Title: The Correct Way to Kill
By: Aeshna
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Jack Harkness
Rating: PG
Notes: Drabble written for the tw100 "Reverse Fandom Avengers" challenge. Small spoiler for TW 1.07, Greeks Bearing Gifts.He'd told Tosh that he never talked to himself when he was about to murder someone. Not in the street, at least.
In truth, he tried not to speak to anyone while tracking a target. There was an odd intimacy between predator and prey, even when – as was ideal – one party was quite unaware of it, a bond that deserved respect for what it was. As the fatal moment drew close, as anticipation grew keen, speech became a distraction, a profanity upon the sacrificial altar. Sometimes there were no words to say.
Not to his victim.
And never to himself.
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