Title: Sweets For My Sweet
By: karaokegal
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Team Torchwood
Rating: G
Warnings: Slightly crackish.
Notes: Drabble-a-Day 2011 Day 114. Prompt from tw100. Challenge #194-D is for Dulcify. Unbeta'd. Comments and concrit welcome.
Summary: Jack shouldn't do paperwork close to Easter.


Torchwood Employee Evaluations

What was the point of being outside the government if you still had to turn in paperwork just to maintain Torchwood’s funding?

Last year Suzie had taken care of the evaluations, right down to forging his signature.

Ianto Jones-Lindt Excellence Extra Dark Chocolate 85% Cocoa. Effective, but bitter.

Toshiko Sato-Cadbury Crème Egg. Firm on the outside, unbelievably sweet and soft at centre.

Owen Harper-An unlabeled box of Godiva chocolates. Always full of surprises

Gwen Cooper-She’s my own personal Curly Wurly. I want to watch her eat one and then…

Jack hit delete.

Sometimes he really missed Suzie.