Title: Toy Trap
By: Aeshna
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Suzie Costello, Jack Harkness
Rating: PG
Notes: Drabble written for the tw100 "Reverse Fandom Avengers" challenge.He found her in the workshop of the Engineering Department, hidden away where she wouldn't be disturbed by undergrads or technicians. The object that Graham in Archaeology had found was in pieces before her, its unfamiliar lines taunting her when –
"Know what it is?"
Startled, Suzie looked up into sharp blue eyes and a too-bright smile. She folded her arms, frowning. "Why? Do you?"
"Good answer. You might be just what I need." He lifted an oddly-curved component, twirling it idly between his fingers. "So, want to know what it is? What it does?"
And she, poor fool, said yes.
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