping sensation him which rebounded. He closed his eyes. As he reopened them, everything came into sharp focus and his thinking cleared, well almost. He took a sip of coffee to calm himself.
"Are you okay?" He looked in the direction of the voice which was filled with sudden concern, to see Owen speaking to him.
"I think so," Jack admitted as he took a breath in relief.
"Er, what just happened?" Owen asked, scanning him again.
"This is so hard to explain. Ianto and I share this link, when I jump realities it breaks and then it catches up with me, well that's what I think," Jack said trying to make sense of what he thought was going on.
"You're life bonded?" Tosh said in understanding.
"Pardon?" Jack blinked as he looked up at her.
"You and your Ianto, it sounds like you are life bonded, as you said linked," she explained further.
"Lifebond?" Jack repeated.
"Life bonding is when you link your life forces. You're linked with each other, mind, body and soul," Tosh continued.
"If someone has a life bond the pair can choose to validate it in a ceremony, which turns it into an unbreakable bond, one dies, and the other follows." Owen explained.
Taking a sip of coffee he looked around the group. "life bond," he repeated as he turned the idea over in his thinking. "Are you two life bonded?" Jack asked as he came to terms with the concept as he looked at Jack and Ianto.
"Yes," Ianto replied strongly taking out what looked like a golden braided dog lead that matched the collar it is attached to, from under his tie and handed it to Jack who took it and pulled Ianto closer to him.
"From you reaction…" Tosh began to query but was interrupted by Jack.
"Can this wait?" he asked her.
"Yes it can wait, but the sooner I have his reality key the sooner we can work out the rift settings, once we had those we can adjust the Rift manipulator," she pointed out.
"I have this," Jack said reaching into his coat pocket and handing her a print out.
"Boardroom thirty minutes, we can have a question answer strategy meeting then. Ianto, please order some food, Chinese. Do this from my office. I will join you there shortly, do not leave until you have spoken to me," he commanded as he now turned to Tosh as Ianto went to Jack's office.
"Show Jack where to come once you have asked him what you need," he told Tosh as he now turned to enter his office and closed the door.
Following Jack with his eyes, Jack watchedas Jack entered into his office and saw Ianto kneel by the side of Jack's desk as he stroked his neck looking into his eyes. His attention was drawn back to Tosh who was now speaking.
Tosh watched Jack's reaction at the scene being played out. She saw his confusion and decided to speak. "Ianto is Jacks husband, they only got married last week. With two of you it would appear he needs some reassurance," as if this explained everything. Not sure what to say in reply Jack nodded.
Approximately thirty minutes later he saw Jack now leave the office and Tosh indicated they should follow. As he followed he tried to make sense of what he was seeing. Jack was holding the lead which was attached to a stylish collar of interwoven brown , yellow and white gold which had a loop for the end of the lead and a plaque with the name Jack Harkness engraved on it. He wondered if this could be some kind of fashion accessory and saw Owen was wearing a plan bronze collar that only had Torchwood on it. It appeared more functional and he wondered if this indicated some sort of rank. Truth he told he was still feeling woozy and didn't fully trust what he was seeing so they could denote anything.
His attention was pulled back to Ianto, who for some reason seemed unsettled in a way he could not understand and the whole time they were walking Jack kept his hand firmly on Ianto's waist as they moved almost in synch. He entered the board room which was strikingly similar and sat down to find a plate handed out to him.
"Eat," Jack commanded as several containers of Chinese takeaway were pushed in his direction. He was starving and there was plenty so he heaped up his plate and took a bite.
Ianto was sitting next to Jack who was taking turns in feeding him as he turn ate himself. It was curious that Ianto at no time picked up an implement. Jack watched Jack picked up a glass complete a straw as Ianto took a drink.
"Eat," Jack repeated as he saw Jack looking in their direction so he picked up a fork. Glancing around he saw that Owen and Tosh were sitting eating on opposite sides of the table and eating from their own plates. He returned his attention to the plate in front of him and felt his stomach growl as the nausea faded.
Eating with vigour he continued to observe as Jack talked gently to Ianto, touching the collar every now and then keeping his focus concentrated on him as they eat. As the meal ended Ianto appeared to be a lot calmer and got up and served everyone coffee. AsIanto served Jack his coffee he was heartened to see he was wearing a wedding ring and he felt as he realised there was a deep commitment here, much like his own. He found his thoughts drift as he thought of what it would feel like to slip such a ring on the hand of his Ianto.
"I expect you have some questions?" Jack commented, bringing his attention back into the room as Ianto returned to sit a close as he could.
"Why am I here and not my home reality?" Jack questioned looking directly at Tosh.
"The equation for each home reality is extremely complex; the rift settings have to be precise, a single miss-alignment would mean the rift settings were out," she explained.
"So the last reality set the settings for this reality," Ianto said speaking up for the first time.
"Basically," Tosh replied as Jack went silent and looked into his coffee.
"So what now?" Jack asked seeing how distressed Jack was becoming.
"We start again," Tosh told him and smiled gently
Chapter Twenty FiveHome Reality.
As Ianto keeled over Owen attempted to catch his fall, but was too late and he fell the ground in a heap.
"Jesus Christ," Owen shouted as he checked his carotid artery, then if he was still breathing.
"What happened?" Tosh raced over to his side as Owen pointed to the medical bay.
"Fetch my scanner, and I have no idea what's happened," he shouted after her.
"Where?" Tosh shouted back.
"Cabinet to the right second shelf down," he shouted out as he continued to examine Ianto. He moved him onto his side, pulled the leg closest to the ground left straight so he was laying stretched out, then pulled over his right leg and bent it at the knee. Now he pulled Ianto's left arm out as if he was pointing along the ground away from him, then moved his right arm and then tilted his chin back into the classic recovery position.
Gwen joined them with a blanket, as Owen grabbed the scanner from Tosh's outstretched hand and proceeded to move it over Ianto's prone body.
"It's nothing physical, but his conscious mind has switched off," Owen told them after several moments had passed as he worked the scanner.
"It happened so quickly, I mean one moment he was running towards my workstation next he just keeled over," Tosh stated.
"It was the Rift, I'm sure of it," Gwen piped up as she now laid the blanket over Ianto which Owen tucked around him.
"But why Ianto, why just him? If it was something to do with the Rift wouldn't it affect all of us? Tosh asked as she looked at Ianto's prone form.
"All higher brain function has ceased," Owen said, worry etched into his voice as he continued to process the information from his scanner.
"What does that mean?" Gwen asked feeling helpless as she watched.
"His autonomic functions; his brain stem, heartbeat, breathing, are working but everything else has shut down," Owen told them.
"So his motor is running but there's no driver," Gwen said in understanding as she saw him nod.
"Hang on a minute, something happening," Owen said as the readout on his scanner changed. "I'm picking up activity, definite activity."
Tosh and Gwen held onto each other as Ianto came back into consciousness. He twitched as his eyes began to move rapidly behind his eyelids. Several more moments passed then he opened them and looked around.
"Why am I on the floor?" he asked as Owen helped him sit up.
"Can you tell me what happened?" Owen asked as he now stood and put his hand out to help him stand.
"I was running towards Tosh when I felt the link I share with Jack break," he explained as Owen helped him over to the sofa and Gwen tucked in the blanket around him.
"Link?" Owen repeated looking at Ianto as Tosh returned with a glass of water. "I think you had better explain, because for at least ten minutes your brain has been switched off mate."
"Yeah, it happened last time," Ianto added in way of explanation.
"Last time?" Owen said looking more concerned.
"The first time Jack jumped. I felt like part of me had snapped, died. I keeled over," he added as he took a sip of water and saw his hand was shaking.
"You need to explain because I'm fucking confused," Owen told him bluntly.
"It's hard to explain in words but Jack and I share this sort of emotional link. Sometimes it's stronger than others, but at all times we have this knowing of each other. I can't explain it in words. It's like Jack and me are like, together inside." He pointed to his chest. "When Jack jumped the first time the link broke, but it came back the in a few moments," he explained.
"That's how you knew," Gwen said as she clapped her hands together in understanding.
"Yeah…" Ianto started to say then realised something was wrong as he pushed out, stood up and started to look around. "Where is Jack?" he looked at the faces of Tosh, Owen and Gwen.
"Where is Jack?" he shouted out.
Deep in thought Jack stood, the layout of this Hub was very similar. Again as he had experienced in the previous reality there were subtle differences on how each person reacted to each other that were more significant.
Owen was Owen and was alive from what he could tell. Tosh was more commanding, certainly not the reticent Tosh he had known in the previous reality or his own. Their relationship appeared to be nothing like the one they shared in his home reality; a growing attraction about to take centre stage in their lives even though they were purely professional with each other.
He had not met Gwen, so he had nothing to compare her with. The biggest difference was Jack; here he projected all he was so there was no mistaking he was in command. Not a surprise because he had cause to do this on occasion himself, here however it was like this was part of his very being.
He watched how Jack and Ianto interacted with each other, he felt how attentive they both were to each the other. He could not fully describe the understanding he had gained from the slight mental contact he had from Ianto before he had pulled back. A flash of understanding came to him, there was something profound here. Jack's feeding of Ianto, as strange as it appeared to him, meant that Jack was bound to care for Ianto in their relationship. It was an outward manifestation of their commitment to each other. He drew back as his head hurt.
"I can feel you thinking from here," Jack said smiling as he joined him, then turned to Ianto who was clearing away the meal.
"Go home and prepare yourself I will be there shortly," he said as Ianto smiled and headed down the stairs.
"Apologies," Jack said looking up. "I didn't realise I was thinking that hard."
"I caught confusion and differences and Ianto tells me you reached out mentally to him?" Jack added narrowing his eyes. "I will explain, but not tonight. Ianto needs my reassurance and to make this easier on him while you're here, don't reach out to him even in the smallest sense. Don't touch him." Jack said an edge to his voice then saw the look of confusion on Jack's face.
"I'll explain tomorrow but for now come with me," he commanded.
Following Jackto his office, he was led down the man hole. To his surprise the small quarters he knew expanded to a room, and a hall, which led to a lounge, bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen. It was an underground flat, surprisingly comfortable and wondered why he had not created the same.
Jack indicated a bed with a sleeping bag and pillow on it. "We've just moved into the house above so some of our stuff is still here. There's a shower and I've asked Ianto to leave out a change of clothes for you along with a towel," he explained as he pulled Jack aside.
"I would like to sit down and talk things through with you, but I need to spend time with Ianto tonight. He's upset because there are two of us and he needs me to reinforce who he belongs to," he said smiling and raising his eyebrows as Jack nodded in understanding but in reality had no idea what he was talking about. Then he realised that in the same circumstance his Ianto might need some extra attention and reassurance if another Jack turned up and he imagined comforting Ianto by wrapping his arms around him.
"I'll explain tomorrow," Jack said as he saw the look on Jack's face, then leaving by the hall he locked the interconnecting door.
Flopping down on the bed. Jack looked around as ran his hand over his face, as he went of the past few hours. This place was certainly different, as he tried to settle his mind. The phrase 'Life bond' came to him and he felt his stomach twist as he now recalled the conversation. Is that what he and his Ianto shared? What had Owen said if one died the other died with them? Did that mean if he died Ianto did? He felt a shiver of fear as the implications of what this might mean. Jack here must share his immortality; had this Jack died? What had happened, did it mean that Ianto here died as well? But Ianto was clearly alive so what occurred? Maybe Jack took extra care and just made sure he never got killed?
He felt like he his head swirl and he laid down and shut his eyes. So many questions... tomorrow he must talk to Jack and to ease the pain in his chest.
Home Reality
Owen paced up and down the Hub waiting for Tosh to return, as she had gone out to get something to eat. Ianto said he was not hungry and was existing on endless mugs of coffee.
He was determined Ianto was going eat something even if it meant tying him down and stuffing it down his throat
He looked up towards the boardroom and swore he could feel rats running around his stomach. The look on Ianto's face at the realisation that his plan had not worked and Jack had not returned was heart breaking. Ianto had returned to the boardroom to re-work his calculations. Hours it had been, but that was not what was worrying him. If Jack and Ianto shared some kind of link then separating them was worse than death. He was sure this had a high probability of driving Ianto towards a reckless act as the bond drove to reunite them. Combined with Ianto's earlier statement of setting up the Rift manipulator and taking off after Jack it had all the makings of a disaster.
He saw Tosh enter carrying what looked a weeks' worth of sandwiches and cakes in a cardboard tray.
"I need to talk to you right now," he commanded as she entered and she headed over to the kitchen.
"Has something happened?" she said, worry etched into her voice as she placed the cardboard tray with white paper bags on the counter.
"Not yet, but something might if we don't keep vigilant," Own started to speak as he explained his conversation with Ianto about him setting up the bubble experiment and going after Jack as all the colour drained from her face.
"He can't he could be lost forever. He must know this," Tosh burst out as he finished speaking.
"I agree. Ianto casting himself into the Rift is the worst possible thing he could do and if he tries we have to stop him," Owen nodded.
"Should we talk to him about it?" Tosh suggested as Owen shook his head.
"No. We could use every possible rational argument against it and he'll still try to do it,"
Owen told her.
"There is more to this than you know. Ianto lost his fiancée and baby during the attack on Torchwood One. She was pretty advanced in the pregnancy. He's never spoken of what he actually saw, but I do understand he fought to save them both, but failed. So he will do everything he can to save Jack, he's tenacious and inventive so we'll have to watch him," Tosh warned.
'"So we need a plan," Owen said as he took in information about Ianto's background as Gwen now re-entered the Hub to join them.
"Gwen, I need you to prepare one of the cells. Don't look at me like that, make it comfortable we might need it," he ordered. "And I'll go and prepare a heavy sedative."
'What the fuck is going on?" Gwen spluttered as Owen hurried to the medical bay.
"Let's just say we need to be prepared to stop Ianto doing something incredibly stupid," Owen told her as they all looked up at the boardroom as he filled her in.
"On it," Gwen said as she soon as he had finished speaking and headed to the store room then turned back. "He's a big bloke he mentioned he's played rugby. Could the three of us take him down?"
"Stun gun, I'll get one right now," Tosh agreed. "And I could disable the systems so that no message from our computer system can be sent from any of the stations in the Hub to the Rift manipulator," she added.
"Do it" Owen said as they each took off to prepare.
Chapter Twenty SixJack woke early the next morning to find Jack in front of him in the process of getting dressed.
"Sorry, busy night; Rift alert. Decided to take a shower down here instead of going all the way up to the house," Jack told him as he tucked in his shirt and started to button it up. "Good sleep?" he asked as he pulled over the braces over his shoulder.
"Strange dreams," Jack said in reply as he tried to put words to what he recalled.
"Yeah?" Jack queried.
"Yeah," Jack replied not wanting to share he had dreamed that he had strapped Ianto to a cross then whipped him, paddled him, then had taken him several times over and left a bite mark on his arse. He and his Ianto had played at tying each other up; well, to be honest it was Ianto taking control, tying him up and riding him or giving him a spanking. He was in control all day, so he loved it when Ianto took over. One of his favourites was when Ianto tied him up, blindfolded him and then ordered him not to move as Ianto pleasured him. The anticipation was exquisite and he was left in a trembling mess of excitement. Sometimes Ianto built up the anticipation by sending him a text message at work with orders on what to do when he got home, mostly go home, strip, and lay spread eagled on the bed. Ianto's key in the door was enough to give him a rock hard erection as he lay there on display as Ianto told him what a good boy he was then took over.
However in his dreams this had been reversed and it was him dishing it out to Ianto and from the feelings he recalled it was incredibly pleasurable for both himself and Ianto. The dream had been surreal in its detail. Looking up be brought his attention back to Jack who was looking at him curiously at the lost look on his twin's face.
"The shower is over there," Jack pointed in the direction of the bathroom. "I'll meet you upstairs in the kitchen. Ianto's making coffee," he said with enthusiasm as he left.
Freshly showered and wearing the spare set of clothes Ianto had laid out for him the night before, Jack accepted the full mug of rich coffee. He took a sniff and then a sip. It would appear that Ianto's coffee making prowess remained undiminished not matter where ever he was.
Ianto was looking a lot calmer today although he looked tired, then recalled Jack had told him they had been called out. As Ianto turned he now caught a look at the collar he had glimpsed the day before and saw the detail. The collar looked solid but the way it was being worn suggested it was lighter than it appeared. Ianto turned and looked at him, topping up his coffee; as he now handed him a plate with a large muffin on it he smiled in thanks.
Taking the muffin, he now followed Jack and sat him next to him on the sofa. He had eaten half when Ianto appeared by Jack's side.
"I'm off to visit Flat Holm. Helen's asked to speak to me then I've got so errands to run," he told Jack.
"Excellent," Jackreplied as he looked at him. "Mine," he said as Ianto replied, "Yours."
Jack observed the exchange as Ianto now quickly hurried off and came to the conclusion that this must be a form of good bye here, sort of sweet but with a kind of claim to it. He was brought back from his thoughts as he turned his attention to the food on his plate.
"So this was the second reality, you jumped into?" Jack asked
"Yes, last one Owen was dead," Jack explained.
"What!" Jack bursts out.
"And you're missing Gwen," Jack continued to explain. "In my home reality, Gwen, Owen and Tosh, all work in the Hub but Ianto's not with Torchwood, he owns a book shop,"
"Yeah, you remember that gauntlet? We called it the Risen Mitten, but the last reality called it the Resurrection Gauntlet. Apparently there was an incident where Owen was shot in the chest and killed. The Jack there used it to bring back Owen," Jack added. "In my reality I had it and the other one destroyed after the Suzie incident."
"It sort of happened here, as well but I can assure you Owen is alive and well" he explained as a moment of awkwardness passed, Jack was about to ask more but it was clear from the look on Jack 's face the incident had clearly been upsetting and didn't want to distress him further. "And Gwen is on her honeymoon in Anglesey with Rhys," Jack added.
"So the wedding finally happened," Jack said smiling.
"Yeah," Jack stated as he took a sip of coffee.
"Gwen's still planning hers in my reality. I never knew how much went into it: flowers, bridesmaids, groomsman reception, who sits where, who to invite, arguments over cost, where to hold the ceremony, what wedding celebrant to use, outdoors, indoors, in a garden, doves, the list is endless and she keeps changing her mind," he said as Jack laughed as he recalled the recent chaos.
"I got Ianto to help her, it made life so much easier. Jack interjected as Jack carried on speaking.
"Just before I left Owen offered Rhys a 100 pounds to elope as a bribe because it was doing his head in. Last week he threatened that if he heard anything more about what flower arrangements should go on the tables he threatened to release Janet the Weevil at the rehearsal dinner, if she didn't shut up." He pointed to the ring on Jack's finger. "And here you're married to Ianto."
We made it a double wedding," Jack told him smiling into his coffee.
"Are you?" Jack asked as he saw Jack shake his head sadly. "The day I was taken I had this evening planned, picnic on the beach. It's where we first kissed. I was going to ask him. I had this speech all prepared."
"So Ianto wears your collar?" Jack questioned after several moments has passed.
"Collar?" Jack repeated as this was an unfamiliar term.
"You don't have that?" Jack queried as this was strange concept to him.
"Explain?" Jack asked.
"I offered my collar to Ianto after the Lisa incident, and he became my sub. He belongs to me, to love and to discipline. Since then we have life bonded and married and he is my equal in every respect," Jack explained as he saw understanding on Jack's face grow.
Jack listened as a realisation came to him. As far as he can see, these people were living a dominant/submission lifestyle but the intricacies were a mystery to him. It explained so much of what he had seen yesterday and the collars. Ianto's was so personal beautiful even and bespoke volumes of Jack's commitment to him. Owen's was plainer, suggesting what? He was unsure as he went to speak.
"No we have nothing like that, but in a sense that's what wedding rings are. If Ianto accepts my proposal and we marry, we say vows and exchange rings. The rings would indicate we are bound to each other and would become a visible public statement we belong each to the other," Jack advised as Jack nodded his understanding. He was about to ask more as Tosh entered and approached them.
"Two of you, which one is Jack?" she asked as Owen now entered.
"I am!" both Jack replied together, as Jack slapped his own leg and laughed.
"I'm your Jack, I'm in the blue braces. Jack is in red today," he told her.
"Right," she said, not amused.
"Well, that's a clear as mud," Owen added as he now joined them.
"I'll go and get started, "Tosh said as she now moved to her work station as Owen went the coffee flask and poured himself a mug full.
As Jack got up Jack followed him to his office and closed the door.
"There is something I need to ask you; it's about your life bond with Ianto," he said not sure how to broach the subject as he saw Jack turn to face him and nod so he continued.
"I'm not sure I heard this right but last night Owen said when one dies the other follows. I wanted to ask, what happens if you get killed, because…" he tried to form his question.
"I'm not sure about your link but I can tell you when I die Ianto does not follow. I can't explain it, maybe because when I'm killed it's not really death, or the bond has something to do with it. Ianto does however feels the effects," Jack explained.
"Effects?" Jack queried
"From what Ianto tells me it's like we become unconnected, he knows I've died but he doesn't die," Jack added as he saw Jack close his eyes in relief.
"Ianto has told me it feels dark and cold and he needs to be with me . I know he feel the same sensations," Jack explained as Jack shuddered, because he'd experienced something similar during jumps. "So you haven't died since you met Ianto?" Jack asked as Jack shook his head.
"The Rift has been incredibly quiet, nothing for weeks or months, just the odd occurrence. I met Ianto during this quiet period. I literally ran into him and our relationship has developed really quickly. It's been incredible. I've been waiting for him my whole life , he's like some part of me I've been missing." He took a deep breath.
Jack nodded in understanding. Their journeys may have been different but the outcome is the same as Jack continued.
"The link we share we thought was something that was a combination of Ianto's empathic ability and some 51st Century element neither of us understood. We figured it was just something that was just there, until I jumped and the connection broke. Being here talking with you seeing you have something similar… I'm so frightened that if something happens to me and I never get back… what will happen to him?...he's so far away so faint," he became distressed as Jack walked around his desk and sat on the edge in front of Jack and rubbed his arm.
"I don't have all the answers, and like you I've spent what seems like a life time alone." He looked at Jack trying to think of someway to comfort the man, "I can tell you that I had a sort of similar thing happen to me when I went back in time and met the real Jack Harkness. I felt lost, out of it, and that was before I had validated the life bond with Ianto but even after that Ianto has been okay. I mean I even ended up in hell and Ianto managed to find me and bring me back," he told the stunned Jack.
"Hell?" Jack questioned as Jack nodded.
"Ianto is an incredibly courageous man who will not allow something as even as seemingly impossible like my being sent to hell to get in his way," Jack told him then went on before Jack could ask him any details. "But it was a desperate act born of love that saved me," as he saw Jack close his eyes. "And from what you tell me, your Ianto is working to get you back, the message he sent it found you. Tosh is working on that right now, don't give up hope. The bond you have, has found you every time, so it's stronger and possibly as significant as the unique life bond Ianto and I share, which is a combination of life bond, kaeira and vortex power. So your bond maybe as unique in your reality as ours is here." Jack saw Tosh approached the door and he shook his head to ensure she did not interrupt.
"I just feel so lost and I miss him so much, it's like a part of me is missing and it hurts," Jack admitted.
"Trust me, I understand. When Ianto was on the Valiant I feared for him every moment of every day, but without his presence I would never have managed to cope. So what I'm trying to say is take this one day at a time, with any luck your next jump will be home," he said gently and he now indicated for Tosh to enter.
"Thank you," he said as Tosh knocked.
"I need Jack," she requested looking at Jack asJack gave him the thumbs up and went to get on with the pile of paper work on his desk, and then stopped as he sat back and began to think of the amazing man who was now his husband and plotting ways to make sure he knew just much he loved him.
Plugging in the final cable, Tosh checked the settings as she held a PDA in her hand, double checking she had made the correct adjustments. She was not sure but from what she could tell this was all correct.
She called Jack forward and indicated where he should stand. Jack looked across to see Jack standing with his Ianto. He felt envious and reached up to his coat pocket to check his gift was still there, hoping this time he would be home.
"You never know, Rhys might have gotten Gwen to elope," Jack joked as Ianto looked at him curiously at him.
"Wedding," he said in passing to Ianto as he rolled his eyes.
"Thank you for everything," Jack told them as Tosh pressed enter and he winked out of existence.
Turning Jack pulled Ianto into his office closing the door he pulled him into fierce kiss.
"Mine," he said as they pulled apart. "Yours," Ianto replied.
Chapter Twenty SevenTracing the tracks of the walls, Jack listened to the growls of the other residents in this block of the cells as he tried to go through the sequence of events that had led him there. He had braced himself as he jumped and felt himself turn inside out.
His head swirling he had found himself on his knees, with someone shouting at him to put his hands up. He had attempted to respond but found it impossible. No matter how hard he tried a weight on his chest prevented him from doing anything other than to fight for every breath.
He was then roughly pulled to his feet, and marched off. He could not recall much from that point on because he felt so disconnected it was like it was all just happening to someone else. He felt blackness crowding him as tried to form words to respond then passed out.
Placing his arm across his forehead he tried to figure out how long he had been there. Whoever had put him here had taken almost everything, including his watch. He had been left with his tee shirt and trousers; they had even taken his boots and socks. He had never been a prisoner in his own cells but the irony was not lost on him. All he could do was curl up on this miserable excuse of a bench and worry.
It was no comfort to know in the previous reality Ianto and Jack shared a bond. In fact he felt worse knowing this. He had spent his whole life waiting for him, and now he could wander around for an eternity and never get home. To be left with nothing but a few mementos wrapped in a handkerchief was a miserable thought. He swallowed as he turned to face the wall and wrapped his arms around himself. He pushed out mentally as he had from the first moment he had found himself here and tried to find the link but it was not there. Maybe his lack of ability meant it was so faint he couldn't feel it. Regardless he tried to focus and send out as much love as he could in the hope it would reach him and let him know Jack loved him with all his heart.
He heard movement turned and saw a young woman glaring at him along with someone he had never seen before who was looking as equally hostile.
"Who are you?" she demanded.
"I am Captain Jack Harkness" he replied turning to face them fully.
"Oh you look like him but I know you are not him," he heard the man say.
"No, you are right I am not that Jac….." he attempted say.
"No, we know you are not Jack Harkness, because I was on the phone speaking to him when you appeared. So cut the crap and tell us who you are and what are you doing here?" the man spat out.
"I am Jack Harkness head of Torchwood Three," he told them fighting to form a coherent sentence.
"Jack Harkness is head of Torchwood One, and currently in London," the man replied "So I repeat: who are you and what are you doing here? If you don't tell us we will use every means at our disposal to find out," he threatened.
"I can prove who I am. Get Owen, he can run a DNA test. He keeps a blood sample of everyone here, so he can do a comparison," Jack pleaded.
"If you were Jack Harkness you would be wearing a leather wrist band," she told him
"That's right, Vortex Manipulator, he wears it at all times," the man pointed out
"I don't have one," Jack stopped as he tried to force his thoughts into some order, " I did have one but it was destroyed."
"So you have no Vortex Manipulator and the real Jack Harkness is in London, so who are you?" the woman demanded as Jack groaned.
"I've told you, Captain Jack Harkness," he shouted out.
"And we're telling you we don't believe you" the woman shouted back as the pair turned and left up the stairs.
"He could be telling the truth," Mickey Smith said as Penny stood by his desk, her arms folded as they watched on the CCTV as the intruder turned his back and wrapped his arms around himself and turned over to face the wall. "I mean he's an exact double, if this is a clone it's brilliant. I mean he even smells like him"
"Apart from the gun he had nothing else on him that could be considered dangerous," she said tipping out a small box on his desk, followed by the gun and holster.
Shifting through the remains on what had been the contents of Jack's pockets Mickey looked at Penny with distaste. "You could have put these through the scanner."
"I wanted to make sure nothing he had nothing on him could be considered a risk," she advised matter-of-factly.
"And were they?" he asked, not happy she had destroyed the objects in her efforts to find out as he pulled out the remnants of a wrist watch.
"Not as far as I could tell," she said as he glared at her.
"So what do we do with him?" she asked after several moments had passed as Mickey sifted through the fragments on his desk. He couldn't fault her on her efforts but the objects had been carefully wrapped and were of clear sentimental value. He picked up the watch case, well this was never going to work again as he tipped out the cogs and dials. He read the inscription, and he looked at Penny again and shook his head.
"I've called Owen in, he's not happy considering I promised him a day off at home but he will come in, run some tests and we go from there," he told her. "And if he proves not to be a threat you can explain this to him." She looked unrepentant as he swept the fragments and the watch back into the small box and handed it to her.
"Owen!" Jack said with some relief as he saw him.
"I've been ordered in to do a blood test," he told the man in the cells and stopped as he realised this was Jack's complete double. "Bloody Nora," he burst out.
Jack said nothing as he sat up and the young woman appeared beside Owen holding a stun gun at the ready. As Owen opened the door Jack held out his arm.
"I need to see Tosh urgently," Jack told Owen as he placed a tourniquet around his upper arm.
"Squeeze your fist," Owen commanded as he now found a vein and plunged in a needle
"Please Owen I need to see Tosh," Jack repeated.
"No way," Owen told him as he took the vial pulled off the tourniquet and backed out as Penny locked it shut.
"Right, let's get this over," he said indicating she should now leave as Jack placed his head in his hands.
"What!" Mickey burst out as Owen told him the results of the test. "He can't be, I was on the phone to him when all this happened."
"He is the real Jack Harkness," Owen explained.
"Is he a clone?" Mickey asked.
"No," Owen replied categorically.
"How can you tell?" Penny queried.
"Genetic drift. A clone is a copy," Owen explained. "Whenever a duplicate is created mistakes happen. Which is not surprising when you consider about how hard it would be to copy a human being or any living structure it makes sense that mistakes would creep in. The cloning process is so complicated it causes the DNA of each copy to slightly degrade. When the DNA matched Jack Harkness my first thought this must be a clone. Then I remembered a few years ago an artefact fell through the Rift that made it possible to detect if someone was a clone. So I ran another battery of tests and they proved this is Captain Jack Harkness."
"How long you had him down there?" Owen asked as he folded his arms as he overcame his annoyance of being called out on his first Sunday off in months.
"Six hours," Penny replied.
"Has anyone offered him a drink or something to eat?" Owen he saw them shake their heads.
"Where are his clothes?" he said as Penny pointed to her desk.
'He also had these on him," she pointed to the box as Owen picked it up and looked at her.
"I'll take him something to drink and his clothes. Get something for him to eat and I will bring him up to the boardroom and we can ask him a few questions," he told them shaking his head as he put the box down.
"And you had better bring that box of ruination with you," he pointed at Penny.
Taking the coffee Jack took a long sip and let out a deep sigh as Owen now handed him his socks and boots.
"What now?" he stated with a sinking feeling he couldn't shake. He could feel deep within himself a sort of tremble he could not explain except its effect. His head was pounding; he couldn't keep his concentration no matter how hard he tried. He felt such grief it was taking his whole attention to do the simplest task. He was here stuck god knows where and everything he had of Ianto had been taken from him, he didn't even have a photograph. As each moment passed he felt a little more of himself dying inside.
"I've been asked to bring you the boardroom," Owen told him as Jack stood and swayed.
"You alright?" he queried putting his arm out to steady him. He was concerned something was very wrong; it looked as if he was not quite all there.
"No, I'm as far away from alright as it's possible to be and still be living," he replied shakily as he took another swig of coffee and handed the mug to Owen, who pointed the way.
Entering the room he saw the young woman from earlier and the man waiting by the entrance.
"Mickey Smith, I'm head of Torchwood Three," he said holding out his hand as Jack just looked at him. As he saw Jack was ignoring his hand he indicated he should sit.
"I am so sorry," Penny said placing a small box front of him.
Taking the box Jack looked in disbelief at the ruined contents. "What have you done?" he said as he looked up distraught. "I have lost everything, I can't feel him, he is gone, I had nothing of him left except these," he told their bewildered faces as he picked out the handkerchief.
"We were trying to make sure you had nothing dangerous…" Penny started to explain.
"How can a pebble and a few business cards be dangerous? Everything here represented something..." he broke off and picked up the pebble "This is from the beach where we first kissed."
"This card had the extra stamp Ianto gave me when he challenged me to figure out why he had named his shop Dragon Books," he said trying to fit the two halves together and then placed them down with reverence and picked up some pink dust on his thumb and finger rubbing them together
"This dust was a petal from the first afternoon we sat down and really talked to each other," he explained choking on the words as he picked up the business cards and stood.
"Our first weekend away, our first time," he threw the cards at them as he picked up the ruined fob watch. "And this was my engagement gift to him." He felt his knees give out and something inside him begin to pull apart and he fought to remain in his own mind as he sat heavily.
"I know I am nothing to you, but these few things were everything to me. All that has kept me going were my memories, and if I'm trapped it was all I had left." He broke down as the group looked at each other as Jack sat there holding the watch as tears ran down his face.
"Ianto as in Ianto Jones?" Mickey checked out as he saw Jack look up at him and nod.
Several uncomfortable moments passed as they watched Jack trying to fit the watch back together again.
Penny dipped her head, not sure what to say at his distress. To her the contents had meant nothing, just a few scraps, the pocket watch looked old but could have been a timer for a bomb of some kind along with the wrist watch. She had no idea they were of any importance, he was a threat so she had treated him as such. She felt terrible. She looked across at Mickey who was looking as upset as she felt.
Looking across the table, Owen observed Jack who was just staring at the watch in his hand, unmoving
"Oh shit," he burst out as he realised something was horribly wrong.
"What?" Mickey said as he tried to come to terms with the distress he and Penny had caused.
"He said he couldn't feel him. I think he must have some kind of empathic link with his lover. The man he spoke about he called Ianto," Owen told them as he moved to his side.
"What does it mean?" Mickey repeated
"It means we're in deep shit," Owen told them as he examined Jack. "Fuck! I think he's gone into some kind of fugue, a blank state. I think the connection must have broken or something and along with us destroying these memories it's tipped him over the edge," Owen said looked into Jack's face.
"What do we do?" Mickey asked panicked
"Oh no," Penny spoke as she witnessed Owen trying to see if he could get any kind of response and was shaking him.
"Get down to the sick bay and make up a bed," he ordered her as Penny suddenly recalled something and pulled out a sheet of paper from her pocket. He took it from her. "Er, he had this on him," she said.
"You should have shown this to me earlier," Owen told her handing it back as he attempted to take the broken watch from Jack's hand but found his grip was too strong.
"Is it important?" she said. "It's just a bunch of squiggles, numbers and dots and things," she explained.
"It's what Tosh has been working on all in relation to all the Rift activity she's been following. He's from an alternate reality," he said trying to lift him up as he indicated Mickey help.
"He's lost and far from home and we have treated him like… shit!" Owen almost shouted at her as the implication to what had happened took on significance.
"Now get downstairs and make up a bed for him," he shouted at her as she scurried away.
"What do we do then?" Mickey questioned.
"We need to find out what happens to pair bonds if there is a broken connection," Owen said, now pushing the table back as he now tried to remove the watch case again but found the man's fingers were locked around it. "I know Ianto Jones and his partner Aaron share an empathic link so I am going to call them but first we need to get him down to the sick bay,"
"You mean Ianto Jones as in 'The Executive Director of Research & Analytics Ianto Jones'," Mickey spoke up trying to figure out if they were talking about the same person.
"Yes," he said as Mickey joined him and they tried to get Jack to stand. Owen looked at Mickey; he was as annoyed as himself. He had been so angry at being called in it wasn't until Penny had shown him the equation that he realised what was going on. Now they had a catatonic Jack Harkness and they had treated him very badly.
God knew what would happen if they couldn't get him functional. 'Christ what a mess,' he cursed to himself as they pulled the man up onto his feet and moved him towards the door.
Twenty EightJack came to and found he was lying down. He was not sure where he was, and he no longer cared. He was adrift, his link to Ianto gone. He couldn't think straight, it was like he was not in his body, it was a horrible sensation, and felt like part of him was dead. He brought his hand up and looked at the watch case he still held and read the inscription and broke down as the terrible lassitude he felt took him again.
Second, or hours later he was not sure he saw a man sitting across from him. He was sitting quietly and found his presence comforting in a way he could not explain. The man saw he was awake and moved across to him.
"Hello Jack, I'm Aaron Hamilton. You don't know who I am but I've been asked to see if I can help in any way," he told him gently. "We've worked out you're from an alternate reality; is that correct?" he sensed that Jack appeared to have heard but couldn't respond.
"I realised it might be hard for you to talk right now, so just squeeze my hand," he offered as he took Jack's free hand and felt Jack squeeze it back.
"So one squeeze for no, two for yes," he suggested and repeated his question and was rewarded with a double squeeze.
"In your reality you are very close to someone named Ianto Jones?" he asked. Jack squeezed his reply.
"And you and he share a bond, an emphatic link?" he asked gently as Jack replied.
"Thank you Jack, it's possible right now you can't feel that link with Ianto because you have jumped realities?" he checked out and Jack nodded this time.
"If that's the case you will be feeling like you have lost a part of your soul." Jack looked at him as someone who finally understood his plight.
"I think I may be able to help. I am Ianto's partner and we share an empathic bond and there is something we can try. We may have a way to assist you in reconnecting the bond you share with your Ianto. He's here but he has a few issues. One of them is he has lost his voice, and he can only speak via a speech synthesizer so there will be a delay while he types in a response." Jack looked up at him as he tried to follow.
"We have no idea if this will work, so we can't guarantee it will help but would you be willing to see if we can try?" Jack nodded as Aaron stood. He beckoned and Ianto entered. He felt himself crumple as he saw him and Ianto looked at Aaron who nodded. Ianto sat down by the bed and gave him a hug. Jack broke down unable to contain his grief but after a while he seemed to recover. As he did Aaron now sat on the bed and took Jack's other hand. He removed the watch case and placed it carefully on the night stand.
Taking Ianto's free hand they now closed their eyes. In what seemed an age both Aaron and Ianto felt it, a tiny fragile strand of deep purple with golden flecks. They both sensed the problem was that although the bond was strong it was stretched to its utter limits. Using their combined abilities they gently reinforced its energy and its connection to Jack A few moments more passed and they felt its effect and pulled back as Jack let go of their hands.
Opening their eyes they saw Jack was smiling faintly, looking relived. "Thank you," he said as he felt himself become whole for the first time since he had jumped from the other reality.
"I think something to eat and drink might be in order," Ianto typed in to his Blackberry as Jack nodded and Aaron left, returning a while later carrying a tray with a jug of juice, glass, mug of coffee and several sandwiches on a plate along with a large slice of chocolate cake.
Pulling himself to sitting Jack realised how weak he was.
"How long?" he asked as he realised he was connected to a drip and by the feel of it his output was also being measured.
"Five days," Aaron replied as Jack looked at him shocked.
"Five days!" Jack burst out.
"Five days," Ianto repeated using his Blackberry
"Everyone's been very worried about you," Aaron told him as Jack returned a sceptical look.
"I had a sheet of paper with an equation on it. I need to get it to Tosh," he told them as he poured a glass of juice and gulped it down, suddenly realising how thirsty he was and poured another glass. His thirst quenched he now attacked the sandwiches.
"She has it and has been working on it since she received it," Ianto informed him as he watched Jack power through the contents of the tray.
"In fact you might be surprised at the progress that's been made," Aaron advised as he now sat on the edge of the bed and picked up the watch fragments that were now on the nightstand. He placed them in his pocket as Jack looked concerned.
"I'll get this back to you in good time before you leave," he said winking.
"From what Tosh tells us this would be your third jump?" Ianto punched into his device.
"Yes, it's been one hell of a journey," Jack replied. "And I can't thank you enough for helping me, I can't explain but I feel alive."
"An emphatic bond is rare, normally it's shared between two empaths. Ianto and I both sensed what you share is something ever rarer." He took a breath. "It would appear your Ianto has some empathic abilities and you have virtually none so it's not empathic like the one Ianto and I share. The bond you share is a soul bond. It means that your souls are linked. It's important," he stopped and struggled to find the words to describe the feeling. "The only phrase I can use to describe is 'universal imperative'. I wish I could explain it better but there are no words to describe what I felt." Ianto nodded as Aaron spoke.
"It's preordained like the universe putting something to rights. I agree with Aaron it's very hard to put into words, but I got the sense that this bond is a gift…" Ianto trailed off.
"Wow," Jack said not sure if he believed everything he was being told. "I can't imagine what I have done…"
"I got the feeling this was more for services to be rendered, 'destiny, heart of time, to counter the oncoming storm', whatever that means," Aaron added shaking his head.
"Sounds like biblical prophecy. There'll be an old man with a long white beard in robes appearing soon with two large stone tablets," Ianto said smiling.
Ianto interrupted as he saw Owen outside the door looking impatient. 'Owen would like to see if you are all right. Can I call him in?" he asked as Jack nodded.
Seeing Jack give his okay he went to the door and beckoned him to come in.
"How you feeling?" Owen asked checking his vitals as he felt his pulse.
"A little better," Jack admitted as he saw Aaron put his arm around Ianto's waist.
"God you gave us a fright, I was worried we were never going to get you back," he admitted as Jack looked at Aaron and Ianto.
"It was touch and go," Ianto admitted as Aaron nodded. Jack raised an eyebrow as Owen now detached the drip.
"First you were catatonic then you started to have fits so I had to sedate you. We called Jack and told him what had happened. He was less than pleased I can tell you. He asked Ianto to come down and see if he could help. The logic was if you are bonded to Ianto Jones in your reality maybe he might have a chance to reach you. He tried for a whole day but nothing worked. Jack then had an idea that maybe you are as lacking in psychic ability as he is so he sent down an experimental compound Torchwood developed some time ago to boost empathic ability. They had no idea if it would work but it was worth a go."
"Aaron by this time offered to come down and see if both us working together might be able to reach you," Ianto added.
"So with a combination of the compound and the pair of them working in shifts you came back into yourself enough for us talk to you," Owen told him.
"Why did you need me conscious if you could reach in and reconnect the bond?" Jack asked taking a drink of coffee.
Aaron looked at him. "We tried but we discovered there was some fundamental element missing and that was your co-operation."
"The compound seemed to need to accumulate at a certain level before it started working which it did early this morning and we managed to gently nudge you back," Ianto said.
Jack looked at them, and told them he was genuinely touched by how hard everyone had worked to help him.
"It was the least we could do," Owen added then turned to Aaron and Ianto. "Now I have something that I need to remove and I don't think Jack will appreciate either of you being here when I do." The pair nodded and went to leave. As they did Ianto pulled out a wrist watch from his pocket which looked identical to the wrist watch Penny had broken.
"Jack sent this down, he said he had this one spare," he said placing around Jack's wrist and doing up the strap.
"Thank you," Jack said stunned as he looked at it. He could see it was nigh identical to the one he had worn including the scratches on the clock face.
Owen smiled putting on pair of latex gloves. "Now let's get this removed and you can go and have a shower," pulling the covers back Jack laid back willing his body not to react to Owen's gentle touch.
"In every reality I've been to, Ianto is with Jack. What happened?" Jack asked trying to divert the conversation from the proceedings below his waist.
"They sort of were but when Jack went off with the Doctor he was gone nearly two and a half years. How long do you wait for someone who left without a word? In that time Ianto met Aaron," Owen explained.
"I sensed he was very happy," Jack checked as he ignored the gentle pulling as Owen removed the catheter.
"Ianto and Aaron were made for each other. Civil partners, they are an empathically linked pair bond, deeply in love. Ianto's been through hell and back and Aaron is the best thing that ever happened to him."
"How come he can't speak?" Jack asked as Owen began to dispose of the catheter.
"It happened during the fall of Torchwood One during the battle of Canary Wharf. He was seriously injured when part of the building collapsed. One of the consequences was he lost his ability to speak. Now how about a shower?" he asked Jack who smiled and Owen assisted him to stand.
"So who does Jack have? Is he on his own?'' Jack asked shakily as he realised how weak he was.
"He has a personal assistant called Alonso, dropped off courtesy of the Doctor, they seem to be close to each other," Owen replied as he helped him move towards the shower.
"Personal assistant?" Jack repeated.
"Apparently the role comes with extra benefits," Owen laughed as Jack got the reference and shook his head.
Owen watched as Ianto moved around the Hub. He was pretty sure Ianto was about to make his move. Ianto might think he was being clever but they could all see he was growing more desperate with every passing hour. And for a man who prided himself on his appearance he looked a wreck. He seemed to be surviving on a diet of coffee and nervous energy. God knows when he had slept last.
All the evidence suggested Ianto was close to collapse so he had decided to force the issue and had set up a fictitious Rift alert to seemingly empty the Hub. If Ianto thought he was alone then he would feel free to act. A movement caught Owen's attention and he saw Ianto was adjusting the Rift Manipulator.
Ianto stalked his way around the Hub. He needed Jack, that was all that mattered. He didn't care if it was here or somewhere else as long as they were together. His being felt like he was being pulled in every direction, his head was swimming with images and thoughts. Finally the desperate feeling in his chest was one he couldn't fight any longer. He twisted the series of dials so now the Rift settings matched those use during Tosh's failed bubble experiment.
A small Rift alert had meant the others had left to deal with an incursion, leaving him alone, so if he acted quickly he could jump before they got back. He twisted the final dial and smiled grimly. Moving to Tosh's desk he picked up the backpack he had prepared and put it on then picked up his laptop and began to type.
He cursed as he came across the attempts to disable the controls of the Rift Manipulator. So they were not as stupid as they looked but he had prepared for this contingency. After his conversation with Owen he was expecting such a move. His fingers flew over the keyboard as he worked to over-ride the controls. Tapping in the final instruction he moved closer to the Rift Manipulator
"Put the laptop down, Ianto," he heard a voice say. He glanced up and saw Owen holding a gun on him.
"You can't stop me!" Ianto told him holding his finger over the enter button as he glared, wild-eyed.
"Tosh has disabled the controls," Owen told him as Gwen now joined Owen.
"I overrode the controls," Ianto laughed derisively.
"Don't do it Ianto, Jack needs you to stay here, we need you," she argued as she kept his attention pointed their way.
"I am not going to argue with a woman with a double digit IQ," Ianto snorted.
"I'm warning you Ianto put the computer down," Owen said, tightening his grip around the gun.
"Or what you're going to pull the trigger?" Ianto said with narrowed eyes. "I'm betting I can press enter faster than can shoot me."
"You know, for a smart man you are incredibly stupid," Owen said as Ianto's eyes flew open.
"Don't ever call be stupid," Ianto snarled.
"The worst thing you can do is follow Jack," Owen argued.
"You don't understand. I am dying inside," Ianto shouted not taking his gaze from the gun in Owen's hand. "He's jumped twice he is never coming back and I've nothing to lose," Ianto told him as he took a step towards the Rift Manipulator and his finger twitched over the enter key.
"You have everything to lose," Owen said as he aimed, fired, and the laptop exploded out of Ianto's hands, disintegrating with a crash as he jumped back in surprise.
"So predicable Owen, as an ex-scout I would have expected something more inventive," Ianto snorted as he pulled a small device out of his pocket and held it up, angling his thumb in line with the metallic button on the top. "I'm going," he tried to say as what felt like a bolt of lightning hit the small of his back and every muscle in his body locked and he fell forwards with a crash.
"NO, you are not," Tosh said looking at his prone form as she pulled back the stun gun and took the device out of his hand, stepping on it.
As she heard the component crunch underfoot Owen moved forward. Taking a syringe from his back pocket he pulled off the needle cover with his teeth then went down on one knee and in a single move stabbed it into Ianto's arse and depressed the plunger.
"Sorted," Tosh added as Gwen now joined them.
"Sorted," she agreed.
"Sorted," Owen said, standing as he joined in the chorus.
Chapter Twenty NIneWaking Ianto felt every muscle in his body ache. He felt like he had been hit by a truck. A ten ton truck that had hit him then reversed and rolled over him again few times just for the hell of it. His tongue was stuck to the roof of his mouth. He could swear the inside of his mouth felt like old carpet and it tasted like it too. He opened his eyes to see a concrete wall. Confused he reached out to touch it. 'Yes it was a concrete wall'. He couldn't think where the hell he was so he groaned and sat up.
Trying to focus he found he was on a bed, in what appeared to be a cell but one with a clear Perspex front. He fought to clear his vision as he tried to figure out why he was in such a place when he heard a voice.
"Oi sleeping beauty, over here." He twisted to see to see Owen, Gwen and Tosh standing outside the cell with their arms crossed looking at him.
"Meet Tosh, fastest stun gun in West Wales." Owen pointed to Tosh who smiled as she pulled out the gun she had used on Ianto.
"And I'm the woman with the double digit IQ," Gwen said unfolding her arms and placing her hands on her hips.
"And I'm Mr Predictable," Owen said finally as Ianto leaned forward and ran his hands over his face then looked up, closed his eyes in embarrassment as he now remembered the altercation and groaned as he recalled the insults he had thrown at them and wanted to sink into the ground.
"You're will be feeling a bit groggy because as well as zapping you with a stun gun, I filled you with enough sedative for you to sleep for the last twenty hours," Owen told him.
"What?" Ianto said, standing saw he was just in his boxers and grabbed a blanket.
"You took my clothes! " He burst out then went bright red.
"Yeah the girls had lots of fun stripping you down, double checking you had no other equipment on ya," Owen said gleefully
"Well, of the electronic kind," Gwen said raising her eyebrows looking at his crotch as he pulled the blanket in closer. She nudged Tosh who was nodding in agreement.
"Now this is how this is going to play out Ianto," Owen continued on a more serious note.
"You can come out on the following conditions," Gwen said now folding her arms again.
"One, you take a shower, shave and change your clothes," Tosh told him.
"Two, you are to sit down and eat something solid," Owen said
"Three, you agree not touch any of the following equipment," Gwen told him.
"Computers, mobiles, laptop, e-pad, tablets or similar equipment we deem non- appropriate," Owen advised.
"Access to the main Hub area will only allowed on the understanding you are accompanied by two of us at any given time," Tosh warned him
"And finally you will keep a minimum distance from the Manipulator of two meters. Tosh has marked out the distance and painted a nice yellow line around it at exactly this distance, so there's no confusion," Owen told him.
"We wouldn't want to zap you by mistake because we have stun guns and we are not afraid to use them," Tosh warned as Ianto groaned as he fell back on the bed and lay looking at the ceiling, his hand covering his forehead.
"And we will be armed at all times Ianto," Gwen warned him as she pulled out her stun gun so was no mistaking their intent.
"I need coffee, I feel terrible," Ianto moaned, pulling up the blanket.
"That's another thing; I'm going to limit your intake, cause it's not helping," Owen told him as he saw a look of outrage on Ianto's face who sat bolt upright on hearing his statement. "I'm restricting you to pints of coffee rather than gallons." Ianto glared at him.
"We know this is painful Ianto, we know how powerless you feel, but you need to know, that we care enough to stop you, so don't test our resolve," Gwen warned as she leaned forward narrowing her eyes. "And after what you said about my coffee, I'm itching to have my resolve tested."
"So do we have an agreement or should we leave you down here for a bit longer?" Owen asked him as Ianto mumbled something.
"I'm sorry, you'll have to speak up Ianto cos we didn't hear that" Owen pointed out tilting his head.
"Yes," Ianto agreed sullenly pulling up the blanket which had slipped a bit.
"Very well. I will bring you a coffee with some industrial strength painkillers because those stun guns have got one hell of a nasty kick and your muscles will be as sore as hell. Once you have drunk that down I will let you out. You will then follow Gwen to the locker room where I will supervise you having a shower. There you will shave and change your clothes. Tosh and Gwen will escort you to the sofa and you will eat at least four sandwiches, six if you can manage it." He looked at Ianto who had a pout worthy of Jack, "Any deviation from our agreement and we will put you in the cells for the duration."
"So are we all in agreement?" Owen asked as he saw Ianto nod.
As they entered the Hub Gwen went to pour out a coffee while Owen went to get some pain killers.
"Well that went better than expected," she said as Owen took the coffee mug on his return.
"As I have always said you get more cooperation with a kind word and a length of four-by-two than you can with just a kind word," he told her as he started to head back to the cells. A thought came to him and he turned to Gwen and Tosh who were preparing some sandwiches.
"Don't for think for one minute I'm fooled. So we watch him like a hawk, because as bad as Ianto is to deal with it will nothing compared to the reaction if Jack gets back here and finds Ianto gone," he said.
"Agreed," Gwen and Tosh replied together as he went down the steps.
Feeling a lot better Jack dressed, noting his clothes were all freshly laundered. He was buttoning up his shirt when he heard a knock and he indicated they should come in.
He turned to see it was Ianto. "If you're up to it there's a few people you might like to meet," Ianto said smiling.
"Sure," he said as he followed Ianto through the door, down the gantry steps and saw the main Hub area. It all looked very similar the only difference he could see right now was that one area to the far left were several whiteboards laid out end to end up filled with equations. In front of them were three people arguing and gesticulating in debate. He stepped down and Tosh moved over to greet him.
"Jack good to see you up," she said with some relief as a young woman who had been at the whiteboards came over and Tosh introduced her.
"I would like you to meet Dr. Yoome Ito she is working currently working at Cambridge University as a theoretical physicist." she offered her hand and Jack shook it.
"This is Dr Denis Francis his speciality is chaos theory," she told him as the older man who was part of the group arguing came over.
"I am very pleased to meet you, not every day you meet living proof from an alternate reality," he said giving Jack's hand a good shake.
"And finally Olga Kogan, her field is quantum field theory," she told him as she pointed over to an older woman who had remained at the whiteboards.
Tosh led him over the sofa and they another mug of coffee was placed in his hand. "From what I've seen from the Rift data you've now jumped three times. The first one was random. The next two times the reality you were in recalibrated the Rift Manipulator using the equation your reality sent. But each time instead of jumping back to your home reality, you've arrived somewhere else," Tosh summarised the situation as Jack nodded. "We think we've worked out what went wrong."
"The equation sent is a combination of elements from three theories and is extremely complex. It holds your reality signature, plus another incomplete equation. It was clear that the reality you are in has to complete it and then adjust the Rift Manipulator settings based on the ones sent."
"So what's missing?" Ianto asked
"Our reality's key signature. That's what everyone here is trying to work out, but that has highlighted another problem."
"What does that mean?" Jack asked as he watched the three specialists now returned to the whiteboards.
"Do you have 'Star Trek' as a television show in your reality?" Tosh asked him
"Sure, the adventures of the Star Ship Solaris, where Captain Jasey Kirk goes where no-one has gone before, with her intrepid crew of misfits screwing their way through every being in the known galaxy. Their five year mission is to seek out new ways of having sex," Jack told her wondering why she wanted to talk about a late night porn show.
"It's a kidult science show here, where Captain Jamie Qwirk goes to different places around the galaxy to find out different technologies based on children's ideas who send in suggestions and see how possible it would be able to re-create them, " Ianto explained as he tried to contain his amusement at Jack's reply.
"The show has a transporter. You stand on a pad and you punch in your destination. Within a millisecond you're there. Basically what happened is the Rift Manipulator has been turned into a transporter between realities," Tosh explained.
"So instead of arriving home I end up somewhere else because each reality I was in kept putting in the wrong address," Jack reflected back his understanding.
"Exactly," Tosh replied. "However your being here has also highlighted a glaring problem."
" Problem?" Ianto queried as Tosh looked serious.
"Jack is not alone in jumping to the wrong reality. Currently there may be an infinite number of individuals doing exactly the same. This is compounded by the fact that if they don't get back it could damage the continuum."
"That sounds bad," Ianto typed in.
"It could be. We need to fix this by sending Jack home," she saw a smile creep hesitantly onto Jack's face.
"Okay great for me but what about all the others?" he queried thinking about the thousands of other individuals lost and far from home.
"If we can get you home using the key signatures then we will know the fix is right. If it is we then send out a general message with the solution," she continued
"How will you know I've made it?" Jack asked as he felt hopeful for the first time.
"You send a message back," she replied
"Message back?" Ianto repeated.
"Nothing complicated a sort of electronic thumbs up," she told them both. "Once we received it we will then send out a mass mail out, like the first series of messages but with a 'to whom it may concern" header," she chuckled. "Within it will be our solution plus enough information to allow each reality to work out the solution along with the steps required to work it out,"
"Rift white pages," Ianto typed in.
"More like a cooking recipe with a list of ingredients and step by step instructions," she corrected him.
"That's very domestic," Jack commented, thinking cooking was something he didn't normally associate with her. In fact her cooking was so bad he once heard Gwen comment she shouldn't be let near a toaster let alone a stove.
"Well I am married with two small children," she retorted as Jack's eyes widened in surprise.
"Married, with two small children," Jack repeated not sure if he had heard correctly.
"Owen," Ianto told him. Jack nodded his understanding, thinking maybe the Tosh and Owen in his reality had some interesting times ahead.
He was about to ask more when he saw Aaron had come back into the Hub. Seeing a gathering on and around the sofa he came over to join them. As he approached Aaron nodded and Ianto smiled giving him the thumbs up then moved off to get a coffee for him.
Seeing Tosh was being beckoned over to the whiteboards Aaron now came over and replaced her, sitting next to Jack.
Ianto returned and was about to hand him the mug when Aaron reached into his pocket. "I have something for you," he pulled out a jeweller's box and handed it to Jack.
Taking the box opening he saw a fob watch seated inside. It was not identical but close. Removing and opening the case he now found it had been inscribed with the same message from the destroyed watch.
"I know it's not exactly the same but..." Aaron was about to say more when Jack gave him a huge hug. "I can't thank you enough you have no idea what this means to me," he said as he recovered and pulled back from Aaron.
"I think we do," Ianto said with the emotion showing on his face, "I hope this goes some way to make up for what Penny did."
"I hope he says yes, if he does he will be very lucky man to have you in his life," Aaron said squeezing Jack's knee.
Caressing the watch case Jack spoke softly as he placed it carefully back into the box, "I'm the lucky one. I'm privileged that he wants to be part of my life," he told them honestly.
"I'm sure it goes both ways," Ianto added as Tosh came back to join them.
"I think we are almost there," she told the group as Jack felt a wave of fear and anticipation tinged with desperation and hope surge through him.
"How long?" he asked her as he stood.
"We just need to translate our key reality signature to Rift settings and work out the message but that's not something we need to be concerned for right now", she told the group then saw the box in Jack's hand.
"Wonderful, you know we are very sorry for what happened. I hope when you get back you won't think too badly of us." She saw him shake his head.
"You have all been amazing," Jack said seriously as she now moved off and began working on the Rift Manipulator. As she did he saw Ianto smile and begin to type something into his Blackberry.
"I'm starving there's a small restaurant just across from here and I think we have enough time for a bite to eat and you can tell us how you met your Ianto," Ianto said as Jack nodded placing the jeweller's box into his trouser pocket.
"We're off to get something to eat," Aaron told Tosh as they passed her working on the Rift Manipulator.
"Well, it happened like this: the Rift was really quiet…"
Working at adjusting the dials Tosh smiled as they headed off. She prayed this would work, if this didn't she wasn't too sure what would. If this didn't work the damage she predicted would be massive. She took a deep breath as she continued to work.
Chapter Thirty.Having returned from dinner Jack stood in the indicated zone, as Tosh had called it waiting. He would never forget their kindness, these were good people who had done everything in their power to overcome a terrible beginning. In some ways he wished he could spend more time getting to know Aaron. He had almost fallen off his chair in the restaurant when he had told him he was a Lieutenant Colonel in the British Royal Marines. On the outside he seemed so ordinary and yet he had won Ianto's heart and for that he couldn't be happier. He had written out a note to the Jack in this reality thanking him for the watch and all their effort. It didn't seem enough after all the hard work Tosh and the team of experts had done.
He prayed that this time it would be successful. He felt the jeweller's box in his top pocket and said a very silent prayer to whatever gods were listening to please get him home.
He felt is stomach lurch in readiness for the jump as he saw Tosh walk towards him as she handed him several sheets of paper.
"On this are detailed instructions, on how to send a message back to us, basically two pings if you get home, one if you do not," she leant forward and kissed his cheek. "That's for the Tosh in your reality, tell her Owen's got a soft spot strawberries and chocolate mousse and to make the first move, pounce." She winked and stepped back.
Taking a deep breath Jack felt himself turn inside out.
Aaron turned to Ianto smiling as he saw a flash and saw Jack Harkness standing wearing a green greatcoat looking very distressed looking frantically about.
"This is not home." Jack burst as Tosh moved forward.
"I have to get home, the baby is due any day now and Gwen needs me," he added as Aaron moved forward.
"I'll call Jack," Ianto punched into his Blackberry.
His eyes focused on the screen in front of him, Ianto watched the peaks and valleys of the Rift activity monitor. There had been a single burst of activity and he had flicked his eyes between Tosh's monitor and the Rift Manipulator but Jack had not appeared. This had been followed by another series of smaller peaks and then nothing for several moments. A single peak caught his eye, and he looked across at the Manipulator. Then he felt something; this was different, there was a connection, it was more than whisper. He looked up, and he saw a shadow. In one movement he moved forward and wrapped his arms around Jack, as Jack wrapped his around him
The others watched silently as the two men reconnected, not wanting to break the spell as the two men cradled each other, as they buried their heads in each other's shoulders. A few moments passed and they moved apart and looked at each other, when Ianto broke down and wept.
"I'm home," Jack said very quietly as he rubbed the back of Ianto's neck, as he now broke down. "Thank god you're okay," Jack sobbed out as Ianto tightened his grip, and again buried his face into Ianto's shoulder as he felt all his strength leave him as the Rift effect he knew so well beginning to take over.
"I'm sorry; Rift," he tried to explain as he felt his knees give out.
I've got you." Ianto caught him and half carried across to the sofa where Jack collapsed. Now seated, Ianto sat next to him and pulled him into his arms holding him close as Jack head rested on his shoulder, his arms wrapped around him.
"I've got you. I am never going to let you go again," Ianto declared as he kept his arms around him and kissed the top of his head.
Several long moments passed as they held each other, when Jack drew back, fumbling as he drew out several sheets of paper from his coat pocket.
"Tosh I need to give this to you. It's instructions on how to set up the Manipulator and send two pulses," Jack explained as Tosh looked at him, confused. "The reality I came from needs to know if I've made it or not," he explained as he took Ianto's hand and kissed it. Looking at Ianto he struggled to get up. Seeing Jack trying to stand Ianto stood up to support him, pulling him to his feet.
"What happens when I send the two pulses? Do I need to do anything more?" Tosh asked as she took the instructions and started to read through them.
"No, once you send this our part is done," he told her as he swayed.
"Take me home," Jack said as Ianto supported him, turning towards the door. Gwen approached and handed Ianto his car keys.
"Are you two going to be okay? Do you need me to drive?" she offered.
"We just need each other," Jack replied as they moved towards the door, as he felt a desperate need to just lie next to Ianto and listen to his heartbeat. It needed no words for Ianto to understand they both needed reconnect each to the other.
"Er...debrief?" Owen pointed out as they headed for the main garage entrance.
"See you in a week," Jack threw back as Ianto opened the garage door.
"Or two," Ianto added as he pulled the door closed and drew Jack into a gentle sweet kiss. "My cariad," he whispered.
The drive home felt surreal; it felt so strange to be back just sitting there in the car while Ianto drove. Something was different he noted.
"How long was I gone? Your hand..." Jack indicated to Ianto, who was changing gear with his damaged hand.
"Three weeks, 2 days, 11 hours and 42 minutes," Ianto recited, taking Jack's hand and kissing it. "I missed the check-up appointment at the hospital so Owen checked my hand out. He used some nifty alien device to speed up the final healing, so I could remove all the splints,"
Pulling up outside the tiny flat they shared Ianto parked the car. He then exited and opened Jack's door and assisted him out. He fell backwards as his legs gave out and Ianto pulled him up.
"Sorry the Rift affect knocks me for six," Jack explained as Ianto gathered him into his arms and closing the car door he locked it one-handed.
Walking together they found words no longer necessary as the link between them began to strengthen. Finding themselves in the bedroom with gentle ease they carefully undressed each other; with gentle sighs and longed-for touches each checking the other out in an effort to reassure themselves that this was real, then they slipped under the covers.
Lying entwined, they held each other as close as they could, each holding the other's gaze as if under a spell. They lay captivated as they traced in synch every feature of their faces. This was followed with sweet kisses and tears which were kissed away. As they now closed their eyes they felt the link between them knit together as seemingly millions of fragile threads caught up and reunited, entwining themselves into a whole both watched as a rope was formed. Touching chest to chest they could feel their hearts beating as one, as surges of energy passed between then envelope them. Closing their eyes they both fell into a feeling of reverence as they travelled deeper into each other's souls. Within moments they both fell into a trance-like sleep safe in each other's arms at last.
Waking with a start Jack found himself looking deep into Ianto's blue eyes as he felt his whole body thrum. He could sense the same feeling was coursing through Ianto; moving as one they crashed their lips together in a kiss of desperate need. Kissing hungrily their hands roamed and ended on each other's arses pulling them even closer as a deep-seated need began to build to an unbearable level.
"I need to be in you now," Ianto panted as they withdrew for breath and reached out blindly for the supplies in the drawer on his bedside table, and at the same time kissed Jack who was kissing his neck frantically.
"No condom. I really need to feel you," Jack begged breathlessly as Ianto scrabbled through the contents of the drawer. Jack now moved down Ianto's shoulders, sucking at the juncture of his neck and collar bone.
Ianto moaned as he pulled back and found Jack's lips. Reconnecting he sucked in his tongue as they kissed deeply then pulled back, "I- need...I need - to bury- myself- in- you," Ianto panted out as he struggled to contain the feelings racing through him in waves.
"Yes," Jack declared in triumph as he pulled Ianto towards him as Ianto frantically struggled to grab the lube.
His fingers trembling with burning lust, Ianto squeezed some lube onto his fingers as he now moved to Jack's entrance. Jack arched his back at the touch as Ianto moved in one finger as followed by another as Jack now twisted and got onto all fours in an effort to speed up events.
Preparing Jack as best as he could with an urgency of action, Jack cried out, "Fuck me," and Ianto found himself lining up and entering him in one stroke. Jack hissed as he felt the burn but didn't care, as the sensation felt wonderful as it meant Ianto was balls' deep.
"Tight," Ianto groaned as he felt himself surrounded by heat.
"Move please," Jack begged after what seemed like an age passed.
"You're so tight Jack, you need to relax and let yourself adjust," Ianto gasped, trying with all his might not to give into the desperate urge that was seemingly taking control of his being and pounding into him.
Jack took a deep breath and forced himself to relax and as he did Ianto began to move. He arched his back in pleasure and gave out little gasps with each stroke.
As he began to thrust, Ianto now gave into the urge that now dominated his being and let go all restraint, as he could feel Jack quiver under him and he now cried out incoherently as he hit his sweet spot.
As Ianto powered into him Jack felt Ianto join him in a place he had never know existed until that moment. As the essence of themselves filled the space it was like they were one mind, one body, one soul. It was overpowering, as he felt Ianto fill him in a way he couldn't describe. He felt Ianto as he began to approach his peak and he screamed out Ianto's name. Ianto reached around and began to pump in time with each trust. As Ianto touched his aching cock he felt something deep within him release and the sensation rippled through his entire body claiming him. Then he felt Ianto come deep within him, he cried out again as he felt himself come in time with Ianto, as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through them.
As Ianto withdrew they collapsed then reached for each other, as the sensation of their shared orgasm continued to ripple through them both as they laid back trying to catch their breaths.
"Woh," Ianto said as he followed the waves of energy he felt coursing through him slowly dissipate.
Jack, unable to speak lay on Ianto's chest as the incredible feeling seemed to swim around their entire beings continued in slow pulses. Ianto wrapped his arms around him and kissed him gently.
"What just happened? I could feel you as you came, I felt you, and it was unbelievably incredible," Ianto said in a whisper, struggling to speak.
"It's the link," Jack told him not opening his eyes. "I think, it's a bond, a soul link." He struggled to recall what Aaron had told him. Taking Ianto's hand he kissed it. "Universal imperative. Close your eyes," he pushed out.
Closing his eyes, Ianto concentrated; he saw it more clearly, it was a rope made up of multiple twisted lengths of deep purple, with flecks of gold twisted into a single cord binding them together. As he watched as it continued to gather tiny fragile strands joining them ever closer. He pushed out and felt his mind meet with Jack's; as he did he saw the cord was pulsating in time with their heartbeats.
Following the resonance generated by the link the pulsations finally began to ease as they came down from the high experienced by their mutual orgasm. Ianto began to chuckle and he kissed the top of Jack's head and started to speak. He had a sudden realisation that they no longer needed to speak, but he had a need to hear Jack's voice. Jack, sensing this, kissed Ianto's chest.
"You said bond," Ianto repeated Jack's earlier statement as Jack explained in some length his conversation with Aaron and Ianto and what they had discerned from their contact.
"They said it was a gift, destiny, something to do with the heart of time, to counter the on-coming storm," he struggled to recall.
"Sounds like biblical prophecy. There'll be an old man with a long white beard in robes appearing with two large stone tablets any minute," Ianto teased.
"All I know is the link we share is important, not just something that happened." He saw Ianto nod his growing understanding as the bond itself confirmed this with a rightness that was felt by both men. "Every time I jumped it took a while to catch up and I was lost without you. I was so worried I would never get back, terrified of what would happen to you," Jack admitted.
"I was lost, completely lost, I can't explain…" Jack stopped him with a kiss and placed his hand over Ianto's heart.
"You don't have to I can feel it," he whispered and gently pulled away.
Jack saw Ianto was going to add something else, when he slipped out of bed and grabbed his coat and pulled out jeweller's box and slid back in next to him.
"I had this evening planned and this speech worked out…" he started to say when he found Ianto's lips on his giving him a deep kiss. As they drew back Ianto fumbled to open the box as he found his fingers had stopped working. With Jack's help he took out the watch and opened the case to read the inscription. As he did a breath caught in his throat and he found tears rolling down his face.
"Time is different to me, every second of your life is the most precious gift you could give me. Please let's spend what time we have in a life together," Jack said quietly as Ianto was overcome.
"Jack, my answer will always be yes," he said as he took a breath to control the ache in his chest. As Jack kissed him he joined him sharing his tears.
Next part of Broken Dreams.
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