Title: Reunion
By: karaokegal
Pairing request: Tosh/Martha
Summary: Slightly sequelicious to This scene which I wrote for last years Kissing Meme.
Wordcount: 400
Rating: PG13Martha was used to surprises, but tended to prefer they not come to her front door without at least ringing up first.
She’d assumed if anyone from Torchwood got in touch, it would be Jack. They’d always share the bond of loving the Doctor and knowing how helpless it was. Martha had Tom and Jack had pretty much anyone else he wanted, but sometimes they liked to get together and share a few drinks and a bit of self-pity. Even Owen Harper would have been more likely, possibly looking for more information on his condition, but it wasn’t Owen, which was probably just as well. Tom might not understand, or he’d understand too well.
“Hello Tosh.”
Martha kept her voice bright, but the tone was a lie. Owen might be a walking corpse, but Tosh was a permanent mourner, and just seeing her brought up the guilt Martha felt for what had happened, among other feelings.
Things had ended oddly last time. A kiss on a train platform that shouldn’t have meant anything, but Martha wasn’t Jack. Her kisses always meant something.
“Is everything all right?” she asked. “Did Jack send you? Is it Owen?”
Tosh shook her head. She looked completely worn out and a bit over-dressed for this time of day in the middle of London.
“Gwen and Rhys got married yesterday.”
There were a lot of things Martha could say about that, none of which were going to be the least bit helpful. Having Tosh come in to see her life with Tom wouldn’t either. They’d go out and have coffee. Or tea. Maybe lunch.
Any of those would have been good, sensible plans, if Martha had been able to look at Tosh and be her sane, sensible self.
Instead there was a kiss, barely a block from Martha’s house, one that found Tosh pushing Martha against a doorway, and taking her lips by force of weakness, if such a thing were possible. Thus did sensibility and the hope of a rational discussion over hot beverages go out to the door. Instead a cab to a hotel and only the faintest vestige of propriety while they groped at each other in the back seat.
Martha had no idea why Tosh affected her this way, but it wasn’t something she could fight, or anything she wanted to.
Eventually there would be consequences, but now there was only them.
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