Title: Hickeys, Revealed or Otherwise
By: Kilrez
Pairings: Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Jack and Ianto have some serious subtlety issues.***
On the Wednesday, Ianto carefully didn't look at Jack all morning. Owen rolled his eyes at Gwen, who quickly had to suppress a giggle. They were being as subtle as teenagers on their first try.
The following Monday, Ianto showed up to work with a barely concealed hickey beneath his collar. No one commented. Especially not Jack, which everyone else noticed. Ianto didn't seem inclined to talk about it. Nothing else of interest was to be noted.
That Thursday, Ianto, Tosh, Gwen and Owen went out for drinks, having been told to get out of the hub or Jack would shoot them all. They got the idea that perhaps he was getting a bit concerned over their mental stability. After all, no one had had a day off in over a month now. The break was welcome. Problem was, no one had friends on call on such short notice anymore. So they all went to the pub together. It beat drinking alone.
'You're going t'have to start wearing turtle-necks, Yan,' stated Owen, slightly drunkenly. He gave his best attempt at a meaningful look.
Ianto, almost entirely sober, raised an eyebrow. 'Why would that be?' he asked coolly.
'B'cause no one wants t'know 'bout your sad little trysts with Jack,' Owen declared.
Tosh giggled. Gwen glared at her on Ianto's behalf, and she blushed and took a sip of her drink. 'I think it's sweet,' said Gwen firmly.
Ianto rolled his eyes at this comment. Calmly taking a long drink, he put his glass down and focused steadily on Owen. 'In case you're wondering Owen… ten inches.'
Owen buried his head in his hands with a loud groan, nearly knocking over Tosh's drink. Smiling wolfishly, Ianto knocked back the rest of his beer and sauntered out, to the resounding sound of Owen being laughed at by his female colleagues.
The End
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