Title: Hiding the Pain
By: Mrs_Ianto_Jones
Pairing: gen
Rating: PG
A/N: I can't seem to get away from a hurting Ianto. I think it's a mothering instinct.
Summary: After the events in 'Countrycide', Ianto refuses medical help and goes home. Not his greatest idea.


Ianto waved at Tosh as she drove away. The look of concern on her face tore at his heart. She hadn't been happy to leave him, but he'd insisted. Jack had also tried to make him stay at the hub so that he could keep an eye on him. Ianto had carefully brushed his concerns off, telling Jack that he would be fine. Owen was harder to brush off. Doctor Harper was a complete and utter prick, but he was a damn good doctor. Ianto's injuries obviously needed treating, but in his stubbornness wouldn't allow Owen near him. All he wanted to do was to get home to his own bed and his own thoughts. Gwen and Tosh had both wanted to stay with him but he'd persuaded them they would be okay on his own. As he pushed his key into the lock, Ianto realised that he really was alone. Again. It was something he was very used to and could cope with. It was his usual position. Normally though, he wasn't bruised and bloodied from severe beatings. The cannibals in the country had successfully managed to add a few more nightmares to his already full night terrors. Ianto very much doubted he would sleep tonight, or any time soon.

Every muscle in his body screamed in protest at every slight movement. He'd never have thought that making a cup of tea would be so painful. Simply lifting the kettle caused his shoulders to throb. The pain came from Ianto having had his hands viciously cuffed behind him. His ribs were also sore from where he'd been kicked, though he doubted they were broken. After drinking his tea, Ianto went to the bathroom to inspect his other injuries. Removing his clothes took some time and effort. The pain almost threatened to overwhelm him. Looking in the mirror was quite shocking. Ianto's forehead was a mess. It was bruised from when he had head-butted the murderous ringleader. More bruising overlaid this and a there was a small cut from where that bitch had brought the rifle butt down on him. The corners of his mouth were red and sore from the filthy gag. Ianto winced and drew a sharp breath as he gingerly touched the huge, purple bruise covering his stomach.

He turned away from the mirror and carefully stepped into the shower. As the warm water cascaded over his body, Ianto felt a little of the pain easing but knew he couldn't stay there all night. He waited for the water to run cold before getting out of the shower and heading to his bed. Lying on his bed was agony as everything throbbed. Ianto lay very still, willing the pain to subside. It soon abated enough for him to fall into a restless sleep. He hovered near the edge of wakefulness for a couple of hours. Ianto managed, at last, to slip into a deeper sleep but was jolted awake by a nightmare of a man eating him alive from the feet up. Giving up on sleep, Ianto got up and got dressed. He put on a long sleeved t-shirt, cargo-pants and boots. Ianto decided that sleep was no longer an option and he didn't feel like watching the t.v. or reading. He glanced at the clock and saw that it was 3:30am. It was probably not the best time to go for a walk but Ianto went anyway. His head was becoming increasingly fuzzy. He briefly wondered if, maybe, he was concussed but dismissed the thought. A walk in the cool night air would soon clear things. Ianto grabbed his jacket and left the house.

There was a cold breeze blowing, which did nothing to help the pain from the bruising on Ianto's face. He walked for about ten minutes, becoming increasingly dizzy. The pain from the back of his shoulders and his ribs was now excruciating. Ianto was beginning to regret not allowing Owen to check him over. Going out for a walk was probably not the brightest idea either. His dizziness suddenly escalated and before he could stop it, Ianto found himself lying on the freezing cold pavement. He tried to push himself back up, but this sent fresh waves of pain through his body and he slumped back down.
"Had one too many have we, Sir?"
Ianto looked up to see a police officer standing over him.
"Attacked." It was all he could manage, he could feel unconsciousness creeping up on him. The officer's demeanour immediately changed.
"Could you get to the hospital with my help?" He asked. "It's just around the corner."
Ianto nodded and tried not to scream out as he was helped to his feet.

With the officer's aid, Ianto got to the hospital. It had been difficult going, but they'd got there in the end. At reception, the PC explained how he'd found Ianto. Ianto himself gave his name and address. He also offered them Owen's phone number, explaining that he was his personal physician. It was then Ianto's strength left him. His mind seemed to cloud over, his knees buckled from beneath him and he went down heavily. Blessed oblivion came to him. Within seconds, orderlies appeared with a gurney and quickly lifted the unconscious man onto it.

* * * * * * * * *

Jack Harkness sat in his office staring at the same file he's been looking at for over two hours. Normal people would be asleep, but Jack was not a normal person. He very rarely slept and even if he did, he would probably still be awake tonight. The events of the last couple of days swam around his head. The death and carnage had been horrific but the worst part of it was the fact humans perpetrated it all. Owen, Tosh and himself had gotten away without injury. Gwen had been peppered with buckshot, which had been successfully treated by Owen. Ianto was the one he was worried about. He'd endured so much violence against him. Jack was certain Ianto needed medical attention but he wouldn't take any. He could be very stubborn at times. He was dragged from his reverie by an alert coming from his computer. Jack looked at the screen and saw a dialogue had appeared, in which was written;


The hub's computer systems had been programmed to alert the team if any of them registered on any official computer systems. The alerts sounded occasionally but they usually turned out to be someone with the same name as one of them. Jack clicked on the details button. This time it wasn't someone else. This time it was Torchwood's own Ianto Jones. Jack was out of his chair and had his coat on before he knew it.

* * * * * * * * *

Jack screeched into the hospital car park, not really caring where he came to a stop. Even at this hour there were yobs hanging about, who started eyeing up the SUV instantly. Jack, almost casually, pulled his coat back and let them see his Webley sitting snugly in its holster. Their interest in the vehicle mysteriously disappeared. Once that minor inconvenience was dealt with, Jack ran into hospital. He skidded to a halt in front of the reception desk.
"I'm looking for Ianto Jones."
The receptionist looked up at Jack. She gave him a look of disdain and bored disinterest.
"Are you a relative, Sir?" She asked, sounding as bored as she looked.
"No." Jack replied. "But, I am next of kin."
Torchwood team members automatically gained two of the others as next of kin. If anything happened, Torchwood would know before their own families. Jack flashed his proof of identity at the receptionist. She stood up with a sigh of annoyance.
"I'll see if he is able to accept visitors."

While she went to check on Ianto, Jack was approached by the police officer who'd brought him in. He explained to Jack the events that brought them here. He then asked if Jack could shed any light on Mr. Jones' injuries. Jack had no interest in dealing with the local plod, so he showed the officer his Torchwood I.D. It meant nothing to the constable and so he radioed his station. He wasn't at all happy when he was told by his superiors to drop any inquiries. He left Jack and the hospital to resume his street patrol.
"Mr Jones is in room 3, down the corridor, 3rd door on the left."
Jack hadn't even noticed the receptionist had returned.
"Thank you." He told her and treated her to a dashing grin. She almost smiled back.

Jack got to Ianto's room so quickly, it was almost as though he'd teleported. He slowly pushed the door open, afraid of what he'd find. It was nowhere near as bad as he'd expected. Ianto lay in a sitting position, the only indication of treatment was the drip in his arm. It probably contained morphine, Jack reasoned. He pulled a chair up to the bedside and sat down. Ianto seemed to be sleeping but his eyes flickered open when Jack told hold of his hand. He smiled somewhat groggily at his commander.
"Hi Jack." He murmured.
Jack felt the tightness in his chest dissipate.
"Ianto Jones, what are you playing at?"
It had been said playfully and Jack didn't expect the response it got. Ianto started to cry.
"This is what I didn't want." He said through sobs. "I knew I would break down eventually. I usually wait until I'm alone. I hate coming across as whiny."
"What do you mean by ‘Usually'?"
Ianto ignored the question, choosing instead to bring his emotions under control.

A few moments later, Ianto had composed himself and was wearing his carefully constructed mask of indifference. The only evidence to the contrary was a slight redness around the eyes. Jack asked him, gently, why he had refused anyone's help.
"I look after you lot." Was the young Welshman's reply. "I'm the one who ‘clears up after you and gets you everywhere on time. Who would do it if I was sick or injured?"
"We would cope, Yan."
Jack wasn't completely surprised by Ianto's words. He knew the other man took pride in being able to perform his job beyond an excellent standard. The captain also knew he rarely showed emotions or weaknesses
"I needed to be on my own." Ianto continued. "I hadn't realised how badly hurt I was. In hindsight, I've been a bit of an idiot. I should have let Owen see to me."
Jack smiled.
"He's gonna go spare when he finds out you're here."
"I already know."

Jack turned and saw Torchwood's resident medic entering the room. He had Ianto's treatment file in his hands.
I was in the middle of something fun." He told them. "I got a call from a nurse looking for Mr. Ianto Jones' personal physician. Bit of a superiority complex there."
"What's the damage?" asked Jack.
"Nothing too major." Owen replied, glancing at the notes. "Two cracked ribs, severe muscle strain across the shoulders, massive bruising and a concussion."
He looked straight at Ianto and adopted his professional guise.
"Your injuries are not life-threatening, you can be discharged. However, you need someone with you for the next 48 hours, so you're going to the hub with Jack."
He looked to Jack to check that it was okay with him. The captain nodded without hesitation.
"Okay Ianto, get dressed and get going. You can pick up the medications I've prescribed, from reception. The instruction are included Jack. I'm going back to what I was doing. Call me if anything happens."

Owen left the room and moments later a nurse came in to remove Ianto's drip. When she finished, Jack helped Ianto to dress. Holding on to the younger man, Jack guided Ianto to reception for the medication, then to the SUV. It seemed to take forever. Jack was amused to see that the vehicle hadn't been touched even though the yobs were still around. After making sure Ianto was comfortable in the passenger seat, he climbed into the drivers seat and switched on the engine.
"New Torchwood policy." He announced suddenly. "All injuries, however minor, must be checked out by Owen before the injured party goes home."
Ianto gave him a weak smile.
"One more thing." Jack went on. "next time you need alone time, please tell me why. I respect your privacy Ianto, but I need to know you're okay. Can you do that for me?"
Ianto mentally weighed up the pros and cons of opening up to Jack. It didn't take long.
"Yes Jack, I can do that."
"Good." Jack pushed sown the accelerator and took his errant colleague back to the hub.

