Title: The Four Forge On
Author: silverotter
Pairing: gen
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: Err, I liked this before I saw the series two premier. Really, I did. So, don't shoot me, this was all speculation from the trailer. :-D And I hope you guys can tell who is who. Brownie points to whomever finds the 1776 reference.
Summary: Told in the style of Gregory Maguire's 'The Seven Stage A Comeback', it's what the team did after Jack left.***
1. Where has he gone, this leader of ours, vanished off, into the blue?
2. We're better off without him, that's what I say, with his flashy ways and disloyalty.
3. Who is disloyal? He'll be back, he wouldn't just leave us.
4. ...
- - -
1. I say we should search, he must have been taken, he'd never have left us intentionally.
2. Don't be stupid PC, of course he would've; disloyal, disloyal, disloyal.
3. That's what you say, but I have been watching, you're the most lost of us all. I agree we should search, I could track, run a program, no sweat.
4. ...
- - -
1. So off we go, to search and find, the man who we need, but has left us behind.
2. We don't need him at all, we'd be fine on our own, surely I'm not alone in that thought?
3. You're not alone, because the thought is not yours, you need him, admit it, I'm sick of your blather. Now load up the car, and away we go!
4. ...
- - -
1. We should search, we should find, but where should we look, for a man who's as open as a chained up book?
2. Really, what is the use, what is the point, he probably ran off with some skin.
3. I've had a tip, the Himalayas, and you, don't be callous, he's not the type, besides, he had someone here.
4. ...
- - -
1. So here we are, on the roof of the world, freezing and lost, without hide or hair of the renegade.
2. We're wasting our time, and freezing to death, come on, back to Cardiff we go!
3. You needn't have come, you could've stayed in the city, but you threw your stuff in a bag and were first on the plane.
4. ...
- - -
1. So back in fair Wales, not a single damn lead, but on we must plod with the daily routine.
2. Ha, told you, we're fine, we're running smooth as can be, and with less drama I'd like to mention.
3. Something is skewed, something is wrong, no one saw him, and people do not just vanish.
4. ...
- - -
1. We've got an alien, looks like a blowfish. Chase it down I suppose, forward on.
2. I'll grab the guns, you grab the tech, hey useless, just drive the van.
3. I've got the scanner, don't berate him you brute, or you'll find this scanner in an uncomfortable place.
4. ...
- - -
1. ...
2. ...
3. ...
4. He's back.***
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