Title: Native Guidance
By: Aeshna
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Jack Harkness, Gwen Cooper
Rating: PG
Notes: Drabble written for the tw100 "Anything Goes" challenge. This image has been in my head since Torchwood was first announced – nice to finally get it out of there!The ship was small, streamlined, every line a monument to speed and barely-contained power. The two – pilots? – were like nothing Gwen had seen before, all violet fur and chitinous plates, quatrefoil jaws clicking and shifting in quick, intricate motion. She nervously fingered her gun as Jack, his words inaudible with distance, gestured and pointed and finally patted an impressively spiked cranial ridge before stepping away from the creatures.
Gwen stared as the alien ship streaked skyward. "What... what were they?"
"Tourists." Jack snorted derisively as he strolled back towards the SUV. "Honestly, how hard is it to read a map?"
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- Amazon.ca link - Torchwood - The Complete First Season (7DVD)