Title : You Fit In My Heart
Author : Joey
Rating : PG-13
Fandom :Torchwood
Pairing/Characters : Jack/Ianto
Word Count : 124
Prompt : #4 Puzzle
Disclaimer : All parts belong to the relevant companies, I just play with them and promise to put them back when I’m done.When I met Jack, I always thought of him as a puzzle with a few pieces missing…some from upstairs if you know what I mean.
As I got to know him, I liked that analogy as a way to explain how he acted the way he did and why. I knew there were still pieces missing, but all of us in the hub fit into his puzzled mind somewhere.
It wasn’t until our first night together that I knew where I fit.
“I think of you as a puzzle,” I admitted to him.
“Oh yeah, and where do you fit?” he’d asked.
“I’m not sure.”
“I know where you fit.”
“Right here,” he’d said, taking my hand and placing it over his heart.
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