Title: Collections
By: Azulsky
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: NC-17
AN: This was a freewrite I did right before I had to write a essay on Melville. Felt like something different than that author. This was quick and barely edited.
Summary: Set sometime after Journey's End. Jack is out on a mission when the Doctor comes round for a charge...
There's a reason why he wears suspenders. It had nothing to do with how it looked, but everything to do with what he could do with them.There was this time when Jack wasn't Jack but another name; always the same man though, never could change that.
Suspenders were what saved him, been able to use them to tie down the enemy long enough to get himself and his men out of harm's way, before Jack, not Jack then, went back and finished the job.
It was part of his costume then, but he collects; he's always been a collector of traits and knowledge. Jack, who wasn't Jack then, is built by the men he was before.
As much as he wants to forget sometimes, he's glad to know that he won't forget what he needs.
Old habits build new ones.
He won't tell Gwen the real reason why he wears them when she asks, but instead says,
"They look good on me," and he winks," even better on the floor next to Ianto's tie."
- Main Torchwood slash page
- New stories page
- Jack/Ianto stories
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- Amazon.com - Torchwood: Children of Earth
- Amazon.co.uk - Torchwood - Children of Earth [DVD] [2009]
- Amazon.ca link - Torchwood - The Complete First Season (7DVD)