Title: Expect the Unexpected
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Rating: NC-17
Table: 3
Prompt: 48, Sex Toys
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones, the Tenth Doctor, or Jack Harkness. Please do not sue.***
Ianto opened his eyes, blinking against the pale light of early morning. It wasn't unusual for him to wake up in Jack's room at the Hub -- it was something he'd gotten used to over the past few months. What was unusual, however, was for him to wake up next to not only Jack, but the Doctor as well.
He couldn't help smiling as he looked over at the Time Lord sleeping beside him, one hand beneath his cheek, long lashes spread like fans across his pale skin. Jack seemed to have had the same thoughts running through his mind; he, too, was awake, and looking lovingly at the Doctor as the Gallifreyan slept between the two of them.
"He's beautiful, isn't he?" Jack whispered, reaching out to smooth a few strands of tawny hair back from the Doctor's face, his touch gentle and loving. "Hard to believe that I've got the two most gorgeous men in the universe right here in this bed with me. I must have done something right at some point to get this lucky."
Ianto blushed at Jack's words, raising his eyes to meet the immortal's gaze. "You're not so bad yourself, you know," he murmured, letting his eyes roam over Jack's body. Truth be told, he was the one who should be saying things like that. There weren't any words to describe how fortunate he felt to have both of these men in his life.
Jack reached across the bed, his hand resting on the back of Ianto's neck, pulling the young man towards him and pressing their lips together. Beneath them, the Doctor stirred slightly, turning over and curling up against Ianto's body. Jack looked down with a rueful smile, regarding the Time Lord with speculative eyes.
"He's already developed a bond with you, Ianto," Jack said softly, not taking his eyes off the Doctor's sleeping form. "It took us a while to have even half the connection he already does with you. In a way, I envy you that. He doesn't usually feel this deeply about somebody so soon -- you're lucky to have that much of a hold on his heart."
"You have the same hold on him," Ianto pointed out, not wanting Jack to feel that he was somehow usurping whatever place he had with the Doctor. "You've known him longer .... and I think he's still much more comfortable with you than with me."
"I don't know about that," Jack said thoughtfully, shaking his head. "I have a strong bond with him, I won't deny that. But somehow, you two seem like you're meant for each other. There's something between you that I've never managed to achieve with him." He looked up at Ianto again, smiling, his dark eyes sparkling with the devilish look that Ianto knew all too well. "But you know, I don't mind sharing him. The more the merrier."
"I know what you're thinking, Jack Harkness." Ianto waggled a finger at Jack, unable to hold back his own smile. "It would be awfully rude to wake him up like that, don't you think? It's a bit disconcerting to wake up with a cock in your arse. I've found that out from experience since I've known you."
"Oh, come on -- you know you like it," Jack protested, still smiling. "But no, I wasn't thinking that, actually. I was thinking more along the lines of something a little more exotic. Sort of the same idea, though, if you catch my drift." He raised his eyebrows at Ianto in a silent question, an anticipatory look on his face.
"More exotic?" Ianto queried, looking confused. He wasn't entirely sure that he knew what Jack meant; after all, the immortal had some strange ideas when it came to sex. He'd said more than once that Jack bordered on the avant-garde; some of his ideas made Ianto wonder just what he'd seen -- and done -- on some of the planets he'd been to before he'd settled in at Torchwood.
"Maybe I should just show you." Jack slid out from under the covers, going to a large wooden chest in the corner of the room and opening it. Ianto admired the lines of his body as he bent over to get something out, letting his eyes run over the immortal's body. Jack was a gorgeous man, he had to admit; Ianto always felt a little inadequate next to him, no matter how often Jack insisted that he was beautiful.
Ianto watched as Jack searched through the chest, wondering just what the other man was going to come up with. Whatever it was, he sure that it would make for an interesting morning -- he'd learned to expect nothing less from Jack. He waited expectantly, trying to mentally prepare himself for anything.
He wasn't really surprised when Jack turned around, holding up what looked like either a dildo or a vibrator. Ianto couldn't tell in the dim light of the room which it was, but he couldn't say that he disapproved of the idea; he'd been on the receiving end of both a few times since he and Jack had started their relationship, and he'd discovered that sex toys were something he enjoyed -- at least in moderation.
Jack moved back to the bed, handing the toy to Ianto for his perusal. The young Welshman examined it with a slight frown; he wasn't entirely sure who Jack intended to use it on, and it looked forbiddingly large to him. He looked over at the immortal, opening his mouth to inquire, and snapping it shut when he saw the devilish grin on Jack's face.
"Don't worry, Ianto. It's not going to be up your ass." He nodded towards the sleeping Doctor, reaching out to trail a hand down the Time Lord's bare shoulder. "And don't worry about me hurting him, either. You know I wouldn't do that. Believe me, he's used to stranger things than this with me. I think he'd be surprised if I didn't come up with some novel way to wake him up in the mornings."
Ianto looked back down at the Doctor, letting his eyes move appraisingly over the handsome features, softened in sleep, the slender pale limbs, every curve of that beautiful body. "I'll admit, it sounds like an odd way to wake up -- but it'll be interesting to see his reaction."
Jack leaned down to brush a gentle kiss across the slumbering Time Lord's forehead, smiling as the Doctor mumbled in his sleep. "I was beginning to think he was faking it and he was really awake, but I've had enough experience with him to know when he's sleeping and when he's not." He glanced over at Ianto, his smile growing. "I think it's time we woke him up, don't you?"
The younger man nodded, propping himself up on one elbow and trailing a hand down the center of the Doctor's bare chest. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Jack reaching for the bottle of lube he always kept in the drawer of the table by the bed, slicking the dildo and then his fingers with the thick substance. He wasn't sure of where he came into the picture, but he was content to wait and let Jack give him an idea of what he was expected to do.
Things were always like this when it came to his dealings with Jack, Ianto reflected, studying the immortal without looking directly at him. He was always the one lagging behind, waiting for his cue from the other man. Maybe that was why his feelings for the Doctor were growing as quickly as they were. He felt more in control with the Time Lord, more on an equal footing.
No, not equal, he amended, but more .... dominant. He didn't often get that chance with Jack, but the Doctor seemed to want to be dominated, in a way that Jack never would. He was surprised at just how much he enjoyed being the more dominant partner, letting that side of his personality take the reins.
"Spread his legs a little, Ianto," Jack said softly, shifting his position so that he was kneeling beside the sleeping man. Ianto complied with the other man's words, gently pushing the Doctor's slender thighs apart, bending to brush a gentle kiss against the Time Lord's navel. The Doctor stirred again, a soft whimper coming from his throat, but he didn't awaken.
Jack moved between the Doctor's spread legs, raising his eyebrows and inclining his head slightly. It took a moment for Ianto to figure out exactly what he wanted; then it dawned on him that Jack expected him to lift the Doctor's ass off the bed. He slid his hands carefully under the Time Lord, a thrill racing through him as he cupped that firm, tight ass in his palms. He had to resist the urge to squeeze, instead using his fingers to spread the Doctor's cheeks so that Jack could press the slicked dildo against his puckered hole.
Jack slowly inserted the rounded tip of the dildo inside the Doctor, pressing forward slowly and rotating his wrist slightly. The Doctor's eyes flew open, his hips arching up off the bed and a gasp coming from his throat. Those small, slender hands clutched at the tumbled sheets around them, his gaze locking first on Jack's face, then on Ianto's.
Ianto ran a hand down the Doctor's side, bending forward to press his lips against the softness of the Time Lord's mouth. The Doctor's lips parted, his eyes closing and his arms moving to wrap around Ianto's neck and pull the young man down against him as his body arched upwards. Ianto was caught unawares by the embrace, unexpected but not unwanted.
He moved his mouth down the Time Lord's body, his lips trailing fire over the Doctor's soft skin, nibbling at the tender nipples under they were hard and pebbled under his tongue. One hand moved between the Gallifreyan's legs, fingers curling around the Time Lord's cock only seconds before his warm mouth followed his hand.
The Doctor moaned when Ianto's mouth engulfed his cock, his hips pushing up into the young man's face. Jack leaned down to cover the Time Lord's mouth with his own, one hand rhythmically moving the dildo in and out of the Doctor's body, angling it to hit his prostate with every thrust. The Time Lord groaned against Jack's kiss, his body starting to tremble under the onslaught of two mouths, white-knuckled hands grabbing handfuls of the sheets and twisting them.
Ianto could sense that the Doctor was close to the edge; he redoubled his efforts, his cheeks hollowing out as he moved his lips down the rigid shaft filling his mouth, deep throating the Doctor and dimly hearing the Time Lord moan again, the sound more urgent this time. Within a few seconds, he was swallowing reflexively, a little surprised by the force of the Doctor's orgasm but welcoming it all the same.
He could hear the Doctor breathing hard, those gasping inhalations sounding loud in the small room. Ianto lifted his head to look at the Doctor; the Time Lord's cheeks were flushed, his hair disheveled on the pillow, his lips passion-swollen from Jack's bruising kisses, his body still trembling with slight shudders. A smile curved his lips as he reached out for Ianto with a somewhat shaking hand.
"That was .... marvellous," he said softly, his dark eyes focusing on the young man leaning over him. Ianto couldn't help bending down to kiss the Gallifreyan, unable to resist the temptation of that soft mouth, those parted lips.
"It certainly was," he answered, raising his head and glancing over at Jack, who was sitting back on his heels with a look of satisfaction.
"I told you he was used to odd things with me," he said with a smile, leaning in to wrap one arm around Ianto's waist, the other around the Doctor. His lips met Ianto's, clinging for a few moments before he leaned down to kiss the Doctor, his pleasure almost palpable. "It's not a bad way to wake up, eh?"
"Indeed not," the Doctor murmured, relaxing against the pillows and looking up at both men. "In fact, I wouldn't mind doing that every day that I'm here."
"I think that can be arranged," Ianto said softly, stretching out beside the Doctor and leaning in for another kiss. At least, he certainly hoped it could. He was definitely learning to expect the unexpected with both of his lovers -- and not only did he like it, he was beginning to develop quite a taste for it.***
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