Title: Silly Boys
By: checkyourwatch
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: G
Wordcount: 200 (double drabble?)
Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood.
Summary: Jack and Ianto get into a little fight. Gwen is there to mediate.***
"Both of you...just calm down!" Gwen shouted trying to take control of the situation. "What exactly happened here?" She looked from Ianto to Jack trying to find an answer. She walked in on them arguing with papers thrown everywhere.
"He...." Ianto began.
"DID NOTHING WRONG." Jack quickly said cutting him off. He watched as Ianto rolled his eyes with his hands on his hips.
"Let him finish, Jack." Gwen said stepping towards Ianto.
"He...threw the papers all over the place..." He motioned around to the mess of papers everywhere. Gwen looked at him confused. "Mess!" He said with more arm movements. "They were in order." Ianto said quietly feeling stupid.
"He was taking too long." Jack said innocently folding his arms.
"Now it's going to take twice as long!" Ianto snapped.
"I'll help!" Gwen smiled at Ianto trying to calm him down. "Jack will too!"
"Here." Jack gathered a small pile of papers off the floor and threw them at Ianto.
"That's it!" Ianto yelled throwing his arms up in defeat and walking away.
"He's so cute angry!" Jack said loudly, following him.
"I'll leave this here!" Gwen yelled after him. She looked around the room and smiled. "Silly boys."
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- Amazon.ca link - Torchwood - The Complete First Season (7DVD)