Title: Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk
By: minimumstitch
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Torchwood is not owned by me but is owned by the BBC and RTD and I am just enjoying playing with their characters.
Summary: Why is everything that is bad for you so good? A little drabble nearly.***
Why is it everything he loves is bad for him? Perhaps one day it will be easy for him to choose the healthy life, if heart attack sufferers can do it, why can't he? In the mean time though, he takes another drag of his cigarette and drinks deeply from the bottle of thick, gloopy, chocolate milkshake.
"Everything alright?"
He turns and looks at the man in the doorway, his most dangerous vice and knows that no matter how severe the warning, this is one vice he will never give up.
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- Amazon.com - Torchwood: Children of Earth
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- Amazon.ca link - Torchwood - The Complete First Season (7DVD)