Previous part of Returning To London.
Owen stopped in his tracks. "What do you want Gwen? I really would like to get back and see how Ianto is doing." He said more harshly than he intended but he was so tired.
Gwen looked at him. Properly looked at him and saw how tired he was. The medic looked like he was going to fall over. She hesitated, thinking back over the events of the last twelve hours or so. "Maybe I was wrong about this."
"Gwen?" Owen said bringing her back to the here and now.
"Are you...are you ok?" She managed to get out.
Owen was shocked by the question - he hadn't been expecting that. "Umm bit tired. What with everything that's been going on recently. Gwen why did you say those things about Ianto? You know as well as I do he would never have approached that weevil unarmed if there had been another, safer way to do it. Don't you?" He spoke softly.
Gwen sighed. "Yes I do and I'm sorry for what I said. I don't know why I said them; there's no excuse. While you were up with Jack I've had time to think about it."
"Think about what Gwen?" Owen wanted to know.
"About why he would do that for someone he didn't know." Before Owen interrupted she continued. "Yes I know we do it all the time - protect, save people - but we are armed when we do. Why would he knowingly go into that situation unarmed? He could've been killed." The last bit said so quietly Owen almost missed it.
Owen spoke softly. "Because that's Ianto. Putting others safety before his own. Now if there is nothing else I really need to get back to him."
"No nothing else." Gwen walked away deep in thought. As she got to her desk Jack came over to her. "Go home Gwen. Go show Rhys what you look like. The report can wait till morning."
Startled Gwen asked. "Are you sure?"
"Yep perfectly. We've all had a busy day. You need to think over what you said today. I can't have someone on the team who thinks that little of another team member. Come back in tomorrow and we will talk about it. For now go home to Rhys."
Gwen didn't know what to say so just nodded her head then picking up her bag and coat walked to the cog door and as she got to it she turned. "I hope he's going to be ok."
As he approached the stairs to the med bay Owen slowed down. He was afraid of what he might find. He was sure nothing had changed, as Tosh hadn't called him. He wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad one. He couldn't help but be concerned that the longer Ianto remained locked into wherever he was the harder it would be to get him back to them. He didn't know what else he could try - but try he would. "Alright Tosh. How's he been? Any change?"
Tosh looked up tiredly. "No no change. I talked to him, reminding him of happy times, I even reminded him of when we went and did karaoke. But nothing - it's he's just shut down." She choked back a sob as she got up from the stool. Owen checked the monitors, and as Tosh had said, nothing had changed. Owen gave her a tired smile. "Ok thanks for sitting with him. I'll take over now. If you ask Jack nicely I expect he 'll let you go home."
Tosh squeezed Owens arm gently in support then leaning down whispered in Ianto's ear. "Come back to us. We need you. Especially Owen." She then left to find Jack.
Owen was once more left alone with Ianto. He picked up Ianto's hand again and began talking to him. Like Tosh he was recalling happier times and events, trying anything to pull Ianto back. "Remember when we went to the Pleasure Park at Barry Island chasing that alien, you stayed at the bottom ready to catch it while we followed it onto the rollercoaster. We ended up feeling a little sick from being spun around and upside down. You were laughing so much when we got off you had tears streaming down your face." He chuckled softly to himself remembering it. "It was so good to hear you laugh, you don't do it often enough. I want to make you laugh like that." He didn't know how long he sat there talking quietly before he felt a tiny grip in his hand that startled him. He leant over Ianto to look in his eyes, still talking to him. Ianto was blinking his eyes rapidly and Owen could see they were becoming more focused on his surroundings. "That's it Ianto come back to me. Listen to my voice, try and focus on me. Can you do that for me? Please?" Owen's voice cracked.
"Owen?" What...what happened?" Ianto's voice was barely audible.
"Oh. Thank God." Owen murmured placing a hand to Ianto's cheek and stroking it gently. "I didn't think you were ever going to come out of it. You had me so scared." He didn't realise he was crying until he felt Ianto's fingers brushing the tears away.
"I'm sorry I scared you. I could hear you and Tosh talking to me but couldn't do or say anything. I think my mind was still processing what happened. What did happen - it's still a bit hazy?" Ianto murmured.
Owen took a deep breath. "You got attacked by a weevil in the park, trying to keep it away from a little girl. I should be angry with you for going after it virtually unarmed, but I am too relieved right now to be angry." He then leant in to place a soft kiss on Ianto's lips. As he began to pull away Ianto wrapped his hand around the back of his neck to keep him in place and kiss him again.
Several minutes later the need for oxygen made them pull apart. "I should go tell Jack that you're back with us." Owen said breathlessly, but not bothering to move. "And I still need to check you over properly."
"Mmm." Was the only response he got from Ianto who still wasn't letting him go.
"Ianto the quicker I get this done and talk to Jack the quicker I can get you out of here." Reasoned Owen.
With that Ianto let him go. "Alright."
Owen touched the comm unit in his ear. "Jack Ianto's come out of the shock he was in. Yeah. Ok. I'm just going to check him over then take him home." He touched the unit again to switch it off.
Fifteen minutes later and Owen was helping Ianto up the stairs of the med bay. As they got to the top Jack came out of his office and walked down to them. "How are you feeling Ianto?"
"Heads still a bit fuzzy and the stitches are beginning to hurt and itch. Other than that I feel like I've been attacked by a pack of weevils not just one." He replied dryly.
"Ok see you haven't lost your sense of humour." Grinned Jack. "Are you staying with him Owen?"
"Like I'd leave him on his own. He still needs monitoring and the painkillers I gave him were the strong ones. So yes Jack I will be staying with him." Owen retorted.
"Ok. Don't hurry in in the morning. If anything comes up I will call the girls first." Jack said before turning back to his office to text Tosh and Gwen to let them know Ianto had woken up and would be ok.
Owen put his arm around Ianto's waist to support him. "Right then let's get you home and into bed." He smirked.
"Thought you'd never ask." Ianto smiled back.
Owen had driven back to Ianto's very carefully mindful of the fact that Ianto was bruised and likely to be in pain, even with the strong painkillers he'd given him. Owen was definately not leaving Ianto on his own tonight and possible not until the wounds had healed. He was still trying to get his head around the fact that if Jack hadn't got to the weevil Ianto could very well be dead. He shook his head to get rid of that thought. Lucky for him Ianto had his eyes closed so didn't see the action.
Once at Ianto's he helped him from the car and as before put his arm around his waist to support and help him up to his flat. Owen already had the keys to Ianto's flat in his hand so it was just a question of unlocking and manoevring Ianto to his bedroom.
Ianto grinned at Owen. "You really did mean what you said about getting me into bed. Didn't you?"
"Yep this is the only place you are going to be in for a while - well here and the bathroom." Owen grinned back at him.
He settled Ianto on the edge of the bed while he switched the bedside lamp on. He then went to the chest of drawers. "Right which drawer do you keep your pj's in?"
"Who says I actually own pj's." Ianto said coyly.
Owen turned to stare at him shaking the mental image of a naked Ianto from his head. "Ok what have you got that's suitable for wearing to bed while I'm here?"
Ianto smirked. "Top drawer. There should be a pair of pyjama bottoms in there along with a t-shirt. Is that suitable enough for you?"
"You are making it extremely difficult for me to behave." Owen glared at him. Turning back to the chest he retrieved the articles of clothing then walked back to Ianto. "Would you like help getting into these or can you manage?"
"I can manage and if I can't I'll shout for you." Ianto said taking the clothes from Owen.
Owen left the bedroom to get himself a drink while Ianto changed. While in the kitchen he took a moment to gather himself together. He couldn't fall apart because Ianto needed him. It was going to be a tough night. Owen knew that at some point - with everything that had happened - Ianto would have a nightmare. Just as he finished making a coffee Ianto called for him. As he entered the bedroom Ianto looked up tears of frustrastion in his eyes. "I can't get the t-shirt over my head."
Owen took one look at him walked across the room to bend down in front of him and gently wiped the tears away. "You don't need to wear it if you don't want to. In fact it might be better if you don't, that way it won't catch on the stitches. How are they feeling by the way?" He asked quietly.
"Sore. They are pulling a bit and they itch like mad. How many have I got?" He asked throwing the shirt on the floor.
Owen was gently prodding them. "A hundred and fifty or so. Right stand up so I can get to the duvet."
Ianto stood and waited while Owen pulled the duvet down then lowered himself back down and waited for Owen to pull it back over him. Ianto winced as it brushed against his wounds. Owen pulled it down so that it wasn't covering them. "Have you got a sheet or something in case you get cold?"
Ianto was yawning and finding it difficult to stay awake. "Yeah bottom of the wardrobe." Owen retrieved one then pulled the duvet down so he could place the sheet underneath before replacing the duvet over the bottom half of Ianto. He sat next to Ianto stroking his hand through his hair and spoke softly. "Go to sleep Yan I'll be here if you need me."
Ianto let out another sleepy yawn and closing his eyes whispered. "Hold me while I sleep Owen. Please."
Owen pulled Ianto to him so that his back was against his chest. He placed a kiss to Ianto's forehead. "Always." He was mindful of Ianto's injuries so he wrapped one arm around his shoulder so that it was resting on his right one, his other hand he rested on his left hip. Ianto turned his head up to face Owen who leant down and kissed him gently. Ianto opened his mouth to allow Owen's tongue to explore with his own. Both of them knew it wasn't going to lead anywhere and they were both happy with that. Several minutes later Owen broke the kiss. "You need to sleep. I'm not going anywhere. I'll hold you all night long."
"Thanks Owen." Ianto closed his eyes letting the drugs and sleep claim him.
Owen held Ianto for a long time just watching him sleep, but it wasn't long before sleep claimed him too.
Ianto woke with a start and immediately yelped in pain, which in turn woke Owen. "Shit Owen I'm sorry."
S'alright." Came the sleepy reply. "You ok?"
Ianto tried to move but found everytime he did it hurt.
"Honest would be good." Owen said sitting up.
"Feel like crap and these stitches hurt. Got anymore of the good stuff?" He replied trying not to move.
Owen gently moved Ianto off of him so that he was lying down. "In a bit. I'm just going to check them then I'll get you some water and the pills. What woke you up? Nightmare?
"Yeah." Ianto winced as Owen prodded a bruise
"Sorry." He murmured. "Want to talk about it?"
"It was the same as the others - Cybermen, Lisa, Canary Wharf - but also thrown in was the weevil from earlier. Just one more thing to keep me awake." He grumbled.
"Hey nothing is going to hurt you here. They're just dreams." Owen tried to reassure him.
"Kiss me Owen. Make me feel better." Ianto demanded wrapping his hand around Owen's neck and tugging him down. Owen was only to happy to oblige and they spent some time just kissing each other.
When Ianto had taken the pills they settled down in the same positions as before as this seemed to be the most comfortable for Ianto. Ianto picked up Owen's hand that was resting on his hip and entwined it with his own before bringing it to his lips to kiss it, then replaced them back on his hip.
Owen could feel Ianto falling asleep again as his breathing evened out he turned his head and brushed a kiss to Ianto's hair and quietly whispered. "I love you." into it. He then lay there, just watching Ianto sleep.
Tosh arrived at work a liitle before eight carrying three coffees from Costa. She placed one on Gwen's desk then headed up to Jack who was on the phone in his office. She knocked and entered when he beckoned her in. "Ok. No you stay with him; I don't want either of you in until you are sure he's alright to be left on his own. Yeah I'll call if we can't handle something, but I'm sure we can manage between the three of us. Give him our love and ring me later, let me know how he is. Yep. Bye."
"Owen?" Tosh inquired.
"Yes. Just letting me know how Ianto is." Jack responded taking a sip of coffee.
"And?" Tosh asked.
"He had a rough night. Between the stitches, the bruising and the nightmares I don't think either of them got much sleep by all accounts." Sighed Jack. "I've told Owen to stay with Ianto and will only call if absolutely necessary."
"Right ok." Tosh paused, "So what are you going to do about Gwen?"
Jack raised his eyebrows at her.
"I heard what she said at the park about Ianto and I know more was said here. I couldn't hear what, just raised voices while I was sitting with Ianto. I guessed it was to do with her comment." Explained Tosh.
"Yes it was and to be honest I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I just can't believe she would think that about Ianto - well anybody really - without knowing all the facts first." Jack sighed as he ran a hand down his face. As he picked up his coffee the door alarm went.
Tosh stood up. "That'll be Gwen. Shall I send her up?"
Jack finished his coffee first. "Please. I'm not looking forward to this, but the sooner it's dealt with the better. Thanks for the coffee."
Tosh left Jack sitting there as she went down to her desk. "Morning Gwen. There's a coffee on your desk. Oh and Jack wants to see you."
Gwen picked up her coffee. "Thanks Tosh. Better get this over with." She muttered to herself. She was not looking forward to this one bit. She walked straight into the office without knocking and sat in the chair opposite Jack. Jack didn't look up from the paperwork he was signing. Gwen waited a few minutes feeling decidedly uncomfortable. "Look Ja..."
"Let me just finish these then we'll talk." He interrupted while still writing. Several minutes later he put the pen down with a flourish. "Done. Now Ianto can't moan at me. Well not until the next lot builds up." Laughed Jack. "How was your evening?"
"Uh. Good thanks. How's Ianto this morning? Have you heard?" Gwen asked sincerely.
"According to Owen he had a rough night." Jack told her.
"Owen?" Gwen said.
"Yes. He stayed with Ianto after he took him home." He replied.
"Why when they don't get on?" Retorted Gwen.
Jack sighed "Regardless whether they get on or not Owen is a doctor first and foremost and as such wouldn't leave a patient with those kind of injuries on their own. So yes Owen stayed the night at Ianto's looking after him. Have you got a problem with that Gwen?" He snapped.
Gwen looked suitably chastised. "No. Look Jack I'm sorry for what I said yesterday. It's just you've always told us not to go after anything unarmed unless we know back up is on the way. Ianto did precisley that and look how it turned out. He could've been killed not just injured."
"So what you would've just stood back and let that weevil attack someone?" He asked.
"Well no. But I wouldn't have gone after it with just a police baton." She exclaimed.
"Look neither of us know why Ianto did what he did until he tells us. So lets put the theories of that aside for the time being. I'm more concerned with your attitude towards him at the moment. You upset him by badgering him about Owen staying the night, you made snide comments when you thought no-one could hear you - Tosh heard - and then you accuse him of being an attention seeker. So what's it all about? Have you got a problem with Ianto?" Jack asked trying to stay calm.
Gwen sighed. "No I haven't got a problem as such. It's just since he's been back from London he's - well he's been distracted, very distracted. I thought he was seeking attention through putting himself in danger. That what he did yesterday was him saying 'look at me I can fight a weevil without being armed'.
"Gwe..." Began Jack.
"Yes I know. It was Ianto being Ianto, putting others safety before his own. But at the time all I could see was Ianto hurt for no apparent reason and thinking 'what the hell? Why couldn't he just wait for back-up?' and not thinking that maybe he didn't have time." Gwen said honestly.
Jack stared at Gwen. "You have to believe me when I say Ianto hasn't got a death wish and he would never knowingly put himself in danger. Yes there are some issues surounding the trip to London, and no I don't know all of them. What I do know is that Owen is helping him just like he would any other member of the team. All I'm asking is that you respect people's right to privacy and that if they want to tell you things they will and that if they don't then accept it without question.
Ianto is going to be off work for a while, but when he does come back please be nice, he's going through a lot and needs our support."
"Ok I'll try. Is he really going to be ok?"
"He will be. He's got Owen looking after him." Grinned Jack.
"That's enough to make someone have a relapse." Gwen also grinned then nervously. "Are we ok?"
"Yep we're fine. Just remember what I said. Now I do believe you have a report to write." Jack turned back to the files on his desk in effect dismissing Gwen who took the hint and left. "Maybe I've been totally wrong about Ianto." She thought as she started on her report.
It had been just over a week since Ianto had been injured and Owen had been staying with him most nights on the pretext of keeping an eye on him - not that Ianto was complaining. Ianto was currently sat on the bed in the medical bay waiting for Owen who was going to look at his stitches. As he waited Gwen came and stood by the railings looking very nervous. "Hey Ianto, how are you doing?"
Ianto, who had been deep in thought, jumped slightly. "Hey Gwen. Not too bad. Just waiting for Owen to look at my stiches see if they can come out yet. Although why I had to come in for that I don't know. What about you? Been busy? I'm dreading going down to the archives". He laughed.
Gwen laughed nervously. "Um yeah been fairly busy but I expect Owen's told you all about what's been going on here. Look Ianto I wanted..." She swallowed. "I wanted to say sorry if I upset you the other day." When Ianto raised his eyebrow in confusion she added. "For prying into your private life. I had no right. I hope you can forgive me."
Ianto hadn't been expecting that. "Thanks Gwen. Um apology accepted. I know you care about us, but in future if I want to share things with you I will."
Still nervous Gwen asked. "So are we ok?"
Ianto held out his hand to her and waited until she had walked down and taken it in hers. "Yes Gwen we're ok. Now where is Owen - I'm getting cold?"
It was then that Gwen noticed Ianto was bare-chested and she could see the wounds for the first time since the incident. She stared at them. "Do they hurt?"
Ianto looked down at them. "They're not too bad. If I cough or sneeze they hurt and if I try and reach up high they pull. Hence why Doctor Harper won't let me back to work." He smirked as he saw Owen enter the med bay.
"Thats because Doctor Harper doesn't want you busting those stitches and then making me redo them. Now Gwen if you have quite finished ogling my patient I'd like to check him over." He said moving to stand in front of Ianto as Gwen moved away.
"I bet you would." Ianto murmured loud enough for Owen to hear but not Gwen.
Ianto swung his legs up and sat back so Owen could get a good look at the stitches. Owen pulled on a pair of gloves and then began prodding Ianto's chest. "How does that feel?"
"Like you don't already know. You've been asking me that every single day since it happened." Ianto smirked.
"Just answer the question Jones." Owen smirked back.
"Same as last night and this morning. Itching, pulling and sore and I can't wait for you to take them out. So come on get on with it." He grumbled.
"Have you suddenly got a medical degree?" Owen asked.
"No but I've had enough stitches during my time to know when they can come out and this is definately the time. Please Doctor Harper can you remove my stitches." Ianto asked fluttering his eyes at Owen.
Gwen was watching and listening to the two men. "Since when did they become so familiar and friendly with each other." She thought to herself.
Still prodding Owen worked his way down the line of stitches. As he got down to the last of them his fingers lingered a little bit just brushing over the hip. Ianto tried not to moan but a small sigh did escape his lips. Owen snickered "Something wrong?"
"No everything's fine. In fact more than fine." He sighed. "So what is the decision then? Can they come out or do I have to suffer your hands some more?"
"I thought you liked me examining you?" Owen pouted.
Ianto sat up slightly so he was closer to Owen. "I do - just not when we've got an audience." The smirk in his voice was audible.
Owen raised his eyes to see Gwen stood at the top of the steps watching them both. "Oh." He breathed out quietly. Then straightening up. "Something I can do for you Gwen or do you just want to continue to ogle Ianto? I don't mind but he might."
"Uh." Gwen came out of her day dream. "Sorry Owen did you say something?"
"I said...oh never mind. Could you give us a little bit of privacy? Need to take some of the stitches out and really don't need an audience. You know what a wuss he is when it comes to having sharp objects near his skin." Owen snarked.
Ianto frowned at that remark. "Hey I'm not that bad."
"Yeah right." Owen smirked as he picked up the scissors for taking out stitches. "Gwen?"
With that Gwen made her way to Tosh's desk. "Tosh when did Owen and Ianto become so friendly with each other?"
"Not sure you know they've always had a love/hate relationship." Tosh explained. "Maybe this is their love stage. It could go back to hate at any moment make the most of it. Why'd you ask?"
Gwen was still bemused with what she had seen. "Oh no reason." She mumbled then made her way to her own desk, where she sat deep in thought about her two collegues.
Once Owen had taken out the stitches that could be he looked over the rest and announced. "Right the rest need to stay in a few more days before I can take them out. Just keep them clean - well you know the drill."
Ianto sat up and reached for his shirt. As he did so he brushed his lips against Owen's. "Thanks Doctor Harper."
Owen was just going to respond when the rift alarm sounded, they couldn't hear exactly what was happening until Jack shouted. "Owen I need you with us, Ianto you're going to have to co-ordinate as I need the whole team."
Owen was about to protest that Ianto wasn't back at work yet when he felt Ianto's hand on his arm. "I'll be fine." He whispered.
Owen hesitated for a second. "Ok be right there." When he got to Tosh's desk Jack Gwen and Tosh were already to go. "What have we got?"
"Weird rift readings and a sighting of something by a member of the public over at The Lake in Roath Park. Ianto you ok to stay?" Jack asked.
Ianto was putting his jacket on as he came up the steps. "Yes, as long as all I need to do is sit and monitor the computer and rift, that's fine."
"Right lets go." Jack said to the rest of them.
Ianto heaved a big sigh as he settled on to Tosh's chair and watched the computer as he listened to the rest of them over the comm channels hoping that nothing went wrong.
When they got to Roath Park the team had a better picture of what they were dealing with. It seemed that a member of the public had seen someting fall out of the sky and land in the Lake and called it into the police at the same time that Tosh had got the weird rift readings.
"Great." Grumbled Owen. "So whatever we are dealing with is at the bottom of the lake. So who's up for a swim?"
"Well Owen, I can't go as I need to co-ordinate and it wouldn't be very gentlemanly to send in Tosh or Gwen, so looks like it's down to you." Jack said grinning.
"Oh just keeps getting better." Snarked Owen. "We got a wetsuit in the SUV?"
Ianto's voice came over the comm. "Sorry Owen looks like you will have to go in in your boxers and t-shirt. There's a towel in the car and I'll make sure there's plenty of hot water for you to have a shower to warm you up when you get back."
"Great." Owen grumbled as he heard Ianto laugh.
Gwen and Tosh had walked over to the edge of the lake and were taking readings "Whatever came down definately ended up in the lake. The reading is very faint, probably due to it being submerged." Stated Tosh. "Looks like it might be about the size of a small suitcase. Are you going to be able to manage to bring it up?" She asked Owen who was stripping out of his jeans and jacket.
"Should be able to, depends how heavy it is. If not we've got some rope in the SUV I can wrap that around it and you lot can pull it up. Do we know how deep this lake is?"
Before Tosh could answer Ianto said. "At it's deepest about twenty foot."
"Hey Jack where's a torch or I won't be able to see a damn thing." Owen called to Jack who had wandered off.
"Should be one in the glove compartment of the SUV." He called back. "You ready to go in?"
"As ready as I'll ever be." Owen sulked.
All three of them walked to the edge of the lake and Owen stuck his foot in. "Shit that's freezing."
"Well the sooner you get in the sooner we can get you back to the Hub." Gwen pointed out.
"Ok ok I'm getting in." Said Owen sliding in then swimming towards the center of the lake. Tosh who was looking at her PDA tracking the signal called out. "Owen should be about there."
Owen took a big breath, switched the torch on and then dived down into the murky water. He dove four more times. "Think I've found it. Just need to catch my breath before I try and pull it up." He shouted to Tosh. He dove back down but came up empty handed. "Throw me the rope and I'll tie it round then you lot can pull it up."
Twenty minutes later and the box was sat on the path with a very cold Owen wrapped in a blanket. Jack had come back from wherever he had wandered just as Tosh was scanning it. "What've we got Tosh?"
"Not sure. The box itself seems to be harmless but until we get it back to base and open it I won't know about the rest."
"Right ok. I've been looking around and there doesn't seem to be anything else out here for us to worry about. So let's get this into the SUV and get back to base. Ianto we're heading back and I think Owen could do with something to warm him up." He smirked.
"Right I'll put some coffee on then." Ianto replied dryly.
"Not sure that's quite what he had in mind." Jack laughed.
Ianto met them in the garage with a trolley for the box. As Owen emerged from the car it took all of Ianto's willpower not to wrap him in a big hug when he saw how cold he was. "There's coffee waiting in the boardroom for you, but I think Owen needs a hot shower to warm up before he has his."
Jack took charge of the trolley while Gwen and Tosh made their way into the Hub and up to the boardroom. Once Ianto could see they were out the way he pulled Owen to him and kissed him. They broke apart after several minutes. "God you're freezing. Go on go have that shower. I put a towel on the radiator to warm up for you and the spare stuff from your locker."
"Thanks." Owen said grabbing Ianto's hand and heading for the shower room. "You gonna scrub my back?" He leered.
Ianto leant in and whispered. "Maybe later if you're good. I'll see you upstairs." He then turned and walked away knowing Owen was watching him.
As Ianto got to the main area the other three were stood around the box with their mugs of coffee. Pouring himself a mug then joining them he asked. "So do we know what's inside?"
"Not yet. Thought we'd wait for you and Owen and open it together. That way we all get to enjoy the excitement." Jack said grinning.
They stood around chatting waiting for Owen, and as he appeared he looked at them "You didn't have to wait for me."
"Well as you put all that effort in to retrieve it we thought you should be the one to open it and see what's inside. Could be filled with diamonds and gold. There again could be filled with someones dirty washing." Laughed Jack.
Taking the mug from Ianto. "Well if it's diamonds and gold I'm keeping them if it's anything else you can have it." Owen snarked back before taking a mouthful of coffee. "Mmm gorgeous as ever."
"Are we talking about Ianto or the coffee?" Tosh smirked.
Owen nearly choked. "The coffee although..."
"Right the box." Interrupted Jack.
It took them ages to get it open and when they did they were all disappointed to find it full of clothes. As Gwen went to pull some of them out Owen stopped her. "What?" She demanded.
Owen looked at her with a look that said 'Are you really that stupid' but only said. "They might be contaminated. We don't know where there from or even if the are from this time, they could be carrying all sorts of diseases or bacteria. I'll get some gloves and run some tests on them."
It was getting on for seven and apart from a couple of weevil sightings - which Tosh and Jack had dealt with - it had been a quiet afternoon. Gwen had caught up with her paperwork and Owen had been running test after test on the clothes from the box, but so far had found nothing harmful on them. Tosh was also trying to figure out when the clothes were from - as they definately weren't from this time - and Ianto had been down in the archives trying to sort out the mess the other's had made during his time off. He was so engrossed in what he was doing he didn't hear Jack come down until he spoke. "Hey Ianto should you be doing that? What if Owen finds out?"
Ianto looked up from the files he had in front of him. "Yes it's my job and Owen said I could do some light work as long as it didn't involve lifting or reaching for anything. I think a little filing is ok."
"So how you coping with things? Are they any better?" Jank inquired.
Ianto thought for a bit before answering. "Things are getting better it helps that Owen's been there for me. He's letting me talk which is helping with the nightmares. So yeah things are getting better in more ways than one." He smiled thinking of Owen.
"You and Owen?" Jack queried
"Yeah me and Owen." Ianto agreed. "Look Jack I'm sorry that things didn't work between us. I will always care about you and a part of me will always love you but... I couldn't be with you. You would've broken my heart again and I couldn't let that happen. I hope you understand."
Jack pulled Ianto into a hug and whispered. "I'm sorry I couldn't give you what you wanted. And a part of me will always love and care for you, but Owen can give you so much more. Just promise me that you're happy - that he makes you happy."
Ianto returned the hug. "He makes me very happy."
They pulled apart. "Right time for that medic to take you home."
"Thanks Jack." Ianto said placing a small kiss to Jack's cheek.
When they got upstairs Ianto called. "Owen Jack says it's time for you to take me home."
"Does that mean you're going to scrub my back?" Owen shouted back.
Ianto rolled his eyes at the girls. "If you're good and get up here now."
Owen put the clothes back in the box to keep them safe. As he picked up one of the items he felt something prick his finger, but as all the tests he'd done had come back negative he didn't worry about it - he just wanted to go home with Ianto. Once the box was safely stored away he went and found Ianto. "Right then Jones your chaffeur awaits."
Ianto laughed as he picked up his coat and followed Owen out. Jack watched them leave with a wistful look on his face.
By the time Owen had driven back to Ianto's flat the younger man was dozing in the car. "C'mon sleepyhead we're at yours." Owen softly spoke whilst gently shaking Ianto.
Ianto opened his eyes slowly. "Uh. Sorry - guess doing that bit of filing tired me out more than I realised. You coming in?" He asked unbuckling his seatbelt.
"Yeah thought you were going to scrub my back. Although looking at you I think it's going to be food then bed - you're knackered. Maybe you shouldn't have done that filing." Owen replied softly.
"Hey I'm fine." Protested Ianto.
"Yeah sure you are." Muttered Owen.
They both got out and walked up to Ianto's flat. As Ianto shut the door he yawned. Owen gave him a knowing smirk. "Ok so maybe I'm a little bit tired." Admitted Ianto. "Sorry I'm not going to be much company tonight. Do you want something to eat, drink?"
Owen steered Ianto through to the lounge and sat him down on the sofa. He knelt before Ianto and removed his shoes then lifted his legs so that he could lie out on the sofa. He then got the throw from the bed and put it over him. Owen gently ran a hand through Ianto's hair. "You stay there I'll go find us something to eat."
Ianto closed his eyes. "Mmm thanks Owen."
Owen wasn't a bad cook. All those years living on his own meant he'd learnt the basics. He rummaged in the cupboards then pulled out some pasta and a jar of sauce. It was something quick, easy and not too heavy for them to eat before bed. When he returned to the lounge Ianto was softly snoring. Owen hated to wake him but Ianto needed to eat. He set the plates down on the table and shook Ianto. "Foods here." He whispered.
Ianto woke with a start nearly knocking Owen over. When he'd got his bearings he picked up the plate muttering. "Thanks. Looks good."
When they'd finished Ianto picked up both plates and put them in the sink ready to wash. He wandered back to Owen carrying two hot chocolates. Owen raised an eyebrow. "What no coffee?"
"Not unless you want me to be awake half the night. I'm going to take mine to bed. You coming?" Ianto asked passing one of the mugs to Owen.
"In a bit. I just want to catch up with the news. See what's happening in the rest of the world. That ok?"
Ianto bent down and placed a small kiss on top of Owens head. "That's fine just don't be too long. Night." He turned and went to his bedroom.
"I won't." Owen called after him. "When did this become so domesticated." He thought. Then quickly shook his head to stop thinking along those lines - because as much as he would like it to be more he still wasn't sure what Ianto wanted from this.
Owen picked the remote up and switched to a news channel.
Ianto woke with a start, glancing at the clock on the bedside cabinet he saw it was two thirty in the morning. He then glanced at the opposite side of the bed and noticed it was empty. "I bet he's fallen asleep in front of the TV again." He thought getting out of bed and padding to the lounge.
As he'd thought Owen was asleep on the sofa. Ianto began to gentle shake him awake calling softly. "Owen. C'mon Owen you know my sofa plays havoc with your back. Time to come to bed."
When he couldn't rouse him Ianto began to shake him a bit more forcefully. "Owen wake up you're scaring me." All he got for his efforts was a grunt of something indecipherable. Ianto touched Owen's head and felt that it was really hot, he then pulled his eyelids up to look at his pupils they were almost non-existence. "Shit." Ianto swore while looking for his phone. When he found it he quickly scrolled threw his contacts till he found Jack's number and then hit the connect button.
Jack picked up after the second ring. "Hey Ianto what's up?"
"I can't wake him up. I don't now what to do. I thought he was just asleep but he won't wake up." Ianto said quickly.
"Woah slow down - take a deep breath." Jack calmly said then continued when he thought Ianto was calmer. "Can't wake who? Owen?"
Ianto took a deep calming breath. "Yes Owen. I went to bed and now I can't wake him and he feels really hot."
"Ok I'm on my way. Get a cool cloth and try and cool him down. I'll be there soon. He'll be ok." Jack tried to reassure Ianto.
Ianto hung up and went off to the bathroom to get a flannel to keep Owen cool until Jack arrived. True to his word Jack was there in no time at all. He went straight to where Owen was still laid on the sofa. "Has anything changed?" He asked trying to see any obvious injury.
"No he's the same as when I found him." Ianto answered.
Jack nodded his head in acknowledgment. He then proceeded to look Owen over starting at the top and working his way down.
Ianto watched nervously. "What are you looking for?"
"Well I couldn't see any obvious injury so I'm looking for an un-obvious one." Jack said while still searching Owen. He slowly worked his fingers through Owen's hair then down his neck. "Help me take his shirt off?"
As Ianto went to pull Owen's right arm out of the sleeve he noticed that his ring finger was very swollen. "Jack could this be it?" Ianto said fear lacing his voice.
Jack took a look. "Could be but I will still check make sure there's nothing else. Did he say if somethng had bitten or pricked him? Was he ok earlier?"
"He was fine. We came home, I was tired, he cooked, and I went to bed while he caught up on the news. He said he wouldn't be long." Ianto sighed. "I woke and came out to find him - he hates sleeping on the sofa - but I... I couldn't wake him. What's wrong with him Jack?" Ianto said a sob catching in his throat.
"I don't know." Jack told him honestly. "We need to get him back to the Hub so we can take some blood and have Tosh test it."
Between the two of them they made short work of dressing Owen and getting him down to SUV. Ianto sat in the back with Owen craddled in his arms as Jack sped to the Hub while calling Tosh and asking her to meet them there.
"What happened?" Asked Tosh as soon as she entered the Hub.
"Not sure. Ianto phoned me about an hour ago saying he couldn't wake Owen up and that he felt hot. When I got to Ianto's flat I looked for any sign of injury and Ianto found his right ring finger was swollen - like it'd been bitten or something. So we brought him here and started him on IV antibiotics and fluids. I also took some blood. Could you analys it for me?" Jack explained.
"Sure. Where are Ianto and Owen?" Tosh said looking around the med bay.
"I've put Owen in one of the side rooms, bit more comfortable than the autopsy table. Ianto is with him."
"Right where's Owen's blood?"
Jack handed Tosh two vials containing blood and she set to work.
Ianto was sat by Owen's bedside holding his uninjured hand. He didn't know what to do so he started talking. "Owen I don't know if you can hear me. In a way I hope you can but in another I hope you can't or that if you can hear me you won't remember what I say. Since you've been helping me come to terms with what happened in London - not just when we were there but also with the nightmares that followed - I've found myself wanting to spend time with you. Spend time getting to know you - the real you - not the you everybody else sees. You're kind and gentle, you listen even when I'm ranting about nothing in particular. You pick up the pieces when I fall apart from a nightmare and hold me till I can sleep again. You're smart, funny, but you can be an arrogant shit sometimes and I love you." Ianto paused in his talking and watched Owen. He leant down and kissed Owen's lips softly as he pulled back he whispered. "Please be ok. I love you and need you to hold me and keep the nightmares away." He then rested his head on Owen's chest and closed his eyes. It wasn't long before he was asleep.
Jack stood in the doorway watching with tears in his eyes. He didn't know how Ianto would cope if they couldn't make Owen better. He shook his head and decided that that was not an option. He quietly left the two men and went back to see how Tosh was getting on.
When Gwen arrived a little after eight she was surprised to see Tosh in the med bay.
"Hey Tosh don't let Owen find you down there. You know how stroppy he gets if he thinks someone's been messing in his domain." She laughed.
Tosh glared at her." Owen is currently in the side room on an antibiotic and fluid drip. I'm running tests on his blood to find out what's wrong with him. So I don't think he will be stroppy at all do you Gwen?"
"What? What's wrong with him? Why wasn't I called in? Where's Jack?" Gwen threw the questions at Tosh not waiting for a reply before storming off to find Jack.
Tosh sighed and went back to the results that had just printed.
Gwen found Jack in his office, she walked straight in without knocking. "What's wrong with Owen? Why wasn't I called in?" She demanded.
Jack looked up from reading Owen's report on the tests he'd run on the clothes. "Good morning to you too Gwen." Jack said sarcastically.
Gwen sighed. "Sorry morning Jack. Please can you tell me what's going on?"
"Certainly - take a seat. We don't know what's wrong with Owen. That's why Tosh is running the tests. Ianto called me about two forty five this morning saying he couldn't wake Owen and that he was hot. We found his finger swollen and brought him back here. That's it there was no reason for you to be here." Jack explained.
"He was at Ianto's?" Gwen asked.
There was a soft knock on the door. "Come in." Jack called. As Tosh entered he asked. "What have you got for me - good news I hope."
"Well depends how you look at it. The results are through and Owen has blood poisoning. The good news is that we've caught it before it spreads to any major organs."
"And the bad?" Jack demanded.
"It's going to take a while for him to be fully fit again. Which effectively means we're two members down." Tosh said quietly.
"What do you mean two down? Ianto's back at work now he'll just have to help us more." Gwen stated.
Tosh ignored Gwen and looked at Jack. "I'm going down to see Owen. Now we know what we are dealing with I know which antibiotics are going to do the job best. I also want to check on Ianto see how he's doing."
Jack smiled. "Thanks Tosh. If you need anything let me know."
Jack turned back to Gwen. As she began to speak he sighed. "Look Gwen it's been a long night. I'm going out to get a coffee and some fresh air. Can you finish the report on the lake retrieval?"
He didn't give her a chance to object as he swept out the door.
Gwen wandered down to the room where Owen was and stood in the doorway studying the scene before her. Owen was lying on the bed hooked up to monitors with a drip in his hand. Tosh was checking his vitals and recording them. She then adjusted the drip flow. It surprised her that Tosh knew how to do all these things. As Tosh moved Gwen's eyes caught sight of Ianto. He was asleep, his head resting on Owen's chest but what caught her attention the most was the way he was holding Owen's hand in his own.
Gwen was so caught up in the scene she hadn't noticed that Tosh had finished until she was stood right in front of her. "Seen enough or do you want to stare a bit longer?" Tosh asked sarcastically as she walked past her.
Gwen managed to tear her eyes away and followed Tosh back to the main area where realisation hit her. "They're closer than I think aren't they?" She said quietly.
"I think they're closer than even they know or are admitting to. Maybe this will be the push they need to admit their feelings for each other." Answered Tosh.
Tosh was still working on Owen's blood to make sure that she hadn't missed anything and that she was giving him the right treatment. She kept thinking that she had missed something but she couldn't quite remember what when Gwen interrupted her thoughts. "So did you find out what caused Owen's finger to swell up?"
"Shit. That's it." Thought Tosh. "Thanks Gwen." She said already moving.
"Thanks for what?" Gwen asked the retreating form of Tosh as she headed back down to Owen.
Ianto was beginning to stir when Tosh got there which she was glad for as it meant she didn't have to wake him up. "Ianto." She said softly.
"Mmm." He replied sleepily.
Placing her hand on his arm to get him to move. "Ianto I need you to move out the way so that I can check up on Owen's finger. See the infected site and take a swab to analyse."
Ianto stood up yawning and moved away reluctantly. Tosh turned to Ianto. "Why don't you go freshen up - maybe make a coffee and have something to eat?"
"I don't want to leave him in case he wakes up." Ianto said.
"Look he's not going anywhere. It's going to be a while before he wakes up as I put a mild sedative in the fluids to give the antibiotics a chance to work. You're going to be no good to him when he wakes the state you're in. Go freshen up." Tosh said firmly.
Ianto was about to argue when another voice cut in. "You know she's right. Why don't you have a shower and grab a coffee. I promise he will still be here when you get back."
Ianto turned to face Jack. "I just want to be here for him like he's been here for me."
Jack put his hand on Ianto's arm. "I know you do. But you're still recovering from that weevil attack and I know that filing must've tired you out yesterday. You need to take care of yourself or you won't be any use to Owen when he'll need you. Right now Tosh can look after him while you look after yourself for twenty minutes. Ok?"
Ianto nodded in defeat then walked away towards the locker room. He decided that a shower was a good idea, as he felt grimy.
Once Ianto was out of hearing distance Jack turned his attention to Tosh. "Is something wrong?"
"No. But something was niggling me and I couldn't fathom out what it was until Gwen asked if we'd found out what caused Owen's swollen finger. That's when I remembered we hadn't actually taken a swab and tested it. So here I am doing that." Explained Tosh.
"Ok you go test that and I'll stay with Owen." Jack said sitting down.
Thirty minutes later found Ianto back in Owen's room. He handed Jack a mug of coffee - which he inhaled deeply before taking a sip. "Perfect as always. How're you doing? Feel better after that shower?"
"Much. Thanks Jack."
Jack raised an eyebrow as if to say 'What for.'
"For being there when I rang without even questioning it. For being here now - being here for Owen and for me. Just thanks." Ianto murmured.
"It's what friends do." Jack simply stated. "I'm glad you felt you could call me - what with everything I put you through."
Ianto just smiled in acknowledment of Jack's statement. "How's he doing really?"
"He's doing fine. The tests showed blood poisoning and Tosh has put him on a course of Vancomycin antibiotics. She also took a swab from the infection to test." Jack explained. "But it's already looking better - not so swollen. Do you want to sit with him? I need to get on with some paperwork."
"Yes. Unless you need me to do anything?" Ianto questioned.
"No you stay here. If we need you we'll come get you."
Ianto sat back down and picked Owen's hand up stroking it gently.
Lunchtime came around and Gwen had been called by Andy about a 'spooky do' so her and Jack had gone to investigate. It had turned out to be a group of lads in masks who thought it was funny to terrorize a young mum and her daughter in the park. Jack had a word with the lads while Gwen got a cup of tea for the mother.
"Why Andy thought it was a Torchwood matter I'll never know." Jack huffed.
Gwen smiled. "Well seeing as we're out we may as well grab some lunch to take back with us."
"Great idea." Jack agreed tapping his comm to get in touch with Tosh. "Hey Tosh. No not a matter for us. Yeah we're on our way back. Just wanted to know what you and Ianto fancied for lunch? Ok let us know. Bye."
During the afternoon Jack, Gwen and Tosh had to go out to a rift spike leaving Ianto to co-ordinate. It turned out to be a piece of space junk, which they put in a containment box to take back to the Hub for Tosh to analyse properly. When they got back Ianto was down with Owen again who was beginning to wake up. Ianto stroked his hand through Owen's hair making sure he stayed calm. "Hey. How're you feeling?"
Owen thought for a minute. "Crap. What happened? Last thing I remember was lying on your sofa watching TV."
"You got blood poisoning. We think it's from either being bitten or something pricking your finger." Ianto explained.
"Shit." Owen said. "Where's Jack? I need to tell him something."
Ianto touched his comm. "Jack Owen's woken up and needs to tell you something. Can you come down?" Ianto turned back to Owen. "He's on his way."
Less than two minutes later Jack entered the room. "What's up?"
"I got the infection from the clothes I was testing yesterday. I didn't think anything of it at the time as all the results had been negative, but something pricked my finger." Owen said breathlessly.
"Ok calm down. Now we have a starting point. You just need to lie there rest and let the antibiotics do there job. Do we need to do anything to the site of the infection?" Jack asked.
"No the drugs should be ok on there own." Owen replied leaning back.
Ok I'll leave you two to it. Don't do anything I wouldn't." Jack smirked at them.
Once Jack had left Ianto looked at Owen. "I' m so glad you're going to be ok."
"So am I, although it's going to take time for me to recover from this. At least a week on drugs then taking it easy, and I've also got to watch it doesn't turn into septiceamia which can lead to organ failure." Owen told Ianto.
"Well it's a good thing that I've got the job of looking after you then isn't it." Ianto softly said. "I don't want to lose you anytime soon."
Owen looked into Ianto's eyes and before they realised it their lips met in a barely there kiss. As their lips parted Ianto rested their foreheads together. "I love you." He whispered.
"I love you too." Owen whispered back bringing their lips together in another soft kiss.
Two days later found Ianto collecting some of his clothes to take round to Owen's. He was being let home on the strict understanding that he took the course of antibiotics, did nothing and that Ianto stayed with him. They agreed especially to the last bit - anything to get out of the Hub. Ianto had already taken Owen home and left him lying on the sofa with TV remote in one hand and fruit juice in the other. Once Ianto had picked up what he needed he was getting takeaway on his way back. Since their confessions to each other nothing more had been said by either of them - not through lack of trying just lack of opportunity. Ianto was hoping that over the next few days they would be able to talk about where this was going. He really hoped he hadn't misread the signs and that Owen had meant what he said. He didn't think he could stand another broken heart.
Stepping through Owens front door an hour later with a holdall and takeaway in hand he called out. "Hey hunny did you miss me?"
Owen groaned. "You've only been gone an hour. Didn't have chance to miss you. What takeaway delights have you brought me back?"
Ianto pouted. "Well I went to that deli I like and had them make you up some of your favourite soups. I got chicken noodle, tomato and basil, creamy mushroom and leek and potato. What do you fancy?"
Owen smirked at Ianto. "You."
"What!" Exclaimed Ianto nearly dropping the cartons of soup."
"You. I fancy you." Owen said still smirking while walking over to where Ianto was. Wrapping his hand around the back of Ianto's head he pulled him down so he could kiss him. Several minutes passed until the need for air broke them apart. "I've been wanting to do that since the other night, but someone always managed to come in at the wrong time." Owen panted.
Ianto chuckled. "Yeah I know what you mean." He then turned serious. "We really need to talk about what was said and where we go from here."
"I know." Agreed Owen as his stomach rumbled. "Soup first."
"Soup first. What one?" Ianto asked.
"Um Chicken noodle." Decided Owen. "Did you get croutons too?"
Ianto laughed shooing him away. "Yes I got croutons. Now go sit watch TV while I sort the food out."
After they'd eaten and Ianto had done the washing up he sat back down next to Owen turning slightly so that he was facing him. He picked up the remote and turned the TV off. This couldn't be avoided any longer. Owen turned to face him nervously. "So?"
"So?" Ianto repeated just as nervous.
"I meant..." Owen started at the same time as Ianto spoke "What I said..." .
They both laughed nervously. "After you." Owen said.
Ianto took a calming breath. "Ok. When you were sedated I talked to you - they reckon it helps - I'm not sure if you heard what I said but the short version is that I realised that I love you and that I want to spend time getting to now you. I just...I hope you feel the same." Ianto looked down unable to continue looking at Owen - afraid that he was going to laugh at him tell him it was all a big joke. What he didn't expect was Owen's fingers on his chin making him look up.
"I feel the same - have done for a while." Owen confessed looking directly into Ianto's baby blue eyes so he could see that he meant it. "I have loved spending time with you and I want to spend more time with you." Owen cupped Ianto's face in his hands and leant in bringing their lips together. Ianto parted his lips to allow Owen's tongue to mingle with his and wrapped a hand around Owen's head tangling it in his hair. They didn't know how but they ended up lying side by side on the sofa wrapped in each other's arms trading kisses.
They stayed like that for a while until Ianto gave a big yawn. "Sorry." He apologised. "Haven't been sleeping too well while we've been at the Hub. Those beds are not comfortable. Plus I seem to sleep better when you're next to me." He admitted shyly.
Owen sat up. "C'mon then let's go to bed." He then stood and held his hand out to Ianto who took it and pulled himself up. Owen led him through to his bedroom stopping to pick up Ianto's holdall on the way.
Ianto walked over to the picture window. "This view never ceases to amaze me."
Owen came and stood behind him wrapping his arms around Ianto's waist and resting his chin on Ianto's shoulder. "The view from where I'm stood is pretty amazing too." He whispered looking at their reflections in the window and nuzzling Ianto's neck.
Ianto tilted his head to the side to give Owen better access to his neck. "Mmm that feels good." He moaned placing his hands on top of Owen's.
"C'mon let's go to bed." Owen whispered in his ear.
Ianto turned in his arms and before Owen could move away captured his lips in a bruising kiss, his hands going to tangle in Owen's hair while Owen's hands rested on Ianto's hips then moved to his backside to bring them even closer together. The need for air broke the kiss and they stood resting their foreheads together and panting softly. Owen guided Ianto over to the bed and stripped him down to his boxers then did the same to himself.
Ianto kissed him gently. "I'm just going to go to the bathroom. Don't go anywhere."
Owen kissed him back before he lay down on the bed propping himself up on the pillows. "Don't want to go anywhere. Don't be long."
Ianto was back in less then ten minutes having gone to the toilet, washed his hands and brushed his teeth. His breath hitched as he walked back in. Owen was as he'd left him but he was fast asleep. He quietly padded across the room and climbed in next to Owen pulling him gently to him so that Owen's head was resting on his chest. "I love you." He whispered placing a kiss to his temple, he then lay back and listening to the even breathing of Owen Ianto fell asleep.
Next part of Returning To London.
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