Title: Word Association
Author: brella_owul
Team Players: Ianto,Jack
Disclaimers: All owned by BBC and RTD of course!
Spoilers: None
Rating: NC-17 for some language
Summary: The boys play a little game and Ianto proves a point.***
Ianto slapped the hands away as they snaked around his chest and tried to undo the buttons he was desperately trying to fasten
'Get off Jack! I need to get dressed'
The hands continued but slower, fingers smoothing across his chest
'But it's still early, we have time...'
Ianto sighed and moved the hands away from him. Turning, he smiled at Jack
'You're obsessed!''No....I'm horny' came the plaintive reply but Jack wasn't pleading. His eyes sparkled with danger as he pushed Ianto against
the wall and started to kiss his throat, all the time pulling at the clothes that kept his own naked body from the Welshman's'No. Jack' Ianto said as firmly as he could as he squirmed at the thrills running down his spine 'We've been at it all night and this morning, now I've had a shower...'
'Mmmm clean' came the nuzzled response
'So....' Ianto pushed the naked man away firmly 'No more of that till later, maybe'
'Definitely, you mean' Jack glared as he tried to push his hard cock down.
Ianto looked him up and down and shook his head in mock despair
'What?' Jack smiled lazily'You're obsessed' he repeated and went in search of his tie in the next room
'Yeah maybe, but only in a healthy way' Jack shouted after him and tried to wrestle himself into his boxers, wishing that he could stop his mind fuelling the erection.
Ianto stood in the doorway and smiled at his difficulty
'Obsession is never healthy Jack - its dangerous''OK, fine!' Jack beamed dropping the boxers 'I'll go off you a little'
'It's not me!' Ianto said impatiently 'Its sex - you're obsessed with sex'
Jack stared at him in what looked like shock but Ianto could read the suppressed smile on his lips
'No!' Jack gasped, a little too dramatically to be convincing'Yes!' Ianto teased back, placing his palm flat onto Jack's naked chest and feeling the warmth of his skin. Jack looked into his eyes and smiled
'No...it's an interest, a hobby....it relaxes me'
Ianto laughed and pushed him against the mirror
'You are obsessed - like an addict' he said in a low voice, pressing his mouth to Jack's ear and feeling his own resolve weakening.He could feel that there was no resistance in the naked body before him until Jack lowered his head and grinned
'Are you complaining Ianto?' he asked in the whispered tones that he knew worked so well on an obviously aroused Welshman.
Ianto cleared his throat loudly
'Coffee' he said looking into Jack's blue eyes and trying to concentrate on anything other than the divine feeling of naked Captain against hard surface'What?'
'Coffee' Ianto repeated, swallowing hard
'Uhh no I'm OK' came the confused reply, from a mouth that was placing butterfly kisses on Ianto's neck and ear, he could feel the shivers he was causing
'It's a game, word association' Ianto persisted 'go with me here - coffee'Jack thought quickly 'Uhh -Hot'
'Burn' Ianto replied
'Skin' the American offered
Ianto swallowed a moan and managed 'Soft'
'Hard' Jack rasped, his tongue flicking across the Welshman's adams apple
'Rock' Ianto said steadily, pushing away from Jack's temptations
Jack groaned 'Roll'
'Kitchen' the Welshman smiled, tightening his tie'Bedroom' Jack snapped
Ianto shrugged on his jacket 'Sleep'
'Think' Jack brushed the shoulders of the jacket firmly
'Speak' Ianto turned and checked his hair in the mirror
Jack studied him carefully 'Mouth'
'Face' the Welshman said quickly, tidying his hair
'Head' Jack winked catching his eye in the mirror
'Toes' came the stern response
'Sweet' Ianto said seriously, holding Jack's gaze in the mirror
'Juice' Jack offered, breaking the eye contact and falling back on the bed
'Banana' the Captain giggled
'Split' Ianto offered, pulling on his shoes
'Cream' Jack said slowly
'Hand' the Welshman fired back
'Job' the giggling started again
'Work' Ianto announced standing at the end of the bed, suited and booted'You' Jack looked into his eyes
'Ianto' said the younger man removing his jacket
'Fuck' the American finished in a deep growl'Point proven!' Ianto smiled, straightening his cuffs and fighting the urge to just rip his shirt off again.
Jack rolled over and gestured the length of his naked body as he beamed and said
'That was fun....you uhhh wanna play one of my games now?'***
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