Title: In This Time, Here & Now
By: cameragirl
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG
Summary: Ianto tries to avoid mentioning St. Dwynwen's Day to Jack, pure fluff.***
"Shwmai." Gwen walked into the front office of Torchwood and was greeted by Ianto. He had a huge smile on his face, as he usually did whenever they spoke Welsh to one another. "Are you excited for today? Rhys and I have the entire night planned just for St. Dwynwen." Gwen said eagerly.
She continued on for a few minutes, talking about their dinner that night. "What are you and Jack doing?" She asked cautiously. The whole team knew they were together, but they weren't sure how serious the relationship was.
"Oh. Um nothing." Ianto looked surprised and shook his head quickly.
"Why not?" Gwen looked at him curiously. He had answered the question too quickly, it seemed Ianto wasn't telling her something.
"Well you know its Jack." Ianto shrugged and tried to busy himself as the computer. He pressed the button to open the secret door, hoping Gwen would just continue down to the hub.
"Come on Ianto. You're not getting away that easy." Gwen smirked and leaned over his desk.
"Jack doesn't know what today is, he's not Welsh. He's American. They celebrate a random day in February." Ianto shrugged again, trying to act as if it wasn't a big deal. It wasn't really. He's dated people who haven't celebrated it before; it was just a special day.
"It's still a day to celebrate." Gwen pointed out.
"Uh…Jack and I just decided that we would wait." Ianto gave Gwen such a poker face that she couldn't tell if he was lying.
"Oh ok." She grinned suspiciously right back and went down to the hub to find Jack.
"So, what do you have planned tonight?" She asked him casually.
"Sorry Gwen, not really appreciating the approach." Jack raised his eyebrow and gave her a questioning look.
"I meant you and Ianto." She said dryly.
"Since when are you so interested in that?" Jack leaned forward, intrigued by her curiosity.
"Just because it's St. Dwynwen's day. You seemed like a hopeless romantic so I thought you'd have had something planned." She shrugged and turned around to leave the office but was stopped by Jack.
"Wait a second, St. whats day?"
"Well it's a bit like the Welsh equivalent of Valentine's Day. Since Ianto obviously knew I thought you two would have something planned but he did say you had agreed to just celebrate Valentine's Day." Gwen shrugged and sat down in the chair n front of his desk.
"So, it's valentine's day with an accent?" Jack asked.
"A bit more romantic I think." Gwen shrugged.
"I think that's where the accent comes in..." Jack said thoughtfully. "Ianto said we agreed not to celebrate it?" Jack repeated and thought for a few moments.
"Something about you being American. Please say you'll plan something for me. You know he'll enjoy it." Gwen pleaded and Jack gave a wicked smile. Although he didn't do much planning due to the fact that he and the team were out in the field chasing the weevil outbreak. He couldn't help giving Ianto a secret smile when they walked back into Torchwood. Ianto smiled back but was obviously confused by Jack's grin.
By 9 p.m., Gwen was late for her date, there were 9 more weevils in the cells, and Tosh and Owen had left for a drink.
"Longest day ever, right Ianto?" Jack touched his head piece. Ianto had had to sedate all the weevils before they went into the cells. Usually someone would have helped him but they had to leave right away to follow another weevil call. The weevils had been putting up nasty fights ever since they'd started becoming immune to the spray. After everyone left, Jack took Ianto to his office to clean the cuts and scratches.
"Almost time to go home sir?" Ianto asked sleepily.
"Why don't we stay here tonight?" Jack suggested and laughed lightly, knowing that Ianto had fallen asleep at his desk earlier.
"Mmk." Ianto got up from his place on Jack's desk and started trying to find his way to the door. Jack shook his head and laughed. There's no way Ianto would find his way down to Jack's room like that.
He followed Ianto and put one arm behind his knees and the other behind his back to scoop Ianto into his arms.
"Oh, hello sir." Ianto gave a light laugh and snuggled himself against Jack's chest as Jack took him down to his quarters.
"Hey…" Jack put Ianto on the bed and kissed him. While Jack went to change, Ianto's eyes opened and the room was filled with dim, glowing lights that didn't seem to be connected to anything. The lights surrounded the table in front of him, which was covered in an actual table cloth and filled with what looked like cold takeaways
"You're lucky I even got that. No one wanted to go get it so we actually had to order delivery. I waited upstairs too. You were asleep at your desk." Jack told him while cleaning up the food, receiving a blush from the Welshman.
"What's the occasion sir?" Ianto asked curiously and put on his pajama trousers.
"Oh, I think you know the occasion Ianto." Ianto could feel a blush rising up his neck again. "But you told Gwen you didn't tell me because I was American. Than you said we had agreed to wait and celebrate Valentine's Day. Both not very good." Ianto felt himself hot with shame; he knew he should have just told Jack. He opened his mouth to apologize but Jack's mouth met his own before he had the chance.
"Next time just tell me, I'm your boyfriend, something I don't often admit to. I could always be your boss and order you to tell me." Jack mused and kissed Ianto.
"So, Ianto Jones, what are you thinking?" He grinned and Ianto smiled back. "Dwi'n dy garu di" Ianto said softly.
Jack took a moment and sat down on the bed next to Ianto "…I'm guessing that's not just a standard 'hello, happy st. whatsherface's day'." Jack whispered in Ianto's ear. Ianto nodded and didn't look Jack in the eyes. The main reason he hadn't told Jack about St. Dwynwens. He loved Jack. It was as simple as love.
"In that case, I'm in love with you Ianto. Right here and right now." Jack lifted Ianto's chin so they looked into each other's eyes. They kissed again. "For this very moment, in this time. I'm yours Ianto Jones."
For this moment very moment Jack thought as he lifted up the covers so they both could go under them. The moment that I'm with Ianto I can truly be with him. This had better last. I had better remember this for years to come were Jack's last thoughts as he drifted to sleep with Ianto in his arms.
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