Title: I Love You
Author: emeraldsage85
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't make any money from this. Torchwood belongs to RTD and the BBC.
Summary: Jack can't say it when Ianto's awake. A few tiny spoilers for Hiddenincluded.
After visiting with Ianto for a bit, Jack sent Tosh, Owen and Gwen home to get some rest. It had been an exhausting day for all three of them trying to piece together the puzzle that Jack had given them while he was locked up at the Cardiff police station. He would stay with Ianto at the hospital.
"You know you really scared me for a bit," he said.
"You said that earlier," Ianto mumbled.
Jack reached out and grasped Ianto's hand.
"It was more than that. When Owen said they had to airlift you I was terrified. I thought I was going to lose you."
"You'll have to lose me some day," Ianto murmured.
"I know," Jack said softly. "And I can't stand to think about it."
Ianto squeezed Jack's hand and then brought it to his lips, brushing them over the roughness of the knuckles.
"I know. But some day you'll have to live without me. When that day comes, can you do one thing for me please?"
"Anything," Jack promised.
"Remember the good times and try not to let the bad ones weigh you down."
Jack couldn't look at Ianto's face. He knew that if he did he was going to get emotional and Jack Harkness didn't do emotional very well.
Ianto sensed this and said, "Don't dwell on it cariad. Just enjoy what we have together now."
Jack blinked a few times and managed a watery smile.
"Ianto, I.... I ...."
He dropped Ianto's hand and turned away, muttering, "Dammit."
"It's okay Jack. You don't have to say anything," Ianto soothed.
Jack took a deep breath.
"I'm sorry," he said.
Ianto shook his head.
"It's okay."
He changed the subject, hoping to distract Jack from whatever demons were plaguing him this time.
"Did Owen say when I'd be getting out of here? I hate hospitals."
"One more day," Jack said.
"Good. I can't wait to go back to my flat and my own bed."
"Am I invited?" Jack asked with a wink.
"You are but I don't know how much shagging we'll be doing," Ianto said with an exaggerated eye roll for Jack's benefit.
Jack leaned over and kissed his forehead.
"Get some sleep Ianto," he said.
"Promise you'll stay?"
"Of course."
Ianto settled back into his pillow and closed his eyes. A few moments later his breathing became deep and even and Jack knew he was sleep.
He touched Ianto's cheek gently and whispered the one thing he knew he'd never be able to say while Ianto was awake.
"I love you."***
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