Title: Daytrips and Knighthoods II - Calan Awst
By: Euphrosyne
Rating: AO
Word Count: As of 6/4/11 72,000 words give or take for this WIP
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Categories: angst and romance (also backstory)
Warnings: WiP. Mention of past torture, Llamas and Sheep (mention), character deaths (but it's just Jack), singing, dancing and lots of bowing, hurt/comfort, romance
Summary Jack's been on Earth a long time working for Torchwood, someone must have recognized his sacrifices along the way. Ianto returns to the Gower with Jack for the Calan Awst
Disclaimer: They are not mine and never will be. Packed by weight and not by volume; some settling of contents may occur.
Author Notes: This fic will make absolutely NO SENSE AT ALL if you haven't read the original story: Daytrips and Knighthoods.
Regarding Daytrips and Knighthoods II Calan Awst: This is a big fic...I started it last summer after completing the first Daytrips and Knighthoods fic and stumbled through it for most of the fall. The winter sucked the life out of me and the muse with it. Now the desire to finish it has returned and although I loathe WIPs I am going to start posting this as friends have suggested in hopes of enough momentum from readers to carry me through to the end.
AUTHOR THANKS: To geminia905 and garnetgirl49 for the heroic act of beta-ing this monster. Also many, many thanks to blucougar for allowing me to borrow an alien race and their attributes (the Mendyrians) from her wonderful 'No Greater Gift' universe.***
After a relaxing weekend on the Gower they saddled up for the ride back to Cardiff with Ianto behind the wheel of the blue Boxster.
They had had an unexpectedly (to Ianto) amicable visit with Huw and Karin that included promises for both to return to see the baby thank you very much. The couple had been completely thrilled with Jack's baby gift and had informed them that they did indeed plan to record the baby's birth for 'posterity' or as Ianto called it 'blackmail material for later'. As they drove Jack talked about some of his 'rift children' and tried to supply Ianto with enough information to get him through the upcoming Calan Awst week.
"What I don't understand is how you managed to keep all of this under wraps for all of this time."
Jack laughed "Initially, by lying...after that no one questioned me. They knew my history and assumed I would be as cruel to new arrivals as the hags had been to me. Then when there were no funds used for care and feeding, they assumed I had 'disposed' of them..."
"You mean killed them?"
"Yeah... after that assumption they assigned me to 'disposal duty' and didn't ask any more. They had to concern themselves with the human victims of the rift in the vaults. They were just glad they didn't have to deal with any alien types. Occasionally if necessary to prove the point I would produce a body and they asked no questions."
"Where did you get a body?"
"Well, not every species that comes through is compatible with our atmosphere or even survives the trip through the rift itself. There have been quite a few over the years... I'd produce those bodies and they would ASSUME that I was responsible for the death then ask no further questions. I never bothered to correct their assumptions."
"Makes sense, they assumed the worst of you and looked the other way."
Jack nodded.
"After I took over, I moved the humans we couldn't repatriate out to Flat Holm and started to use that as a staging area for all the new victims. Helen's arrival was a godsend; she came through just when we most needed her."
"Wait, Helen is an alien?"
"Yes...no...well, she's human but from a 47th century colony world. She was a physician headed back to her colony from a mercy mission. Her ship ran into a rift storm...she was the only survivor. Now she helps me assess the new arrivals human and alien to see if they are capable of joining society and cares for those that cannot at Flat Holm. She's another of Tesni's kids."
"It sounds like your Tesni was truly exceptional."
Jack sighed and replied
"She was."
Ianto allowed a few beats to see if Jack would elaborate on his own and decided not to press him for more information about Tesni. If he wanted Ianto to know he would tell him.
"So, there are non-humanoid alien rift victims at Flat Holm as well?"
"Yeah, there are about 25 of them. Most of them are on staff and help out when and with whom they can. Some of the human victims are too traumatized to be able to deal with alien caretakers so they'll usually do admin stuff and other services."
"But they are basically prisoners on Flat Holm."
"I suppose in a way they are. I do everything I can to help them and make them comfortable... but I think most understand at this point they are safer NOT being free than they would be if captured by UNIT or any government. I give them asylum and protect them, the ones who want to help out do...no one is forced. So far every one has volunteered to help out in some way. When I can, I arrange private excursions for them to out-of-the-way places with Helen or one of the others to escort them...just to run interference in case there is a problem. I've got a couple of secluded getaways and then there's always Sarian, Edwin and the others to help."
"It sounds like everyone helps out."
"Yeah, it's like a really big family...of assorted species and stories. That's why Calan Awst is so important. It helps them stay in touch with their Earth roots and gives them a chance to socialize with the only other beings that could possibly even begin to understand what they are going through."
"Annnnd?" Ianto drawled fishing for other motives.
"Annnd?" Jack acted clueless.
"And YOU need to know they are okay, too."
"Well, obviously. It gives me a chance to make sure everybody's okay and see if they need anything...remember these are folks who can't use the NHS and it can be a little tough to provide documentation to get a loan or buy a house if you weren't BORN on this planet."
"I never thought of that. So how do you deal with those things?"
"I just give them the money...if they are able to, they pay it back and keep the fund growing for others. I've helped quite a few get started in business, some have failed but most are successful. In exchange for the funds I review every new venture to make sure there are no temporal violations."
"Temporal violations, like someone producing technology before its time?"
"Yep, anything that might be too advanced for the Earth in this century and violate the timelines. Fortunately most understand but occasionally someone just doesn't know and that's when I step in. They get advice from the others and help when needed but I vet every new venture or product for temporal appropriateness."
"So Sarian said they don't all live in the UK."
"No, most do. It's just easier on everybody. But now we have a couple in Holland and one who is considering moving to Germany. I'm not too keen on it, but he's human-looking at least, so unless they do blood work or more than just x-rays he can utilize regular physicians. I've not approved any non-human moves to the EU yet. It's just too risky and fortunately they all seem to understand that. We did have one who wanted to move to the states and go to work for NASA, but we all managed to talk him out of it. He'd have never passed the physical anyway...there's only so many ways to hide additional sensory organs."
"Umm, sensory organs?" Ianto looked confused
"Siorus has two tongues and an extra eye. The tongues give him an unusual lisp, kind of sexy...and he wears his hair long so it covers the third eye. Originally he also had a rather lovely tail...but managed to talk Helen into amputating it for him. It was his choice and since it was vestigial; having it removed has allowed him to mainstream more."
Ianto shook his head.
"I have a hard time wrapping my head around all this information. I mean, Torchwood on a daily basis is odd enough but then this adds a whole additional level of weird to the mix."
"You know, Ianto... I don't want to pressure you. If you don't want to go to Awst with me, that's okay too. Even just not having to keep the secret from someone else is a relief for me."
"No, I WANT to come...but are you sure they will approve of me?"
"What? I'm not looking for their approval, Ianto."
"I know but frequently children do not approve of their parent's lovers and..."
"They aren't children, Ianto...they're adults. We don't have any child refugees right now."
"...well that's good, but what I meant is it seems to me...judging from Sarian and Andras' responses...they ALL think of you as a parent of sorts. They look to you for guidance, comfort and advice and if Andras and Sarian are any example they all love you like you are their father. Andras even calls you father."
Jack took a breath and exhaled deeply before replying.
"They also ALL give me six kinds of grief every Awst because they think I don't have a love life or for that matter any life outside Torchwood. So..."
"Sooo, I'm a convenient diversion, then to keep them off your back?"
"Ianto, I didn't mean it that way."
Ianto laughed. "I know, I just couldn't resist. If Andras and Sarian's responses are anything to judge by, the rest will be happy as well."
"Probably... I doubt you'll encounter anyone who does not approve..." Jack looked at his wrist strap "...I'll bet by now every single one of them, no matter where they are living is already aware of you, your name, AND your description. They're quite the gossips."
"So they stay in touch with each as well then?"
"Well, you know it's like any family. Some talk to each other almost every day and some only talk with each other at the Awst. Sarian and Edwin are very close and while Sarian really does not particularly like Delphine, Edwin talks to Delphine all the time."
"So social networking with a twist, then."
"Oh don't even get me started on that. They're all on Twitter and Facebook all the time it drives me crazy. It's a security nightmare."
"I can imagine that it could be... awkward."
"Which is why social networking and security is my lecture topic this year."
"Wait...you give a lecture?"
"Every year...that started innocently enough too. They demanded I address them all as a group as well as individually...so I do. It just kind of morphed into a lecture."
"So do you offer continuing education units? Is there a test afterwards?"
"Very funny... I also give a general update to everyone talking about any changes, if someone has moved; started a new business, adopted a child..."
"I thought you said there were no children."
"No alien children, wait that's not true we do have one child now. She was born on Earth, just last month but both of her parents are alien...well one is an alien human hybrid from the future. We have several who have married humans and they have gone on to adopt human children."
"They marry 21st century humans; so there are others who know about this?"
"Yes and trust me. I do a LOT of research before I approve a marriage with an indigenous human. It takes a lot of time and sometimes a lot of retcon when it doesn't work out."
The car slowed and stopped at a traffic signal and Ianto turned to look at Jack.
"Makes you almost sound like a god."
Jack stared back and straight faced replied "I prefer the term benevolent dictator. There are very few options here, Ianto. I do what I HAVE to do to protect the entire group...and those who are affected understand that."
"The greater good, I DO understand, Jack honestly I was not judging you."
Jack nodded but did not reply to that "Light's green." He pointed.
Ianto turned back to the road and they traveled in silence for a short time.
"So, it's still early, what's say we go back to mine and have a relaxing Sunday, I'll let you cook tea."
That simple statement lightened Jack's quiet mood considerably. The grin spread across his face and he nodded enthusiastically. "I'll make ..."
"Nothing fancy, Jack Sarian and Andras have me all fancied out."
"...okay how about I just make roast chicken with rosemary?"
"We'll have to stop, I've got nothing in."
"That's fine. Do you want mash or rice?"
"Mash please...your garlic mash would be very nice."
Ianto glanced sideways as he drove watching Jack doing something on his wrist strap. When he could no longer stand the silence he spoke.
"What ARE you doing?"
"Making a grocery list."
"A GROCERY list?"
"On your wrist strap?"
Jack shrugged and laughed "I adapted a couple of phone applications to use on my vortex manipulator. It was pretty easy."
Ianto rolled his eyes and said nothing as they turned into Tesco's car park in Culverhouse Cross.
He shut off the car and turned towards Jack.
"Please remember, we are not driving the SUV and are not shopping for the end of the world, just tea. We'll probably wind up getting take away for the rest of the week and I do not want to have to clear out a lot of moldy things from my fridge."
"Yes, sir."
They put the top up and headed into the grocery. Ianto was surprised that Jack heeded his warning and only purchased items for their tea that day and allowed the two large tubs of ice cream to go to the checkout without comment.
That night as they lay in Ianto's bed feeding each other post coital ice cream Ianto reflected on how much new information he had gained about Jack. For years he had known next to nothing about the man and now, suddenly, in a few days time he had gained a staggering amount of detail.
Jack took the empty containers to the kitchen for disposal and climbed back into bed. Ianto curled against him and fell asleep trying to digest both the lactose and the information that had been confided to him.
Over the next week it became apparent that Jack took the Calan Awst week very seriously. He spent most days closed up in his office working on the final details for the weeklong reunion.
Gwen, of course was oblivious. When she wasn't working she was busy planning for her trip to Paris with Rhys, which was how Ianto figured it should be. He remembered the prior year when the four of them...it seemed such a short time ago that there had been four of them, planned their trip to the Bahamas. They had discussed little else and had been oblivious to Jack's extreme focus on task. Ianto had always thought that Jack was good at diversion, now it was apparent just how good.
This year Jack was allowing him to assist with some of the last minute details but the majority of the work had already been finished or required Jack's knowledge of the beings involved to be completed. Ianto had managed to deflect most of Gwen's questions about what he was going to do for twelve days by saying he was going to spend some time with family. When pressed for more information he told her he also had plans to spend some 'quality time' with Jack, which sent her off with a nod and a familiar smirk...and more importantly, no additional questions.
Fortunately Jack had arranged for Gwen's holiday to start on July 28th so her last day at work would be on the 27th. This allowed for her to be gone before the first of Jack's kids started arriving in Cardiff on their way to Gwesty Seren Wib on the Gower.
Ianto marveled at the attention to detail that Jack exhibited in planning both the event and transport for all of the aliens and their significant others. Usually Jack glossed over or delegated the minutia to Ianto and the others, now just he and Gwen. But this event had been planned to the smallest detail already and mostly by Jack with Edwin, Sarian and Helen providing support for the logistics.
There were, fortunately, many who drove and chose to drive directly to the resort, and several who would take the ferry service to Swansea. All of the rail tickets had already been arranged by Helen and Sarian had used his considerable clout to acquire several tour busses for the trip from Swansea to the resort. Helen had also arranged for trusted temporary staff to care for the human Flat Holm residents who would not be attending. Edwin assisted Helen in arrangements to transport the aliens who resided on Flat Holm to the Gower and provided lodging for those arriving in Cardiff before traveling to the event.
Jack left it to Ianto to manage the details for their own trip back to the Seren Wib using the SUV. With only Myfanwy to worry about, Ianto set up the mainframe to automatically release her at night and secure her reentry in the early morning using her embedded locator chip as a key.
Myfanwy as a pteranodon was basically a fish eater but she had been known to on the odd occasion, take a small lamb or other small animal so Ianto manufactured a story about a pack of feral dogs to cover that possibility. The other non-sentient resident aliens in the Hub would be fed by timed devices, something Toshiko had set up long ago.
Ianto made his way to Jack's office with a fresh cup of coffee and was received with a smile.
"Hey there, have time for a break?"
"Always, is Gwen gone?"
"Left at half five...said she needed to finish packing."
"Good, I'll be kind to all of us and let her go early tomorrow. That will let us finish up here and get started. You all packed?"
"I'm not sure. Exactly how formal is this? Will I need a tuxedo? Is a suit going to be enough?"
"Ianto...you could come naked... Oh wait! You frequently do as I recall." Jack laughed and leaned back in his chair folding his hands behind his head.
Ianto just rolled his eyes. "Jack, seriously."
"There is a formal event on the final night, but Sarian can set you up with a tuxedo."
"Well thank you but no... I'd prefer to wear my own. And what about you, will you be wearing other than your usual?"
"It's a formal event, of course I will. I've already packed my tuxedo."
"You...you have a tuxedo?"
"Of course I do, why wouldn't I?"
"It's just I've never seen you in anything other than this..." Ianto motioned up and down in Jack's direction "...and of course military uniform in photographs..."
"And don't forget naked." Jack said brightly
"...like I could ever forget naked, probably your best look that one."
Jack grinned and got up from his chair.
"Play your cards right and you'll see that again very soon." He stalked into Ianto's direction and Ianto extended a hand to stop him invading his personal space.
"Dinner first...I will not be able to sleep...eventually, when finally permitted to on an empty stomach. Are you all packed?"
"Well..." Jack shrugged but said no more.
"It wasn't a difficult question Jack...are you packed?"
"Not exactly."
"Then YOU will PACK. I will go back to mine and pick up my bag and stop for takeaway on my way back. Which would you prefer...Indian or Chinese?"
"Chinese it is, then. You go pack. I will bring shrimp dumplings...if you aren't packed....NEATLY...when I get back I will not share them."
"You're mean...I've been working hard all day."
"I am NOT packing for you. I will stop for takeaway on my way back...and maybe ice cream which you will not be enjoying until and unless you are packed."
"Fine, I'll pack."
"And Jack?"
"Neatly. I will not spend the entire week ironing your shirts and trousers so you can look presentable."
Jack's small tantrum thwarted, Ianto headed home to pick up his bags. He would have to add the tuxedo to his suit bag but he'd already anticipated possibly needing it and had it cleaned. He would also have to figure out a way to inspect Jack's packing to make sure everything had been packed. He considered what excuse he'd use to get Jack to leave the area so he could sneak a peek.
When he returned to the Hub he found Jack sitting at his desk.
"So, did you finish packing?"
"Not exactly."
Ianto's shoulders slumped and he put his hands on his hips.
"Come on, that's smells wonderful, let's eat!" Jack stood up, took Ianto's elbow and steered him towards the conference room. Ianto protested until he got to the door and looked at the table.
On the table arranged in neat, folded stacks were Jack's clothes awaiting packing.
"I figured you would want to inspect to make sure I'd packed to your standards."
Ianto sat the take away bag on the end of the table and walked along the table looking at the regimented piles of socks, underwear, vests, and rolled braces waiting to be packed and shirts and trousers still in their dry cleaning bags.
"I figured if you watched me pack you wouldn't have to sneak around later to see if I'd done it correctly."
Ianto laughed and sat down.
"Go ahead then, pack." He waved at the table.
Jack snapped to attention, saluted and then began carefully placing the organized piles into his suitcase followed by his 'shaving kit'.
"Jack, why do you even have a shaving kit? You never shave."
"Don't have to...one of the advantages of 51st century physiology but a shaving kit is expected and I've always packed one... there, all done." Jack closed the leather suitcase and turned to his suit bag, adding the hangers of shirts and trousers to the bag and carefully placing dress shoes into the area provided.
"Where's your tuxedo?"
Jack reached into the bag and pulled the arm of a black tuxedo jacket out where Ianto could see it.
"Already in the bag, sir."
Jack carefully placed the sleeve back inside and zipped up the bag.
"There...now can we eat? I want shumai."
Ianto unpacked the food and handed Jack his box with chopsticks.
Ianto slept little that night and for once he really couldn't blame it on Jack. Usually he had no trouble at all falling asleep anywhere or anytime after he and Jack made love, even on Jack's small bunk. But this night he lay quietly with Jack spooning him too nervous about the Awst week to sleep.
"Ianto, there's nothing to worry about, relax...go to sleep."
"I can't help it."
"From what I've heard most of them love you ALREADY. Sarian, Andras and Helen certainly do and trust me, those three and Edwin are the tough ones."
"You're just saying that to make me feel better."
"Well, I AM trying to make you feel better but it's true. Please...relax. You're getting yourself all worked up over nothing and then you'll be over tired and grumpy and everyone will hate you."
"Ohhh thank you! Now I feel MUCH better."
Jack sniggered into Ianto's neck.
"I hate YOU." Ianto replied
"I know. I hate you, too. Now go to sleep, or I WILL drug you."
At some point after Ianto finally fell asleep, Jack slipped from the bed and climbed the ladder back to his office. He double checked the systems to make certain that everything had been programmed to be automatic and remote to the SUV.
Finally he opened the drawer next to his desk and took out his little tin box. Sorting through the accumulated photographs he eventually found the one he sought in its heavy paperboard folder.This was the black and white photo of him in a suit sharing a kiss with a young woman wearing a bridal gown and long lace veil holding a bouquet of roses.
He always got melancholy over Tesni around the time of the Awst and he still missed her desperately. Over the next week he would be exposed to her living memory acutely and it always pained him. He had watched her age and die...but not wither, she never withered. She had been as vital the day she died as she had when he first met her.
He remembered holding her after the miscarriage that took away their only child and her further ability to have any more. She had known about his work with Torchwood and his little problem with dying and although she was not Torchwood, she was determined to intercede on behalf of those lost 'children' who came through the rift.
She had been a dynamo and sometimes Jack had felt that she loved the refugees more than him...and told her so. She'd laughed at him, and kissed him happy then jumped into caring for the rift victims with every bit of her almost unlimited energy.***
Ianto should have more information about her before the Awst but Jack wasn't sure he could talk about her yet.
She had been dead for almost 20 years and the pain of her death was as fresh today as it had been then. Even his rift children...their rift children... seriously, who was he kidding they were HER rift children... were careful when talking about her around him.
"I miss you, Tess... but you would be very proud. I finally found someone... and I am bringing to Awst. You'd like him Tess...he's smart...and just like you in so many ways..."
Jack spoke softly to the small group of pictures scattered over his desk. In fact, he spoke so softly that had Ianto not been awakened when Jack slipped out of bed, he'd never have heard him.
"...Helen, Sarian and Andras like him...so would you. He's Welsh, Tess...a Valleys boy...but you'd like him anyway. Before you ask...no, he doesn't speak Welsh...but I could teach him, like you taught me...On second thought, no...you always said my accent was terrible, so no never mind."
Ianto smiled at the thought of Jack teaching him Welsh. Perhaps that was something he should pursue, it obviously meant something to Jack.
"I miss you, Tess..."
The words broke off and Ianto heard a soft sniffle.
"You told me it would stop hurting...but it hasn't...not in the least, not in all this time. When does it start getting easier, Tess? How long do I have to live for the losses to get easier? One day I'll lose him, too...and then someone else...and someone after that. I'm so tired of losing, Tess."
Ianto heard a cough and another sniffle and then nothing.
He wondered if he should go and comfort Jack, if maybe that would be the thing that made him open up about this mysterious woman. Before he could make his decision he heard Jack's chair roll back from the desk and saw a shadow pass by the hatch as Jack moved to the other side of his office. Then he heard the clinking of a crystal decanter on a glass and knew that Jack was indulging in a rare drink of alcohol, probably the Penderyn since that was the decanter that usually, although infrequently, required refilling.
Ianto glanced around the small bunker Jack hadn't redressed as far as he could tell and the Hub was cold and damp. He slipped from the bed and pulled on his shorts and went to the armoire for a jumper and jeans. Dressing as quietly as he could he dug out a pair of thick soled socks and grabbed Jack's dressing gown which he always thought was kept purely for show. He climbed up the ladder and looked around the office...no Jack but the small tin box was open on his desk and the old photos were scattered around the blotter. He moved to the window and looked out and saw Jack standing naked down in the Hub in front of the water tower staring at the cascading water.
Ianto walked down into the Hub and stood on the landing just above Jack.
"You have got to be freezing, Jack."
His reverie broken Jack reluctantly turned his gaze on Ianto.
"I didn't mean to wake you, I'm sorry."
"You didn't wake me... wasn't asleep, too nervous. What's wrong?"
"Nothing, I'm fine."
"Well of course you are, because you always stand naked in the tower mist when it's 10 degrees...Jack if you don't want me to go with you..."
"That's not it Ianto...I DO WANT you to come with me...it's just...it's not YOU...it's me...every year...it's me..."
Jack's voice broke and Ianto moved down to him, laying his hand against Jack's cheek briefly he saw the tears welling in blue eyes that were so very much older than the face in which they were set.
"You're chilled to the bone. Please put this on." Ianto held out the terry dressing gown and draped it around Jack's shoulders then stepped up and placed a kiss on his lips. Jack stepped into his arms and put his head on Ianto's shoulder.
"Come on, since we aren't getting anymore sleep tonight I might as well make some coffee."
Jack slipped his arms into the sleeves and tied the robe around his waist then silently followed Ianto to the kitchenette.
Huddled over the table nursing a steaming cup of coffee seemed to loosen Jack's tongue a bit.
"It's seeing them all again...and all in one place. It's like sensory overload...everywhere I turn."
"But isn't it nice to see them all?"
"Sure...but it also reminds me of all the ones I couldn't save or those who've died and it always reminds me of Tesni. So many have come and gone everything moves on around me, everyone moves past me...and I...I have to watch... and mourn."
"I'm sorry... I cannot possibly understand the degree of your losses, but I have lost, too...and I know how much it eats at me. I cannot even imagine how you..."
Ianto broke off not knowing how to complete his thought. How he went on? How he survived? Because Jack would always do both.
"How I stay sane?"
"I'm not so sure I am, are you?"
"Are any of us in Torchwood?"
There was no answer, and Jack looked back down into his cup.
Later, even after Gwen appeared all excitement and enthusiasm for her trip, Jack was still subdued. Gwen's adrenalin level prevented anything short of being hit by a bus to be noticed. Ianto tried to act as a buffer between her and Jack and kept diverting her attentions from Jack back to her trip by suggesting places for her and Rhys to see.
Around eleven Ianto went looking for Jack. He'd run out of things to suggest to Gwen and since the rift was quiet was going to suggest that Gwen just go drive Rhys crazy for a while.
Ianto had been so tied up diverting Gwen's attention that he hadn't noticed that Jack was no longer in his office. He'd checked the bunker and the kitchen and scanned the cells using the CCTV on Jack's computer without any luck. There had been no rift activity so he doubted Jack had left the Hub but Gwen was working on his very last nerve and he needed to do something soon.
Using the CCTV he scanned the archive levels and saw the big filing cabinet pulled away from the wall; he knew exactly where Jack was. Ianto took a deep breath and made an executive decision, he headed back down into the work area.
"Gwen, Jack's tied up on the phone with the PM...but he suggested you take off and get an early start on your holiday."
Gwen looked up brightly, a wide smile breaking across her face. "Really? Seriously?"
"He specifically said to tell you to go and drive Rhys crazy so I can finish the things I need to do and start my holiday."
"Oh...ah...really? I'm sorry, Ianto I didn't realize..."
"Doesn't matter... what I have to finish is just paperwork, feed Myfanwy and close up the tourist office. Then I'm also off. So go...enjoy."
Gwen started up the stairs to Jack's office.
"Where are you going?"
"To say goodbye to Jack."
"Gwen, he's on the phone with the PM when I was in there they were having a huge row... I really don't think now is the time."
"Gwen... just go...I'll placate him...I'll take him home and cook him dinner...just go."
Gwen looked at Ianto and glanced up towards Jack's office and then back at Ianto. Then she shrugged, grabbed Ianto and kissed him on the cheek.
"Tell him I said thanks...and you two don't work too hard. Make sure he gets out of the Hub too, Ianto."
"I will, you and Rhys have fun and don't think of this place, yeah?"
"Yeah! Bye!" She grabbed her purse and was gone like a flash, waving as she waited for the cog door to open.
Ianto waited a short time watching the CCTV to be sure she cleared the Plas before heading down to the archives.
He deliberately scuffed his feet a little as he walked towards the playroom and before he got to the door he called out.
"Jack, I sent Gwen home...she was driving me mad...Jack?"
Ianto peaked around the back of the filing cabinet and into the playroom.
"That's fine, Ianto... it's probably for the best, let her get on Rhys' nerves for the rest of the day."
Ianto ducked and came into the somehow brightly lit room.
"Where's all that light coming from?"
Ianto looked up and saw a small but extremely bright ball hovering in the middle of the ceiling. Jack was bent over leaning into a big box on the opposite side of the room from where the thank yous, and toys were stored. He pointed upwards.
"45th century light bulb had it in my footlocker over there." Jack pointed to an open trunk near the door.
"Ahh, very nice."
"Well, I suppose but by my time they were seriously antiquated. We had light emitting wall and ceiling covers we rarely resorted to technology so primitive even in the colonies."
"I was talking about the view."
"What view?" Jack looked up to see Ianto shamelessly ogling his backside as he leaned into the crate. Ianto raised his eyebrows and gave a crooked grin.
"Ohh..." he wiggled his backside a couple of times.
"Verrrrry nice view." Ianto purred then shook his head as if to clear it. "Sorry...what are you up to?"
"I'm looking for something."
"A photograph album... it should be in this box."
"Can I help?"
"Here it is." Jack pulled out a large very thick leather photo album. He handed it to Ianto and started to replace the items he had removed into the box.
The album had a gold embossed cover which simply said 'Baby'. Jack piled other boxes back into the big one, stopping to stroke a carefully folded pile of yellowing lace.
"Tesni and I were married...we had snuck off, me from Torchwood and her from her family and gotten married. It was all quite scandalous at the time." Jack finished packing the items back into the crate and put the lid on it and sat down.
"She was gorgeous..." Jack laughed "...when I met her she spoke only Welsh. We couldn't TALK to each other...well not properly anyway. I had like 6 words in Welsh and she had 3 or 4 in English. She..." Jack's eyes brimmed with tears that threatened but didn't spill. "...was amazing."
"How did you communicate?"
"A lot of body language and hand signals. She was the most amazing and infuriating woman at the same time." Jack stopped and shook his head "I thought I'd take the album to Awst. She insisted there be pictures of every one. She learned how to develop her own photographs so she could document every single one of her kids."
Jack motioned for Ianto to open the album. The first two pages had a tiny pair of crocheted baby booties and a matching bonnet. Ianto was unsure what their original color was but now they were a brittle looking brownish yellow.
"We got married...secretly of course. I didn't want her anywhere near Torchwood, so she stayed in the north in a tiny, little village called Cerrigydrudion. We were doing okay...she got pregnant and while I was off in Scotland doing a project for Two she... she lost the baby. In order to save her life they had...well, she couldn't have any more after that. When we got married she told me she wanted 10 children... suddenly she couldn't have any. Then we found Marigold..."
"That was what Tess named her, her real name was..." Jack thought for a second "...I think it was Margeesh. She was a Pasnian...humanoid but no where near human enough to be allowed loose by Torchwood. They would have kept her locked up in the cells until she died...or worse they would have executed her. Tesni wouldn't let me bring her in...she was hurt...Tess nursed her back to health. She taught her English and Welsh and how to use makeup...boy that was really funny. Anyway, Marigold...Mari moved into a small cottage at the edge of the village where Tess kept an eye on her and helped her out when she needed something. After that, it became her own personal crusade...anyone that was non human enough to be endangered by Torchwood went to Tesni and she took care of them. It became quite a project."
"And you managed to keep it hidden from Torchwood."
"It wasn't easy...but like I said they didn't ask after a while. I just came in looking all grim."
"Yeah, I've seen that look."
"Later on, I think a couple suspected...but never said anything...they'd just ask me to go 'take care of that alien'. The last director of Three...Alex, knew; but never said anything, he knew One would start collecting them and by then we had such a good network setup that they wouldn't just go to Tess they would go to Marigold or one of the others."
"It sounds like an underground railroad of sorts."
"It was. Let's get out of this room, huh?"
Jack stood and started replacing boxes. Ianto stood to the side and watched and then remembering Jack's discomfort with the playroom, moved to the side to allow Jack to exit first after returning the light bulb to its resting place in the footlocker. They moved the file cabinet back into position and headed back to the main Hub.***
"Well, shall we shut this place down and get on the road?" Jack shoved the photo album into a duffle and looked around.
"My bags?"
"In the SUV, sir."
"Your bags?"
Ianto rolled his eyes "ALSO in the SUV, sir along with a thermos of coffee for the trip."
"Excellent...we must be off, then." Jack pulled on his coat and picking up the duffle headed for the cog door.
"We MUST be off...no one ELSE would work in this place." Ianto muttered, more to himself than anyone else as they headed up to the SUV.
Jack drove at his usual breakneck pace and since they left early the traffic headed for the Gower was fairly light. They arrived at Gwesty Seren Wib earlier than anticipated OR expected and Jack was surprised to find a very full parking lot.
"There're a lot of cars here already, I wonder what's going on."
Charlotte was once again manning the front desk and looked totally surprised by Jack's appearance. She stammered when questioned and then asked them to wait and vanished briefly returning with a very surprised looking Andras.
"Father, Ianto..." Andras bowed slightly from the waist
"... you are very early. We did not expect that you would be joining us until later." He looked nervous.
"Andras, what's going on?"
"Nothing, Father."
"Andras, what was the first thing Tesni ever taught you?"
"To always be truthful to her or you."
"Now...what's going on? Where are Sarian and the others, that parking lot is way too full for it to be just the usual early birds."
"Sarian, Helen and Edwin have called for a council, so everyone came early."
"A council? And I was not informed, why?"
Andras in his human male form, paled considerably, paused and thought then pulled himself up to his assumed full 6 feet and squaring his assumed shoulders spoke.
"You were not informed because you are not invited to this council, Father." He quivered noticeably.
Jack was surprised at the answer and the way in which the information was delivered and startled.
It was easier the second time Andras spoke.
"You are not invited to this council, Father. So we would appreciate it very much if you would repair to your suite and we will advise you when the council adjourns."
"What!" Jack surged forward somewhat and Ianto gently took his elbow and spoke.
"Jack, let's just check in... I'm sure Sarian and the rest will be along presently..." he turned to Andras "...thank you, Andras we will go to our suite and relax for a while after the drive." He smiled and gripped Jack's elbow tighter preventing him from entering Andras' personal space.
Andras looked relieved beyond belief and smiled tightly as he nodded.
"We will attend presently, Father...Ianto...please make yourselves comfortable." He bowed again and hurried away...Jack stared after him, the look on his face was something Ianto had never seen before...Jack was hurt....deflated. He slumped as he turned back to Ianto.
"What the hell is going on?"
"Jack...shhh, come on let's go to our room."
"I want to know what's going on."
"And I'm sure you will...but not like this, not by scaring poor Andras to death."
"But family councils, OUR family councils are for decision making....and everyone is always included...I am always included."
"Not this time it would seem. I think your children may have grown up more than you know."
"No...let it go, Jack. Obviously they have something to discuss as...well, as siblings, I suppose, something that does not currently include or require a parent. They will come to you."
"I don't know."
"Jack, did you see the look on Andras' face? Can you imagine him keeping ANYTHING remotely important from you? Unless you are blind of course...he ADORES you. I KNOW Sarian and Helen do. I cannot conceive that they would conspire to keep something important from you."
"Are...you sure?"
"Jack, Rhiannon and I used to have conferences all the time until I went off to university. Usually to discuss how to approach our Mam and Tad about something we wanted. So let them set their agenda; they'll come to you with their plan as a united group for your opinion..."
Ianto's voice faded towards the end of the sentence
Jack had been looking somewhat comforted by Ianto's words and was nodding as he saw the logic in Ianto's opinion. His eyes immediately narrowed and he stared Ianto in the eye at the last word.
"Thanks, Ianto...that makes me feel SO much better... probably."
Ianto collected their keys from Charlotte and they picked up their bags and headed for their room.
Andras was shaking as he came back into the auditorium. He closed the door quietly then leaned back against it closing his eyes and sighing with relief. At the podium Sarian stopped speaking and stared when he saw Andras come back in. The sudden pause in speaking had more than one in the room turning to see what had stopped the usually loquacious Sarian talking.
This, of course served to further embarrass the very reserved Andras who was quickly reconsidering his ability to shift into the shape of inanimate objects...like doors.
"Andras, is everything alright?" Sarian asked and now every head turned in Andras' direction.
"Yes, Sarian...Father and Ianto have repaired to their suite to rest."
A very small, remarkably yellow alien moved up in front of Andras and reaching up patted him somewhere near his waistline and spoke.
"You've done well, Andras...relax. Come back and sit down."
Andras nodded and followed the yellow person to the front row and sat down.
All eyes went back to the trio at the podium. Helen stepped up and spoke.
"I suspect that little errand was more of a chore for Andras then any of us can know, thank you, Andras. Brethren, we must realize that even as we come and go, no matter how long our existence it is a mere blink of the eye to Jack Harkness. But that doesn't mean we are unimportant to him, on the contrary, he feels our passing through his life so very acutely. We must encourage him to find happiness anytime he can, and we all know that he will do so very, very seldom. Sarian, Edwin, Andras and I are convinced that this young man, Ianto is one of those very special people...like Mamgu Tesni. We believe that although he is Torchwood Ianto can be as much a part of this family as any of us. Mamgu would love him and we think that once you all meet him you will feel the same. No, he is NOT Tesni...and I very much doubt that he would ever think of trying to replace her in our hearts. But he is beloved of Jack Harkness and isn't that really all that we have been wishing for many years?"
Sarian spoke next.
"We know he talks a good game but the Captain has not had more than just a passing relationship with anyone since Mamgu AND all the reasons WHY he hasn't. But I believe this young man to be exactly who he needs despite the inescapable and unfortunate fact that he is Torchwood."
A voice from the second row spoke in a thick northern Welsh accent.
"It is not that he is currently of Torchwood Three that many of us take issue with, Sarian... it is that he WAS Torchwood One and all THAT represents frightens some of us."
There was a quiet buzzing through the gathered group and then Andras stood and faced the room.
"We all know Father would not allow us to be endangered. And I do not doubt that if it came to choosing he would put his own happiness aside to assure our safety. I do not wish for this."
"None of us do, Andras..." The small yellow alien next to him said "...but the second thing Mamgu ever taught us was to stay as far away as possible from Torchwood."
In the auditorium the discussion continued.
In their suite; the subjects of the discussion in the auditorium were themselves having a discussion.
"Jack, don't do it. You've only a week with all of them; don't begin it like this, on a down note. You say they are Tesni's children but they were also yours. YOU rescued them from certain death, and as much as they loved her...YOU are their hero. They TRUST you...you need to trust them as well. I can see the blind devotion in Andras' eyes and Sarian has that same look...don't spoil it for an ego trip."
"It's not an ego trip, Ianto. Their security, their LIVES mean everything to me. If they are keeping secrets from ME, then that can put everyone at risk... and what kinds of secrets do they feel they need to keep from me?"
Ianto walked up behind and slipped his arms around Jack who was standing at the sliding door looking out into the rose garden. Jack covered Ianto's hands and leaned back when Ianto kissed the side of his head.
"I'm not trying to minimize your concerns, Jack. I just think you should give them more credit. You feel left out... you've always been the decision maker, the determining factor, had the final say in their lives. Let them have some autonomy. Obviously they aren't just lashing out ...they're talking to each other and it sounds like whatever they are doing will be a group decision. For so many people from such diverse planets, species and times to act with the unison they are is...well, wonderful."
"Yeah, I guess it is... I just feel..."
"You feel hurt that they aren't consulting you?"
"Yeah, rejected... like they don't...need me anymore."
"Just don't say anything, wait it out. I suspect they will STILL come to you for final approval of whatever it is they are doing. Like I said you only have a week with them all, don't pout and spoil it."
Ianto dropped a quick kiss to the side of Jack's neck under his ear.
"Come on; show me the pictures in that album. I want to hear all about who they are."
Ianto grabbed Jack's hand and led him to the sofa picking up the duffle on the way. Jack took the album out and sat down close to Ianto, spreading the book across both their laps.
He opened the book to the page where Marigold stood against a rose arbor and began to reminisce.
Ianto listened as Jack told stories of the alien rift children, how he found them and what became of them. There had been a lot of them over the years and not all had survived for one reason or another. Jack's voice broke when he spoke of how heartbroken Tesni had been when Marigold died. There had been nothing that could have been done to help her...not on Earth anyway. The condition would probably have been treatable if she had been on Pasna; but every treatment Jack could beg borrow or steal failed to save her. Jack said Tesni had been devastated and Ianto suspected that Jack had been as well.
As the stories unfolded and sometimes the tears fell Ianto discovered just how extensive Jack's little operation was. He also learned that many of their children had taken up the banner after Tesni's death and now provided the same assistance to new arrivals as had been given to them.
When Ianto's stomach growled Jack laughed.
"Come on, I'm tired of being cooped up here. Let's get something to eat...the kids will look for us when they're ready."
"Good idea, do you think we could get room service in the garden?"
"Ianto, this is Sarian's place...we can get room service in the bath if we want."
Jack put the album on the coffee table and retrieved the menu from the desk, bringing it back to the sofa and handing it to Ianto. Then he got back up and stared out at the garden again.
"Don't you want something?"
"I know what I want... Boeuf Bourguignonne it's my go-to meal during Awst..." he laughed "...it's almost everybody's go-to meal during Awst. It was one of Tess' specialities...so it's always available...using her recipe."
Ianto closed the menu.
"Sounds wonderful, I'd love to try it."
"Good choice. I'll call." Jack moved to the telephone and dialed room service. He ordered for them both and asked for it to be delivered to the rose garden.***
The meal was delivered by an entirely human-looking young man in uniform who introduced himself as Neil. Neil stated that he would be one of their exclusive attendants for the week and gave them a pager number to reach him for anything...anything at all.
Ianto studied the young man's movement, manner and the way he smiled when he looked at Jack and realized that he REALLY DID mean anything at all. He had probably been retained to cater to Jack's EVERY need before Sarian had become aware of Jack's intent to bring Ianto to the Awst.
Jack watched the young man, smiled profusely and of course flirted shamelessly. After the wine (a fine choice no doubt made by Andras) had been poured and they had been left alone with their meal Jack laughed.
"Every year...every single year they try to find me 'entertainment'...he was blonde so his female alter ego will no doubt be either a brunette or a redhead."
"You mean..."
"Yep, count on it. They try to out do each other, last year Edwin had two sets of twins. One set female and one set male. They think that they need to provide for my every need...and haven't quite decided what my tastes are..." He laughed again "...as if I would need to hire when there are plenty who would pay me!"
Ianto almost snorted wine through his nose.
"Maybe they're volunteers, Jack...they show a photo of you around and then have a lottery to see who gets to attend you..." Ianto laughed "...and didn't we already talk about the whole ego thing you have going on? This is really good." Ianto started to take a second helping.
"I told you so. I'm just glad Rhosyn is an Androgum."
Ianto paused "Who is Rhosyn and what's an Androgum?"
"Rhosyn is head chef here. An Androgum is a species of humanoid that have particularly acute taste buds. They can tell you the list of contents for everything they eat or drink and given the correct ingredients can reproduce flavors exactly. You should taste her honeyed lamb... no one could ever figure out exactly how to make it like Tess did until Rhosyn. Rhosyn tasted it and discovered that the reason no one could accurately reproduce it was they didn't add lavender only rosemary."
"Very handy skill in a chef, that."
"Yep...and Rhosyn designs the menu every Awst. I'm hoping for salt marsh lamb roast this year again. She manages to make something special for everyone each year. It was quite the coup for Sarian to steal her away from Edwin; but she's happier here where she can be close to Andras."
"Oh are they...um, a couple?"
"Well...Andras is a Navarino...so he can LOOK like an Androgum if he chooses. But I think Rhosyn is so in love with him now that he doesn't need to bother."
"Anything to worry about there?"
"You mean...like pregnancy? No, the species are not compatible...but who cares, they're in love and happy."
Jack finished shoveling in his third helping and leaning back belched, grinning when Ianto glared at him.
"Thank you, Jack...that was very... romantic."
"Sorry..." Jack looked past Ianto towards the suite door "...Ahh, the big secret council must be over, here come the conspirators now."
Sarian, Helen, Andras and two persons Ianto did not recognize came through the sliding doors into the garden. Ianto snatched the napkin from his collar and dropped it on the table then stood. Jack continued to lean back in his chair and folded his arms across his chest.
"Ianto, it's good to see you again! We are all thrilled that you are joining us this year." Helen's smile was genuine and she hugged Ianto.
Ianto shook hands with Sarian and Andras and then Andras made introductions.
"Ianto Jones, this is Rhosyn Ellis executive chef here and this is Edwin Llewellyn he owns the St David's in Cardiff."
Ianto shook hands with Edwin and Rhosyn then spoke to the flame haired Rhosyn.
"I would like to complement you on your Boeuf Bourguignonne...it was delicious, Jack had three helpings."
The redheaded Rhosyn smiled and placing her hand on her heart bowed her head.
"Thank you; it is always a pleasure to cook for those who appreciate fine food. Papa usually has three helpings, it is good that he does not put on weight or he would be enormous." She laughed.
She bowed slightly again and then moved to Jack's chair, he finally stood and wrapped her up in a hug, kissing her on the top of her head.
"How are you Rosy?"
"I am well, Papa. I have missed seeing you for dinner with Edwin."
"And I have missed you, too...but what counts most is that you are happy."
"Andras and I are very happy, Papa."
"Good, I'm glad...Edwin, good to see you."
Edwin nodded. Ianto noticed his skin color was just a little too evenly 'flesh tone' to be natural without makeup otherwise he looked completely normal...and somewhat familiar.
"Um excuse me...have we met?"
Edwin smiled and blushed and the blush spread quickly to envelope every exposed area of skin.
"We did...sometime ago outside of the Starbuck's in Mermaid Quay. We spoke briefly...about their lemon poppy seed pound cake, you got the last piece."
"And you tried to buy it from me...I remember now, the cake was for Jack's breakfast."
"Yes, we all seem to have an attachment to lemon poppy seed cake. I hope you'll try Rhosyn's while you are here, it's even better."
"I'll remember that, thank you."
Edwin bowed slightly, Ianto wondered if it was customary all over the universe to bow like that since so far they all seemed to do it...he'd have to remember to ask Jack later.
"Well has the big council been concluded then? Anything you'd like to share?" If Jack's eyebrows rose any higher they would slip into his hairline.
Helen laughed. "Not at this time, Jack. We would appreciate it if you would both join us in the ballroom. Everyone is very anxious to meet Ianto and they are all waiting."
Jack shook his head.
"I'm not sure it's fair to Ianto for everyone to gang up on him all at once."
"Perhaps not..." Andras spoke "...but it was either that or they would ALL be queuing up and knocking on your door. This seemed more expeditious and less invasive."
Jack nodded in agreement.
"Ianto, would you care to come meet the family? Although I must warn you...in this group, YOU'LL be the alien."
"Papa! What a terrible thing to say!" Rhosyn scolded. She stepped up to Ianto and patted his arm.
"You are in no danger from us, Ianto... we would never harm you."
Helen stepped up and put her hand on Rhosyn's shoulder.
"I don't think that's what Jack meant, Rosy. Ianto knows he is in no danger here."
Jack spoke up, laughing.
"Rosy, it's okay. Helen is right. Besides she'll protect Ianto, you know they're all more afraid of Helen than they are of me. Ianto, a word?" Jack motioned away from the group further into the garden, Ianto followed. Jack turned his back to the group and whispered.
"You don't have to do this..."
"No, but Andras is probably right. I suppose they are curious. You've never brought a date before, I gather."
"No, never found anyone I...I cared to share my secret with."
"So...it's a bit of a novelty to them. I can imagine they are all curious to see 'the boyfriend'."
"Then let's do it...sooner is probably better than later. From what you've said about them, it's better to be all at once or there will be some very interesting rumors going around very quickly."
"Like lightening..." Jack nodded "...okay, but if it gets to be too much, tell me and we can stop and come back here for a breather."
"Okay." Ianto nodded, took a deep breath and they both turned back to the group.
"Ianto, may I speak with you for a moment?" Helen asked, Jack nodded and Ianto walked away with Helen as Jack spoke with the others.
"Ianto...it will be much easier on you if you try not to think of them as aliens..." Helen advised "...some look almost human, some not as much. Most stop using their disguises when they come to Awst so they are going to look more alien than they would if you met them last week... or two weeks from now. They utilize all kinds of technology including perception filters and even more kinds of terrestrial measures like wigs and make up to disguise their differences so they can live in society. Jack evaluates every bit of alien technology that comes through to see if it can help them in any way..." her voice dropped to a whisper "...So please try not to stare too much... Jack's right...you ARE the alien here. They have all adapted to Earth customs, they're familiar with being touched and shaking hands and lots of hugs...well, they ARE Jack's children and I think that man's first language was hugs. So some will kiss you, some hug you, shake your hand or bow to you... just be you and they will love you."
"Thank you." Ianto looked only slightly relieved.
"Oh, don't thank me yet, you haven't met my brothers and sisters..." she laughed "...but if it gets to be too much, just say so and we'll get you out of there."
They turned back to the group and Jack looked him in the eye.
"You ready for this?"
Ianto swallowed "As ready as I'll ever be."
Jack motioned to the suite and the group started back through to the door.
Ianto noticed that Rhosyn and Andras were holding hands although Rhosyn kept glancing back as Jack and Ianto brought up the rear.
As they approached the ballroom where everyone was gathered, Jack stopped and kissed Ianto 'for luck'. Ianto took a deep breath and then they entered.
The room which had been buzzing with conversation fell suddenly quiet as all eyes turned to the door and Jack and Ianto. Helen, Sarian, Andras, Rhosyn and Edwin came in behind them and stood out of the way.
The first to approach were very familiar faces; Delwyn and Delyth Jones the Logopolitan accountants that lived in Splott. They had met once before when Tosh had been alive, helping Jack and she with a mathematical equation to create a special interface for the Torchwood mainframe. They really didn't look all that different from humans then or now, although everything they did, including speaking was very deliberate and precise. Ianto couldn't be sure if that was because they were aliens or just because they were accountants.
They greeted him semi formally, smiling, laughing and shaking hands; but then they turned to Jack and made the formal bow that was becoming so familiar to Ianto. Jack then enveloped each of them in a hug.
Ianto had a short moment before the next person stepped up and offered his hand. The face was somewhat familiar from the photo album. Ianto and he had spoken many times on the telephone. Ianto had always assumed he was Torchwood Three's legal counsel.
"You're Mabon, aren't you?" Ianto asked with a smile.
"Yes, Mabon Amjack and I am very glad to finally meet you Ianto. We've spoken so often that I feel like I already know you."
"It is very nice to finally meet you as well."
Mabon leaned in slightly still gripping Ianto's hand.
"Don't let them intimidate you; they just want what's best for Jack."
"As do I, Mabon." Ianto agreed.
Ianto looked past Mabon and noticed that there was now a short line beginning to form. Evidently, the warm ups...the 'children' he had met or spoken to previously were his 'toe in the water' and now it was time for total immersion. Helen moved up next to him and whispered.
"I'm here to help, Ianto...some of their accents are ...difficult and Sarian said you don't speak Welsh."
"Umm, thank you, Helen...no I don't speak Welsh."
The very small bright yellow alien stepped up and stuck out his hand.
Helen, bless her, made the introduction.
"Ianto Jones, this is Eurig Owens he lives up in Cynwyd."
Eurig shook his hand enthusiastically; his small size notwithstanding, his handshake was crushing.
"Ianto...greatly pleased to meet you. We are so very glad that you have joined us for this most auspicious of occasions!"
"Thank you, Eurig, I am very happy to be here." Ianto smiled.
"Quite right, too!" Eurig nodded and bowed at the waist he then moved to greet Jack with a deep bow, then threw open his arms and growled "Tad!" before being enveloped and hoisted up like a child into Jack's arms for a hug.
Ianto was given enough time to watch Jack greet Eurig before the next alien stepped up to him.
The delicate looking woman with long very white hair stepped up next, her complexion was also so pale that had her eyes been red, Ianto would have thought she was albino. Again, Helen made the introduction.
"Ianto, this is Blodwen Lloyd she lives in Abergavenny. Blodwen, this is Ianto Jones."
"It is a pleasure, Ianto... I hope this situation is not too stressful for you. But if it does become so, just let Helen or I know and we can rescue you from our brothers and sisters."
She spoke with such a soothing almost musical voice that Ianto was certain he could just listen to her speak all day. As soon as she touched his hand he felt more at ease than he had since getting out of the car when he'd arrived.
"Thank you, Blodwen...I will definitely speak up if I feel the need for rescue."
"Good. I will be seeing you later on, be well."
She also bowed slightly but assumed the same, hand on chest pose doing so that Rhosyn had done earlier. She glided over to Jack and after bowing deeply was grabbed by the waist and lifted high, white hair flying wildly around Jack's head. She squealed like a tiny child and scolded Jack.
"Oh you are so wrong there. You will always be my baban, Bloddy."
Helen laughed and whispered to Ianto.
"Blodwen came through when she was small...she gets very indignant when he treats her like a baby. She came through after Mamgu died so Sarian and Jack raised her up in Cerrigydrudion. Now she's one of the leading psychiatrists in Wales. People travel from all over the UK to see her...she works for Torchwood as well."
"So she meant it when she said to call if it gets too stressful."
"Oh yes, although you really don't even need to say anything, Blodwen is half Mendyrian, she's telepathic so just thinking it is probably enough." She laughed.
"Ahh...good to know..." Ianto looked back just in time to see yet another alien step up "...Oh, hello there."
"Ianto this is Aled Evans he lives in Reynoldston, he's one of the managers here. Aled, this is Ianto Jones."
"It is very nice to finally meet you. I was away when you were here last and heard all about you, I have to say Sarian's description did not do you justice... although Andras did do a fairly accurate rendition of you."
"Oh, really? Sorry I missed you as well, that last visit was so short we mostly kept to our room."
"Tidy...but you're here now and that's all that matters. We'll see you later then, aye?"
"Yes, and it's lovely to meet you."
And on and on it went...each 'child' greeting first Ianto then Jack. Ianto was holding his own, being friendly to each new face and trying not to stare too much at those with less than human looking traits. After what seemed to him like hours and thousands of people he noticed Blodwen walk up to Jack, of course bow slightly then beckon him to lean down so she could whisper in his ear. Jack immediately looked across at Ianto, kissed Blodwen on the head and called the room to order.
"All right everyone... I know you all want to personally meet Ianto, but we both need a break. We had a long drive and you all can be a bit overwhelming in a group. So let's give him a break for now and the rest of you can meet him later, eh?"
"But I'm fine." Ianto mumbled leaning over to Helen so not to be overheard.
Helen whispered back "I think Bloddy got wind of you feeling a bit tired. It's best to take advantage of the break now while you can. We've got a whole week ahead; you don't need to meet everyone right now. Besides with Jack calling time it's not like you're throwing in the towel so no loss of face. Come on."
Before Ianto could turn back around the line that had formed in front of him had vanished. Helen stayed at his side and Jack stepped to the podium at the front of the room as everyone else assumed seats.
"Ianto and I are going to head for our suite to rest for a while..." Jack flipped open his vortex manipulator and pressed a few buttons. "... I am opening the queue now; please remember to be CONCISE in your summaries. I'll advise the elders when I am ready to begin. And before we go any farther I just want to say thank you to everyone for being so nice to Ianto. He's really not used to it...I'm his boss." Jack grinned and then charging towards him took Ianto by the hand and swept him out of the ballroom.
As soon as they got out the door, Jack pulled Ianto into his arms and looked him in the eye.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine; really...there was no need to stop."
"Yes, there was... Bloddy said you were tired and Bloddy is never wrong about these things. We've plenty of time; you'll meet them all eventually. The important thing is that they have ALL seen you now and a lot of the elders have met you."
"The elders are mostly Tesni's kids...they're the network administrators when someone new comes through. They do Tess' job and help teach the new arrival to speak English and Welsh, behave, blend in, assess any needs...help them get established and place them. With Torchwood demanding so much of my time, I just can't do what she did...I'm not...I just can't...be her."
They walked quickly to their suite and every few steps Ianto thought he heard a small beep.
"What is that beeping?"
"Electronic messages... they're queuing up. If they have an issue or a need or even just want to tell me how they're doing they sign up for appointments in an electronic queue."
"Appointments or audiences? I saw how they treated you; they revere you...almost like a deity..."
"I told you, I prefer benevolent dictator."
"Well you may prefer it but I'm not so sure, I saw the way they looked at you."
"I just want to help them...I try to treat them the way I wish I had been treated when I got here. For most of them I've been the only one on Earth they know they can trust and even that is hard won. So they do love me...it's mutual. But honestly Ianto..." Jack stopped short of running the card key in the slot in their door "... I have no delusions of grandeur about it. For some...like Blodwen, I'm the first being who didn't try to use her. She was being exploited for her telepathic abilities by some real bastards...her Shinsaanan relatives sold her to them as soon as her abilities manifested we think when she was around 4 years old. Shinsaanans aren't telepathic; Mendyrians are... her mother died giving birth to her."
"How old was she when you found her?" Ianto asked as they walked into their suite.
"We think about nine or ten. It's hard to tell with her, Mendyrians are very secretive, their planet is closed and they keep it that way. We're all very proud of her, she was the youngest graduate of the Royal College and youngest licensed to practice medicine in the UK." Ianto watched as Jack puffed up slightly when talking about Blodwen.
"She also has the most alien patients of any physician I know..." Jack laughed "...she sees all the new arrivals to assess how they're adjusting."
"And she's Torchwood as well, I understand from Helen." Ianto lifted the lid on one of the plate covers on the large room service cart that was sitting in the middle of their suite. There was a selection of fruits, sweets, tea cakes and sandwiches and coffee and tea. Jack grabbed a Welsh Cake and dropped onto the couch.
"Yeah... I tried to keep her away, still try...but it doesn't always work. So if you feel you ever need someone to talk to... she's in my address book."
"With everything that's happened to us...Tosh and Owen, Grey, the cannibals, Lisa...why didn't you ever make us see her before?"
"Well you guys are all alien hunters, you're pretty damned good at it too...I didn't want her hurt or locked in the cells. I'd rather refer you outside than compromise her."
"You think that little of us that...."
"That's not it at all. If I exposed her I'd be exposing the whole operation...all of them. I was not prepared to take that chance... No."
"What's changed then...you brought me here... I know all about them...all about the operation. What's changed? Or are you planning to retcon me after this week?..."
Ianto sat down on the couch across from Jack and looked him right in the eye.
"... If you are please tell me now and I won't worry about learning all their names."
Jack started to laugh and realized that Ianto was not trying to be funny.
"You're serious? You REALLY think I would retcon you at the end of this week?"
"You've bared your soul to me...shown me all your secrets...invited me to meet the family, why else would you do this if retcon wasn't in my future?"
Jack sighed and leaned back "You really think that little of ME?"
"No, I just want to know why...why now after everything that's happened."
Jack jumped to his feet and turning his back on Ianto stared out into the rose garden.
"Because I'm tired of being alone, Ianto. I've only had one other relationship since Tesni and he killed himself in front of me."
"Yeah, and since that worked out so well I've been a little reluctant to fall...ah, have a relationship with anyone. I have too much to lose now, not just my freedom...but all those people in the ballroom depend on me too. Look, I cannot promise you that I'll spend the rest of my life with you because that would be a lie...so I'm doing the only other thing I can... I'm sharing my secrets...my self... with you..." Jack sat back down and leaned forward arms on knees and looked up at Ianto with hooded eyes. "...I've bared it all to you."
"It's that impossible for you to say then, is it?"
"Ianto, I... I can't... it's so hard, hurts so much."
"Tell me... does it make it hurt less not to say it?"
"Ianto, if I've learned nothing else I've learned that fate targets the happy. I don't want to draw attention to that...every time I've been happy...well, fate's stepped in. I won't chance that."
"So you won't tell me how you really feel about me because you're superstitious?" Ianto was finding this just a little too weird.
"Look, Ianto I'm not saying it's the wise thing or the right thing."
"Or even realistic...OR adult..." Ianto shook his head.
Jack shrugged.
"... You know when we were here last someone told me you more than anyone else are defined by your losses. Are you afraid that if you tell me how you feel you'll lose me too?"
"Doesn't matter... I'll lose you anyway, I have always lost and will always lose everyone... all of them, you...I just see no reason to speed things along by drawing attention to it."
"And what about my needs? What if I need to hear you say it?"
"Please, Ianto I've shared more with you than I have with anyone since Tess, it's just words, Ianto. Do you need the words that badly? Isn't there an old adage that says actions speak louder than words?"
"I've shared things with you I would never share with anyone, not Alex...not even Tess."
Jack got up and headed for the room service cart and grabbed a piece of melon. Ianto stood up and crossed to him.
"I'm not trying to be difficult, Jack."
"Well that's a relief...because I cannot imagine how it would be if you were trying."
"I think you just need to understand that I may have some needs of my own; maybe I need the words."
"Although it is a bit of a cliché... I'm a man of action, not words."
Jack framed Ianto's face with his hands and kissed him deeply...sending his life force into Ianto in a massive wave that nearly took the young man down. Ianto couldn't resist opening his eyes and saw that they were both fully engulfed in that golden glow. He watched his hands on the way to Jack's head leave golden trails of light as they moved and just before he passed out he heard Jack chuckle.***
When Ianto awoke, the first thing he noticed was that he was naked and lying in the huge soft bed in the dark.
He turned on the lamp and looked at the clock. It was now 5 pm, it had been around 3pm when they had returned to the suite so he'd been asleep for a couple of hours. His limbs still felt slightly tingly from the 'Action Jack' demonstration but the feeling began dissipating as he moved and then sat up on the side of the bed.
His vest, socks and pants had been folded into a neat pile on the chair and his shirt, jacket and trousers were hanging on the front of the wardrobe door. He stood and put on his complementary terry bathrobe and slippers and went looking for Jack.
"You know, Jack you needn't resort to party tricks to have your way with me, I think it's much more fun when we are BOTH awake!"
Ianto spoke rather cheerfully, tying the robe's belt as he scuffed his way into the sitting room.
And THEN he looked up.
His good mood was replaced nearly instantly when he saw the shear number of people the large room now held. Of course in the center of it all, grinning like a Cheshire at Ianto's entry...was Lord Jack the Duke of Glamorgan and Marquis of Cardiff.
"Oh hello, Iantooo" the playful drawing out of the second syllable of his name sealed Jack's fate. Ianto glanced around the room; he had already met some of these folks. Blodwen and Sarian were here as was Mabon and Delyth one of the accountants from Splott. There were several more he'd not met as yet, one seemed to be taking dictation on an odd sort of rectangular device and two others were working on separate laptop computers.
"Hello, Jack... hello everyone..." It had only been an afterthought that he had put on the robe. Very wise decision, obviously. There would HAVE to be retribution paid, Jack Harkness might be immortal but he was NOT immune.
"...Jack where did you hide my trousers?"
Jack was confused. Ianto now had the upper hand.
"No...on second thought I don't think I could put them on yet..."
"That's okay...you needn't bother on our account." Sarian chimed in.
"...to be honest I'm still a little tender from the paddling." Ianto said very matter of factly which caused all heads to swivel towards Jack.
Ianto had never, ever seen Jack's face turn that color...well not without a certain amount of exertion. The power albeit brief, felt wonderful. Jack however, recovered quickly.
"What are you doing out of your handcuffs, Ianto? Well since you're out now you might as well join us. You can sit here."
Jack patted his knee and Sarian burst into laughter, followed quickly by Blodwen. Delyth and the others in the room just stared from Jack to Ianto. Finally Blodwen looked at Jack and spoke.
"It would seem, father that you may have finally met your match. Brethren, shall we adjourn?"
"Oh no, please... not on my account, I didn't mean to interrupt. I was just not aware anyone else was here... I'll go and...I'll just get dressed, shall I." Ianto headed for the bedroom.
"No... let me just go and... I'll be right back." Jack jumped to his feet and followed Ianto from the room closing the bedroom door.
"Cheeky bugger...scandalizing me in front of the children whatever will they think?"
"Well, with any luck maybe they'll think you're human and not a deity. What happened?"
"I think I may have gone a little overboard. You sort of fainted, I'm sorry. How do you feel now?"
"Surprisingly... wonderful, despite my recent social embarrassment... I didn't mean to barge in like that... if I had known...well I might have put on trousers at least."
"I'm sorry... I should have said something. But I figured I'd put the time to use while you were sleeping it off. Wait...what do you mean you MIGHT have put on trousers? You mean you might not have anyway?"
"Well you'll never know now, will you?" Ianto smiled and started to dress. "If you'd like I can go for a walk, or find the pool or something. I don't want to intrude."
"No...join us, please."
"I thought these were personal matters?"
"Hardly...with all that lot? No they aren't personal conversations...every one is documented thoroughly, completely summarized, outlined...and even bullet pointed for future reference and follow up."
"So the family business..."
"Is... run like a business...come on. There're only a couple of appointments left before dinner, it'll help you see how we do things and you'll meet a couple more of the kids." Jack leaned forward and kissed Ianto softly then took his jacket out of his hands. "No jacket... too formal, they're very sensitive about formality. A lot of alien civilizations have very regimented protocols...you may have noticed the bowing..."
"Bowing? Was there bowing, I really hadn't noticed." Ianto shrugged.
"Oh, you are so lying... anyway, there are various versions...some more obvious than others...it's difficult to keep them from doing it so I gave up trying. Just go with the flow."
"Go with the flow?"
"Look, I don't encourage it, we try to DIScourage it...and we've mostly succeeded but to me and especially during the Awst it won't go away. Bloddy was the youngest to ever come to us...everyone else was much more mature and familiar with their cultures of origin. They've lost so much; they've had to change so much about themselves to fit in here...I will NOT forbid them this tiny little thing that may be all that is left of their original identities."
Ianto took the jacket from Jack's hands and hung it up.
"How do they feel about waistcoats...any taboos there?"
"Nah, they're fine...come on I'm sure they think I'm ravaging you in here."
"Should I make some appropriate sounds...moaning and such...or perhaps spanking sounds?" Ianto's grin was devilish.
"Please don't bother Bloddy would never believe it anyway. Come on." Jack kissed him softly and then headed for the door.
"Thank you for being here. This is important to me."
"You're welcome...just don't expect me to bow to you...sir."
"I wouldn't dream of it." Jack grinned.
Ianto sat in on the last two appointments of the afternoon.
The first one was Siorus Evans, he was the one Jack had told him had wanted to move to the US and go to work for NASA. He was the one who had 2 tongues and the handy additional eye. Siorus was originally from Chostri Major and of a species called Chostril. He was a theoretical physicist who now lived up in Bangor. He'd written a new paper and required Jack's approval before he could submit it for publishing. One of the two with laptops slid a thick sheaf of papers in front of Jack.
"This is a really good paper, Si...but I'm a little bit concerned about a couple of the issues."
"I know exxxactly which onesss, Jack..." Siorus said with a slightly exaggerated lisp which Ianto thought sounded slightly like the summer cicadas singing.
"Sioned, where's my edits?" The other of the two with laptops slid her computer across the table in front of Jack.
"I have the paper in hard copy printed out for you to look at with my edits; see what you think..." Jack slid the sheaf of papers across the table. "... Most of them are just suggestions; however I do insist that you back off a little on some of the detail on page 6, paragraph 3. It's pushing the envelope a little too much."
"But...it'sssss a theory, it'sss ssupposssed to pussssh, Jack."
"No Si, because then you'll have to present reasons for your assumptions... and you saying 'that's the way it is done in the 45th century' is not acceptable. You can discuss it, just make it a little more vague... please Si...you know I'm right. You aren't ready for the spotlight that THAT particular discovery will produce. Give them the groundwork...let Kaku make the particle discovery just like the history books say, and then the 45th century will take its course, huh?"
"Yesss, father. May we ssschedule another time to discusss thisss after I have read your editsss?"
"Absolutely... Sioned...give Si a priority appointment when he finishes checking out the edits."
"Yes, papa."
"Other than the paper, Si...how are you?"
"I am better father...the eye infection hasss completely cleared up thanksss to Dai. I had to change my ssshampoo and mussst wear my hair loossse when at home to prevent another occurranccce."
"I'm glad you're better, I seem to remember you had a similar problem right after you first arrived."
"Yesss, I remember. It wasss difficult to clear then, I'm jussst glad I did not have to drive all the way back to Cardiffff to sssee Helen."
"I'm just glad we didn't need to find an ophthalmologist to treat you... it would have probably required some retcon."
"No doubt. Thank you father...I will sssee you at dinner, yesss?"
"Absolutely." Jack stood and they shook hands then Siorus withdrew, with a hard copy of edits to his paper in his hand.
"Okay...who's next?"
Sioned answered "Enid, father...I have already sent her a text, she is on her way."
"Thank you...were there any issues?"
"No, father just a general update and she has submitted a draft of her new mystery novel for you."
"When did she submit it, I haven't seen it."
There was a knock at the door and a tall, lithe woman entered and walked towards the couch. Jack and Ianto both stood and after acknowledging Ianto and her 'siblings' with a slight bow she walked up to Jack and held her hands palms facing up in front of her then bowing deeper she placed her hands on her forehead and waited. Jack placed his hands on her head and murmured something in a language Ianto did not understand. Then he dropped his hands and opened his arms with a huge grin as she stepped into his embrace.
"And how is my favorite mystery author?"
"I am well, papa... I've missed you."
"I've missed you too, Enid...but you CHOSE to move to Scotland not me."
"Thurso has a much better climate for me...the salt air..."
"I know sweetling...but you're so far away, what if something should happen, if you get ill? We have salt air down here, too. You could live in Truro or even Holyhead... but all the way up in Thurso... I still don't like it."
The thin almost gaunt looking woman had the longest neck that Ianto had ever seen and her eyes had pupils that were vertical slits. Then there were odd ridges along her neck. Ianto was trying hard not to stare...but it looked like they were moving.
"Enid James this is Ianto Jones...Ianto is trying very hard not to stare at your gills, sweetling but not succeeding...isn't that right, Ianto?'
"Yes, I'm sorry." He blushed and looked down.
"That's quite alright, Ianto. This must all be a huge shock for you."
"It is, a bit."
"Enid is a Stas from Drathac 6 they spend around half their lives in the oceans there..."
"Which are considerably colder than the Irish Sea or the English Channel. Papa knows that the North Sea is more like home...and the food is better there except for the haggis of course."
She smiled and the gills moved again.
"I think you're developing a Scottish accent, sweetling..." Jack laughed "...so, there's a new book?"
"I've given you the first draft... I did not send it ahead because I only just finished it. Just have a read when you have time and tell me what you think."
"I think I'll love it, I love all your books."
"Yes, papa, I know you do. I suspect if I wrote a shopping list you would tell me you loved it."
Jack took her long web fingered hands in his and smiled.
"Because if you wrote it I know it would be the best shopping list I could ever read. So how are you otherwise, how is the new house?"
They chatted about Enid's new house on the water, about life in Scotland and how she had been visited by several of her 'brethren' over the course of six months and how she suspected all along it was her Papa who had set up the rota of visitors to check on her.
Ianto sat quietly to the side watching Jack interact with all of his children. Enid asked if Jack would consider purchasing another cottage near her that had been put up for sale. The location was scenic, secluded and remote and just perfect for a getaway. Jack asked her to supply the specifics and estate agent's name. Then he had Delyth transfer a sizable sum into her bank account so she could make the down payment to prevent it getting away.
As Enid's visit ended, the others shut down their equipment and excused themselves, of course with bows to Jack. Ianto walked with Jack to the door to see them all out then leaned against it as it was closed.
"You really do care about them, don't you?"
"Of course I do, Ianto. They have no one else. You don't know what it's like. To be so suddenly snatched away from your normal life, and own your time and dropped where if you aren't careful you'll wind up in a cell or worse. Torchwood practiced vivisection, did you know that? It wasn't just on me either, it was on anything too different whether they were sentient or not."
"I'm sorry, Jack. I suppose if they were doomed to be caught up by the rift the best case scenario is that they wind up here and you find them."
"I think so. They've lost so much. I just try to give them a little family, some connection to others who have a similar background. Don't get me wrong, they ARE damaged in so many ways but I try to find something to help them feel fulfilled and like they are contributing."
"It would have been so easy for you to fall into the pattern set by Torchwood, why didn't you?"
"I think because I come from someplace else... a colony world, other species aren't new to me. I know most of them are not a threat. But human focus here on Earth is so narrow...most humans still don't even believe that there is life elsewhere in the universe. There are a lot of xenophobes on this planet and these people although not dangerous; would still be dissected in a heartbeat if UNIT or some government got hold of them. They don't deserve that, they've done nothing wrong...they're victims."
"So were you."
"Yeah, I guess I have a unique perspective and maybe this is my way to get back at Torchwood...making reparations by helping others. Their first experiences on this planet or with humans should not be what I saw and experienced when I was captured by Torchwood."
"I think you are a lot less self centered then you would have others believe."
"Don't blow my cover."
"Wouldn't dream of it."***
"Looks like we have some time before dinner..." Jack stepped closer and placed his arms around Ianto.
"Really??? Whatever will we do with it...well I mean I suppose we could go for a walk, get a little exercise."
"I can think of better ways to get exercise."
"Really?? Could I get a demonstration?"
"Oh yes...follow me." Jack took him by the hand and led him into the bedroom closing the door... just in case.
Jack was always a considerate lover; Ianto never felt hurried along so Jack could reach his own climax. Now Ianto suspected he knew why. Jack enjoyed watching his lover's response to his ministrations as much as gaining his own satisfaction; something Ianto had never experienced before with any lover. Even Lisa had always been more concerned with her own satisfaction than she had for Ianto's he supposed that was just the way of sex...until Jack.
Maybe it was more than his upbringing or the sexual norms between 21st century Earth and a 51st century colony world or maybe it was about Jack finding fulfillment of his own needs by fulfilling those of others.
As he carefully undressed Ianto, he kissed the skin that was revealed. Then he dropped to his knees and Ianto's brain melted from a stunning blowjob that had him collapsing onto the bed. Jack lifted his knees carefully and then laved his ass bringing him nearly to tears before penetrating him. The care and slow burn was replaced by a slow and almost tortuous rhythm before Jack finally came, even as Ianto panted through his second orgasm of the hour. They lay staring at each other for a bit before Ianto finally glanced at the clock.
"We'd better shower if we are going to make it to dinner."
Jack got up and pulled Ianto to his feet then towards the shower.
They managed to dress and arrived at the grand ballroom where dinner was being served to the group.
Ianto was only a little surprised at the layout for the dinner. There was an elevated dais where a long table with a podium was set up. All of the other tables were set so they could easily view the dais and the speaker. Ianto thought it amusing that it could easily have been set up for a corporate dinner or even a wedding for that matter.
This room however was full of beings who were not born on this planet. Ianto remembered Torchwood One and thought that Yvonne would wet her panties if she could see this.
When they entered the room everyone stood and watched silently as he and Jack walked to the head table. Ianto felt uncomfortable but followed Jack and tried not to look around as he walked. Jack waved him to a seat then moved to the podium. What happened next was completely unexpected and reminded Ianto of going to mass when he was small.
"Welcome to the Calan Awst. This year as we have in the past we come together to renew our family bonds, share our joys and disappointments and embrace our differences. I am happy to announce that since the last Awst we have lost none of our numbers and have even increased as Dai and Carys have gifted us all with baby Haf in July, she is here today attending her first Awst with us... Carys?"
A silver skinned woman stood and held up a tiny, squirming bundle wrapped in pink to applause.
Jack continued.
"We will have her formal naming ceremony later on this week...and many congratulations to both Dai and Carys...it was touch and go for a while but we know she will bring you and all of us much joy. We have had several bondings including Aled and Llinos who were bonded in January; and Nye and Neiron who were bonded just after Awst last year and will be celebrating their first anniversary this year in their new home in Amsterdam. We also have several more couples who have asked to be bonded but will as usual allow them to announce that themselves. We have welcomed some new partners to our little conspiracy too and I will leave all but one of those for the formal announcements.
You all know the buzz which has probably been ongoing since I was here a week or so ago. I'm sure Sarian and Andras wasted no time letting you all know, which is something which we will be discussing later at my presentation. As you all know it has been many years since we lost our beloved Tesni and while no one could EVER replace her in our lives or hearts, life is change and we ALL have to move on. Having said that I know about three quarters of you are sitting there right now silently thinking it's about time he figured that out..." there was a soft buzz through the group and Ianto saw many heads nodding in agreement. "... And while I never thought it would happen, I have found someone who brings me great joy... and I would like to share that with you and ask for your blessing. I bring to you my joy and invite you all to meet Ianto Jones..." Jack motioned for Ianto to stand. He did, very reluctantly and practically quivered with nerves.
"...I will tell you that I know he is very nervous about meeting all of you and inadvertently making some great social blunder, but I doubt very seriously that he will. Some of you have already met him and hopefully by Awst end the rest will also have that opportunity. I am very hopeful that he will choose to be a part of this family and that you all will come to rely on him as much as I do. I hope you will welcome him warmly."
In a show of support the group rose and applauded which seemed to surprise Jack as much as it did Ianto. Ianto wondered if they were really applauding him or applauding the fact that Jack had finally admitted to himself that he needed to move on. Either was really okay with him.
When the room came back to order Jack motioned everyone to sit and then completely shocked Ianto. He stood quietly for a moment until the room was silent and then held out his arms with his hands palm up. In the ballroom everyone did the same thing, bowing their heads holding out their hands palm up and speaking the same words.
"Oh great spirit that has brought us safely to this place. We ask your blessing on our family, our gathering and ourselves, guide us, protect us and in the end bring us safely home."
When the blessing was over, everyone kissed the person on either side of them and Jack motioned for Sarian who came to the podium to announce the meal.
"Brothers and sisters, welcome to the Gwesty Seren Wib and this year's Calan Awst. We hope you will enjoy this week and if there is anything that can make you more comfortable please advise any of the staff they are all trusted and charged with your comfort. If you encounter any problem please advise Andras or me. As always, father's schedule for meetings will be posted to you electronically. Dinner is served."
At that, the doors opened and a mass of wait staff began delivering meals to tables. The head table was also being served at the same time; Ianto figured there was a minimum of 25 to 30 waiters and waitresses serving the group but they moved so quickly he could not count them. He was flummoxed how many people working in this hotel alone were privy to the secret of this gathering.
Ianto looked at the waiter that had served him and Jack, thanked him and then leaned into Jack's side and whispered.
"All of these people know about..."
"Our little family? Yes, they all know... mind you some of these folks are borrowed from the St David's in Cardiff and some work for some of the other kids. We've got a couple of restaurateurs in the group and have borrowed their trusted wait staff too. Those who normally work here that Sarian couldn't trust have been provided a paid vacation and these folks will be even more handsomely rewarded. It's always lucrative for whoever works the Awst, we've found the best way to keep loyalty is to reward it."
Dinner was delicious, but then again Ianto remembered that Rhosyn had designed the menu for the entire week and was not surprised. He and Jack were served Caesar salad, very large steaks with baked potatoes and sliced tomatoes and crème brulee for pudding. He noticed various dishes being served. Enid, who was sitting with Dai, Carys and baby Haf and several others was served mussels and some kind of greens as a first course while Dai and Carys each got something that looked more like traditional salad.
Each meal seemed tailored to the person receiving it and Ianto was very grateful that nothing appeared to be moving on any of the plates that he could see. He tried not to stare as each course was presented and then enthusiastically consumed by the recipients.
Ianto also noticed that Rhosyn and Andras were making the rounds of all the tables presumably to find out if the meal and beverage selection for each person was acceptable. There were a lot of folks drinking wines, cider or ales but also a large number drinking water or other beverages. He and Jack were served a perfectly luscious red wine with their steaks. Jack seemed particularly appreciative of it and told Andras so when he and Rhosyn finally came up behind them. Rhosyn admitted to Jack that there was indeed going to be some of the salt marsh lamb roast of which he was so fond on the next night's dinner menu. She also told him that if he would like she would also make it available for them from the room service menu.
Between the entrée and dessert he and Jack got up to circulate through the room. At each table Ianto was introduced to every person, some of whom he had already met. There would still be the formal presentations there seemed no way to avoid that; but at least the ice would be broken when that time came again. Nye and Neiron Vaughn were the bonded couple who were about to celebrate their anniversary. One was of a species called Calibron the other was Eladeria. Ianto was not sure which was which and although they looked very unlike each other their adopted first names were so similar he hoped he would not have to address either individually.
His favorite part however was when he and Jack got to see and hold baby Haf. The infant tiny and swaddled in a pink blanket and wearing a pink baby grow and bonnet cooed and squirmed just as Ianto's niece and nephew had when he'd first held them.
The only obvious difference was in the baby's coloration and eyes. The silver iridescence of her skin and her bright yellow and oddly shaped eyes were the only thing that he could see that gave away that she was not completely human. Haf seemed particularly enamored of Jack and gurgled and cooed almost continually fixated on his face. When Ianto got to hold her she mostly squirmed and then cried. Carys apologized to Ianto for the baby's actions saying it was Jack's pheromones that were particularly attractive to Haf as Azarians have a very acute sense of smell and Haf was three quarters Azarian.
When Jack had tried to hand Haf back to her parents she started to cry so he just wandered the tables holding the baby who continued gazing adoringly upwards. Ianto found it amusing but to be honest, Jack looked perfectly natural handling the infant and was obviously very comfortable doing so.
Eventually, however dessert was served and Haf was returned to her parents while Ianto and Jack went back to the head table.
When dessert ended, more beverages were served and the tables otherwise cleared before a large screen automatically lowered from the ceiling behind the head table. Jack again assumed the podium.
"Okay, a few of you may have already gotten wind of what this year's topic is so I'll just get to it." Jack picked up a remote control and started... a slide show presentation. Just before he started talking Ianto wondered who exactly had created the slides. Surely Jack would never stoop to something so base as a powerpoint presentation, Ianto was appalled.
"And before anyone asks...yes, I did make this myself... I did NOT have Ianto do it for me... we need to talk about security, folks. Every few years we need to do another security presentation ...I remember prior times when it was cell phones and then text messaging...this year it's social networking..." a groan went through the audience at that.
"I know, I know, some of you have already received this lecture and if it is repetitive I'm sorry... Facebook, Twitter, ICQ, Faceparty, Flickr, Linkedin, Myspace, and I could go on and on...but won't... are possible security issues for all of us. Yes, I know..."
The lecture began and Ianto was amazed that Jack was being oddly appropriate and laying out all of his concerns. The attendees seemed attentive and cooperative... Ianto could only suppose that was because they were aliens and could not imagine what kind of heckling Jack would have received in any other setting.
The complete lecture...and very active question and answer session that followed took the better part of two hours. And frankly Ianto would not have even been aware of that had Jack not ended with "Well, my customary two hours are up; but if there are any further questions you can stop by or send them to me electronically. And speaking of electronics... if anyone needs any repairs, upgrades or additional equipment please check in with Delwyn. Neiron and Nye I insist you have two additional perception filters as backups in case of equipment failure. Enid, you as well, you are all too far away for assistance to get to you in a timely fashion in case of hardware failures. Thank you all for your attention and please enjoy the rest of the evening. I understand that there will be wine and cheese in the rose garden starting at 10pm...and as much as she wants to come Haf is not invited. Ianto and I will see you then."
Jack came back to sit down and finished his glass of wine then looked over at Ianto.
"How about that walk?"
"That would be lovely, Jack."
Jack made their apologies to Sarian and they slid quickly from the room.***
While everyone else headed for the rose garden, Ianto and Jack headed to the vineyards for their stroll. They walked between the perfectly manicured vines hand in hand. There was moonlight and a soft breeze and the scent of ripening grapes with a drift of jasmine and roses from the enormous rose garden wafted their way.
Occasionally, if the breeze picked up they could also hear snatches of laughter, music and singing from the rose garden. Ianto recognized some of the songs as old Welsh folk tunes and as the occasional word also drifted in their direction he knew that they were being sung in Welsh.
Jack stopped their walk to listen.
"They always do that. Tess loved the old tunes and taught every single one of them at least one instrument...and of course they all sing. Although the tunes change, song is universal. Some remember the songs of their home worlds and taught the others just like Tess taught each of them the old tunes. Wait until Si gets started with Olach...that's a song from his world...it's about a hundred verses long and they ALL know it...so will Haf when she gets older, they'll teach her. And of course Sosban Fach is always a hoot once they really get going. When they're finally ready to call it quits you'll know it."
"Oh...you'll know...and if you try not to sing they WILL hurt you."
"What about you?"
"Oh, I'll sing... I have no choice either."
They walked quietly arm in arm for the most part, stopping occasionally for a kiss. After they had managed to get nearly to the wood that bordered the vineyard Jack stopped and turned taking Ianto in his arms.
"I know you think I'm a right bastard." Jack looked him in the eye.
"What! No, I don't. Why would I think that?"
"Because I can't give you what you need. You need the words."
"Jack, the words would be nice....but as you said, they're just words."
"Ianto, you have to know you mean a lot to me...more than a lot, I can't..."
"You don't have to."
"... I feel like I do."
Ianto stepped close and stroked his fingers along Jack's cheek.
"No, Jack...you don't. You've already told me."
"Wait, when did I do that?"
"When you brought me here and introduced me to your family this evening. That spoke volumes, more than words would have...Seeing you with them ...with Rhosyn, with Enid and then at dinner with Haf. This is a Jack Harkness I've never seen before...oh, he was hinted at but sharing what you have shared with me today shows me just how much you care. No bravado, no ego, no macho...just Jack, father to many and adored by all his children. Seeing these things, and knowing that you want to share them with me...that tells me everything I need to know."
"So you're letting me off the hook then?"
"Yes, Jack...you're off the hook...for now."
"Let's go join the party, shall we?"
"I'd love to."
The party was in full swing when they got there. There were various beverages, cheeses, fruits, vegetables, small crustaceans, what looked like raw liver and other things. Ianto stayed nearer the fruits and cheeses table and was served a lovely Botrytis Riesling from the prior year's vintage. Many of the 'kids' had changed into more comfortable attire ranging from flowing formal appearing caftan like robes to jeans and jumpers.
Every now and then someone would start to hum or sing softly and a wave of song would surge on the soft breeze. There were several musical instruments off to the side of the center of the garden. Occasionally someone would walk over and sit down with an instrument and start playing and Ianto was not surprised to see Enid walk up to the harp and sit down. Her long webbed hands were delicate on the instrument and the group hushed as she started a tune.
Jack had been helping himself to some cheese and stopped in his tracks. He turned and walked nearer then stood and stared shaking his head.
Ianto knew the tune; he'd heard it many times in his youth. What he didn't know was that Jack knew the tune...AND the words in Welsh and could sing so well. When Enid began singing harmony and counterpoint to Jack, Ianto was enraptured.
Dacw nghariad i lawr yn y berllan
Tw rim-di ro rym-di radl idl-al
O nab awn i yno fy hunan
Tw rim-di ro rym-di radl idl-al
Dacw'r ty a dacw'r sgubor
Dacy ddrws y beudy'n agor
Ffal-di rwdl idl-al
Ffal-di rwdl idl-al
Tw rim-di ro rym-di radl idl-al...
As they sang on Ianto realized that this was a completely different Jack... he was right in the vineyard when he told him he didn't need the words. Ianto could not believe his eyes. The only people who ever got to see this Jack were these right here...and Tesni from so long ago. The more Jack and Enid sang, the more special Ianto knew he was to Jack, until he felt like his heart would burst right through his chest.
It wasn't until Blodwen shoved a handkerchief in his hand that he realized that the unseen bursting of his heart had brought forth a waterfall of tears. He looked over to the small woman.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" She commented
"I never even knew he could sing."
"You'll learn many things about your captain this week, I suspect. I think we are the only ones who know this side of him. You, Ianto...must be very special indeed that he is willing to reveal himself like this. It is not something that he does... he will resist saying what you want to hear for as long as he possibly can; but in time, he will say it."
Ianto looked over at her.
"Don't look so surprised, Ianto... everyone here knows he loves you...you needn't be a telepath to see that. But those words are not easy for him; he's such a child when it comes down to it..."
"He thinks saying it will jinx it somehow."
"And who is to say he isn't right about that. He has much more experience there than anyone...he does what he needs to do to keep his sanity. If that means being a little superstitious, then I applaud him. He has lived so long and will probably outlive even this planet; a little...eccentricity to keep your sanity in the face of eternity is a small price to pay."
"Sarian was right, he is a man defined by his losses." Ianto added.
Blodwen shrugged "Defined? Maybe...but certainly governed by them. We are so ephemeral to him; we brush against him like snowflakes on skin. He can try to hold us for a time, a heartbeat for him before we melt away. He gives what he can to keep his sanity...whether it is a façade of ego, macho, or authority it is still just a shield. He needs that and we must allow him those defences so that he can remain intact for what's ahead."
"Thank you...for helping me understand him a little better." He took her hand and squeezed it gently.
When the song finished Jack strode quickly to Ianto's side.
"Are you okay?"
Ianto, face streaked with tear tracks smiled, wet lashes clumping on his cheeks as he tried to blink back more tears.
"I'm fine."
"No, I don't think so... Bloddy?"
"He's fine; father...your song made him a little melancholy is all. He was not aware you could sing."
Jack grinned and winked.
"He won't think so come Karaoke night."
As he spoke several of the participants picked up some of the other instruments and began playing music while others paired off and began to dance.
"Come on, let's dance."
"I don't dance, Jack."
"Of course you dance, everybody dances." Bloddy commented as Delwyn stepped up to her and they started to waltz. The dancing did not seem to be of any particular style although the music was very definitely Glen Miller.
"Come on, you've heard me sing... I want to see you dance. I'll lead."
"I SO do not know how to dance so much that I don't even know what leading means."
Ianto held up his hands. Jack swung him into his arms and started to move to the music. Stiff at first, Jack's kiss under his ear loosened him up a bit.
"Just listen to the music and let your body respond." Jack whispered directly into his ear, warm breath ruffling the short hairs of his sideburns.
"I'm not so sure that's a good idea, my body is already responding..." Ianto chuckled as they moved "...we don't want to scandalize the children, do we?" Ianto pushed his hips forward so Jack could feel his body's response.
"Oh I doubt we could scandalize them...but I feel your...pain." Jack further answered with a thrust of his own hips so Ianto understood they were in similar conditions.
"Can't we just go back to the room?"
"No...not yet. Unfortunately as the patriarch here I must adhere to certain...proprieties."
Unnoticed by either man, Blodwen was whispering to Sarian and Helen who then began circulating among their siblings with the suggestion that perhaps they should adjourn for the evening. The cause was taken up quickly by all and a well placed word, specifically to Enid who still sat at the harp signaled the end.
Jack and Ianto still swayed to music that had since stopped, oblivious to Blodwen's machinations.
Enid struck up the chords and when as a group they began to sing Land of My Fathers, Jack stopped dancing and joined in. Although Ianto did not speak Cymraeg, he was Welsh and at least knew this one and sang along. He and Jack stared at each other as they sang and when the anthem ended with applause, the good nights began.
Jack moved to the edge of the rose garden and accepted each participant's parting salutation as formally as he had each greeting earlier in the day, with everyone receiving a final kiss goodnight. Ianto sat down by the 'band' area and waited until after the last participant left and then walked up to Jack and they headed for their suite.
Ianto awoke first, which he thought odd because he knew that Jack rarely slept. He lay quietly and as he watched Jack sleeping he reflected on the revelations he had seen so far and wondered what other secrets Jack would reveal as the week went on.
This Jack was so unguarded, so different to the man that he'd thought he knew. For so long he put on airs of callousness and Ianto's propriety was counterpoint to that man. Jack offended someone, Ianto smoothed it over; Jack insulted someone, Ianto apologized and made amends. They were a team, the one-two punch. Jack was the irritant, the prickly nettle; Ianto was the balm.
To suddenly discover it was all an act...or was it?
"You think very loudly." Jack's voice was sleep-rough and his eyes were still at half mast. He lifted his hand to wrap around Ianto's neck and pull him closer.
"Go back to sleep, Ianto...it's early." Jack snuggled closer into Ianto's chest and relaxed. Ianto ran his fingers through Jack's hair and thought about the fact that this too, was a different Jack. Once awake his usual Jack would be up or at least trying to negotiate for sex. That Jack did most of his snuggling post-coitally. This Jack was content to lie in bed without any demands. This entire situation was so far outside of any of Ianto's experiences with this man that it left him completely baffled.
As he tried to figure out what to make of this Jack, he fell back to sleep. When he awoke next, Jack was awake and in a reverse of their earlier positions this time he was curled against Jack's chest.
"There you are."
"Hi...ummm, what time is it?"
"Around 7, I think..." Jack flipped open his vortex manipulator (that occasionally doubled as a watch) and glanced at it. "...yep, 7 almost exactly. I hope you don't mind I ordered breakfast for you."
"You did...umm what will I be eating?" Ianto closed his eyes and groaned at the opening he'd just left to Jack.
This Jack however, didn't go for the off color remark.
"A full Welsh, practically it's THE breakfast during Awst."
"Another go to meal?"
Ianto stretched and there was a knock on the door of the bedroom with the simple announcement of "Breakfast, sir."
Jack leaned over and kissed him.
"I'll get it." Jack got up and headed for the bedroom door as Ianto got up and headed for the ensuite.
They ate breakfast to the sound of beeping as Jack's electronic calendar filled with appointments. After about the 30th beep Ianto commented.
"I hope those aren't ALL appointments for today."
"No, some will be for today, some for later in the week, and some probably aren't appointments at all just messages. I'll check after we finish."
"You could check now, I really don't mind."
Jack shoved the last half piece of toast in to his mouth all at once...some things about this Jack were identical to that other Jack...then flipped open his vortex manipulator and pressed a couple of buttons.
"A dozen messages, six appointments before lunch, an updated schedule for this evening's announcement dinner..."
"Announcement dinner?"
"No lecture...just announcements, you know bondings, new businesses, new books, plans that kind of thing. This afternoon we have the naming ceremony for Haf. So the usual stuff, well except for the naming ceremony. We usually only have those for adults. When they come through, once they are ready to go out on their own, we have a naming ceremony. It used to be Tess would pick out their names...ninety-nine percent of the time it was Welsh. Now we let them pick their own...well, except for Haf she doesn't get to choose, Carys and Dai did that. But I can say I'm very proud they went Welsh as well, they didn't have to...none of them ever have to...it makes me feel proud."
"So we have appointments this morning, naming ceremony this afternoon and then the announcement dinner."
"No, that's MY day. You have other things planned for you."
"I do? That concerns me a bit...the fact that I know nothing about it nor did I have any input."
"You will be having audiences; there are a lot more who want to meet you."
"Alone? No, I don't think so."
"You won't be alone. Helen, Blodwen and Edwin will be with you taking point and won't let anything happen to you. I think you may find it a lot less formal without me there, so you might actually enjoy it."
"Might is the operative word there. They really were not formal with me yesterday...just with you...the bowing and stuff." Ianto grinned
"Bowing? There was bowing, I hadn't noticed." Jack shrugged in a perfect imitation of Ianto's comment the day before.
They finished breakfast, made love in the shower then dressed and sat down on the couch to work out their agendas for the day. Around 9 there was a knock at the door and the troops entered with their laptops and odd recording devices. The room service cart vanished and Blodwen came to take Ianto to his audience.***
The morning went by very quickly. Ianto was having fun (but don't tell Jack) meeting all the 'rift children' and Blodwen and Helen were keeping things moving along nicely.
Blodwen had been sitting and chatting with Mihangel Holmes. Mihangel, was a Grywk and much too different in appearance to be able to blend in and manage on his own so he lived and worked on Flat Holm Island with Helen. He wore trousers but was shirtless and shoeless; every exposed surface was covered in the same fine iridescent feathers as his folded wings.
Ianto had managed to resist the urge to ask the man if he could actually fly. Blodwen kept glancing in Ianto's direction and finally with a pat on Mihangel's arm got up and walked back to Ianto.
"No, Ianto."
"I'm sorry?"
"No Ianto, Mihangel cannot fly here. On his home world he could fly but that is a low gravity world and here he is much heavier and grounded. It still distresses him, so please do not ask him if he can fly."
"I wasn't going to ask him Blodwen... I'm sorry may I call you Blodwen or would you prefer Doctor Lloyd?"
"Blodwen will be fine, Ianto. I'm sorry I don't usually pry but you were broadcasting so very loudly I could not help but hear."
"I just find his wings fascinating and wondered what they'd look like opened."
"If that is the case, you can either ask him or you can be at the pool at 7am. After his morning swim he opens them to shower off the chlorine and then air dries them."
"I'm not sure I could ask him."
"Would you like me to ask on your behalf?"
"What? No!...please, I'll try not to stare."
While Ianto and Blodwen chatted, Helen moved to the table where Mihangel sat and starting speaking to him.
Mihangel laughed and then stood and walked over to Ianto interrupting the conversation.
"Ianto, you only had to ask."
"I'm sorry?"
"About my wings, all you need do is ask." He replied smiling.
"Mihangel, would it be possible for me...I'd love to see your wings."
Blodwen stepped quickly to Ianto's side as Mihangel's shoulders twitched for a second and wings covered in the same iridescent feathers on top but bright blue feathers underneath unfurled and opened to at least a 6 foot span on either side of the now thinner appearing man.
Ianto couldn't help but gasp slightly at the site before him and Mihangel reached out and took his hand directing it towards the ridge,
"Go ahead."
"Thank you" Ianto said as he reached out to stroke the brilliantly colored feathers.
"You are welcome. We are different to be sure, but we are all curious about each other. Every time we gain a new sibling they do the same thing. Sometimes every year and while I am too different to live outside of the Flat Holm reserve, I am proud of my species..." he leaned closer to Ianto to whisper "...truth be told, on my world I was considered plain and somewhat unattractive. So to be gazed at as you are doing is something of a pleasantry."
"I cannot imagine anyone thinking of you as plain, Mihangel."
"I go by Mickey, Ianto. Although Mamgu thought I should be named after Michael the Archangel, I feel it is a bit of a burden to have a name as grand as Mihangel."
"Thank you Mickey, I hope the next time I come to Flat Holm we can spend some time together."
"I look forward to it Ianto." 'Mickey' folded his wings and walked away.
Helen walked up with a grin and Ianto stared at her.
"You did that."
"You're one of us now. If you have questions, ask. We are all curious about each other...very few of us are of the same species. Enid's gills, Mickey's wings, Siorus' extra eye and tongue, Adras's abilities, Elain's fur, Fflur's leaves, Gethin's extra arms...these are the things that make us who we are but we are open with each other about our differences. Many of my brothers and sisters come from clan based cultures and being separated from that clan can be very difficult. So, we learn everything we can from each other, because unexplained differences can breed suspicion and distrust and we can afford neither."
"You're all in the same boat."
"Yes...fortunately it's a big boat and there's room for you. Come on, Jack will be looking for you it's nearly lunch time and Haf's naming ceremony is this afternoon."
The people in the room turned as Ianto started for the door with Helen, but without a cue he turned to the group and bowed touching his chest over his heart with his right hand.
The room was silent, for about a second then everyone began applauding and Ianto turned beet red. Helen took his arm.
"Nicely done, Ianto...they won't forget that. I think you may have just won all their hearts."
Jack was just seeing the last of his appointments off as Ianto and Helen rounded the corner to the suite. He broke into a huge grin when he saw Ianto and ushered him inside.
"I'm glad you're back... I've ordered lunch."
"The beef?"
"Oh good...let me just go freshen up." Ianto headed for the bedroom.
"Jack, do you have time for me?"
"Helen, I always have time for you, what's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong, he did very well... I think he made a lot of friends..." She reached up and kissed Jack on the cheek. "...I'll see you at the ceremony."
Helen started to walk away, Jack stared after her.
She stopped and turned "Yes?"
"The family council yesterday, it was concerns over Ianto wasn't it?"
She sighed and came back the few steps to stand close.
"Yes, it was."
"And what were the concerns? That he's Torchwood?"
"Sort of... not that he is Torchwood, but that he was Torchwood One...some are still frightened, of them...everything they stood for, they were scared Jack."
"And now?"
"Well, from everything I've seen so far...everyone loves him. You'd have to ask Bloddy for the true insights but with a few exceptions I think everyone is okay with him. Mickey unfurled and let him touch his wings."
"Wow, that's...a big step in trust for Mickey." Jack looked surprised.
"I think so too. They're warming up to him, they love you so they're willing to try... you need to be patient with them."
"Never been my strong suit, you know that."
"I know but to keep from turning them off..." she laughed "... I almost said alienating them...you need to give them some time. For many of them it's only been a matter of few days that they found out about him. They don't know him yet...not like you do."
Jack laughed this time "And they NEVER will either...not like I do." He winked at her.
She shook her head and waved at him as she turned and walked away.
"Some things never change. I don't know how he puts up with you."
Jack closed the door just as Ianto came back into the sitting room.
"How were your appointments?"
"Good... I think I MAY have managed to talk Celyn out of moving to Germany...he promised he would think about it."
"I don't think I've met him yet, have I?"
"No, you didn't yesterday and he was here this morning."
Ianto sat on the couch and stretched out his legs. Jack started to sit down next to him just as there was a knock at the door. He gracefully swerved back into a standing position and headed for the door to let Neil in with the room service cart.
"You can put it there, thanks, Neil."
Neil was efficient and polite and out of the room in a heartbeat. Ianto got up and off loaded the dishes onto the table and handing Jack a napkin, sat down.
They started to eat and the conversation mostly vanished.
As they finished Jack grew talkative.
"Helen says you're winning them over."
"I didn't realize it was a contest."
"It isn't...well it shouldn't be...but some have or had concerns."
"About me?"
"Because I'm Torchwood?"
"Well, more specifically because you were Torchwood One. They're all frightened of what One stood for more than anything else. They know that some of the same policies that One followed have been adopted by UNIT. If you aren't human and are living a life of deception you fear anything that might compromise you. They have very few options...well, no options really."
"I can understand that they have concerns."
"I don't think they need to...but you need to know that some are still going to be a little uncomfortable around you. I've done everything I can... I think it just may be up to them and you now."
Ianto nodded, then wiped his mouth.
"If they are that uncomfortable I'm not sure there's anything I can do to reassure them. I can always head back to Cardiff if you want."
"WHAT! Don't even think about it. They are just going to have to have some faith."
"Do they know about me...about what happened?"
"Well they know what happened at One and that there were only a few survivors..."
"I mean about Lisa...umm, the Cyberman."
Jack paused in transporting food into his mouth and swallowed.
"Only Bloddy and Helen know. I didn't tell anyone else."
"Why didn't I tell anyone else or why do Bloddy and Helen know?"
"Either... both."
"You want the truth?"
"I would prefer it."
"Okay, Helen knows because I thought I might have to retcon you and move you onto Flat Holm. Bloddy knows because I needed someone to talk to...honest enough for you?"
"So you would have retconned me and made me disappear?"
Jack nodded. "To Flat Holm...it was the best option any other branch of Torchwood, or even earlier at Three and you would have been executed. I couldn't do that."
"So you would have taken all those memories away?"
"All the way back to before you joined One...I think I made the right choice."
Ianto shivered and shook his head.
"Why didn't you?"
"Because I couldn't stand to be without you... you meant...a lot to me even then. I couldn't lose you... it was close."
"Do they know? About you bringing me back."
"Bloddy does... I didn't mention it to Helen. She didn't need to know."
"What did she say about it?"
"What could she say? She knows how I feel there would be no use lying to her."
Ianto shook his head, looking away from Jack's face.
"Well obviously that's not true. What is it, Ianto?"
"It's just all this time... I thought I was the one who knew you the best and it seems I didn't really know you at all. I didn't know about the awards and honors...what happened to you when Torchwood first got you...about any of this, or your secret life..."
"That's WHY it's called a secret life... I'm pretty good at keeping secrets; I've had plenty of practice."
"Not just keeping secrets either, you're pretty good at deception too."
"Of course... I was a conman at one time, part of the job requirements..." Jack laughed "...I've quite an extensive CV."
"You had me well fooled."
Ianto put his napkin down and took a sip of wine before speaking again.
"I said you had me fooled...and I was the one who knew you best. I thought you were callous, self centered, manipulative, self serving, sybaritic, elitist and almost completely amoral..."
The more Ianto spoke the more Jack frowned. By the end of Ianto's list Jack's pout was in full bloom.
"... and... none of it mattered a whit to me."
Jack's pout turned slightly for the better.
"And now that you know the truth."
"I'm disappointed..."
"I'm disappointed that I couldn't tell it was all a put on."
Ianto shook his head.
"Well I'm a pretty good actor." The cocky smirk was back.
"Yeah and I guess I'm much less perceptive than I thought I was...not such a brilliant judge of character after all."
"Well I'm a really GOOD actor."
"I thought you were going to work on that whole ego thing?"
Jack sighed and sat back in his chair.
"Ianto, I do what I have to do...what I have always done and will always do to protect them."
"And what about you, because I suspect only a tiny portion of this act is really to protect them? You keep people at arm's length or put them off...deliberately. The rest is to protect YOU."
"Maybe it is... we all have defence mechanisms. I am still human...dying thing notwithstanding. Is that so wrong?"
"I never said it was wrong. I said I misjudged you...two entirely different things."
Jack's vortex manipulator started beeping continuously and he opened the flap and glanced at it.
"What is it?"
"It's Sarian reminding us of the naming ceremony. We've still got a half hour."
"What happens at this ceremony?"
"Well the parents formally announce their choice of names and why. Then the group affirms the name and provides some blessings according to whatever their culture demands. Every occasion is marked by everyone's cultural accommodations...that is IF they can remember the formality from their culture...people like Bloddy...not so much, she wasn't actually involved in any formality before she was sold. But some like Andras and Mickey remember their culture's ceremonies. Carys as well...Dai was born on a ship in space and is only half Azarian...Carys was born on Azaris so she has some knowledge of the culture and customs. I think you'll find that most of the space born and the colonists don't have as much ingrained as those born on their species home worlds."
"What will happen here...is it like a Christening?"
"Somewhat...usually very little religion is involved. Most cultures don't 'waste' a name on a child until they feel assured that it will survive...especially on colony worlds. On my colony they didn't name children until they were 3 or 4 cycles old there was a very high mortality rate, we were a far fringe colony. There were lots of invasions and such."
"Cycles I assume are like years?"
"Yeah, one rotation of seasons...on my world was roughly equivalent to eighteen months here."
"So you weren't named until you were 3 or 4 what do parents call a child without a name?"
"You use endearments like sweetling..."
"I heard you call Enid that. So after they decided you would be around for a while what did your parents name you?"
There was a resounding rap at the door.
"A girl has to have some secrets, Ianto." Jack grinned and got up, heading for the door.
"Some?" Ianto mumbled to himself as Jack went to the door.***
Next part of Daytrips and Knighthoods II - Calan Awst.
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