Title: November Five
By: Aeshna
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Jack Harkness, Gwen Cooper, Owen Harper
Rating: PG
Notes: Drabble written for the tw100 "Reverse Fandom Avengers" challenge."So, what you're saying is," Gwen frowned across the boardroom table, "that last night, after we'd gone home, Cardiff got invaded by an alien battle fleet?"
Jack nodded. "Huy'gelit war cruisers."
Owen stared at him. "And you didn't call us?"
"They're not that impressive. Think green scaly hamsters." Jack grinned. "The SUV's bigger than their flagship."
"That's not the point!"
"Look, they put on a show of firepower, nobody cowered, they left in a huff." He waved a leaflet advertising the Bute Park Firework Extravaganza. "Come on, did you really think the City Council paid for a display that good?"
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