Title: Hypocrisy
By: natn
Pairing: gen
Characters: Ianto, Gwen, team
Rating: G
Warning: Character bashing (Gwen)
Spoilers: Episode 2x04-Meat
Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood, or any of the characters or situations from the show, nor do I derive any profit from this writing.
A/N: The first line of dialogue is taken from the episode. The story takes a different turn from there.
Summary: Set during Episode 2x04-Meat. Gwen yells, Ianto turns the tables on her.
As the alarms went off, everyone turned as Gwen stormed in and immediately started ranting "I not doing it, I won't drug him".
A snort of disgust had everyone turning to look at Ianto, who quirked an eyebrow in response.
"Is there something you'd like to say?" Gwen demanded defensively.
"I was just thinking," Ianto began, clearly choosing his words carefully, "that it's interesting that you have such strong objections to the idea of retconning Rhys in order to protect the cover of our very top secret organization, yet you seemed to have no such problem when it came to retconning Rhys in order to protect the secret of your affair with Owen".
Ianto had made this statement as calmly as if he had been commenting on the weather, so it took a moment for his words to sink in. As they did, all eyes turned to Gwen in shock. Gwen paled dramatically, before flushing a deep red and stammering incoherently. This was apparently all the confirmation Ianto needed to continue.
"After Suzie, I felt it prudent to keep a closer watch on the stores of retcon. When some retcon was taken without authorization, I looked into it. It didn't take much detective work to figure out what had happened" Ianto explained to the room at large.
He then turned to address Gwen directly. "As it appeared to be just a one-off, I chose to give you the benefit of the doubt, and never mentioned it."
"Until now" Gwen said tremulously.
"Yes, well" Ianto shrugged. "Hypocrisy is my pet peeve. Well, that, and people who don't wash their hands after using the bathroom".
With that final comment, Ianto tipped his head to the others before turning on his heel and striding out of the room, seemingly oblivious to the eyes that were glued to his retreating back, and the stunned silence he left in his wake.
Jack, Tosh and Owen continued to stare after Ianto before turning back to Gwen.
Ianto was well out of earshot before they overcome the shock of the confrontation and the yelling began anew.
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