Title: Once A Cheater
By: checkyourwatch
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 100
Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood.
Spoilers: Scene from Adrift.
Summary: More fun with naked hide-and-seek!***
Jack knew exactly where the teaboy was without opening his eyes. "Four, five, six..." He continued counting to humor him. "Seven, eight..." Ianto was moving. "nine...ten..." Jack smirked. "Ready or not here I come!" He opened his eyes and spun around.Jack slowly walked up the steps. He smelled the air to make sure he was on the right track. Ianto's scent was unlike any other...he could pick him out of a crowd in an instant. "You moved again!" Jack said as he walked into the greenhouse.
"You cheated!" Ianto yelled standing straight up, a fern giving him unwanted cover. "You always cheat!"
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