Title: Dinner
By: ninefics
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Jack, Suzie, Owen, and Tosh
Rating: All Ages
Warning(s): None.
Spoiler(s): None. Set pre-series.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction. I am not affiliated with the television series Torchwood, nor any of the cast and crew. No harm is intended. It's all just for fun.The first time they saw a Weevil they didn't quite know what to make of it.
"Christ," breathed Owen. "It looks like something off that television show."
"Buffy the Vampire Slayer?" Suzie murmured.
"Big Brother," Owen replied. Neither of them spoke above a whisper.
They stood as still as possible in the mouth of the alley, watching this thing tearing through bags of rubbish, sampling everything it was finding, and apparently really enjoying rotting meat, banana peels, and one heavily-soiled disposable nappy. The stench was overwhelming.
"Fuck me," Owen gagged. The sound caused it to look up, snarl, and crouch protectively over the refuse.
"We've been spotted," Suzie said into her headset. "No idea if it's going to attack or flee. Suggestions?"
Back at the Hub, Tosh entered the information that Owen and Suzie had been relaying, and Jack stood behind her chair, reading over her shoulder.
"Nothing like it in the database already," Tosh said. "What do we tell them?"
"Running might be bad. We don't know anything about it, how fast it moves, if it's alone... and we don't want it running out into the streets where it could attack anyone. Suzie! Does it look like it's about to attack you?"
"No movement from it yet, Jack. It's just sort of ... sniffing. I don't think it sees that well."
"Probably trying to decide if we're family or food," Owen added and clicked off his gun's safety.
"Take it down," Jack said. "Bring it in. Alive if it's possible and dead if it isn't." He added brightly, "Time for your first alien autopsy, Doctor Harper!"
"Lovely. You know this is exactly how I thought I'd be spending my dinner hour tonight? It's amazing how well that worked out."
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