Title: Black Not White
By: elfin
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG
Warnings: character death
Summary: Challenge #217 - black.It’s black, not white and there are no shades of grey. His love affair with Earth is over.
Ianto is dead. This planet – for which he and his Doctor and the others made so many sacrifices – has taken from him the one thing he wants from it, the passion of this lifetime, the man he turned the Doctor down for, he man he loves. He man he needs more than he will ever admit to himself. So he takes something back. Then he leaves it to its fate. No more saving the Earth. There’s nothing left he wants to save.
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- Amazon.com - Torchwood: Children of Earth
- Amazon.co.uk - Torchwood - Children of Earth [DVD] [2009]
- Amazon.ca link - Torchwood - The Complete First Season (7DVD)