Title: Night And The City
By: karaokegal
Fandom: Torchwood
Character: Ianto Jones
Rating: PG13
Wordcount: 100
Summary: Fighting the loneliness.
Notes: Written for tw100 Challenge #162-Homeless. Thanks to strawberrytatoo for the look-over.Ianto had been hoping against hope that Jack would issue a formal invite for him to move into the Hub, but every single hint in that direction had been studiously ignored, or swatted away like an annoying insect.
So he maintained his flat, hating every moment he spent alone there, each one a reminder of how empty his life was without Lisa, while he kept up this illusion of a relationship with Jack.
Sometimes he prowled the streets for temporary solace.
He’d rather be in a strange bed, than go back to a home that was no home at all.
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