Title: Strawberries
By: minimumstitch
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Torchwood is not owned by me but is owned by the BBC and RTD and I am just enjoying playing with their characters.
Summary: Jack teaches Ianto the proper way to eat strawberries.***
Jack watched from the doorway as Ianto efficiently prepared the berries. First he removed the green stalk before halving and then quartering them until they were in neat bite size chunks.
"Was there something you needed, Sir?" Ianto asked without deviating from his task.
"You do know that when I asked if we had any strawberries this wasn't exactly what I had in mind?" said Jack coming up behind Ianto, slipping his arms around his waist.
"What do you mean? Why else would you want strawberries if not to eat them?" Ianto turned his head to look at Jack in confusion.
Jack kissed Ianto slowly before selecting a few large, untouched strawberries from the punnet. "Oh, I'm going to eat them alright and so are you, but we are going to eat them as they are meant to be eaten."
Slowly, he raised one of the large strawberries to his lips, his tongue snaking out to lick the fruit before pulling it into his mouth. Ianto watched as Jack's lips wrapped themselves around the berry, watched as his teeth sank down through the soft, juicy flesh and watched as the juice ran down Jack's chin.
Ianto drew in a long, ragged breath, tearing his gaze away from the sight of Jack swiping up the drop of juice before licking it from his finger.
"Sir, strawberry juice is a devil to remove from cotton, might I make a suggestion?" he asked, his voice gravelly with a hint of velvet. Jack shivered at the look on Ianto's face. He gulped as he nodded, rendered mute by Ianto's voice.
"It's clear that my strawberry etiquette requires some work, which may be messy, therefore I suggest that the removal of any stainable clothing before we begin the lessons."
Jack nodded again, his powers of speech not yet fully functional. As Ianto began to unbutton his shirt Jack smiled, this was one lesson he was going to enjoy giving.
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