Title: Christmas Wish
By: hobbit985
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG
Summary: A oneshot conversation that takes place between Jack and Ianto on Christmas day. Short, sweet, hopefully enjoyable!***
"I am not doing it."
"Why not? I would! Come on… please?"
"Jack Harkness you are pushing your luck."
"One little request."
"You said I could decide how we spent Christmas!"
"It's only fair to grant me one wish. Be grateful I'm not making you grant three!"
"Why are you so obsessed with them? Every year you force me to-"
"I just think you look cute in them."
"You also think I look cute in my suit and tie so why can't I just wear those instead?"
"Because it's Christmas."
"You were an only child weren't you?"
"No! What- Why do you say that?"
"Because you act like you're used to getting your own way all the time."
"That's because my charm usually turns people into my slaves."
"Well it's not working on me."
"Please Ianto?"
"Fine. But only whilst I'm cooking lunch."
"Ok. Wear this as well?"
"What is it?"
"Open it and find out."
"It had better not be anything dirty."
"Depends on your definition of dirty."
"Anything you've picked out will have some sort of euphemism behind it."
"Open it!"
"Oh… wow. I like it."
"Yeah. Well… of course… that's only if you're going to follow the instructions."
Jack raised his eyebrows and watched Ianto climb out of bed and pull the newly opened apron on. It was emblazoned with the words 'Kiss Me. I'm Welsh'. He then pushed a pair of pink deely boppers onto his head with a sigh. Jack grinned.
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